Versions Compared


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This guide documents the best way to make various types of contribution to Apache Eagle (incubating), including what is required before submitting a code change.


Before contributing, you should know that Apache Eagle (incubating) is using


A great way to contribute to Eagle is to help answer user questions on the mailing list. There are always many new Eagle users; taking a few minutes to help answer a question is a very valuable community service.


Changes to Eagle source code are proposed, reviewed and committed via Github (described later) at Anyone can view and comment on active changes here. Reviewing others' changes is a good way to learn how the change process works and gain exposure to activity in various parts of the code. You can help by reviewing the changes and asking questions or pointing out issues -- as simple as typos or small issues of style.


Apache Eagle documentations are mainly host on:



Contributing Code Changes


This section to help anyone who want to involve and contribute code to eagle project. Apache site have great documentation on how apache build the community and help the open source project. If one wants to know more detail on how apache works, he/she might want to check


For who is new to eagle project, we have a label "new" to start with.

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryproject = 12319222 AND labels = new

Pull Request


If you are ready to contribute code change. Here in this page we just focus on a consistent dev process to keep the project run smoothly.

  1. Find the existing Eagle JIRA that the change pertains to. If confirmed the change is new, create a new JIRA ticket if required with required fields
    • Issue Type
    • Priority
    • Affects Version
  2. Fork one's own feature branch from eagle official github (
  3. Fix bug / Develop feature in the feature branch. One might have multiple
  4. After development is done, send a github pull request. Like NOTE: Please make sure the pull request title is in format of EAGLE-${ticket_number} ${ticket_title}, so that ASF bot could help sync the pull request comments to JIRA automatically.


  1. Review: Committers should review the pull request changes, leave comments and sigh off about whether accept the code change. (Reject/Recall/Pass)

  2. Merge: merge the patch of the pull request and push the merged code to apache/incubbator-eagle (following process is temporary solution for manual merging, the automatic tool is under development  EAGLE-84)


    Committer(reviewer) should have already cloned repo from apache github

    git clone


    Code Block
    > git pull git master # get latest
    > wget && git apply 19.patch    # anyway you like to get the patch and apply
    > # review the code; run the test; 
    > git commit   # Commit with the commit MSG described below if everything looks good
    > git push master # push to upstream

    git-rebase when necessary

    Code Block
    > git pull master # get latest
    > git pull<contributor>/eagle.git EAGLE-ID
    > git rebase -i # squash and modify the final committed message
    > git commit 
    > git push master

    Or git-reset

    Code Block
    > git pull master # get latest
    > git pull<contributor>/eagle.git EAGLE-ID
    > # review the code; run the test; 
    > git reset origin/master
    > git add .
    > git commit -a  # Commit with the commit MSG described below if everything looks good
    > git push master # push to upstream

    Commit Msg Format
    Commit Msg Format
    Committers should follow an convention format to add appropriate commit message. The format should be:

    Code Block
    EAGLE-${ticketjira_numberid} ${ticket_title}
    Author: $@${committer_github_id} <author_email>
    Reviewer: $@${reviewer_github_id} <reviewer_email>
    Closes #${pr_number} from ${do_person} pull_request_id}


  3. Close: Committer to close the JIRA ticket. (Pull request will be close automatically)


Here is a diagram to show the workflow above:


Image RemovedImage Added