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Table of Contents


Current state: Under Discussion Accepted

Discussion thread: here

JIRA: here


  • org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.StateStore
  • org.apache.kafka.streams.state.StoreSupplierorg.apache.kafka.streams.state.Stores

  • org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.Materializedorg.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.StreamJoined.StoreType

Proposed Changes



  1. The task (StreamTask, StandbyTask) registers its state stores. State stores load offset metadata from the checkpoint file (link). That step aims to establish a mapping between data in the state store and the offset of the changelog topic.
    1. In case of crash failure, if the state store has data, but the checkpoint file does not exist. , ProcessorStateManager throws an exception in that case for EOS tasks. This is an indicator to throw away local data and replay the changelog topic (link).
  2. The task processes data and writes its state locally.
  3. The task commits EOS transaction. TaskExecutor#commitOffsetsOrTransaction calls StreamsProducer#commitTransaction that sends new offsets and commits the transaction.
  4. The task runs a postCommit method (StreamTask, StandbyTask) that:
    1. flushes the state stores and
    2. updates the checkpoint file (link) for non-EOS tasks (link).
  5. The Go to step 2 until task shuts down. It During shutdown, the task stops processing data, then writes its current offset to the checkpoint file and halts.

In step 4, the task does not flush and checkpoint in the case of EOS to prevent partial update on the crash failure. Without the risk of partial update, EOS could follow the same process as other processing semantics and avoid replaying the changelogIf the failure happens at steps 2 or 3, the state store might contain records that have not yet been committed by EOS transaction. These uncommitted records violate the EOS guarantees and are the reason why Kafka Streams deletes state store data if EOS is enabled.


This section introduces an overview of the proposed changes. The following sections will cover the changes in behavior, configuration, and interfaces in detail.

This KIP introduces persistent transactional state stores that

  1. distinguish between uncommitted and committed data in the state store
  2. guarantee atomic commit, meaning


  1. that  either all uncommitted (dirty) writes will be applied together or none will.

These guarantees are sufficient to prevent the failure scenario described in the previous section. 

This proposal deprecates the StateStore#flush method and introduces 2 other methods instead - StateStore#commit(changelogOffset) and StateStore#recover(changelogOffset) that The proposal changes public APIs -  StateStore and StoreSupplier interfaces and Stores factory. StateStore and StoreSupplier have a new transactional() method that returns true if the state store is transactional. In addition, StateStore#flush method is replaced by StateStore#commit(Long) paired with StateStore#recover(long), allowing to commit the current state at a specified offset and recovering recover from the crash failure to a previously committed checkpointed offset . Users can create persistent transactional state stores via the Stores factory.

Transactional state stores do not delete the checkpoint file and the underlying data in the case of EOS. Instead, they roll back or forward from the changelog topic on recovery. 

There are multiple ways to implement state store transactions that present different trade-offs. This proposal includes a single implementation via a secondary RocksDB for uncommitted writes. 

StateStore changes

This section covers multiple changes to the state store interfaces.  This proposal replaces StateStore#flush with 2 new methods - StateStore#commit(Long) and StateStore#recover(long) and adds a boolean transactional() method to determine if a state store is transactional.

The reasoning behind replacing flush with commit/recover is two-fold. First, let's talk about why we don't need both flush and commit:

  1. There is always a single writer in Kafka Streams workloads, and all writes must go to a single currently open transaction. 
  2. There is always a single reader that queries dirty state from a single open transaction.
  3. The state stores already explicitly call flush after AK transaction commits before writing to the checkpoint file to make uncommitted changes durable. Adding a separate method will create room for error, such as a missing commit call or executing both commands in the wrong order.

In this sense, flush and commit are semantically the same thing. The separation of concerns between these 2 methods will be ambiguous and it is unclear what is the correct call order.

The purpose of StateStore#recover(long changelogOffset) method is to transition the state store to a consistent state after crash failure. This method discards any changes that are not yet committed to the changelog topic and ensures that its state corresponds to the offset that is greater than or equal to the checkpointed changelogOffset.

Behavior changes

If StateStore#transactional() returns true, then the store performs writes via the implementation-specific transactional mechanism. Reads via ReadOnlyKeyValueStore methods return uncommitted data from the ongoing transaction.

A transactional state store opens the first transaction during initialization. It commits on StateStore#commit - first, the store commits the transaction, then flushes, then starts a new transaction. 

There are several places where StreamTask, ProcessorStateManager, and TaskManager check if EOS is enabled, and then it deletes the checkpoint file on crash failure, specifically, when:

  • StreamTask resumes processing (link)
  • ProcessorStateManager initializes state stores from offsets from checkpoint (link1, link2)
  • StreamTask writes offsets to the checkpoint file on after committing (link)
  • TaskManager handles revocation (link)

If EOS is enabled, we will remove offset information for non-transactional state stores from the checkpoint file instead of just deleting the file.

Transactions via Secondary State Store for Uncommitted Changes

This proposal comes with a reference implementation used in the Stores# factory methods used to create transactional state stores. In this implementation, transactionality is guaranteed by batching uncommitted (dirty) writes in a temporary RocksDB instance. Once the task flushes, the temporary store creates a commit file with a changelog offset, indicating that the transaction is ready to commit, and writes dirty records into the regular store. It truncates the temporary store and deletes the commit file once it is finished. 

All writes and deletes go to the temporary store. Reads query the temporary store; if the data is missing, query the regular store. Range reads query both stores and return a KeyValueIterator that merges the results.

On crash failure, ProcessorStateManager calls StateStore#recover(offset). The state store checks if the temporary store and the commit file exist. If they do, the task repeats the commit process described above (i.e., rolls forward) and returns the new committed offset. Otherwise, it truncates the temporary store (rolls uncommitted changes back) and returns the previously committed offset.

The major advantage of this approach is that the temporary state store can optionally use the available disk space if the writes do not fit into the in-memory buffer. 

The disadvantages are:


accordingly. With these changes, the lifecycle of a stateful task with transactional state stores becomes:

  1. The task registers its state stores. The state stores call StateStore#recover that discards uncommitted data.
  2. The task processes data and writes new records as uncommitted.
  3. The task commits the EOS transaction.
  4. The task runs a postCommit method that:
    1. commits dirty writes.
    2. updates the checkpoint file.
  5. The task shuts down.

Consider possible failure scenarios:

  • The crash happens between steps 1 and 3. The uncommitted data will be discarded. The input records were not committed via the EOS transaction, so the task will re-process them.
  • The crash happens between 3 and 4a. The EOS transaction has been already committed, but the state store hasn't. The state store will replay the uncommitted records from the changelog topic.
  • The crash happens between 4a and 4b. The state store has already committed the new records, but they are not yet reflected in the checkpoint file. The state store will replay the last committed records from the changelog topic. This operation is idempotent and does not violate correctness.
  • The crash happens after step 4b. The state store does nothing during recovery.

There are multiple ways to implement state store transactions that present different trade-offs. This proposal includes a single reference implementation via a secondary RocksDB for uncommitted writes.

StateStore changes

This section covers multiple changes to the state store interfaces.  This proposal replaces StateStore#flush with 2 new methods - StateStore#commit(Long) and StateStore#recover(long) and adds a boolean transactional() method to determine if a state store is transactional.

The reasoning behind replacing flush with commit/recover is two-fold. First, let's talk about why we don't need both flush and commit:

  1. There is always a single writer in Kafka Streams workloads, and all writes must go to a single currently open transaction. 
  2. There is always a single reader that queries dirty state from a single open transaction.
  3. The state stores already explicitly call flush after AK transaction commits before writing to the checkpoint file to make uncommitted changes durable. Adding a separate method will create room for error, such as a missing commit call or executing both commands in the wrong order.

In this sense, flush and commit are semantically the same thing. The separation of concerns between these 2 methods will be ambiguous and it is unclear what is the correct call order.

The purpose of StateStore#recover(long changelogOffset) method is to transition the state store to a consistent state after crash failure. This method discards any changes that are not yet committed to the changelog topic and ensures that its state corresponds to the offset that is greater than or equal to the checkpointed changelogOffset.

Behavior changes

If StateStore#transactional() returns true, then the store performs writes via the implementation-specific transactional mechanism. Reads via ReadOnlyKeyValueStore methods return uncommitted data from the ongoing transaction.

A transactional state store opens the first transaction during initialization. It commits on StateStore#commit - first, the store commits the transaction, then flushes, then starts a new transaction. 

There are several places where StreamTask, ProcessorStateManager, and TaskManager check if EOS is enabled, and then it deletes the checkpoint file on crash failure, specifically, when:

  • StreamTask resumes processing (link)
  • ProcessorStateManager initializes state stores from offsets from checkpoint (link1, link2)
  • StreamTask writes offsets to the checkpoint file on after committing (link)
  • TaskManager handles revocation (link)

If EOS is enabled, we will remove offset information for non-transactional state stores from the checkpoint file instead of just deleting the file.

Configuration changes

StreamsConfig has a new valid value - txn_rocksDB that enables transactional RocksDB


state store.

Interface Changes


Code Block
* Return true the storage supports transactions.
* @return {@code true} if the storage supports transactions, {@code false} otherwise
default boolean transactional() {
   return false;

 * Flush any cached data
default void flush() {}

  * Flush and commit any cached data
  * <p>
  * For transactional state store commit applies all changes atomically. In other words, either the
  * entire commit will be successful or none of the changes will be applied.
  * <p>
  * For non-transactional state store this method flushes cached data.
  * @param changelogOffset the offset of the changelog topic this commit corresponds to. The
  *                        offset can be null if the state store does not have a changelog
  *                        (e.g. a global store).
  * @code null}
default void commit(final Long changelogOffset) {
    if (transactional()) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Transactional state store must implement StateStore#commit");
    } else {

 * Recovers the state store after crash failure.
 * <p>
 * The state store recovers by discarding any writes that are not committed to the changelog
 * and rolling to the state that corresponds to {@code changelogOffset} or greater offset of
 * the changelog topic.
 * @param changelogOffset the checkpointed changelog offset.
 * @return {@code true} if the state store recovered, {@code false} otherwise.
default boolean recover(final long changelogOffset) {
    if (transactional()) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Transactional state store must implement StateStore#recover");
    return false;


Code Block
 * Return true ifCreate a callpersistent to {@link StoreSupplier#getKeyValueBytesStoreSupplier}.
 returns a transactional state* <p>
 * store.
 * @return {@code true} if a call to {@link StoreSupplier#get} returns a transactional state
 * store, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean transactional();


Code Block
 * Create a persistent transactional {@link KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier}.
 * <p>
 * This store supplier can be passed into a {@link #keyValueStoreBuilder(KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier, Serde, Serde)}.
 * If you want to create a {@link TimestampedKeyValueStore} you should use
 * {@link #persistentTransactionalTimestampedKeyValueStore(String)} to create a store supplier instead.
 * @param name  name of the store (cannot be {@code null})This store supplier can be passed into a {@link #keyValueStoreBuilder(KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier, Serde, Serde)}.
 * If you want to create a {@link TimestampedKeyValueStore} you should use
 * {@link #persistentTimestampedKeyValueStore(String)} to create a store supplier instead.
 * @param name  name of the store (cannot be {@code null})
 * @param transactional whether the store should be transactional
 * @return an instance of a {@link KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier} that can be used
 * to build a persistent key-value store
 public static KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier persistentTransactionalKeyValueStorepersistentKeyValueStore(final String name, final boolean transactional) 

  * Create a persistent transactional {@link KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier}.
  * <p>
  * This store supplier can be passed into a
  * {@link #timestampedKeyValueStoreBuilder(KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier, Serde, Serde)}.
  * If you want to create a {@link KeyValueStore} you should use
  * {@link #persistentKeyValueStore(String)} to create a store supplier instead.
  * @param name  name of the store (cannot be {@code null})
  * @param transactional whether the store should be transactional
  * @return an instance of a {@link KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier} that can be used
  * to build a persistent key-(timestamp/value) store
 public static KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier persistentTransactionalTimestampedKeyValueStorepersistentTimestampedKeyValueStore(final String name, final boolean transactional)

  * Create a persistent transactional {@link WindowBytesStoreSupplier}.
  * <p>
  * This store supplier can be passed into a {@link #windowStoreBuilder(WindowBytesStoreSupplier, Serde, Serde)}.
  * If you want to create a {@link TimestampedWindowStore} you should use
  * {@link #persistentTimestampedWindowStore(String, Duration, Duration, boolean, boolean)} to create a store supplier instead.
  * @param name                  name of the store (cannot be {@code null})
  * @param retentionPeriod       length of time to retain data in the store (cannot be negative)
  *                              (note that the retention period must be at least long enough to contain the
  *                              windowed data's entire life cycle, from window-start through window-end,
  *                              and for the entire grace period)
  * @param windowSize            size of the windows (cannot be negative)
  * @param retainDuplicates      whether or not to retain duplicates. Turning this on will automatically disable
  *                              caching and means that null values will be ignored.
  * @param transactional         whether the store should be transactional
  * @return an instance of {@link WindowBytesStoreSupplier}
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code retentionPeriod} or {@code windowSize} can't be represented as {@code long milliseconds}
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code retentionPeriod} is smaller than {@code windowSize}
 public static WindowBytesStoreSupplier persistentTransactionalWindowStorepersistentWindowStore(final String name,
                                                              final Duration retentionPeriod,
           final Duration retentionPeriod,
                                                 final Duration windowSize,
                        final Duration windowSize,
                                    final boolean retainDuplicates,
                                     final boolean retainDuplicates) throws IllegalArgumentException  

 * Create                   final boolean transactional) throws IllegalArgumentException

 * Create a persistent transactional {@link WindowBytesStoreSupplier}.
 * <p>
 * This store supplier can be passed into a
 * {@link #timestampedWindowStoreBuilder#windowStoreBuilder(WindowBytesStoreSupplier, Serde, Serde)}.
 * If you want to create a {@link WindowStoreTimestampedWindowStore} you should use
 * {@link #persistentWindowStore#persistentTimestampedWindowStore(String, Duration, Duration, boolean, boolean)} to create a store supplier instead.
 * @param name                  name of the store (cannot be {@code null})
 * @param retentionPeriod       length of time to retain data in the store (cannot be negative)
 *                              (note that the retention period must be at least long enough to contain the
 *                              windowed data's entire life cycle, from window-start through window-end,
 *                              and for the entire grace period)
 * @param windowSize            size of the windows (cannot be negative)
 * @param retainDuplicates      whether or not to retain duplicates. Turning this on will automatically disable
 *                              caching and means that null values will be ignored.
 * @return@param antransactional instance of {@link WindowBytesStoreSupplier}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@codewhether retentionPeriod} the store should be transactional
 * @return an instance of {@link WindowBytesStoreSupplier}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code retentionPeriod} or {@code windowSize} can't be represented as {@code long milliseconds}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code retentionPeriod} is smaller than {@code windowSize}
 public static WindowBytesStoreSupplier persistentTransactionalTimestampedWindowStorepersistentTimestampedWindowStore(final String name,
                                                                                      final Duration retentionPeriod,
                                                                        final Duration windowSize,
            final Duration windowSize,
                                                          final boolean retainDuplicates,
                                                                        final boolean retainDuplicatestransactional) throws IllegalArgumentException 

 * Create a persistent transactional {@link SessionBytesStoreSupplier}.
 * @param name              name of the store (cannot be {@code null})
 * @param retentionPeriod   length of time to retain data in the store (cannot be negative)
 *                          (note that the retention period must be at least as long enough to
 *                          contain the inactivity gap of the session and the entire grace period.)
 * @return@param transactional an instance of a {@linkwhether the SessionBytesStoreSupplier}
 *store should be transactional
 * @return an instance of a {@link  SessionBytesStoreSupplier}
public static SessionBytesStoreSupplier persistentTransactionalSessionStorepersistentSessionStore(final String name,
                                                               		 	final Duration retentionPeriod,
           final Duration retentionPeriod)


Code Block
public StoreSupplier<S> storeSupplier();

public boolean transactional();

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Transactional state stores will be disabled by default. Both Streams DSL and Processor API users can enable transactional writes in the built-in RocksDB state store by passing a new boolean flag transactional=true to Materialized constructor and Stores factory methods. Custom state stores will have an option to enable transactionality by adjusting their implementation according to the StateStore#transactional() contract.

StateStore#flush() method is deprecated. New StateStore#commit(changelogOffset) method will by default fall back to StateStore#flush() for non-transactional state stores.

Proposed changes are source compatible and binary incompatible with previous releases.

Test Plan


                                               final boolean transactional) 


Materialized.StoreType enum has a new value TXN_ROCKS_DB that corresponds to a transactional state store implementation based on RocksDB.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Transactional state stores will be disabled by default. Both Streams DSL and Processor API users can enable transactional writes in the built-in RocksDB state store by passing a new boolean flag transactional=true to Materialized constructor and Stores factory methods. Custom state stores will have an option to enable transactionality by adjusting their implementation according to the StateStore#transactional() contract.

StateStore#flush() method is deprecated. New StateStore#commit(changelogOffset) method will by default fall back to StateStore#flush() for non-transactional state stores.

Proposed changes are source compatible and binary incompatible with previous releases.

Test Plan

  1. Add a variation for all existing stateful tests to run with enabled transactional state stores.
  2. Add tests to ensure that transactional state stores discard uncommitted changes after crash failure.
  3. Add tests to ensure that transactional state stores replay missing changes from the changelog topic on recovery.

Transactions via Secondary State Store for Uncommitted Changes

This proposal comes with a reference implementation used in the Stores# factory methods used to create transactional state stores. In this implementation, transactionality is guaranteed by batching uncommitted (dirty) writes in a temporary RocksDB instance. On commit, such state store copies uncommitted writes from the temporary store to the main store, then truncates the temporary stores.

All writes and deletes go to the temporary store. Reads query the temporary store; if the data is missing, query the regular store. Range reads query both stores and return a KeyValueIterator that merges the results. On crash failure, ProcessorStateManager calls StateStore#recover(offset) that truncates the temporary store.

The major advantage of this approach is that the temporary state store can optionally use the available disk space if the writes do not fit into the in-memory buffer. 

The disadvantages are:

  • It doubles the number of open state stores 
  • It potentially has higher write and read amplification due to uncontrolled flushes of the temporary state store.
  • It requires an additional value copy per write to model deletions


  • .

Rejected Alternatives

RocksDB in-memory Indexed Batches
