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This article takes you through the some of basic concepts involved in SAAJ Messaging. The goal of this tutorial is to give a brief overview about the terminology involved with SOAP (or SAAJ) messages.


  1. Sun JDK 6.0+ (J2SE 1.6)
  2. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, which is platform specific
  3. Apache Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.1.x
  4. Apache Geronimo Server 2.1.x note

    Geronimo version 2.1.x, Java 1.5 runtime, and Eclipse Ganymede are used is used in this tutorial but other versions can be used instead (e.g., Geronimo version 2.2, Java 1.6, Eclipse Europa)

The steps that we follow in due course of the tutorial are:


What is SAAJ?

SAAJ stands for SOAP with Attachments API for Java. SAAJ messages follow the SOAP standards, which prescribe the format for messages. With SAAJ API one can create XML messages that conform to SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 specification by simple making Java API calls.


The following outline shows the very high-level structure of a SOAP message.

  • SOAP message
    • SOAP part
      • SOAP envelope
        • SOAP header (optional)
        • SOAP body
    • Attachment Part
      • MIME Headers
      • Content


All SOAP messages are sent and received over a connection. With the SAAJ API, the connection is represented by a SOAPConnection object, which goes from the sender directly to its destination. They are sent over a SOAPConnection object with the call method, which sends a message (a request) and then blocks until it receives the reply (a response).

Develpoing a SAAJ Client



The SAAJ client that we are going to develop is targeted towards the web service that we deployed in the Developing a JAX-WS POJO Web Service. Although this model will work any web service if we change the request message according to the WSDL file of deployed service.


Creating a Dynamic Web Project


  • Right Click the jaxws-saaj-converterclient, and Select New->JSP

  • Name the jsp as index.jsp and click Finish

  • Add the following code to the index.jsp



  • Right click again and add a Servlet named ConverterHandler

  • Add the following code to


  • Let us have a brief look at the code that we added in
    • createSOAPMessage() - Here we will create a new SOAP message from MessageFactory instance and set the SOAP body of message according to the request and format needed by WSDL file.
      SOAP request message that is returned by createSOAPMessage for operation ("dollarToRupees") and argument ("23") looks like this: Code BlocktitleSOAP Request Message <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Body> <ns1:dollarToRupees xmlns:ns1="urn:"> <arg0>23</arg0> </ns1:dollarToRupees> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
    • returnResult() - This function processes the SOAP response message sent by the Web service and returns the result. This function uses call method over a SOAP Connection to send the request and receive the response.
      SOAP response message that is returned by Web Service for the above SOAP Request message looks like this: Code BlocktitleSOAP Response Message <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <dlwmin:dollarToRupeesResponse xmlns:dlwmin=""> <axis2ns1:return>933.34</axis2ns1:return> </dlwmin:dollarToRupeesResponse> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
    • Here the SOAP Response is parsed by using the functions present in SAAJ API. Also observe that call is a blocking call which means that it will continue waiting until it receives a response.
