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Apache Flink has a rich connector ecosystem that can persist data in various destinations. Flink natively supports Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Elasticsearch, HBase, and many more destinations. Additional connectors are maintained in Apache Bahir or directly on GitHub. The basic functionality of these sinks is quite similar. They batch events according to user defined buffering hints, sign requests and send them to the respective endpoint, retry unsuccessful or throttled requests, and participate in checkpointing. They primarily only just differ in the way they interface with the destination. Yet, all the above-mentioned sinks are developed and maintained independently.


The async sink is based on FLIP-143 and FLIP-177. It is based on the following generic types to be extensible and remain agnostic to the destination.  


Code Block
public abstract class AsyncSinkWriter<InputT, RequestEntryT extends Serializable> implements SinkWriter<InputT, Collection<CompletableFuture<?>>Void, Collection<RequestEntryT>> {

     * This method specifies how to persist buffered request entries into the
     * destination. It is implemented when support for a new destination is
     * added.
     * <p>
     * The method is invoked with a set of request entries according to the
     * buffering hints (and the valid limits of the destination). The logic then
     * needs to create and execute the request against the destination (ideally
     * by batching together multiple request entries to increase efficiency).
     * The logic also needs to identify individual request entries that were not
     * persisted successfully and resubmit them using the {@code
     * requeueFailedRequestEntryrequestResult} method.
     * <p>
     * The method returns a future During checkpointing, the sink needs to ensure that indicates, once completed, that allthere are no
     * outstanding in-flight requests.
     * @param requestEntries a set of request entries that haveshould beenbe passedsent to the method on invocation have
     *  either been successfully persisted in the destination or have been
     * re-queued.
     * <p>destination
     * During checkpointing, the sink@param requestResult  a ResultFuture that needs to ensurebe thatcompleted thereonce are noall
     * outstanding in-flight requests. Ie, that all futures returned by this
     * method are completed.
     * @param requestEntries a set of requestsrequest entries that shouldhave bebeen sentpassed to the APImethod
     *                       endpointon invocation have either been successfully
     * @return      a future that completes when all request entries have been
     * successfully persisted toin the APIdestination or werehave re-queuedbeen
    protected abstract CompletableFuture<?> submitRequestEntries(List<RequestEntryT> requestEntries);

     * The ElementConverter provides a mapping betweenre-queued
 for the elements of a*/
    protected *abstract streamvoid to request entries that can be sent to the destination.
     * <p>
     * The resulting request entry is buffered by the AsyncSinkWriter and sent
     * to the destination when the {@code submitRequestEntries} method is
     * invoked.
    private final ElementConverter<InputT, RequestEntryT> elementConverter;

}submitRequestEntries(List<RequestEntryT> requestEntries, ResultFuture<RequestEntryT> requestResult);


Internally, the AsyncSinkWriter buffers RequestEntryTs and invokes the submitRequestEntries method with a set of RequestEntryTs according to user specified buffering hints. The AsyncSinkWriter also tracks in-flight requests, ie, Internally, the AsyncSinkWriter buffers RequestEntryTs and invokes the submitRequestEntries method with a set of RequestEntryTs according to user specified buffering hints. The AsyncSinkWriter also tracks in-flight requests, ie, calls to the API that have been sent but not completed. During a commit, the sink enforces that all in-flight requests have completed and currently buffered RequestEntryTs are persisted in the application state snapshot.

Code Block
titleAsyncSinkWriter Internals
     * BufferThe toElementConverter holdprovides requesta entriesmapping thatbetween shouldfor bethe persistedelements intoof thea
     * stream to request entries that can be sent to the destination.
     * <p>
     * AThe resulting request entry containis allbuffered relevantby detailsthe toAsyncSinkWriter make a call to theand sent
     * Eg,the fordestination Kinesiswhen Datathe Streams{@code asubmitRequestEntries} requestmethod entryis
 contains the
   * invoked.
 * payload and partition key.*/
     * <p>private final ElementConverter<InputT, RequestEntryT> elementConverter;

 It seems more natural to* bufferBuffer InputT,to ie,hold therequest eventsentries that should be persisted into the
     * persisted,destination.
 rather than RequestEntryT. However, in practice, the response* <p>
     * ofA a failed request callentry cancontain makeall itrelevant verydetails hard,to ifmake nota impossible,call to the
     * reconstructdestination. theEg, originalfor event.Kinesis ItData isStreams mucha easier,request toentry justcontains construct athe
     * newpayload (retry)and request entry from the response and add that back to thepartition key.
     * <p>
     * queueIt forseems latermore retry.
natural to buffer InputT, ie, */
the events that should privatebe
 final Deque<RequestEntryT> bufferedRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>();

  * persisted, rather than RequestEntryT. However, in practice, the response
     * of Tracksa failed allrequest pendingcall asynccan callsmake thatit havevery beenhard, executedif sincenot theimpossible, lastto
     * checkpoint reconstruct the original event. CallsIt is thatmuch alreadyeasier, completedto (successfullyjust orconstruct unsuccessfully)a
     * arenew automatically removed(retry) request entry from the queue.response Anyand requestadd entrythat thatback wasto notthe
     * successfullyqueue persistedfor needlater toretry.
 be handled and retried by*/
 the logic in
 private final Deque<RequestEntryT> bufferedRequestEntries *= {@code submitRequestsToApi}.new ArrayDeque<>();

     /** <p>
     * ThereTracks isall apending limitasync oncalls thethat numberhave ofbeen concurrentexecuted (async)since requests that can bethe last
     * handled by the client librarycheckpoint. ThisCalls limitthat iscompleted enforced(successfully byor checkingunsuccessfully) theare
     * size of this queue before issuing new requests.automatically decrementing the counter. Any request entry that was not
     * <p>
successfully persisted needs to be *handled Toand completeretried aby checkpoint,the welogic needin
 to make sure that no* requests are in{@code submitRequestsToApi}.
     * flight,<p>
 as they may fail, which* couldThere thenis leada tolimit dataon loss.
the number of concurrent  */
    private Queue<CompletableFuture<?>> inFlightRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();

     * Signals if enough RequestEntryTs have been buffered according to the user(async) requests that can be
     * handled by the client library. This limit is enforced by checking the
     * size of this queue before issuing new requests.
     * specified<p>
 buffering hints to make a* request against the destination. This
     * functionality will be added to the sink interface by means of an
     * additional FLIPTo complete a checkpoint, we need to make sure that no requests are in
     * flight, as they may fail, which could then lead to data loss.
    private * @return a future that will be completed once there is are record available   
int inFlightRequestsCount;

    public void write(InputT element, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        * to make a request against the destination// blocks if too many elements have been buffered
    public CompletableFuture<Void> isAvailable(while (bufferedRequestEntries.size() >= MAX_BUFFERED_REQUESTS_ENTRIES) {

    public void write(InputT element, Context context) throws IOException {}

        bufferedRequestsbufferedRequestEntries.offerLastadd(elementConverter.apply(element, context));


/ blocks if too many *async Therequests entireare requestin mayflight
 fail or single request entries that are part of  flush();

 the request may not be* persistedPersists successfully,buffered eg,RequestsEntries becauseinto ofthe network
destination by invoking {@code
  * issues or service* sidesubmitRequestEntries} throttling.with Allbatches requestaccording entriesto thatthe faileduser withspecified
     * transientbuffering failureshints.
 need to be re-queued with*
 this method so that aren't
* The method blocks if *too lostmany andasync canrequests beare retriedin laterflight.
     * <p>/
    private *void Requestflush() entriesthrows thatInterruptedException are{
 causing the same error in a reproducible manner,
     * eg, ill-formed request entries, must not be re-queued but the error needs
     * to be handledwhile (bufferedRequestEntries.size() >= MAX_BATCH_SIZE) {

            // create a batch of request entries that should be persisted in the logicdestination
 of {@code submitRequestEntries}. Otherwise
     * these request entries willArrayList<RequestEntryT> bebatch retried= indefinitely, always causing thenew ArrayList<>(MAX_BATCH_SIZE);

     * same error.
    protected void requeueFailedRequestEntry(RequestEntryT requestEntrywhile (batch.size() <= MAX_BATCH_SIZE && !bufferedRequestEntries.isEmpty()) {

   try /**{
     * In-flight requests may   fail, but they will be retried if the sink is batch.add(bufferedRequestEntries.remove());
     * still healthy.
     * <p>
   } catch *(NoSuchElementException Toe) not{
 lose any requests, there cannot be any outstanding in-flight
     * requests when a commit is initialized.// Toif this end, all in-flight
     * requests need to be completed as part of the pre commit.
there are not enough elements, just create a smaller batch
    public List<Collection<CompletableFuture<?>>> prepareCommit(boolean flush) throws IOException {

  // reuse current inFlightRequests as commitable and create an empty queue }

        // to avoid  copyResultFuture<RequestEntryT> andrequestResult clearing=
        List<Collection<CompletableFuture<?>>> committable = Collections.singletonList(inFlightRequests);

        // allfailedRequestEntries in-flight requests are handled by the AsyncSinkCommiter and new 
> mailboxExecutor.execute(
               // elements cannot be added to the queue during a commit, so it's save() to -> completeRequest(failedRequestEntries),
        // create a new queue
        inFlightRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();

     "Mark in-flight request returnas committable;
completed and requeue %d }

    /**request entries",
     * All in-flight requests have been completed, but there may still be
     * request entries in the internal buffer that are yet to be sent to the

            *while endpoint. These request entries are stored in the snapshot state so that
(inFlightRequestsCount >= MAX_IN_FLIGHT_REQUESTS) {
            * they don't get lost in case of a failure/restart of the application.

    public List<Collection<RequestEntryT>> snapshotState() throws IOException {
           return Collections.singletonList(bufferedRequests);submitRequestEntries(batch, requestResult);



The sink usually persist InputTs in the order they are added to the sink, but reorderings may occur, eg, when RequestEntryTs need to be retried.


     * Marks an in-flight request as completed and prepends failed requestEntries back to the
     * internal requestEntry buffer for later retry.
     * @param failedRequestEntries requestEntries that need to be retried
    private void completeRequest(Collection<RequestEntryT> failedRequestEntries) {

        // By just iterating through failedRequestEntries, it reverses the order of the
        // failedRequestEntries. It doesn't make a difference for kinesis:putRecords, as the api
        // does not make any order guarantees, but may cause avoidable reorderings for other
        // destinations.

     * In flight requests will be retried if the sink is still healthy. But if in-flight requests
     * fail after a checkpoint has been triggered and Flink needs to recover from the checkpoint,
     * the (failed) in-flight requests are gone and cannot be retried. Hence, there cannot be any
     * outstanding in-flight requests when a commit is initialized.
     * <p>To this end, all in-flight requests need to completed before proceeding with the commit.
    public List<Void> prepareCommit(boolean flush) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        if (flush) {

        // wait until all in-flight requests completed
        while (inFlightRequestsCount > 0) {

        return Collections.emptyList();

     * All in-flight requests have been completed, but there may still be
     * request entries in the internal buffer that are yet to be sent to the
     * endpoint. These request entries are stored in the snapshot state so that
     * they don't get lost in case of a failure/restart of the application.
    public List<Collection<RequestEntryT>> snapshotState() throws IOException {
        return Collections.singletonList(bufferedRequestEntries);


  • The sink is designed for destinations that provide an async client. Destinations that cannot ingest events in an async fashion cannot be supported by the sink.
  • The sink usually persist InputTs in the order they are added to the sink, but reorderings may occur, eg, when RequestEntryTs need to be retried.

  • We are not focusing on support for exactly-once semantics beyond simple upsert capable and idempotent destinations at this point.

Appendix A – Simplified example implementation of a sink for Kinesis Data Streams

Example ElementConverter for Kinesis Data Streams

This is the functionality that needs to be implemented by end users of the sink. It specifies how an element of a DataStream is mapped to a PutRecordsRequestEntry that can be submitted to the Kinesis Data Streams API.

Code Block
titleElementConverter for Kinesis Data Streams

new ElementConverter<InputT, PutRecordsRequestEntry>() {
    public PutRecordsRequestEntry apply(InputT element, SinkWriter.Context context) {
        return PutRecordsRequestEntry

Simplified AsyncSinkWriter for Kinesis Data Streams

This is a simplified sample implementation of the AsyncSinkWriter for Kinesis Data Streams. Given a set of buffered PutRecordRequestEntries, it creates and submits a batch request against the Kinesis Data Stream API using the KinesisAsyncClient. The response of the API call is then checked for events that were not persisted successfully (eg, because of throttling or network failures) and those events are added back to the internal buffer of the AsyncSinkWriter.

Code Block
private class AmazonKinesisDataStreamWriter extends AsyncSinkWriter<InputT, PutRecordsRequestEntry> {

    protected void submitRequestEntries(List<PutRecordsRequestEntry> requestEntries, ResultFuture<PutRecordsRequestEntry> requestResult) {

        // create a batch request
        PutRecordsRequest batchRequest = PutRecordsRequest

Appendix A – Simplified example implementation of a sink for Kinesis Data Streams

Example ElementConverter for Kinesis Data Streams

This is the functionality that needs to be implemented by end users of the sink. It specifies how an element of a DataStream is mapped to a PutRecordsRequestEntry that can be submitted to the Kinesis Data Streams API.

Code Block
titleElementConverter for Kinesis Data Streams

new ElementConverter<InputT, PutRecordsRequestEntry>() {
    public PutRecordsRequestEntry apply(InputT element, SinkWriter.Context context) {
        return PutRecordsRequestEntry.streamName(streamName)

        // call api with batch request
        CompletableFuture<PutRecordsResponse> future =;

        // re-queue elements      .partitionKey(String.valueOf(element.hashCode()))
of failed requests
        future.whenComplete((response, err) -> {

Simplified AsyncSinkWriter for Kinesis Data Streams

This is a simplified sample implementation of the AsyncSinkWriter for Kinesis Data Streams. Given a set of buffered PutRecordRequestEntries, it creates and submits a batch request against the Kinesis Data Stream API using the KinesisAsyncClient. The response of the API call is then checked for events that were not persisted successfully (eg, because of throttling or network failures) and those events are added back to the internal buffer of the AsyncSinkWriter.

Code Block
public class AmazonKinesisDataStreamSink<InputT> extends AsyncSink<InputT, PutRecordsRequestEntry> {

    protected CompletableFuture<?> submitRequestEntries(List<PutRecordsRequestEntry> requestEntries) {

   if (response.failedRecordCount() > 0) {
                    ArrayList<PutRecordsRequestEntry> failedRequestEntries = new ArrayList<>(response.failedRecordCount());
                    List<PutRecordsResultEntry> records = response.records();
         // create a batch request
       for PutRecordsRequest(int batchRequesti = PutRecordsRequest
0; i < records.size();    i++) {
               if .records(requestEntries)
   (records.get(i).errorCode() != null) {

        // call api with batch request
        CompletableFuture<PutRecordsResponse> future = client.putRecords(batchRequest);

        // re-queue elements of failed requests
 CompletableFuture<PutRecordsResponse> handleResponse = future
            .whenComplete((response, err) -> {
       if (response.failedRecordCount() > 0) {
       } else {
           List<PutRecordsResultEntry> records = response.records();

              for (int i}

 = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
         //TODO: handle errors of the entire request...
         if (records.get(i).errorCode() != null});


Rejected Alternatives

The sink needs a way to build back pressure, eg, if the throughput limit of the destination is exceeded. Initially we were planning to adopt the isAvailable pattern from the source interface. But the benefits are too vague at this point and it would require substantial changes to the sink API. We'll hence start with a blocking implementation of the write function and see how far we get.

Code Block
titleisAvailable pattern
     * Signals if enough RequestEntryTs have been buffered according to the     }user
     * specified buffering hints to make a request against the destination. This
 * functionality will be added to the sink interface by means of    }an

                //TODO: handle errors of the entire request...* additional FLIP.
     * @return a future that will be completed });

once a request against the
    // return* futuredestination tocan trackbe completionmade
 of async request
    public CompletableFuture<Void> return handleResponse;isAvailable() {
