Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

For example

Build the release artefacts

The preferred way

Simply running

Code Block
 ant release 

should be enough to build, run tests, and package as tar.bz2 and zips in the dist directory.
Manually inspect to ensure the 4 archives were all generated correctly:

  1. 'ant dist' works from the unpacked source archives
  2. Jar manifests contain LICENSE and NOTICE
  3. Jar manifests have the following properties:
Code Block

TODO: Do we need Extension-Name, Implementation-Vendor-Id as well?

Make a Release Candidate

Bump version number

Adjust 'waveinabox.version' in Do not include RC in the version number here.

:  0.4.0-rc.6-incubating

Every release should usually increase the MINOR version and reset the PATCH Consider as the guide for deciding on the release version.


I suggest using the following git log, to produce a one-line-per-change list of all commits.
(An alternative, would be to use the JIRA id's - but not everything goes through Jira (notably most of my stuff doesn't! (tongue)))


Sign the release using your GPG key, and record SHA512 checksums for the files.

Look for instructions in the KEYS file on how to append your key.

Code Block
titleSign artefacts
#Assumes it is being run in the folder with artefacts.

for f in $PRE*; do
gpg --armor --output $f.asc --detach-sig $f
gpg --print-md SHA512 $f > $f.sha

You need to append you signature/public key to the KEYS file, look there for instructions.

Upload the Artefacts.

Upload the src+bin tar+zip somewhere so that it can be found.

The release candidate should be uploaded to the "dev" folder first to allow inspection and voting.


Whilst Wave is still an incubating project, send a VOTE email to to get PMC votes. Handle in the same way as the internal vote.

Publish accepted RC

To publish copy the artefacts into from / from the dist/dev/incubator/wave/ (delete old artefacts if needed, they were automatically archived already) and commit.