Versions Compared


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Comment: Updated Composite API documentation


Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

Code Block

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->


The URI scheme for a salesforce component is as follows

Code Block


You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&...


  • getVersions - Gets supported Salesforce REST API versions
  • getResources - Gets available Salesforce REST Resource endpoints
  • getGlobalObjects - Gets metadata for all available SObject types
  • getBasicInfo - Gets basic metadata for a specific SObject type
  • getDescription - Gets comprehensive metadata for a specific SObject type
  • getSObject - Gets an SObject using its Salesforce Id
  • createSObject - Creates an SObject
  • updateSObject - Updates an SObject using Id
  • deleteSObject - Deletes an SObject using Id
  • getSObjectWithId - Gets an SObject using an external (user defined) id field
  • upsertSObject - Updates or inserts an SObject using an external id
  • deleteSObjectWithId - Deletes an SObject using an external id
  • query - Runs a Salesforce SOQL query
  • queryMore - Retrieves more results (in case of large number of results) using result link returned from the 'query' API
  • search - Runs a Salesforce SOSL query
  • limits - fetching organization API usage limits

  • recent - fetching recently viewed items

  • approval - submit a record or records (batch) for approval process

  • approvals - fetch a list of all approval processes

  • composite-tree - create up to 200 records with parent-child relationships (up to 5 levels) in one go
  • composite-batch - submit a composition of requests in batch

For example, the following producer endpoint uses the upsertSObject API, with the sObjectIdName parameter specifying 'Name' as the external id field.
The request message body should be an SObject DTO generated using the maven plugin.
The response message will either be null if an existing record was updated, or CreateSObjectResult with an id of the new record, or a list of errors while creating the new object.

Code Block"salesforce:upsertSObject?sObjectIdName=Name")...


For example, the following producer endpoint uses the createBatch API to create a Job Batch.
The in message must contain a body that can be converted into an InputStream (usually UTF-8 CSV or XML content from a file, etc.) and header fields 'jobId' for the Job and 'contentType' for the Job content type, which can be XML, CSV, ZIP_XML or ZIP_CSV. The put message body will contain BatchInfo on success, or throw a SalesforceException on error.

Code Block"salesforce:createBatchJob")..


To create and subscribe to a topic

Code Block

	from("salesforce:CamelTestTopic?notifyForFields=ALL&notifyForOperations=ALL&sObjectName=Merchandise__c&updateTopic=true&sObjectQuery=SELECT Id, Name FROM Merchandise__c")...

To subscribe to an existing topic

Code Block



Uploading a document to a ContentWorkspace

Create the ContentVersion in Java, using a Processor instance:

Code Block
public class ContentProcessor implements Processor {
	public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    	Message message = exchange.getIn();

		ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion();
		ContentWorkspace cw = getWorkspace(exchange);
		cv.setTitle("test document");
		byte[] document = message.getBody(byte[].class);
		ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
		String enc = mapper.convertValue(document, String.class);

	protected ContentWorkspace getWorkSpace(Exchange exchange) {
		// Look up the content workspace somehow, maybe use enrich() to add it to a
		// header that can be extracted here

Give the output from the processor to the Salesforce component:

Code Block
		.to(new ContentProcessor())     // convert bytes from the file into a ContentVersion SObject 
										// for the salesforce component

Using Salesforce Limits API

With salesforce:limits operation you can fetch of API limits from Salesforce and then act upon that data received. The result of salesforce:limits operation is mapped to org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.Limits class and can be used in a custom processors or expressions.

For instance, consider that you need to limit the API usage of Salesforce so that 10% of daily API requests is left for other routes. The body of output message contains an instance of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.Limits object that can be used in conjunction with Content Based Router and Spring Expression Language (SpEL) to choose when to perform queries. Notice how multiplying 1.0 with the integer value held in body.dailyApiRequests.remaining makes the expression evaluate as with floating point arithmetic, without it - it would end up making integral division which would result with either 0 (some API limits consumed) or 1 (no API limits consumed).

Code Block
    .when(spel("#{1.0 * body.dailyApiRequests.remaining / body.dailyApiRequests.max < 0.1}"))
        .setBody(constant("Used up Salesforce API limits, leaving 10% for critical routes"))

Working with approvals

All the properties are named exactly the same as in the Salesforce REST API prefixed with approval. You can set approval properties by setting approvalPropertyName of the Endpoint these will be used as template -- meaning that any property not present in either body or header will be taken from the Endpoint configuration. Or you can set the approval template on the Endpoint by assigning approval property to a reference onto a bean in the Registry

You can also provide header values using the same approvalPropertyName in the incoming message headers.

And finally body can contain one AprovalRequest or an java.util.Iterable of ApprovalRequest objects to process as a batch.

The important thing to remember is the priority of the values specified in these three mechanisms:

  1. value in body takes precedence before any other
  2. value in message header takes precedence before template value
  3. value in template is set if no other value in header or body was given

For example to send one record for approval using values in headers use:

Given a route:

Code Block
        .setHeader("approval.ContextId", simple("${body['contextId']}"))
        .setHeader("approval.NextApproverIds", simple("${body['nextApproverIds']}"))
            + "approval.actionType=Submit"
            + "&approval.comments=this is a test"
            + "&approval.processDefinitionNameOrId=Test_Account_Process"
            + "&approval.skipEntryCriteria=true");

You could send a record for approval using:

Code Block
final Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>();
body.put("contextId", accountIds.iterator().next());
body.put("nextApproverIds", userId);

final ApprovalResult result = template.requestBody("direct:example1", body, ApprovalResult.class);

Using Salesforce Recent Items API

To fetch the recent items use salesforce:recent operation. This operation returns an java.util.List of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.RecentItem objects (List<RecentItem>) that in turn contain the Id, Name and Attributes (with type and url properties). You can limit the number of returned items by specifying limit parameter set to maximum number of records to return.

For example:

Code Block
            .log("${} at ${body.attributes.url}");

Using Salesforce Composite API to submit SObject tree

To create up to 200 records including parent-child relationships use salesforce:composite-tree operation. This requires an instance of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.composite.SObjectTree in the input message and returns the same tree of objects in the output message. The org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.AbstractSObjectBase instances within the tree get updated with the identifier values (Id property) or their corresponding org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.composite.SObjectNode is populated with errors on failure.

Note that for some records operation can succeed and for some it can fail — so you need to manually check for errors.
Easiest way to use this functionality is to use the DTOs generated by the camel-salesforce-maven-plugin, but you also have the option of customizing the references that identify the each object in the tree, for instance primary keys from your database.
Lets look at an example:


Code Block
Account account = ...
Contact president = ...
Contact marketing = ...

Account anotherAccount = ...
Contact sales = ...
Asset someAsset = ...

// build the tree
SObjectTree request = new SObjectTree();
request.addObject(account).addChildren(president, marketing);

final SObjectTree response = template.requestBody("salesforce:composite-tree", tree, SObjectTree.class);
final Map<Boolean, List<SObjectNode>> result = response.allNodes()

final List<SObjectNode> withErrors = result.get(true);
final List<SObjectNode> succeeded = result.get(false);

final String firstId = succeeded.get(0).getId();

Using Salesforce Composite API to submit multiple requests in a batch

The Composite API batch operation (composite-batch) allows you to accumulate multiple requests in a batch and then submit them in one go, saving the round trip cost of multiple individual requests. Each response is then received in a list of responses with the order perserved, so that the n-th requests response is in the n-th place of the response.

The results can vary from API to API so the result of the request is given as a java.lang.Object. In most cases the result will be a java.util.Map with string keys and values or other java.util.Map as value. Requests made in JSON format hold some type information (i.e. it is known what values are strings and what values are numbers), so in general those will be more type friendly. Note that the responses will vary between XML and JSON, this is due to the responses from Salesforce API being different. So be careful if you switch between formats without changing the response handling code.

Lets look at an example:

Code Block
final String acountId = ...
final SObjectBatch batch = new SObjectBatch("38.0");

final Account updates = new Account();
batch.addUpdate("Account", accountId, updates);

final Account newAccount = new Account();
newAccount.setName("Account created from Composite batch API");

batch.addGet("Account", accountId, "Name", "BillingPostalCode");

batch.addDelete("Account", accountId);

final SObjectBatchResponse response = template.requestBody("salesforce:composite-batch?format=JSON", batch, SObjectBatchResponse.class);

boolean hasErrors = response.hasErrors(); // if any of the requests has resulted in either 4xx or 5xx HTTP status
final List<SObjectBatchResult> results = response.getResults(); // results of three operations sent in batch

final SObjectBatchResult updateResult = results.get(0); // update result
final int updateStatus = updateResult.getStatusCode(); // probably 204
final Object updateResultData = updateResult.getResult(); // probably null

final SObjectBatchResult createResult = results.get(1); // create result
final Map<String, Object> createData = (Map<String, Object>) createResult.getResult();
final String newAccountId = createData.get("id"); // id of the new account, this is for JSON, for XML it would be createData.get("Result").get("id")

final SObjectBatchResult retrieveResult = results.get(2); // retrieve result
final Map<String, Object> retrieveData = (Map<String, Object>) retrieveResult.getResult();
final String accountName = retrieveData.get("Name"); // Name of the retrieved account, this is for JSON, for XML it would be createData.get("Account").get("Name")
final String accountBillingPostalCode = retrieveData.get("BillingPostalCode"); // Name of the retrieved account, this is for JSON, for XML it would be createData.get("Account").get("BillingPostalCode")

final SObjectBatchResult deleteResult = results.get(3); // delete result
final int updateStatus = deleteResult.getStatusCode(); // probably 204
final Object updateResultData = deleteResult.getResult(); // probably null

Camel Salesforce Maven Plugin


For obvious security reasons it is recommended that the clientId, clientSecret, userName and password fields be not set in the pom.xml.
The plugin should be configured for the rest of the properties, and can be executed using the following command:

Code Block

	mvn camel-salesforce:generate -DclientId=<clientid> -DclientSecret=<clientsecret> -DuserName=<username> -Dpassword=<password>

The generated DTOs use Jackson and XStream annotations. All Salesforce field types are supported. Date and time fields are mapped to Joda DateTime, and picklist fields are mapped to generated Java Enumerations.

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Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also