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Table of Contents


PGA Installation Prerequisites 

NOTE: Plese refer documentation in Airavata Documentation: Prerequisites

Installing PGA in Ubuntu OS


  1. Requires a Unix or Unix like operating system
  2. Requires a web server (e.g apache web server) with PHP 5.4 or higher. Make sure have enabled mod_rewrite module in httpd.conf file and enable PHP SOAP extension
  3. Install Composer
  4. MYSQL database installation (Required if the user is hosting Airavata on his own. To communicate with SciGaP this step is not relevant)
  5. MCrypt PHP extension
  6. Follow instructions given in links to install the prerequisites based on the OS ;
    1. On Ubunutu:
    2. On Centos:
    3. On MAC OS:
  7. Important: Do not need to install Laravel. You can skip the steps given on the links

The following guide gives a sample installation starting from a fresh Ubunutu 12.04 installation.

  1. Update the ubuntu package manager
    1. sudo apt-get update

    2. sudo apt-get upgrade

  2. Install Apache 

    1. sudo apt-get install apache2

  3. Install PHP 5.4

    1. sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

    2. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-oldstable

    3. sudo apt-get update

    4. sudo apt-cache policy php5

    5. sudo apt-get install php5

  4. You can check the installed versions of apache and php using following commands

    1. apache2 -v 

    2. php -v

  5. Install the necessary php extensions

    1. sudo apt-get install unzip

    2. sudo apt-get install curl

    3. sudo apt-get install openssl

    4. sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt

    5. sudo apt-get install php-soap

  6. Install Composer System Wide

    1. curl -sS | php

    2. sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

  7. Activate mod_rewrite

    1. sudo a2enmod rewrite

    2. sudo service apache2 restart

  8. Open the default vhost config file:

    1. sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

    2. Now search for “AllowOverride None”  corresponding “DocumentRoot /var/www <Directory /var/www>” (which should be there TWO times) and change both to “AllowOverride All“. Search for these two lines.

    3. Exit and save with CTRL+X, Y, ENTER.

PGA Installation


  1. Download PGA from github to the document root of you web server /var/www. 
  2. Use git clone  or download the zip from the github web page.
  3. Go inside the PGA directory (e.g /var/www/airavata-php-gateway)
  4. Make sure the storage folder is writablesudo chmod -R 755 777 app/storage
  5. Go to [PGA_HOME]/app/config/pga_config.php and change the configuration to match your settingsMore instruction on pga_config.php follow step 6 in Airavata Documentation: pga_config.php configurations 
  6. Now issue composer install update commandsudo composer installupdate
  7. Restart the web server; sudo service apache2 restart

Installing PGA on Cent OS

Please follow documentation in Airavata Documentation: PGA Installation on Cent OS 7

Installing PGA in MAC OS


  1. To install MCrypt for PHP on MAC please follow the steps in
  2. Once above is completed follow the steps given in folowing links;
    1. Configuring Apache:
    2. Installing Composer:

PGA Installation

  1. Navigate to directory; cd /Library/WebServer/Documents

  2. git clone

  3. sudo service apache2 restart
  4. After cloning is completed navigate to gateway directory: cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/airavata-php-gateway

  5. Make sure the storage folder is writable sudo chmod -R 777 app/storage
  6. (optional) Go to [PGA_HOME]/app/config/pga_config.php and change the configuration to match your settings. More instruction on pga_config.php follow step 6 in Airavata Documentation: pga_config.php configurations
  7. Enable Apache extensions (mod_rewrite module and PHP SOAP extension)
    1.  sudo vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

      1. uncomment #LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/

      2. uncomment #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

  8. Now issue composer update command; sudo composer update
  9. Restart the web server sudo apachectl restart

Link the Local PGA with Hosted Airavata

  1. Once the PGA is installed you will have to link with hosted Airavata. 
  2. Contact Airavat hosting team (probably apache Airavata team) and obtain information required in section 'Airavata Client Configurations' of pga_config.php file in directory [PGA_HOME]/app/config

Troubleshooting PGA Installation Issues  

Having an issue with installation? Maybe someone earlier faced and the answer could be in  FAQs. Please try: Airavata Documentation: FAQ


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