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JAX-RS Search


Table of Contents

Advanced Search Queries







Not Equal


Less Than


Less or Equal


Greater Than


Greater or Equal






Please see the specification text for some examples.


Some of the following examples on this page may often refer to FIQL due to the fact FIQL has been supported for a long time, but the same examples will work with OData $filter expressions. For example, replace the "_s=name==CXF" query with "$filter=name eq CXF".Please use a "" contextual property to indicate to the runtime that a $filter query option need to be checked for the query expression and a "search.parser" property to point to the instance of, as shown in this test, see the startServers function.

Also note that Apache Olingo offers its own visitor model which can be used to work with JPA2, etc.

When to use advanced queries.


The following dependency is required starting from CXF 2.6.0:

Code Block

   <!-- If working with OData -->

Additionally, starting from CXF 2.6.0, SearchContextProvider needs to be registered as jaxrs:provider.

Working with the queries

SearchContext needs be injected into an application code and used to retrieve a SearchCondition representing the current FIQL/OData query. This SearchCondition can be used in a number of ways for finding the matching data.


Code Block
public class Books {

    private Map<Long, Book> books;
    private SearchContext context;

    public List<Book> getBook() {

        SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);
        // SearchCondition#isMet method can also be used to build a list of matching beans

        // iterate over all the values in the books map and return a collection of matching beans
        List<Book> found = sc.findAll(books.values());
        return found;

Note that a searchContext.getCondition(Book. class) call may return an arbitrary complex SearchCondition, it can be a simple primitive
expression primitiveexpression or a more complex, composite one.


When a more lax parsing of FIQL expressions is expected, for example, where the primitive expressions are joined by "OR", using SearchBean (see one of the next subsections) or setting a contextual property "" will help. The former option is better when you need to know the list of all the properties which have been used in the expression, even those which will not be possible to use for the actual search; the latter option will simply have the unrecognized properties ignored.

Mapping of query properties to bean properties

Note that a "search.decode.values" property can be used to have the 'reserved' characters such as FIQL ',' or ';' characters passed as percent-encoded characters as part of the search property values.

Mapping of query properties to bean properties

As noted above, when a 'typed' bean such as Book.class As noted above, when a 'typed' bean such as Book.class is used to capture the expressions, a property found in the query expression that can not be mapped to a specific Book property will lead to an exception being reported or it can be optionally ignored. In the reality, there is a number of reasons why the direct match between properties found in query expressions and in capturing beans may not be ideal:


Code Block
public class Book {

    private int id;
    private OwnerInfo ownerinfo;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewitybrevity

public class OwnerInfo {

    private Address address;
    private Name name;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewitybrevity

public class Name {

    private String name;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewitybrevity

and the following map:

Code Block
 <!-- 'oname' is alias for the actual nested bean property -->
 <entry key="oname" value=""/>


Code Block
public class Name {

    private String name;
    public Name() {
    public Name(String name) { = name;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewitybrevity

the mapping between "oname" and "" will work too.


Code Block
 <!-- 'oname' and 'owner' are aliases for the '' bean property -->
 <entry key="oname" value=""/>
 <entry key="owner" value=""/>

Parser properties

The parser properties are the ones which tell the parser how to treat the conversion of Date values and the unrecognized search property names.

As explained above, "" can be used to tell the parser that it should ignore the search property names which have no corresponding bean properties.

"" and "" tell the parser how to convert the date values, see "Using dates in queries" section.

More properties may be supported in the future.

All of these properties can be set as endpoint contextual properties or directly with SearchContext.

Mapping of query properties to column/field names

When converting FIQL queries to SQL or other untyped query language expressions, as well as when using Lucene converter, it can be useful to be able to map between an actual query parameter and the column or field name. All FIQL converters shipped with CXF have constructors accepting a map for mapping the queries to columns/fields. See the next "SearchBean" section for one example.

Note this property is not the same as the one described in the "Mapping of query properties to bean properties" section. The latter (the one described in the previous section) is required for getting FIQL queries captured into typed, domain specific beans like Book, and it can be sufficient for JPA2 which also has annotations like @Column.

SearchBean is a utility bean class which can simplify analyzing the captured FIQL expressions and converting them to the other language expressions, in cases where having to update the bean class such as Book.class with all the properties that may need to be supported is not practical or the properties need to be managed manually. For example:


// ?_s="level=gt=10"
SearchCondition<SearchBean> sc = searchContext.getCondition(SearchBean.class);

Map\<, String\> fieldMap = new HashMap\<String, String\>();
fieldMap.put("level", "LEVEL_COLUMN");

SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean> visitor = new SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean>(fieldMap, "table", "LEVEL_COLUMN");
assertEquals("SELECT LEVEL_COLUMN FROM table 
              WHERE LEVEL_COLUMN > '10'",

Dealing with mistyped property names

Consider a case where a documented search property is named as 'address' (lower case) and a query contains a mistyped 'Address' instead. In this case, unless a "" property is set, PropertyNotFoundException will be thrown.

Supporting case-insensitive property mapping is easy, register a "" (mentioned earlier) map as Java TreeMap

with a case-insensitive String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER Comparator.

However it will not help if the 'address' property was mistyped as 'adress'. In this case, "" might still be useful with having few more keys supporting some typical typos, example, 'adress' - 'address', 'addres' - 'address', etc.

Starting from  CXF 3.1.5,  is available and might be used for a more sophisticated conversion of mistyped property names to correct names. 

The implementation can be registered as a "" endpoint contextual property.

Parser properties

The parser properties are the ones which tell the parser how to treat the conversion of Date values and the unrecognized search property names.

As explained above, "" can be used to tell the parser that it should ignore the search property names which have no corresponding bean properties.

"" and "" tell the parser how to convert the date values, see "Using dates in queries" section.

More properties may be supported in the future.

All of these properties can be set as endpoint contextual properties or directly with SearchContext.

Mapping of query properties to column/field names

When converting FIQL queries to SQL or other untyped query language expressions, as well as when using Lucene converter, it can be useful to be able to map between an actual query parameter and the column or field name. All FIQL converters shipped with CXF have constructors accepting a map for mapping the queries to columns/fields. See the next "SearchBean" section for one example.

Note this property is not the same as the one described in the "Mapping of query properties to bean properties" section. The latter (the one described in the previous section) is required for getting FIQL queries captured into typed, domain specific beans like Book, and it can be sufficient for JPA2 which also has annotations like @Column.

SearchBean is a utility bean class which can simplify analyzing the captured FIQL expressions and converting them to the other language expressions, in cases where having to update the bean class such as Book.class with all the properties that may need to be supported is not practical or the properties need to be managed manually. For example:

Code Block
// ?_s="level=gt=10"

Converting the queries

SearchCondition can also be used to convert the search requirements (originally expressed in FIQL/OData) into other query languages.
A custom SearchConditionVisitor implementation can be used to convert SearchCondition objects into custom expressions or typed objects. CXF ships visitors for converting expressions to SQL, JPA 2.0 CriteriaQuery or TypedQuery, Lucene Query.

SQL can be used for creating SQL expressions. For example:

Code Block
// ?_s="name==ami*;level=gt=10"
SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(BookSearchBean.class);

Map\<, String\> fieldMap = new HashMap\<String, String\>();
fieldMap.put("level", "LEVEL_COLUMN");

SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean> visitor = new SQLPrinterVisitor<Book>SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean>(fieldMap, "table", "LEVEL_COLUMN");
assertEquals("SELECT *LEVEL_COLUMN FROM table 
            name LIKE 'ami%' 
              level > '10'",
              visitor.getResult visitor.getQuery());

Converting the queries

SearchCondition Note that SQLPrinterVisitor can also be initialized with the names of columns and the field aliases map:used to convert the search requirements (originally expressed in FIQL/OData) into other query languages.
A custom SearchConditionVisitor implementation can be used to convert SearchCondition objects into custom expressions or typed objects. CXF ships visitors for converting expressions to SQL, JPA 2.0 CriteriaQuery or TypedQuery, Lucene Query.

SQL can be used for creating SQL expressions. For example:

Code Block
// ?_s="name==ami*;level=gt=
Code Block
// ?_s="level=gt=10"
SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);

Map<String,SQLPrinterVisitor<Book> String>visitor fieldMap = new HashMap<String, String>(SQLPrinterVisitor<Book>("table");
fieldMapsc.put("level", "LEVEL_COLUMN");

SQLPrinterVisitor<Book> visitor = new SQLPrinterVisitor<Book>(fieldMap, "table", "LEVEL_COLUMN");
assertEquals("SELECT LEVEL_COLUMN FROM tableaccept(visitor);
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM table 
              name LIKE 'ami%' 
              WHERElevel LEVEL_COLUMN > '10'",

The fields map can help hide Note that SQLPrinterVisitor can also be initialized with the names of the actual table columns/record fields from the Web frontend. Example, the users will know that the 'level' property is available while internally it will be converted to a LEVEL_COLUMN name.

JPA 2.0

CXF 2.6.4 and CXF 2.7.1 introduce and which can be used to capture FIQL/OData expressions into
javax.persistence.TypedQuery or javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery objects.

For example, given:

columns and the field aliases map:

Code Block
public class Book {

    private String title;
    private Date date;
    private OwnerInfo ownerinfo;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewity

public class OwnerInfo {

    private Address address;
    private Name name;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewity

public class Name {

    private String name;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewity

public class Address {

    private String street;
    //setters and getters omitted for brewity

the following code can be used:


import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;

// init EntityManager as required
private EntityManager entityManager;

// Find the books owned by Barry who lives in London, published starting from the first month of 2000 
// ?_s="date=ge=2000-01-01;ownername=barry;address=london"

// this map will have to be set as a contextual property on the jaxrs endpoint
// it assumes that Book bean has nested OwnerInfo bean with nested Address and Name beans, 
// with the latter containing 'street' and 'name' property respectively

Map<String, String> beanPropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
beanPropertiesMap.put("address", "ownerInfo.address.street");
beanPropertiesMap.put("ownername", "");

// the actual application code
SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);
SearchConditionVisitor<Book, TypedQuery<Book>> visitor = 
    new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(entityManager, Book.class);

TypedQuery<Book> typedQuery = visitor.getQuery();
List<Book> books = typedQuery.getResultList();
// ?_s="level=gt=10"
SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);

Map<String, String> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
fieldMap.put("level", "LEVEL_COLUMN");

SQLPrinterVisitor<Book> visitor = new SQLPrinterVisitor<Book>(fieldMap, "table", "LEVEL_COLUMN");
assertEquals("SELECT LEVEL_COLUMN FROM table 
              WHERE LEVEL_COLUMN > '10'",

The fields map can help hide the names of the actual table columns/record fields from the Web frontend. Example, the users will know that the 'level' property is available while internally it will be converted to a LEVEL_COLUMN name.

Warning: Using the SQLPrinterVisitor may leave your service open to SQL injection attacks. Please take appropriate steps to avoid these attacks (for example validating queries using a custom PropertyValidator, or manually escaping the input values).

JPA 2.0

CXF 2.6.4 and CXF 2.7.1 introduce and which can be used to capture FIQL/OData expressions into
javax.persistence.TypedQuery or javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery objects.

For example, given:

Code Block
public class Book {

    private String title;
    private Date date;
    private OwnerInfo ownerinfo;
    //setters and getters omitted for brevity

public class OwnerInfo {

    private Address address;
    private Name name;
    //setters and getters omitted for brevity

public class Name {

    private String name;
    //setters and getters omitted for brevity

public class Address {

    private String street;
    //setters and getters omitted for brevity

the following code can be used:

Code Block
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;

// init EntityManager as required
private EntityManager entityManager;

// Find the books owned by Barry who lives in London, published starting from the first month of 2000 
// ?_s="date=ge=2000-01-01;ownername=barry;address=london"

// this map will have to be set as a contextual property on the jaxrs endpoint
// it assumes that Book bean has nested OwnerInfo bean with nested Address and Name beans, 
// with the latter containing 'street' and 'name' property respectively

Using CriteriaQuery is preferred in cases when the actual result has to be shaped into a bean of different type, using one of JPA2 CriteriaBuilder's shape methods (array(), construct() or tuple()). For example:

Code Block
// Find the books owned by Barry who lives in London, published starting from the first month of 2000 
// ?_s="date=ge=2000-01-01;ownername=barry;address=london"

// this map will have to be set as a contextual property on the jaxrs endpoint
Map<String, String> beanPropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
beanPropertiesMap.put("address", "ownerInfo.address.street");
beanPropertiesMap.put("ownername", "");

// the actual application code
// Only Book 'id' and 'title' properties are extracted from the list of found books
SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);
JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<BookSearchConditionVisitor<Book, Tuple>TypedQuery<Book>> visitor = 
    new JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, Tuple>JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(entityManager, Book.class, Tuple.class);

List<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>> selectionsTypedQuery<Book> typedQuery = new LinkedList<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>>visitor.getQuery();
//List<Book> Book_books class is generated by JPA2 compiler


TypedQuery<Tuple> query = visitor.getQuery();

List<Tuple> tuples = typedQuery.getResultList();
for (Tuple tuple : tuples) {
  int bookId = tuple.get("id", String.class);
  String title = tuple.get("title", String.class);
  // add bookId & title to the response data

Note that JPACriteriaQueryVisitor will automatically set aliases for an expression like "tuple.get('id', String.class)" to work.
JPACriteriaQueryVisitor will be enhanced to support more of JPA2 advanced constructs in time.

Or, instead of using Tuple, use a capturing bean like BeanInfo:


public static class BookInfo {
        private int id;
        private String title;

        public BookInfo() {
        public BookInfo(Integer id, String title) {
   = id;
            this.title = title;
        //setters and getters omitted for brewity

// actual application code:

SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);
JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, BookInfo> visitor = 
    new JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, BookInfo>(entityManager, Book.class, BookInfo.class);

List<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>> selections = new LinkedList<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>>();
// Book_ class is generated by JPA2 compiler


TypedQuery<BookInfo> query = visitor.getQuery();

List<BookInfo> bookInfo = typedQuery.getResultList();
return bookInfo;

= typedQuery.getResultList();

Using CriteriaQuery is preferred in cases when the actual result has to be shaped into a bean of different type, using one of JPA2 CriteriaBuilder's shape methods (array(), construct() or tuple()). For example:

Code Block
// Find the books owned by Barry who lives in London, published starting from the first month of 2000 
// ?_s="date=ge=2000-01-01;ownername=barry;address=london"

// this map will have to be set as a contextual property on the jaxrs endpoint
Map<String, String> beanPropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
beanPropertiesMap.put("address", "ownerInfo.address.street");
beanPropertiesMap.put("ownername", "");

// the actual application code
// Only Book 'id' and 'title' properties are extracted from the list of found books
SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);
JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, Tuple> visitor = 
    new JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, Tuple>(entityManager, Book.class, Tuple.class);

List<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>> selections = new LinkedList<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>>();
// Book_ class is generated by JPA2 compiler


TypedQuery<Tuple> query = visitor.getQuery();

List<Tuple> tuples = typedQuery.getResultList();
for (Tuple tuple : tuples) {
  int bookId = tuple.get("id", String.class);
  String title = tuple.get("title", String.class);
  // add bookId & title to the response data

Note that JPACriteriaQueryVisitor will automatically set aliases for an expression like "tuple.get('id', String.class)" to work.
JPACriteriaQueryVisitor will be enhanced to support more of JPA2 advanced constructs in time.

Or, instead of using Tuple, use a capturing bean like BeanInfo:

Code Block
public static class BookInfo {
    private int id;
    private String title;

    public BookInfo() {
    public BookInfo(Integer id, String title) { = id;
        this.title = title;
    //setters and getters omitted for brevity

// actual application code:

SearchCondition<Book> sc = searchContext.getCondition(Book.class);
JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, BookInfo> visitor = 
    new JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, BookInfo>(entityManager, Book.class, BookInfo.class);

List<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>> selections = new LinkedList<SingularAttribute<Book, ?>>();
// Book_ class is generated by JPA2 compiler


TypedQuery<BookInfo> query = visitor.getQuery();

List<BookInfo> bookInfo = typedQuery.getResultList();
return bookInfo;

JPA2 typed converters also support join operations in cases when explicit collections are used, for example, given:

Code Block
@Entity(name = "Book")
public class Book {

    private List<BookReview> reviews = new LinkedList<BookReview>();
    private List<String> authors = new LinkedList<String>();
    // other properties omitted

    public List<BookReview> getReviews() {
        return reviews

JPA2 typed converters also support join operations in cases when explicit collections are used, for example, given:

Code Block
@Entity(name = "Book")
public class Book {

    private List<BookReview> reviews = new LinkedList<BookReview>();
    private List<String> authors = new LinkedList<String>();
    // other properties omitted

    public List<BookReview> getReviews() {
        return reviews;

    public void setReviews(List<BookReview> reviews) { = reviews;

    public List<String> getAuthors() {
        return authors;

    public void setAuthors(List<String> authors) {
        this.authors = authors;

public class BookReview {
    private Review review;
    private List<String> authors = new LinkedList<String>();
    private Book book;
    // other properties omitted    

    public Review getReview() {
        return review;

    public void setReviewsetReviews(ReviewList<BookReview> reviewreviews) {
        this.reviewreviews = reviewreviews;

    public BookList<String> getBookgetAuthors() {
        return bookauthors;

    public void setBooksetAuthors(BookList<String> bookauthors) {
        this.bookauthors = bookauthors;

public class BookReview  @ElementCollection{
    publicprivate List<String> getAuthors() {Review review;
    private List<String> authors = returnnew authorsLinkedList<String>();
private Book book;
    // other properties omitted    

    public voidReview setAuthorsgetReview(List<String> authors) {
        this.authors = authorsreturn review;

    public staticvoid enum ReviewsetReview(Review review) {  GOOD,
 = review;

    public Book getBook() BAD{

the following will find "all the books with good reviews written by Ted":


SearchCondition<Book> filter = new FiqlParser<Book>(Book.class).parse(";reviews.authors==Ted");
// in practice, map "" to "review", "reviews.authors" to "reviewAuthor" 
// and have a simple query like "review==good;reviewAuthor==Ted" instead

SearchConditionVisitor<Book, TypedQuery<Book>> jpa = new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(em, Book.class);
TypedQuery<Book> query = jpa.getQuery();
return query.getResultList();

  return book;

    public void setBook(Book book) { = book;

    public List<String> getAuthors() {
        return authors;

    public void setAuthors(List<String> authors) {
        this.authors = authors;

    public static enum Review {

the following will find "all the books with good reviews written by Ted" for converting FIQL/OData expressions into JPQL expressions have also been introduced.

Count expressions

Count expressions are supported at the two levels,

First, one may want to get the count of records matching a given search expression, this actually can be done by checking the size of the result list:


TypedQuery<Book> query = jpa.getQuery();
return query.getResultList().size();

However this can be very inefficient for large number of records, so using a CriteriaBuilder count operation is recommended, for example:

Code Block
SearchCondition<Book> filter = new FiqlParser<Book>(Book.class).parse(";reviews.authors==Ted");

JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, Long> jpa = new JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, Long>// in practice, map "" to "review", "reviews.authors" to "reviewAuthor" 
// and have a simple query like "review==good;reviewAuthor==Ted" instead

SearchConditionVisitor<Book, TypedQuery<Book>> jpa = new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(em, Book.class, Long.class);
longTypedQuery<Book> countquery = jpa.countgetQuery();


return query.getResultList(); for converting FIQL/OData expressions into JPQL expressions have also been introduced.

Count expressions

Count expressions are supported at the two levels,

FirstSecond, only when using FIQL, a count extension can be used. For example, one may want to find 'all the books written by at least two authors or all the books with no reviews'.
If a collection entity such as BookReview has a non primitive type, then typing "reviews==0" is all what is needed, otherwise a count extension needs to be used, for example: "count(authors)=ge=2"


Mapping of FIQL/OData expressions to Lucene (4.0.0-BETA) Query is supported starting from CXF 2.7.1. can be used to support the default (content) field or specific custom field queries.
Queries for specific terms and phrases are supported.

get the count of records matching a given search expression, this actually can be done by checking the size of the result list:

Code Block
TypedQuery<Book> query = jpa.getQuery();
return query.getResultList().size();

However this can be very inefficient for large number of records, so using a CriteriaBuilder count operation is recommended, for exampleExample, "find the documents containing a 'text' term":

Code Block

SearchCondition<SearchBean>SearchCondition<Book> filter = new FiqlParser<SearchBean>FiqlParser<Book>(SearchBeanBook.class).parse(";reviews.authors==textTed");

LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean> luceneJPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, Long> jpa = new JPACriteriaQueryVisitor<Book, LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean>("ct", "contents"Long>(em, Book.class, Long.class);
lucenefilter.visitaccept(filterjpa); termQuerylong count = lucenejpa.getQuerycount();
// use Query

Note, "new LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean>("ct", "contents");" is a simple constructor which lets create a mapping between the "ct" name used in the query and the actual default content field. It is not required to use this mapping but it is recommended as it keeps the query expression shorter and does not leak the actual internal Lucene field name.

All the FIQL operators have been mapped to related Lucene Query objects. Queries such as "Less than", or "Greater than and less than" will work fine against the typed fields like "org.apache.lucene.document.IntField". The visitor can be configured with a "primitiveFieldTypeMap" map property to help it map a given query name, example "id" to Integer.class.

Second, only when using FIQL, a count extension can be used. For example, one may want to find 'all the books written by at least two authors or all the books with no reviews'.
If a collection entity such as BookReview has a non primitive type, then typing "reviews==0" is all what is needed, otherwise a count extension needs to be used, for example: "count(authors)=ge=2"


Mapping of FIQL/OData expressions to Lucene (4.0.0-BETA) Query is supported starting from CXF 2.7.1. Please notice that starting from CXF 3.0.2, the Lucene version has been upgraded to 4.9.0 in order to benefit from query builders and other improvements. can be used to support the default (content) field or specific custom field queries.
Queries for specific terms and phrases are supported.

Example, "find the documents containing a 'text' term"Phrases are supported too. Suppose you have few documents with each of them containing name and value pairs like "name=Fred", "name=Barry" and you'd like to list only the documents containing "name=Fred":

Code Block

SearchCondition<SearchBean> filter = new FiqlParser<SearchBean>(SearchBean.class).parse("namect==Fredtext");
LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean> lucene = new LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean>("ct", "contents");
lucene.visit(filter); phraseQuerytermQuery = lucene.getQuery();
// use queryQuery

In this example, the visitor is requested to create Lucene against the specified contents field ("contents"). The visitor can also accept a contentsFieldMap map property when different phrases may need to be checked against different contents fields.

The current limitation is that no typed Date queries are supported yet (except for the equality match), for example, "find all the documents issued before a given date", to be supported shortly.


Mapping of FIQL/OData expressions to LDAP queries as defined by RFC-4515 is supported starting from CXF 2.7.1 with the help of Use this visitor when working with LDAP or OSGI.

Here is a summary of LDAP filter operators:






Not Equal


Less Or Equal


Greater or Equal





FIQL "=le=" and "=lt=" will both map to "<=", while "=ge=" and "=gt=" to ">=".

For example:











The converter is created like all other converters:


// FIQL "oclass=Bar"

// map 'oclass' used in the FIQL query to the actual property name, 'objectClass'
LdapQueryVisitor<Condition> visitor = 
   new LdapQueryVisitor<Condition>(Collections.singletonMap("oclass", "objectClass"));

String ldap = visitor.getQuery();

Note, "new LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean>("ct", "contents");" is a simple constructor which lets create a mapping between the "ct" name used in the query and the actual default content field. It is not required to use this mapping but it is recommended as it keeps the query expression shorter and does not leak the actual internal Lucene field name.

All the FIQL operators have been mapped to related Lucene Query objects. Queries such as "Less than", or "Greater than and less than" will work fine against the typed fields like "org.apache.lucene.document.IntField". The visitor can be configured with a "primitiveFieldTypeMap" map property to help it map a given query name, example "id" to Integer.class.

Phrases are supported too. Suppose you have few documents with each of them containing name and value pairs like "name=Fred", "name=Barry" and you'd like to list only the documents containing "name=Fred":

Code Block
SearchCondition<SearchBean> filter = new FiqlParser<SearchBean>(SearchBean.class).parse("name==Fred");
LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean> lucene = new LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean>("contents");
lucene.visit(filter); phraseQuery = lucene.getQuery();
// use query

In this example, the visitor is requested to create Lucene against the specified contents field ("contents"). The visitor can also accept a contentsFieldMap map property when different phrases may need to be checked against different contents fields.

Starting from CXF 3.0.2, the typed Date range queries are supported by LuceneQueryVisitor. However, this feature should be used together with 'primitiveFieldTypeMap' in order to hint the visitor which fields are temporal and should be treated as such in the filter expressions. For example:

Code Block
Map< String, Class< ? > > fieldTypes = new LinkedHashMap< String, Class< ? > >();
fieldTypes.put( "modified", Date.class);

SearchCondition<SearchBean> filter = new FiqlParser<SearchBean>(SearchBean.class).parse("modified=gt=2007-09-16");
LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean> lucene = new LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean>("ct", "contents");
lucene.visit(filter); query = lucene.getQuery();

LuceneQueryVisitor supports wide range of date formats, still providing the option to customize it using '' property. This property accepts the date/time pattern expression in the SimpleDateFormat format. Also, since CXF 3.0.2, the LuceneQueryVisitor  could be configured to use the Lucene analyzer. The reason to use analyzer is that during Lucene query construction the visitor can use the per-field filters and tokenizers, taking into account stemming, stop-worlds, lower-casing, etc., as such properly processing the filter expression. For example:

Code Block
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_4_9);

// Lower-case filter and stop-words filter are part of the StandardAnalyzer
SearchCondition<SearchBean> filter = new FiqlParser<SearchBean>(SearchBean.class).parse("contents==pears and APPLES");
LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean> lucene = new LuceneQueryVisitor<SearchBean>("contents", analyzer);
lucene.visit(filter); query = lucene.getQuery();


Mapping of FIQL/OData expressions to LDAP queries as defined by RFC-4515 is supported starting from CXF 2.7.1 with the help of Use this visitor when working with LDAP or OSGI.

Here is a summary of LDAP filter operators:






Not Equal


Less Or Equal


Greater or Equal





FIQL "=le=" and "=lt=" will both map to "<=", while "=ge=" and "=gt=" to ">=".

For example:











The converter is created like all other converters:

Code Block
// FIQL "oclass=Bar"

// map 'oclass' used in the FIQL query to the actual property name, 'objectClass'
LdapQueryVisitor<Condition> visitor = 
   new LdapQueryVisitor<Condition>(Collections.singletonMap("oclass", "objectClass"));

String ldap = visitor.getQuery();

Note that since CXF 3.2.5 the query values are encoded by default, to prevent possible LDAP injection attacks. If you want to support wildcard searching with the LdapQueryVisitor from CXF 3.2.5 onwards, it is necessary to set the 'encodeQueryValues' property of LdapQueryVisitor to 'false'.

Custom visitors

In cases when a custom conversion has to be done, a converter for doing the untyped (example, SQL) or typed (example, JPA2 TypedQuery) conversions can be provided.

Untyped converters

Code Block
public class CustomSQLVisitor<T> extends AbstractSearchConditionVisitor<T, String> {

    private String tableName;
    private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    public void visit(SearchCondition<T> sc) {
        if (sb == null) {
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            // start the expression as needed, example
            // sb.append("Select from ").append(tableName);
        PrimitiveStatement statement = sc.getStatement();
        if (statement != null) {
                // ex "a > b"
                // use statement.getValue()
                // use statement.getConditionType() such as greaterThan, lessThan
                // use statement.getProperty();
                // to convert "a > b" into SQL expression
        } else {
            // composite expression, ex "a > b;c < d"
            for (SearchCondition<T> condition : sc.getSearchConditions()) {
                // pre-process, example sb.append("(");
                // post-process, example sb.append(")");

    public String getQuery() {
        return sb.toString();

Typed converters


Code Block
public class CustomTypedVisitor<T> extends AbstractSearchConditionVisitor<T, Query> {

    private Stack<List<Query>> queryStack = new Stack<List<Query>>();

    public void visit(SearchCondition<T> sc) {
        PrimitiveStatement statement = sc.getStatement();
        if (statement != null) {
                // ex "a > b"
                // use statement.getValue()
                // use statement.getConditionType() such as greaterThan, lessThan
                // use statement.getProperty();
                // to convert "a > b" into Query object
                Query query = buildSimpleQuery(statement);

        } else {
            // composite expression, ex "a > b;c < d"
            queryStack.push(new ArrayList<Query>());

            for (SearchCondition<T> condition : sc.getSearchConditions()) {

            boolean orCondition = sc.getConditionType() == ConditionType.OR;
            List<Query> queries = queryStack.pop();
            queryStack.peek().add(createCompositeQuery(queries, orCondition));

    public Query getQuery() {
        return queryStack.peek().get(0);

Custom parsing

If needed you can access a FIQL/OData query directly and delegate it further to your own custom FIQL handler:

Code Block
public class SearchEngine {
    private UriInfo ui;

    public List<Book> findBooks() {
        MultivaluedMap<String, String> params = ui.getQueryParameters();
        String query = params.getFirst("_s"); // or $filter, etc
        // delegate to your own custom handler 

        // note that the original search expression can also be retrieved 
        // using a SearchContext.getSearchExpression() method

Converting the queries with QueryContext

QueryContext is the helper context available from CXF 2.7.1 which makes it simpler for the application code to
get the converted query expression, with the actual converter/visitor registered as the jaxrs contextual property, for example:

Code Block
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSServerFactoryBean;

import books.BookStore;

// Register the visitor:
JAXRSServerFactoryBean sf = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<Object>();
providers.add(new QueryContextProvider());

SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean> sqlVisitor = new SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean>("books");
sqlVisitor.setVisitorState(new SBThrealLocalVisitorState());
sf.getProperties(true).put("search.visitor", sqlVisitor);

server = sf.create();

and convert the queries:

Code Block
public class BookStore { 
    public List<Book> getBookQueryContext(@PathParam("expression") String expression, 

Custom visitors

In cases when a custom conversion has to be done, a converter for doing the untyped (example, SQL) or typed (example, JPA2 TypedQuery) conversions can be provided.

Untyped converters

Code Block
public class CustomSQLVisitor<T> extends AbstractSearchConditionVisitor<T, String> {

private String tableName;
private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

public void visit(SearchCondition<T> sc) {
        if (sb == null) {
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            // start the expression as needed, example
            // sb.append("Select from ").append(tableName);
        PrimitiveStatement statement = sc.getStatement();
        if (statement != null) {
                // ex "a > b"
                // use statement.getValue()
                // use statement.getConditionType() such as greaterThan, lessThan
                // use statement.getProperty();
                // to convert "a > b" into SQL expression
        } else {
            // composite expression, ex "a > b;c < d"
            for (SearchCondition<T> condition : sc.getSearchConditions()) {
                // pre-process, example sb.append("(");
      @Context QueryContext searchContext) 
       // post-process, example sb.append(")"); throws BookNotFoundFault {
        String sqlExpression =  }
searchContext.getConvertedExpression(expression, Book.class);
        // }
pass it to the }

SQL DB and return publicthe Stringlist getQuery()of {Books

where the client code may look like this:

Code Block
String address = "http://localhost:8080/bookstore/books/id=ge=123";
WebClient client return= sbWebClient.toStringcreate(address);
List<Book> books   }

Typed converters


= client.getCollection(Book.class);

Note, given that SQLPrinterVisitor will be shared between multiple requests it has to be made thread-safe by injecting a thread-local This is not required when the visitor is created in the code on the per-request basis.

Custom visitors which are expected to be singletons and have the state accumulating between multiple visit calls have to be thread safe. Utility class can be used.

Plain queries to FIQL conversion

If you'd like to generalize the processing of search queries and use FIQL visitors, you may want to consider setting up a contextual property "search.use.plain.queries" to "true" and get the plain query expressions converted to FIQL expressions internally.

Code Block
// GET /search?a=a1&a=v2
String exp = searchContext.getSearchExpression();
assertEquals("(a==a1,a==a2)", exp);

// GET /search?a=a1&b=b1
exp = searchContext.getSearchExpression();
assertEquals("(a==a1;b==b1)", exp);

Also, by default, if a query property name ends with "From" then "=ge=" (greater or equals to) will be used, and if ends with "Till" then "=lt=" will be used, for example:

Code Block
// GET /search?ageFrom=10&ageTill=20
String exp = searchContext.getSearchExpression();
assertEquals("(age=ge=10,age=le=20)", exp);

This can allow the plain query expressions mapped to typed bean properties and further used with all the existing converters.

Search Expressions in URI Path segments

By default, a FIQL expression is expected to be available in either '_s' or '_search' query.
For example, "find all the books with an 'id' property value less than 123":

Code Block
GET /books?_s=id=lt=123

Starting from CXF 2.6.2, it is possible to work with FIQL expressions included in URI path segments, for example, the same query can be expressed
in a number of ways:

Code Block
GET /books/id=lt=123
GET /books[id=lt=123]
GET /books(id=lt=123)
GET /books;id=lt=123

//etc, etc

Such expressions can be captured in the code using JAX-RS annotations:

Code Block
public class BooksResource {
   private SearchContext context;

   //GET /books[id=lt=123]
   public List<Book> findSelectedBooks(@PathParam("search") String searchExpression) {
Code Block
public class CustomTypedVisitor<T> extends AbstractSearchConditionVisitor<T, Query> {

private Stack<List<Query>> queryStack = new Stack<List<Query>>();

public void visit(SearchCondition<T> sc) {
        PrimitiveStatement statement = sc.getStatement();
        if (statement != null) {
                // ex "a > b"
                // use statement.getValue()
                // use statement.getConditionType() such as greaterThan, lessThan
                // use statement.getProperty();
                // to convert "a > b" into Query object
                Query query = buildSimpleQuery(statement);

        } else {
            // composite expression, ex "a > b;c < d"
            queryStack.push(new ArrayList<Query>());

            for (SearchCondition<T> condition : sc.getSearchConditions()) {

            boolean orCondition = sc.getConditionType() == ConditionType.OR;
       return doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpression);

 List<Query> queries = queryStack.pop();//GET /books(id=lt=123)
   public  queryStack.peek().add(createCompositeQuery(queries, orCondition));List<Book> findSelectedBooks(@PathParam("search") String searchExpression) {
       return }doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpression);

    public Query getResult() {//GET /books/id=lt=123
   public returnList<Book> queryStack.peek().get(0);

Custom parsing

If needed you can access a FIQL/OData query directly and delegate it further to your own custom FIQL handler:

Code Block
public class SearchEngine {
    private UriInfo ui;

 findSelectedBooks(@PathParam("search") String searchExpression) {
       return doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpression);

   //GET /books;id=lt=123
   public List<Book> findBooks(findSelectedBooks(@PathParam("search") String searchExpression) {
        MultivaluedMap<String, String> params = ui.getQueryParameters(return doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpression);

   public List<Book> doFindSelectedBooks(String query = params.getFirst("_s"); // or $filter, etcsearchExpression) {
       SearchCondition<Book> //sc delegate to your own custom handler 

 = context.getCondition(searchExpression, Book.class);
       // noteJPA2 thatenity themanager originalis search expression can also be retrieved initialized earlier
       JPATypedQuery<Book> //visitor using= anew SearchContext.getSearchExpression() method

Converting the queries with QueryContext

QueryContext is the helper context available from CXF 2.7.1 which makes it simpler for the application code to
get the converted query expression, with the actual converter/visitor registered as the jaxrs contextual property, for example:


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSServerFactoryBean;

import books.BookStore;

// Register the visitor:
JAXRSServerFactoryBean sf = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<Object>();
providers.add(new QueryContextProvider());

SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean> sqlVisitor = new SQLPrinterVisitor<SearchBean>("books");
sqlVisitor.setVisitorState(new SBThrealLocalVisitorState());
sf.getProperties(true).put("search.visitor", sqlVisitor);

server = sf.create();
JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(entityManager, Book.class);
       TypedQuery<Book> typedQuery = visitor.getQuery();
       return typedQuery.getResultList();


Note that if you have an expression added to a URI path segment with a ";" character acting as a separator, example, "/books;id=lt=123",
or if an expression itself includes ";", example, "/books[id=lt=123;id=gt=300]" ("find all the books with id less than 123 or greater than 300")
then a boolean contextual property "ignore.matrix.parameters" has to be set to "true" for the runtime to avoid splitting the path segment into the path value and matrix parameters.

Queries involving multiple entities

Basic queries

Consider the query like "find chapters with a given chapter id from all the books with 'id' less than 123".
One easy way to manage such queries is to make FIQL and JAX-RS work together. For exampleand convert the queries:

Code Block
public class BookStoreBooksResource {
   private SearchContext @GETcontext;

   //GET @Path("/books/{expression}")[id=lt=123]/chapter/1
    public List<Book>List<Chapter> getBookQueryContextfindSelectedChapters(@PathParam("expressionsearch") String expressionsearchExpression, 
                                      @Context QueryContext searchContext) 
        throws BookNotFoundFault {
        String sqlExpression = searchContext.getConvertedExpression(expression);
        // pass it to the SQL DB and return the list of Books
 @PathParam("id") int chapterIndex) {
       return doFindSelectedChapters(searchExpression, chapterIndex);

where the client code may look like this:

Code Block
String address = "http://localhost:8080/bookstore/books/id=ge=123";
WebClient client = WebClient.create(address);
List<Book> books = client.getCollection(
   public List<Chapter> doFindSelectedChapters(String searchExpression, int chapterIndex) {
       SearchCondition<Book> sc = context.getCondition(searchExpression, Book.class);

Note, given that SQLPrinterVisitor will be shared between multiple requests it has to be made thread-safe by injecting a thread-local This is not required when the visitor is created in the code on the per-request basis.

Custom visitors which are expected to be singletons and have the state accumulating between multiple visit calls have to be thread safe. Utility class can be used.

Plain queries to FIQL conversion

If you'd like to generalize the processing of search queries and use FIQL visitors, you may want to consider setting up a contextual property "search.use.plain.queries" to "true" and get the plain query expressions converted to FIQL expressions internally.


// GET /search?a=a1&a=v2
String exp = searchContext.getSearchExpression();
assertEquals("(a==a1,a==a2)", exp);

// GET /search?a=a1&b=b1
exp = searchContext.getSearchExpression();
assertEquals("(a==a1;b==b1)", exp);

Also, by default, if a query property name ends with "From" then "=ge=" (greater or equals to) will be used, and if ends with "Till" then "=lt=" will be used, for example:


// GET /search?ageFrom=10&ageTill=20
String exp = searchContext.getSearchExpression();
assertEquals("(age=ge=10,age=le=20)", exp);

This can allow the plain query expressions mapped to typed bean properties and further used with all the existing converters.

Search Expressions in URI Path segments

By default, a FIQL expression is expected to be available in either '_s' or '_search' query.
For example, "find all the books with an 'id' property value less than 123":


GET /books?_s=id=lt=123

Starting from CXF 2.6.2, it is possible to work with FIQL expressions included in URI path segments, for example, the same query can be expressed
in a number of ways:


GET /books/id=lt=123
GET /books[id=lt=123]
GET /books(id=lt=123)
GET /books;id=lt=123

//etc, etc

       // JPA2 enity manager is initialized earlier
       JPATypedQuery<Book> visitor = new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(entityManager, Book.class);
       TypedQuery<Book> typedQuery = visitor.getQuery();
       List<Book> books = typedQuery.getResultList();

       List<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<Chapter>(books.size);
       for (Book book : books) {
       return chapters;


Complex queries

In the previous section we had the properties of two entities, Book and Chapter, used in the query. The query was considered 'simple' because it was really only the simple book properties that were checked, and the only chapter property was a chapter id, assumed to be equal to a chapter list index.

Consider "Find all the chapters with id less than 5 for all the books with id greater than 300".

One way to handle is to follow the example from the previous section with few modifications:

Code Block
public class BooksResource {
   private SearchContext context;

Such expressions can be captured in the code using JAX-RS annotations:

Code Block
public class BooksResource {
   private SearchContext context;

   //GET /books[id=lt=123]
   public List<Book> findSelectedBooks(@PathParam("search") String searchExpression) {
       return doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpression);

   //GET /books(id=ltgt=123)
   public List<Book> findSelectedBooks(@PathParam("search") String searchExpression) {
       return doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpression);

   //GET /books/300)/chapters(id=lt=1235)
   public List<Book>List<Chapter> findSelectedBooksfindSelectedChapters(@PathParam("searchsearch1") String searchExpression) {
                   return doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpression);

   //GET /books;id=lt=123
   public List<Book> findSelectedBooks(@PathParam("searchsearch2") String searchExpressionchapterExpression) {
       return doFindSelectedBooks(searchExpressionbookExpression, chapterExpression);

   public List<Book>List<Chapter> doFindSelectedBooksdoFindSelectedChapters(String searchExpressionbookExpression, String chapterExpression) {
       // find the books first
       SearchCondition<Book> scbookCondition = context.getCondition(searchExpression, Book.class);
       // JPA2 enity manager is initialized earlier
       JPATypedQuery<Book> visitor = new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(entityManager, Book.class);
       TypedQuery<Book> typedQuery = visitor.getQuery();
       return typedQuery.getResultList();


Note that if you have an expression added to a URI path segment with a ";" character acting as a separator, example, "/books;id=lt=123",
or if an expression itself includes ";", example, "/books[id=lt=123;id=gt=300]" ("find all the books with id less than 123 or greater than 300")
then a boolean contextual property "ignore.matrix.parameters" has to be set to "true" for the runtime to avoid splitting the path segment into the path value and matrix parameters.

Queries involving multiple entities

Basic queries

Consider the query like "find chapters with a given chapter id from all the books with 'id' less than 123".
One easy way to manage such queries is to make FIQL and JAX-RS work together. For example:

 typedQuery = visitor.getQuery();
       List<Book> books = typedQuery.getResultList();

       // now get the chapters
       SearchCondition<Chapter> chapterCondition = context.getCondition(chapterExpression, Chapter.class);
       List<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<Chapter>();
       for (Book book : books) {
       return chapters;


In this case two conditions are created and the 2nd condition is used to filter the chapters from the books filtered by the 1st condition.

Perhaps a simpler approach, especially in case of JPA2, is to start looking for Chapters immediately, assuming Chapter classes have a one to one bidirectional relationship with Book:

Code Block
public class Chapter {
   private int id;
   private Book book;

   public Book getBook() {}

public class BooksResource {
   private SearchContext context;

   //GET /chapters(bookId=gt=300,id=lt=5)
   public List<Chapter> findSelectedChapters(@PathParam("search") String chapterExpression) {
Code Block
public class BooksResource {
   private SearchContext context;

   //GET /books[id=lt=123]/chapter/1
   public List<Chapter> findSelectedChapters(@PathParam("search") String searchExpression,
                                       @PathParam("id") int chapterIndex) {
       return doFindSelectedChapters(searchExpression, chapterIndex);

   public List<Chapter> doFindSelectedChapters(String searchExpression, int chapterIndex) {
       SearchCondition<Book> sc = context.getCondition(searchExpression, Book.class);
       // JPA2 enity manager is initialized earlier
       JPATypedQuery<Book> visitor = new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(entityManager, Book.class);
       TypedQuery<Book>SearchCondition<Chapter> typedQuerychapterCondition = visitorcontext.getQuery();getCondition(chapterExpression, Chapter.class);
       List<Book>JPATypedQuery<Chapter> booksvisitor = typedQuery.getResultList( new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Chapter>(entityManager, Chapter.class);

       List<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<Chapter>(books.sizechapterCondition.visit(visitor);
       forTypedQuery<Chapter> (BooktypedQuery book : books) {
= visitor.getQuery();
       return     chapters.add(book.getChapter(chapterIndex)); 
       return chapters;


Complex queries

In the previous section we had the properties of two entities, Book and Chapter, used in the query. The query was considered 'simple' because it was really only the simple book properties that were checked, and the only chapter property was a chapter id, assumed to be equal to a chapter list index.

Consider "Find all the chapters with id less than 5 for all the books with id greater than 300".



Note this code assumes that "bookId" is mapped to "" property with the help of the contextual "" property as explained earlier.


First option is to have a bean capturing specific property values do a domain specific validation. For example, a Book.class may have its setName(String name) method validating the name value.
Another option is to inject a custom validator into a visitor which is used to build the untyped or typed query.

Finally, avoid letting users to use properties whose values which can not be well validated in the application code. Using a typed capturing bean like Book.class offers a perfect option to limit a number of supported properties to the ones known to be related to Books.

Bean Validation 1.1 can also be used.

Building the queries


CXF 2.4.0 introduces SearchConditionBuilder which makes it simpler to build FIQL queries. SearchConditionBuilder is an abstract class that returns a FIQL builder by defaultOne way to handle is to follow the example from the previous section with few modifications:

Code Block
SearchConditionBuilder b = SearchConditionBuilder.instance();
String fiqlQuery ="id").greaterThan(123).query();

WebClient wc = WebClient.create("");
wc.query("_s", fiqlQuery);
// find all the books with id greater than 123 
Collection books = wc.getCollection(Book.class);

Here is an example of building more complex queries:

Code Block
// OR condition
String ret ="foo").greaterThan(20).or().is("foo").lessThan(10).query();
assertEquals("foo=gt=20,foo=lt=10", ret);

// AND condition
String ret ="foo").greaterThan(20).and().is("bar").equalTo("plonk").query();
assertEquals("foo=gt=20;bar==plonk", ret);

// Complex condition
String ret ="foo").equalTo(123.4).or().and(
public class BooksResource {
   private SearchContext context;

   //GET /books(id=gt=300)/chapters(id=lt=5)
   public List<Chapter> findSelectedChapters(@PathParam("search1") String bookExpression,
                                       @PathParam("search2") String chapterExpression) {
       return doFindSelectedBooks(bookExpression, chapterExpression);

   public List<Chapter> doFindSelectedChapters(String bookExpression, String chapterExpression) {
       // find the books first
       SearchCondition<Book> bookCondition = context.getCondition(searchExpression, Book.class);
       JPATypedQuery<Book> visitor = new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Book>(entityManager, Book.class);
       TypedQuery<Book>  typedQuery = visitorb.getQueryis();
       List<Book> books = typedQuery.getResultList();

       // now get the chapters
          SearchCondition<Chapter> chapterCondition = context.getCondition(chapterExpression, Chapter.class);
       List<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<Chapter>();
       for (Book book : books) {
       return chapters;


In this case two conditions are created and the 2nd condition is used to filter the chapters from the books filtered by the 1st condition."baz").lessThan(20)).query();
assertEquals("foo==123.4,(bar==asadf*;baz=lt=20.0)", ret);

Note, starting from CXF 2.7.1 the following can be used to make connecting multiple primitive expressions simpler:

Code Block
// AND condition, '.and("bar")' is a shortcut for "and().is("bar")", similar shortcut is supported for 'or'
String ret ="foo").greaterThan(20).and("bar").equalTo("plonk").query();
assertEquals("foo=gt=20;bar==plonk", ret);

More updates to the builder API are available on the trunkPerhaps a simpler approach, especially in case of JPA2, is to start looking for Chapters immediately, assuming Chapter classes have a one to one bidirectional relationship with Book:

Code Block
public// classOR Chapter {condition
String ret  private int id;
   private Book book;

   public Book getBook() {}

public class BooksResource {
   private SearchContext context;

   //GET /chapters(bookId=gt=300,id=lt=5)
   public List<Chapter> findSelectedChapters(@PathParam("search") String chapterExpression) {
       SearchCondition<Chapter> chapterCondition = context.getCondition(chapterExpression, Chapter.class);
       JPATypedQuery<Chapter> visitor = new JPATypedQueryVisitor<Chapter>(entityManager, Chapter.class);
       TypedQuery<Chapter> typedQuery = visitor.getQuery();
       return typedQuery.getResultList();


Note this code assumes that "bookId" is mapped to "" property with the help of the contextual "" property as explained earlier.


First option is to have a bean capturing specific property values do a domain specific validation. For example, a Book.class may have its setName(String name) method validating the name value.
Another option is to inject a custom validator into a visitor which is used to build the untyped or typed query.

Finally, avoid letting users to use properties whose values which can not be well validated in the application code. Using a typed capturing bean like Book.class offers a perfect option to limit a number of supported properties to the ones known to be related to Books.

Bean Validation 1.1 can also be used.

Building the queries


CXF 2.4.0 introduces SearchConditionBuilder which makes it simpler to build FIQL queries. SearchConditionBuilder is an abstract class that returns a FIQL builder by default:


SearchConditionBuilder b = SearchConditionBuilder.instance();
String fiqlQuery ="id").greaterThan(123).query();

WebClient wc = WebClient.create("");
wc.query("_s", fiqlQuery);
// find all the books with id greater than 123 
Collection books = wc.getCollection(Book.class);
assertEquals("foo==20,foo==10", ret);

// Same query, shorter expression
String ret ="foo").equalTo(20, 10).query();
assertEquals("foo==20,foo==10", ret);


Code Block
// Connecting composite or() and and() expressions will add "()" implicitly:
String ret ="foo").equalTo(20, 10).and("bar").lessThan(10).query();
assertEquals("(foo==20,foo==10);bar=lt=10", ret);

// wrap() method can be used to wrap explicitly:

String ret ="foo").equalTo(10).and("bar").lessThan(10).wrap().or("bar").greaterThan(25).query();
assertEquals("(foo==20;bar=lt=10),bar=gt=25", ret);

Using dates in queries

By default, the date values have to have the following format: "yyyy-MM-dd", for example:

Code Block

A custom date format can be supported. Use "" contextual property, example, ""="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" will let users type:

Code Block

If needed, "" can be enabled to get the timezones supported too.

At the moment, for custom date formats be recognized by SearchConditionBuilder, FIQLSearchConditionBuilder has to be created explicitly:

Code Block
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
props.put("", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
props.put("", "false");

Date d = df.parse("2011-03-01 12:34:00");
FiqlSearchConditionBuilder bCustom = new FiqlSearchConditionBuilder(props);
String ret = bCustom

Here is an example of building more complex queries:

Code Block
// OR condition
String ret ="foo").greaterThan(20).or().is("foo").lessThan(10).equalTo(d).query();
assertEquals("foo=gt=20,foo=lt=10=2011-03-01T12:34:00", ret);

// AND condition
String ret ="foo").greaterThan(20).and().is("bar").equalTo("plonk").query();
assertEquals("foo=gt=20;bar==plonk", ret);

// Complex condition
String ret ="foo").equalTo(123.4).or().and(
assertEquals("foo==123.4,(bar==asadf*;baz=lt=20.0)", ret);

Note, starting from CXF 2.7.1 the following can be used to make connecting multiple primitive expressions simpler:


// AND condition, '.and("bar")' is a shortcut for "and().is("bar")", similar shortcut is supported for 'or'
String ret ="foo").greaterThan(20).and("bar").equalTo("plonk").query();
assertEquals("foo=gt=20;bar==plonk", ret);

More updates to the builder API are available on the trunk:


// OR condition
String ret ="foo").equalTo(20).or().is("foo").equalTo(10).query();
assertEquals("foo==20,foo==10", ret);

// Same query, shorter expression
String ret ="foo").equalTo(20, 10).query();
assertEquals("foo==20,foo==10", ret);



// Connecting composite or() and and() expressions will add "()" implicitly:
String ret ="foo").equalTo(20, 10).and("bar").lessThan(10).query();
assertEquals("(foo==20,foo==10);bar=lt=10", ret);

// wrap() method can be used to wrap explicitly:

String ret ="foo").equalTo(10).and("bar").lessThan(10).wrap().or("bar").greaterThan(25).query();
assertEquals("(foo==20;bar=lt=10),bar=gt=25", ret);

Relative dates

Date value can be specified as a duration from the current date/time, as its string representation, "PnYnMnDTnHnMnS".
Resulted date will be calculated as a current date + specified duration. For example:

Code Block

This query will search for a date which is 90 days in the past or newer.

Alternative query languages

Custom implementations can be registered as a "search.parser" contextual property starting from CXF 3.0.0-milestone2.


Please use a "" contextual property to indicate to the runtime that an OData '$filter' query option needs to be checked for the query expression and a "search.parser" property to point to the instance of, as shown in this test, see the startServers function.

And here is also an XML Spring configuration example (using SearchBean in this specific case):

Code Block
    <entry key="" value="$filter" />
    <entry key="search.parser">
      <bean class="">
         <constructor-arg value="#{ T( }" />

Also note that Apache Olingo offers its own visitor model which can be used to work with JPA2, etc.

Content Extraction

Starting from CXF 3.0.2, the content extraction support has been added in order to complement the search capabilites with text extraction from various document formats (PDF, ODF, DOC,TXT,RTF,...). It is based on Apache Tika and is available in two shapes: raw content extraction (TikaContentExtractor) and Lucene document content extraction (TikaLuceneContentExtractor).

Using TikaContentExtractor

The purpose of Tika content extractor is to provide the essential support of text extraction from supported document formats. Additionally, the metadata is being extracted as well depending on the document format (author, modified, created, pages, ...). The TikaContentExtractor accepts the list of supported parsers and returns the extracted metadata together with the desired extracted content format (by default raw text). For example:

Code Block
TikaContentExtractor extractor = new TikaContentExtractor(new PDFParser(), true);
TikaContent content = extractor .extract( Files.newInputStream( new File( "testPDF.pdf" ).toPath() ) );

By default, the TikaContentExtractor  also performs the content type detection and validation, which could be turned off using the 'validateMediaType' constructor argument.

Using TikaLuceneContentExtractor

The TikaLuceneContentExtractor is very similar to TikaContentExtractor but instead of raw content and metadata it returns prepared Lucene document. However, in order to properly create the Lucene document which is ready to be indexed, TikaLuceneContentExtractor  accepts an additional parameter, LuceneDocumentMetadata, with the field types and type converters. For example:

Code Block
LuceneDocumentMetadata documentMetadata = new LuceneDocumentMetadata("contents").withField("modified", Date.class);
TikaLuceneContentExtractor extractor = new TikaLuceneContentExtractor(new PDFParser(), true);
Document document = extractor.extract( Files.newInputStream( new File( "testPDF.pdf" ).toPath() ), documentMetadata  );

At this point, the document is ready to be analyzed and indexed. The TikaLuceneContentExtractor uses LuceneDocumentMetadata to create the properly typed document fields and currently supports DoubleField, FloatField, LongField, IntField, IntField, TextField (for content) and StringField (also used to store dates).

To demonstrate the full power of the CXF 3.0.2 content extraction and search capabiities, the demo project 'jax_rs_search' has been developed and is distributed in the samples bundle. The project could be found in the official Apache CXF Github repository. It integrates together Apache CXF, Apache Lucene and Apache Tika showing off some advanced features related to custom analyzers and different filter criteria (keyword and  phrase search)



Please work with Apache Olingo to produce OData queries from the code.

Using dates in queries

By default, the date values have to have the following format: "yyyy-MM-dd", for example:



A custom date format can be supported. Use "" contextual property, example, ""="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" will let users type:



If needed, "" can be enabled to get the timezones supported too.

At the moment, for custom date formats be recognized by SearchConditionBuilder, FIQLSearchConditionBuilder has to be created explicitly:


Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
props.put("", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
props.put("", "false");

Date d = df.parse("2011-03-01 12:34:00");
FiqlSearchConditionBuilder bCustom = new FiqlSearchConditionBuilder(props);
String ret ="foo").equalTo(d).query();
assertEquals("foo==2011-03-01T12:34:00", ret);

Alternative query languages

Custom implementations can be registered as a "search.parser" contextual property starting from CXF 3.0.0-milestone2.