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This page applies to Java Broker versions before 0.14. For up to date information, please refer to the Configuring and Managing section in the Java broker book

Broker config.xml Overview

The broker config.xml file which is shipped in the etc directory of any Qpid binary distribution details various options and configuration for the Java Qpid broker implementation.


Note that you can pass the config.xml you wish to use for your broker instance to the broker using the -c command line option. In turn, you can specify the paths for the broker password file , and virtualhosts.xml and log4j.xml files in your config.xml for simplicity.

For more information about command line configuration options please see .

File Format

This is an overview of the top level of the config file. Description of each section is embedded below. Each section is then described in detail in their own section.

No Format

<!-- Various initial global definitions -->
<!-- Various connection information about the type connections the broker should listen for-->
<!-- Enablement of management functionality -->
<!-- Various advanced flags -->
<!-- Definition of available security options -->
<!-- Definition of available virtual hosts -->
<!-- Heartbeat configuration -->
<!-- General queue configuration options-->
<!-- Configuration of various virtual hosts. -->

Configuration Sections - Detailed Information


The setting of the prefixes for QPID_HOME and QPID_WORK allows environment variables to be used throughout the config.xml and removes the need for hard coding of paths in this file.

See the Getting Started Guide for more information on these variables.

No Format



The connector section allows configuration of SSL and related keystore settings. By default this section is commented out and thus SSL is not enabled.

No Format

    <!-- Uncomment out this block and edit the keystorePath and keystorePassword
         to enable SSL support


This element allows the user to switch the connectivity of the management console on/off i.e. if the enabled tag is set to false you will not be able to connect a management console to this broker instance.

No Format




No Format

   <filterchain enableExecutorPool="true"/>


This section lists all the principal databases that are available for authentication and the default access control. The databases understand what SASL mechanisms can be used against their data and so are responsible for registering these SASL mechanisms. Currently we do not provide means of limiting these mechanisms.

No Format

            <!-- A name for referencing this database-->
            <!-- The type of principal database -->
            <!-- Any attributes associated with the database. Here it is a password file to load. -->
    <!-- This access value can be any access manager. The built in defaults are AllowAll and DenyAll -->


This section allows you to define the set of virtual hosts which will be contained in your broker instance, and the message store & location for each. The commented out section referencing BDBMessageStore should be used for all applications wishing to use persistence to disk.

If you are using transient messaging you can use the MemoryMessageStore, with the caveat that scalability for transient use is limited by heap size.

No Format


            <!-- This section specifies the type of store to use. Be it the MemoryMessageStore or another 3rd party store -->

                    <!-- This is the type of AccessManager to use.-->
                            <!-- The defaultAccessManager can be either DenyAll or AllowAll -->





The Qpid broker sends an internal (only) heartbeat. This element allows configuration of the frequency of this heartbeat. At present, we recommend that you leave this section unchanged !

No Format



This should NOT be changed lightly as it sets the broker up to automatically bind queues to exchanges.

It could theoretically be used to prevent users creating new queues at runtime, assuming that you have created all queues/topics etc at broker startup. However, best advice is to leave unchanged for now.

No Format



This element allows you to specify a location for the virtualhosts.xml file that you wish to use. If you are not using a subdirectory under $QPID_HOME you can provide a fully qualified path instead.


Qpid Design - Configuration.

Qpid Version

The config format has changed between versions here you can find the configuration details on a per version basis.

M2 - config.xml
M2.1 - config.xml
0.13 - config.xml