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Code Block
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  ...    <pluginRepositories>
      <name>Maven Central Plugins Development Repository</name>

The content of <version> may have to be changed from 1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT to your used version (e.g. 3.0-incubating).

titleServiceMix Archetypes

Instead of creating the aforementioned structures manually, you can also use Maven archetypes that create a Maven project for you. ServiceMix provides archetypes for many different purposes, such as for creation of JBI components, service assemblies or service units for particular ServiceMix components. You can take a look at the current list of available archetypes at or in the archetypes directory in a ServiceMix source distribution.

You can utilize an archetype by issueing the following command:

Code Block

mvn archetype:create \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-archetype-name \
    -DarchetypeVersion=SM-ARCHETYPE-VERSION \
    -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.embedded \

You need to replace servicemix-archetype-name by the name of the archetype you want to utilize and SM-ARCHETYPE-VERSION by the ServiceMix version you are using. (It goes without saying that you should also replace the groupId and artifactId parameters.)

Project Types 

Once this plugin has been added to your POM you can start using the capabilities.  In order to understand all the things you can do we have broken downs its functionality by the type of artifact you wish to create.  JBI covers the creation of four different types of artifact these are:

Shared Libraries 

These are bundles of code or JAR's that you can install onto a server (with a given version) to allow components (BC/SE's) to share physical code.

Working with Shared Libraries

Binding Components/Service Engines 

These artifacts are the installers for components,  allowing you to register a Component that can either start and operate immediately or can wait for the deployment of a service unit.

Shared Libraries 

These are bundles of code or JAR's that you can install onto a server (with a given version) to allow components (BC/SE's) to share physical code.

Working with Components

Service UnitsService Units 

These are zip archives created to contain configuration information of an instance of a service unit that can be deployed to a component (BC/SE)

Working with Service Units

Service Assembly Assembly

A service assembly is a collection service units that can be deployed together,  it creates a zip archive containing each of the service units (SU's) 

Building and Installing Shared Libraries

The best place to start with the tooling is with the logically lowest component in the JBI spec,  which I suppose would be the Shared Library.  In essence a shared library is basically a JAR contains a set of JARs and a JBI.xml,  the important bits about the Shared Library is that it is named and versioned.  This fits nicely with the Maven approach since all maven artifacts have id's and versions,  and also the dependencies within your shared library POM can quickly be used to allow the JBI tooling to create the Shared Libraries zip archive.

In order to convert a standard project to a shared library you simply need to change the packaging (note you will need to have added the plugin repository and plugin from Getting Started).


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  <name>A custom project</name>

Once you have set the packaging to be jbi-shared-library you can run mvn install and you will create both the standard jar packaging which will be set to your repository and also a ZIP packaging which will incorporate your dependencies and also a jbi.xml.

Code Block

6/23/06 2:47:24 PM EDT: [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6/23/06 2:47:24 PM EDT: [INFO] Building A custom project
6/23/06 2:47:24 PM EDT: [INFO]    task-segment: [install]
6/23/06 2:47:24 PM EDT: [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6/23/06 2:47:24 PM EDT: [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin: checking for updates from central
6/23/06 2:47:25 PM EDT: [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin: checking for updates from central
6/23/06 2:47:26 PM EDT: [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin: checking for updates from central
6/23/06 2:47:27 PM EDT: [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin: checking for updates from central
6/23/06 2:47:27 PM EDT: [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin: checking for updates from central
6/23/06 2:47:30 PM EDT: jbi:generate-jbi-shared-library-descriptor
6/23/06 2:47:30 PM EDT: [INFO] Generating jbi.xml
6/23/06 2:47:30 PM EDT: resources:resources
6/23/06 2:47:30 PM EDT: [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
6/23/06 2:47:31 PM EDT: compiler:compile
6/23/06 2:47:31 PM EDT: [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
6/23/06 2:47:31 PM EDT: resources:testResources
6/23/06 2:47:31 PM EDT: [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
6/23/06 2:47:31 PM EDT: compiler:testCompile
6/23/06 2:47:31 PM EDT: [INFO] No sources to compile
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: surefire:test
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: [INFO] No tests to run.
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: jar:jar
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: [INFO] Building jar: C:\Workspaces\runtime-New_configuration\MySharedLibrary\target\MySharedLibrary-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: jbi:jbi-shared-library
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: [INFO] Generating shared library C:\Workspaces\runtime-New_configuration\MySharedLibrary\target\
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: [INFO] Building jar: C:\Workspaces\runtime-New_configuration\MySharedLibrary\target\
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: install:install
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: [INFO] Installing C:\Workspaces\runtime-New_configuration\MySharedLibrary\target\MySharedLibrary-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to C:\Documents and Settings\pdodds\.m2\repository\org\apache\servicemix\MySharedLibrary\1.0-SNAPSHOT\MySharedLibrary-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: [INFO] Installing C:\Workspaces\runtime-New_configuration\MySharedLibrary\target\ to C:\Documents and Settings\pdodds\.m2\repository\org\apache\servicemix\MySharedLibrary\1.0-SNAPSHOT\
6/23/06 2:47:32 PM EDT: BUILD SUCCESSFUL

The jbi.xml that was generated will provide for both the Java classes in this project and those in the dependencies to be made available and the shared library name and version will match the Maven pom.xml.

If you have a locally running Apache ServiceMix instance (which its default settings) you can even use the plugin to install the Shared Library by simply typing:

mvn jbi:installSharedLibrary

This will call the ANT tasks from within Maven giving the shared library to install as the one built in the install phase.

Building and Installing Components

JBI logically separates Binding Components and Service Engines as two flavours of a component, the Maven JBI tooling provides that you can define a project as a jbi-component and then specify whether it is a service-engine or binding-component. Like the shared libraries we have just covered the definition of a jbi-component firstly requires the steps from Getting Started (plugin repositories and plugin) and then it also requires you change the packaging of your project.


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  <name>An example binding component</name>

Since a binding component or service engine has more settings than can be derived from your Maven POM.xml we also need to update the plugin section we added to configure these additional settings:



Working with Service Assemblies

Running under ServiceMix 

As shown in the project types, each different project type can be deployed to a server using the JBI plugin (through the ANT tasks defined in the JBI specification).  The only issue here can be working out dependencies and trying to make sure that you deploy the dependencies.  This means if you have a Service Assembly you wish to deploy you need to first get the dependent components (and maybe even the dependent shared libraries) to deploy.  The Maven2 JBI plugin provides a couple of goals that can help you work through this.

mvn jbi:projectDeploy

If you have created you assemblies, service units, components and shared libraries as Maven projects (which all ServiceMix components are) you can use this goal. In essence the plugin will walk the dependencies starting in the current project then deploy each of the dependencies in reverse order. This can be very useful if you want to quickly get up and running with a new Service Assembly against an installed instance of Apache ServiceMix.

titleDeploying Dependencies

If you are working with the jbi:projectDeploy you should note that you may want to disable dependency deployment, if you are deploying to a server which has other components sharing these dependencies they you can get problems while trying to undeploy and redeploy them. Look for the plugin section for the jbi-maven-plugin and under configuration add a new element called deployDependencies with a value of false, this is usually in your service assembly's pom.xml or your component's. This setting will stop the plugin for undeploying and redeploying dependencies.

Starting from 3.0.1, the following options are available for customizing either from the pom.xml or from the command line:




Default value


Deploy all dependencies. If set to false, the plugin will only deploy the current artifact.



This option instructs the plugin to use ServiceMix hot deployer feature, so that you can update a shared-lbrary or component without having to shutdown all dependent components or assemblies. If this property is set to false, exceptions may occur if some of the deployed artifacts are already used by other previously deployed artifacts.



If set to true, all artifacts will be deployed, even those already deployed. Using default value will only deploy missing dependencies



When using from the command line in a reactor build, the plugin will scan all modules for jbi artifacts to deploy.


To override a default value from the command line, use the following syntax example:

No Format

mvn jbi:projectDeploy -DforceUpdate=true

mvn jbi:servicemix

If you quickly want to get up and running with Apache ServiceMix the best way is to use this goal.  As an extension of the deployProject goal is works in much the same way,  the difference is that this goal downloads and starts a copy of Apache ServiceMix within Maven so you don't need to have a version installed,  this can be very useful if you are working on trying out functionality and want to simply test your projects. 

Working with ServiceMix Embedded Configurations

You can also work run your Servicemix embedded configurations using the jbi:embeddedServicemix goal. This will look by default in the src/main/resources/ directory of your project for a servicemix.xml and use that to boot ServiceMix. If you want to try this feature out you can also use the servicemix-embeddded-simple archetype to create a simple project with the files in place.

Code Block

mvn archetype:create \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-embedded-simple \
    -DarchetypeVersion=1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT \
    -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.embedded \

Then simply go into the servicemix-embedded-example directory created by the archetype and run

Code Block

mvn jbi:embeddedServicemix

Warning regarding local repository dependencies

If you are only using dependencies for your Component (or any project type) from remote repositories then you can ignore this section.  However, if you have jars or zip files that which are perhaps internal to your company or a 3rd party jar which you just want to put in your local repository and use as a dependency then you need to be sure to generate a POM for these files.  If you do not then these dependencies won't be included in the installer zip file for your jbi Component (or other project type) no matter what scope you specify.  Here's how to tell maven 2 to install the jar and generate a pom for it:

Code Block

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=abc.jar -DgroupId=com.mycompany.myproduct -DartifactId=abc -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true

If you leave off the generatePom parameter, then in your local repository you'll just see the jar file with version attached, e.g. "abc-1.0.jar".  But if you include the generatePom, then you'll also see "abc-1.0.pom".  You add the dependency to your JBI project like this:

Code Block


When you run "mvn install", you can see if it worked by looking for the following near the bottom of your build results:

Code Block

[INFO] jbi:jbi-component[INFO] Including: com.mycompany.myproduct:abc:jar:1.0:compile

You can also double check by opening the installer zip file that is created for your jbi project and verifying that your dependency is showing up in the lib folder.

Full Plugin Information

Include Page
Full Description
Full Description

Maven 1.x Support

The parameters allow you to specify the following :

type - whether this is a binding-component or a service-engine
bootstrap - the name of the class that will be your bootstrap implementation
component - the name of the class that will be your component implementation

Once you have configured these steps you can run mvn install and much like the shared library maven will create both a standard jar and also a component installer:

Code Block

Maven Log - Missing

If you have a locally running Apache ServiceMix instance (which its default settings) you can even use the plugin to install the Component by simply typing:

mvn jbi:installComponent

This will call the ANT tasks from within Maven giving the component to install as the one built in the install phase.

Maven 1.x Support 

Information on the Maven 1.x JBI plugin is available here.