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  • org.apache.hello_world_soap_http
    This package name is generated from the target namespace. All of the WSDL entities defined in this target namespace (for example, the Greeter port type and the SOAPService service) map to Java classes in the corresponding Java package.
  • org.apache.hello_world_soap_http.types
    This package name is generated from the target namespace. All of the XML types defined in this target namespace (that is, everything defined in the wsdl:types element of the HelloWorld contract) map to Java classes in the corresponding Java package.


This section describes how to write the code for a simple Java client, based on the WSDL contract above. To implement the client, you need to use the following stub classes:


For example, the below shows the Greeter service endpoint interface, which is generated from the Greeter port type defined in #Example1. For simplicity, #Example3 omits the standard JAXB and JAX-WS annotations.


CXF supports the following context properties:

Context Property Name

Context Property Type

Asynchronous Invocation Model


Customization enables you to modify the way the wsdl2java utility generates stub code. In particular, it enables you to modify the WSDL-to-Java mapping and to switch on certain features. Here, customization is used to switch on the asynchronous invocation feature. Customizations are specified using a binding declaration, which you define using a jaxws:bindings tag (where the jaxws prefix is tied to the namespace). There are two alternative ways of specifying a binding declaration:


Code Block
titlePolling Approach for an Asynchronous Operation Call
package demo.hw.client;

import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.hello_world_async_soap_http.GreeterAsync;
import org.apache.hello_world_async_soap_http.SOAPService;
import org.apche.hello_world_async_soap_http.types.GreetMeSometimeResponse;

public final class Client {
  private static final QName SERVICE_NAME
    = new QName("", "SOAPService");

  private Client() {}

  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    // Polling approach:
    Response<GreetMeSometimeResponse> greetMeSomeTimeResp =
      while (!greetMeSomeTimeResp.isDone()) {
      GreetMeSometimeResponse reply = greetMeSomeTimeResp.get();

The greetMeSometimeAsync() method invokes the greetMeSometimes operation, transmitting the input parameters to the remote service and returning a reference to a<GreetMeSometimeResponse> object. The Response class is defined by extending the standard java.util.concurrency.Future<T> interface, which is specifically designed for polling the outcome of work performed by a concurrent thread. There are essentially two basic approaches to polling using the Response object:

  • Non-blocking polling - before attempting to get the result, check whether the response has arrived by calling the non-blocking
    Response<T>.isDone() method. For example:

    Code Block
    Response<GreetMeSometimeResponse> greetMeSomeTimeResp = ...;
    if (greetMeSomeTimeResp.isDone()) {
      GreetMeSometimeResponse reply = greetMeSomeTimeResp.get();

  • Blocking polling - call Response<T>.get() right away and block until the response arrives (optionally specifying a timeout). For example, to poll for a response, with a 60 second timeout:

    Code Block
    Response<GreetMeSometimeResponse> greetMeSomeTimeResp = ...;
    GreetMeSometimeResponse reply = greetMeSomeTimeResp.get(

Implementing an asynchronous client with the callback approach


The implementation of handleResponse() shown in #Example11 simply gets the response data and stores it in a member variable, reply. The extra getResponse() method is just a convenience method that extracts the sole output parameter (that is, responseType) from the response.

#Example12 illustrates the callback approach to making an asynchronous operation call. Using this approach, the client invokes the operation by calling the special Java method, _OperationName_Async(), that returns a java.util.concurrency.Future<?> object and takes an extra parameter of AsyncHandler<T>.


The Future<?> object returned by greetMeSometimeAsync() can be used only to test whether or not a response has arrived yet - for example, by calling response.isDone(). The value of the response is only made available to the callback object, testAsyncHandler.


Please be careful when using asynchronous consumers along with reactive / non-blocking libraries. There is certain amount of intialization code (usually, on the first asynchronous invocation) which may cause unnecessary blocking.