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  • Name → local name to be able to reference the connector with. This name is shown in "show connectors" and will be used in connector DDLs like drop/alter and also in "create remote database .." statements.
  • TYPE → "HIVEJDBC" so Hive Metastore knows that Connector class to use.
  • URL → JDBC URL for the remote HiveServer instance.
  • DCPROPERTIES → This is a freeform list that contains other info like credentials and other optional properties. These properties will be passed onto the table definitions for the databases created using this connector

Note: Data Connectors in Hive are currently only used to read the data from remote sources. Write operations are not supported.

How do I use it?

  1. Create a connector first.
        CREATE CONNECTOR hiveserver_connector TYPE 'hivejdbc' URL 'jdbc:hive2://<maskedhost>:10000' 
    WITH DCPROPERTIES ("hive.sql.dbcp.username"="hive", "hive.sql.dbcp.password"="hive");

  2. Create a database of type REMOTE in hive using the connector from Step 1. This maps a remote database named "default" to a hive database named "hiveserver_remote" in hive.
