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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


The PDK is planned for inclusion in the Hive 0.8.0 release; until that is available, please download a recent snapshot build from Jenkins; make sure it includes HIVE-2244.


To demonstrate the PDK in action, the Hive release includes an examples/test-plugin directory. You can build the test plugin by changing to that directory and running

Code Block

ant -Dhive.install.dir=../..


You can run the tests associated with the plugin via

Code Block

ant -Dhive.install.dir=../.. test

If all is well, you should see output like

Code Block

Buildfile: /hive-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT/examples/test-plugin/build.xml


    [junit] Running org.apache.hive.pdk.PluginTest
    [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 38.955 sec



To create your own plugin, you can follow the patterns from the example plugin. Let's take a closer look at it. First, the build.xml:

Code Block

<project name="pdktest" default="package">
  <property name="plugin.libname" value="pdk-test-udf"/>
  <property name="plugin.title" value="Hive PDK Test UDF Library"/>
  <property name="plugin.version" value="0.1"/>
  <property name="plugin.vendor" value="Apache Software Foundation"/>
  <property name="function.sql.prefix" value="tp_"/>
  <import file="${hive.install.dir}/scripts/pdk/build-plugin.xml"/>


Now let's take a look at the source code for a UDF.

Code Block

package org.apache.hive.pdktest;

import org.apache.hive.pdk.HivePdkUnitTest;
import org.apache.hive.pdk.HivePdkUnitTests;

import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;

 * Example UDF for rot13 transformation.
@Description(name = "rot13",
  value = "_FUNC_(str) - Returns str with all characters transposed via rot13",
  extended = "Example:\n"
  + "  > SELECT _FUNC_('Facebook') FROM src LIMIT 1;\n" + "  'Snprobbx'")
    setup = "create table rot13_data(s string); "
    + "insert overwrite table rot13_data select 'Facebook' from onerow;",
    cleanup = "drop table if exists rot13_data;",
    cases = {
        query = "SELECT tp_rot13('Mixed Up!') FROM onerow;",
        result = "Zvkrq Hc!"),
        query = "SELECT tp_rot13(s) FROM rot13_data;",
        result = "Snprobbx")
public class Rot13 extends UDF {
  private Text t = new Text();

  public Rot13() {

  public Text evaluate(Text s) {
    StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(s.getLength());
    char[] ca = s.toString().toCharArray();
    for (char c : ca) {
      if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'm') {
        c += 13;
      } else if (c >= 'n' && c <= 'z') {
        c -= 13;
      } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'M') {
        c += 13;
      } else if (c >= 'N' && c <= 'Z') {
        c -= 13;
    return t;
