(see LogoContest for details, LogoContestEntries for the first-round entries, and LogoContestDiscussion for, well, discussion)
Michael Douma
A shuriken made of rotated emails. Coloration shows filtering one email ham from the spam. Version E adds apache feathers for continuity with the apache theme, and to lend a sense of flight. Also, in version E, the shuriken is rotated as if it were a running man (subtle). Other sizes and badge layouts can be readily prepared. contact: spamassassinLogo@michaeldouma.com
Christian Rauh
- Version Rollback v. 4.x*
4.0 - Original
4.1 - Assassin deemphasized (not bold), spam envelope red, both good mail envelopes green, horizontal feathers, no arrow tapering at the end (not much tapering actually)
4.2 - Same as above but thinner envelope lines, thinner and ligther blue arrow, light font.
- No Negative Kerning Update v5.2*
- Negative Kerning Version v5.2*
- A few comments*
Contact me at <salogo@rauh.net>
- Previous versions*
Walter Kobylanski
attachment:moreversions.png attachment:finalupdate.png
We can provide it in any format you need. These are just other options that we suggest. You can see that the *logo* has not changed but we wanted to show you that it can be used in very different ways.