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serverASF JIRA


POC Demo:
Released: <Flink Version>

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


  1. line numbers + editing query consuming more than screen space
  2. autopairing[6] for single quote, sql identifier quote, square and round brackets could be turn on/off via property
    (requires update at least till 3.13.3) 
  3. Enabling/Disabling description for completion candidates via property. An example how it looks like is here [7]


Prompts should be configured via property: both left and right prompts.

Implementation Implementation Details


The main idea is to extend existing org.apache.flink.table.client.cli.SqlMultiLineParser . => No need to use Flink SQL parser
It should check the input if all quotes, comments, hints, brackets (square and round) are closed otherwise it throws new EOFError  - normal behavior in jline in case input should be continued on a new line.
During parsing need to keep track of cursor states if it is a comment, keyword, quoted string.


This track could be used to answer a question at what state parser by the end of a query.
Also such track , if there is with recorded state for every cursor position , could be used to do highlighting.


Code Block
public enum BuiltInDialect implements Dialect {
  DEFAULT("FlinkSQLDefaultDialect", () -> SqlAbstractParserImpl.getSql92ReservedWordskeywords(), '`', '\'', "\"", Pair.of("/*", "*/"), Pair.of("/*+", "*/"), "--");

  private final Supplier<Set<String>> keywords;
  private final char quote;
  private final char sqlIdentifierQuote;
  private final Pair<String, String> blockComments;
  private final Pair<String, String> hints;
  private final String lineComments;

So that means that adding a new dialect should be relatively simple.


LineReader#readLine among other arguments has prompt and right  prompt value.


Jline allows to define widgets implementing org.jline.reader.Widget and bind them to key strokes.



Determine the color schema for syntax highlighting.

Will contain names of available color schemas


Determine whether autopairing is enabled or not.

sql-client.completion-description `false`booleanDetermine whether description for completion candidates is enabled or not.`false`boolean

Determine whether prompt shows hints about current input issue.

For more detailed about prompt values see Supported prompt hint values in sql client`false`booleanDetermine whether prompt shows line numbers for multiline query.




-client.prompt.mask`default`StringDetermine a mask to build left prompt
sql-client.rightprompt.mask`default`StringDetermine a mask to build right prompt

Supported prompt hint values in sql client

;>Waiting for the next line of multi-line query, waiting for completion of query with semicolon (;)
'>Waiting for the next line, waiting for a completion of string that began with a single quote (')
`>Waiting for the next line, waiting for a completion of string that began with a back tick (`)
*\>Waiting for the next line, waiting for completion of a multi-line comment that began with (/*)
)>Waiting for the next line, waiting for completion of a string that began with a round bracket (
]>Waiting for the next line, waiting for completion of a string that began with a square bracket [
extra )>There is an extra round bracket ), that is not opened with (
extra ]>There is an extra square bracket ], that is not opened with [
extra *\>

There is an extra closing of multi-line comment *\, that is not opened with \*

Supported prompt options (both for left and right prompts)

\cCurrent catalog
\dCurrent database
\:property_name:The value of Flink property_name property
\[ ... \]

Prompts can contain terminal control characters which, for example, change the color, background, or style of the prompt text.

These non-printing control characters must be designated as invisible by surrounding them with \[ and \].

Multiple pairs of these can occur within the prompt.

\{...\}Datetime pattern to convert current datetime. Compatible with Java’s SimpleDateFormat.
\DThe full current date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS)
\mMinutes of the current time
\OThe current month in three-letter format (Jan, Feb, …)
\oThe current month in numeric format
\RThe current time, in 24-hour military time (0–23)
\rThe current time, standard 12-hour time (1–12)
\sSeconds of the current time
\wThe current day of the week in three-letter format (Mon, Tue, …)
\YThe current year, four digits
\yThe current year, two digits
\\A literal \ backslash character

x, for any x not listed above

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
