If the server is already running you have the option of using the Geronimo Administration Console to shutdown the server remotely. With the server up and running open a Web browser and point to the following URL to access the console:
Log in to the Geronimo Administration Console and click on Shutdown on the Console Navigation menul on the left.
- Request:
Lets you specify the Request Method from and the Requested URI. You can select the Requested Method from a drop-down menu, the possible values are ANY, POST and GET. To filter by Requested URI just enter a URI, for example http://localhost:8080/console/login.jsp.
You should now see the database pool you just imported listed in the database pool portlet.
Removing database pools
Our taget now is "+ HelloWorld @ http://hcunico:8080/hello " , this module's status is started since there is a + on the left. Alternatively, you can run the following command to list just the started modules: