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Camel leverages thread pools in the following places:

  • several EIP patterns supports using thread pools for concurrency
  • SEDA component for asynchronous connectivity
  • Threads DSL in the Camel route
  • ServicePool for pooling services
  • And some component provide thread pools by nature such as JMS, Jetty

Thread pool profiles

By default when a thread pool is to be created then its based on the default thread pool profile which is:

Code Block

    <threadPoolProfile id="defaultThreadPoolProfile" defaultProfile="true"
                       poolSize="10" maxPoolSize="20" maxQueueSize="1000" allowCoreThreadTimeOut="false"

What that means is that for example when you use Multicast with parallelProcessing=true enabled, then it would create a thread pool based on the profile above. The rejectedPolicy has four options: Abort, CallerRuns, Discard, DiscardOldest which corresponds to the same four options provided out of the box in the JDK. Notice: option allowCoreThreadTimeOut is a new option from Camel 2.15 onwards.

You can define as many thread pool profiles as you like. But there must only one default profile. A custom thread pool profile will inherit from the default profile. Which means that any option you do not explicit define will fallback and use the option from the default profile.


Suppose you want to use a custom thread pool profile for a Multicast EIP pattern in a Camel route you can do it using the executorServiceRef attribute as shown:

Code Block

<camelContext ...>
    <threadPoolProfile id="fooProfile" 
                       poolSize="20" maxPoolSize="50" maxQueueSize="-1"/>

       <multicast strategyRef="myStrategy" executorServiceRef="fooProfile">


The default pattern is for:

  • Camel 2.9.x or older: Camel (${camelId}) thread #${counter} - ${name}
  • Camel 2.10 onwards: Camel (#camelId#) thread ##counter# - #name#

Notice we renamed the tokens from Camel 2.10 onwards to not clash with tokens by the Property Placeholder.

In the pattern you can use the following placeholders

  • ${camelId} Camel 2.6: is the CamelContext name
  • ${counter} is a unique incrementing counter.
  • ${name} is the regular thread name.
  • ${longName} is the long thread name which can includes endpoint parameters etc.

Notice the pattern name has changed from Camel 2.10 onwards, use #name# instead.

In Camel 2.11 onwards its easier to set the thread name pattern on the CamelContext using the threadNamePattern attribute in the XML files as shown below:

Code Block

  <camelContext xmlns="" threadNamePattern="Riding the thread #counter#">
      <from uri="seda:start"/>
      <to uri="log:result"/>
      <to uri="mock:result"/>





Marks the thread pool as shutdown, eg just as calling ExecutorService.shutdown() method


Forces the thread pool to shutdown now, eg just as calling ExecutorService.shutdownNow() method


Camel 2.11: Marks the thread pool as shutdown, and graceful shutdown the pool, by waiting for tasks to complete. A default timeout value of 10 sec is used, before
shutdown becomes aggressive using shutdownNow, to force threads to shutdown.


Camel 2.11: As above but with custom timeout value


Camel 2.11: To wait graceful for the termination of a thread pool (eg to wait for its tasks to complete). Will wait until all tasks is completed or a timeout value is hit.

See Also