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Comment: fixed dead link

Maven POM Information

To use CXF within Maven, you'll need to declare the CXF dependencies in your POM. The CXF groupId is "org.apache.cxf". Here is a small example:

Code Block

        <!-- Jetty is needed if you're are not using the CXFServlet -->

You'll also need to add the Apache Incubator Maven repository:

Code Block

		<name>Apache SNAPSHOT Repository</name>
		<name>Apache Incubating Repository</name>
        <!-- for jaxb-impl -->

		<name>Apache Maven Plugin Snapshots</name>
               <name>Apache Plugin Incubating Repository</name>

For information on using Maven with CXF and Tomcat, this blog entry may be helpful.

Maven Plugin


CXF includes a Maven plugin which can generate artifacts from WSDL. Here is a simple example:



In this example we're running the wsdl2java goal in the generate-sources phase. By running mvn generate-sources, CXF will generate artifacts in the <sourceRoot> directory that you specify. Each <wsdlOption> element corresponds to a WSDL that you're generated artifacts for. In the above example we're generating we're specifying the WSDL location via the <wsdl> option.

Other configuration arguments can be include inside the <wsdlOption> element. These pass arguments to the tooling and correspond to the options outlined on the WSDL To Java page.

Example 1: Passing in a JAX-WS Binding file



In this example we're specifying that we want CXF to use our JAX-WS binding file. Binding files are a way to customize the output of the artifacts that CXF generates. For instance, it allows you to change the package name CXF uses.

Example 2: Specifying a service to generate artifacts for


Additional Dependencies

Depending on your usage of CXF, you may need to bring in additional dependencies--the mvn install process will usually make clear what you are missing. Here's a non-exhaustive list of additional CXF artifacts that may be needed:

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<!-- Use dependency blocks for these CXF artifact Ids just as above -->

Maven Snapshot Repository

To work with the latest non-release versions of CXF (not recommended for production use), updated nightly, change the CXF version to the -SNAPSHOT version desired and add the Apache snapshot repository to both the repositories and pluginRepositories sections:

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   ...other repos...



In this example we're specifying that we only want to generate artifacts for the service named "MyWSDLService" in the WSDL.


CXF also includes a Maven plugin which can generate WSDL from Java code. Here is a simple example:

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        <className>org.example.MyService</className><name>Apache SNAPSHOT Repository</name>

Here are the options you can use:

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This plugin will be ready in 2.1 release .Now You can use 2.1-incubator-SNAPSHOT version of this plugin.
This plugin can generate WSDL, server side code used to start web service and client side code from
a java class.
Here is a simple example:




   ...other repos...
      ...same repo as above...

The addition to the plugin repositories section is needed because the cxf-codegen-plugin, used for the WSDL2Java, Java2WS, etc. tasks, is downloaded using that entry

Here are the options you can use:

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The outputFile value by default will be:

Code Block


Refer to this link for other options detailed usage.