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serverASF JIRA

This KIP is part of a series of related proposals which aim to solidify Kafka's consumer group protocol

KIP-345: Introduce static membership protocol to reduce consumer rebalances

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).

serverASF JIRA

KIP-394: Require for initial join group request


Consumer groups are an essential mechanism of Kafka. They allow consumers to share load and elastically scale by dynamically assigning the partitions of topics to consumers. In our current model of consumer groups, whenever a rebalance happens every consumer from that group experiences downtime - their poll() calls block until every other consumer in the group calls poll(). That is due to the fact that every consumer needs to call JoinGroup in a rebalance scenario in order to confirm it is still in the group. 

Today, if the client has configured `` to a large value, the group coordinator broker will take in an unlimited number of join group requests and the rebalance could therefore continue for an unbounded amount of time. 
Further, large consumer groups are not very practical with our current model due to two reasons:
1. The more consumers there are, the likelier it is that one will fail/timeout its session, causing a rebalance
2. Rebalances are upper-bounded in time by the slowest-reacting consumer. The more consumers, the higher the chance one is slow (e.g called poll() right before the rebalance and is busy processing the records offline). This means that rebalances are more likely to be long-lived and disruptive to consumer applications.

There is also the
potential risk described in The bigger problem is the potential risk described in 

serverASF JIRA
 where N faulty (or even malicious) clients could result in the broker thinking more than N consumers are joining during the rebalance. ( This has the potential to burst broker memory before the session timeout occurs and puts additional CPU strain ).  on the Coordinator Broker - causing problems for other consumer groups using the same coordinator.
The root of the problem isn't necessarily the client's behavior (clients can behave any way they want), it is the fact that the broker has no way to shield itself from such a scenario.
Further, large consumer groups are not very practical with our current model due to two reasons:
1. The more consumers there are, the likelier it is that one will fail/timeout its session, causing a rebalance
2. Rebalances are upper-bounded in time by the slowest-reacting consumer. The more consumers, the higher the chance one is slow (e.g called poll() right before the rebalance and is busy processing the records offline). This means that rebalances are more likely to be long-lived and disruptive to consumer applications

Consumer Group Size Considerations

Large consumer groups can be seen as an anti-pattern. To summarize, we have the following concerns:

  • Memory usage of stable groups is not very high, but the runaway consumer group scenario described in KAFKA-7610 can reach large consumer numbers very quickly and affect memory (rough memory usage documented)
  • CPU spikes - there are a number of O(N) operations done on the consumers collection for a group
  • Rebalance times do not grow linearly with the consumer group size - unfortunately we do not have any concrete results, just anecdotes. It is recommended to be wary of rebalance frequencies and duration when consumer counts reach hundreds


We propose to address the critical stability issue via  To ensure stability of the broker, this KIP proposes the addition of a configurable upper-bound for the number of consumers in a consumer group. Adding such a config will enable server-side protection against buggy/malicious applications. There  
It is also value useful in the sense that this configuration gives Admin/Ops teams better control over the cluster, further enabling self-service Kafka which developers can uselimiting the ways in which novice developers can shoot themselves in the foot (via large consumer groups).

Public Interfaces

Add a new cluster-level grouplevel group.max.size config size config with a default value of -1 (disabled)`Int.MAX_VALUE`.

Add a new response error:
