Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Bug Reference

Version 1: 
Version 2: 


Version 1: saml2

Version 2: saml2-production-grade



Currently CloudStack has its own authentication mechanism, the two of which methods include username/password auth which is cookie/session-key based and another which is HMAC signature based that uses api key and secret key.


I evaluated many opensource libraries which implement the SAML protocol and the most widely used stable library was OpenSAML. It will be implemented as a plugin using OpenSAML.

The version 1 implementation shipped with ACS 4.5.0/4.5.1 is not production grade, only supports HTTP-redirect binding and has several issues with respect to security, compatibility, support and interoperability.

The version 2 implementation aims to produce a production grade SAML2 auth plugin has honours compatibility and interoperability, and supports more endpoint bindings with several widely used IdP servers such as Shibboleth.

Testing Consideration

For testing the plugin with CloudStack, we only need an IdP which can be setup locally using Shibboleth IdP software (, or simply using one of the following free to use public IdP (discovery) service:



Author / Reviewer



Rohit Yadav / ACS-dev community



Rohit Yadav






AssertionA part of SAML message (an XML document) which provides facts about subject of the assertion (typically about the authenticated user). Assertions can contain information about authentication, associated attributes or authorization decisions.
ArtifactIdentifier which can be used to retrieve a complete SAML message from identity or service provider using a back-channel binding.
BindingMechanism used to deliver SAML message. Bindings are divided to front-channel bindings which use web-browser of the user for message delivery (e.g. HTTP-POST or HTTP-Redirect) and back-channel bindings where identity provider and service provider communicate directly (e.g. using SOAP calls in Artifact binding).
DiscoveryMechanism used to determine which identity provider should be used to authenticate user currently interacting with the service provider.
MetadataDocument describing one or multiple identity and service providers. Metadata typically includes entity identifier, public keys, endopoint URLs, supported bindings and profiles, and other capabilities or requirements. Exchange of metadata between identity and service providers is typically the first step for establishment of federation.
ProfileStandardized combination of protocols, assertions, bindings and processing instructions used to achieve a particular use-case such as single sign-on, single logout, discovery, artifact resolution.
ProtocolDefinition of format (schema) for SAML messages used to achieve particular functionality such as requesting authentication from IDP, performing single logout or requesting attributes from IDP.
Identity provider (IDP)Entity which knows how to authenticate users and provides information about their identity to service providers/relaying parties using federation protocols.
Service provider (SP)Your application which communicates with the identity provider in order to obtain information about the user it interacts with. User information such as authentication state and user attributes is provided in form of security assertions.
Single Sign-On (SSO)Process enabling access to multiple web sites without need to repeatedly present credentials necessary for authentication. Various federation protocols such as SAML, WS-Federation, OpenID or OAuth can be used to achieve SSO use-cases. Information such as means of authentication, user attributes, authorization decisions or security tokens are typically provided to the service provider as part of single sign-on.
Single Logout (SLO)Process terminating authenticated sessions at all resources which were accessed using single sign-on. Techniques such as redirecting user to each of the SSO participants or sending a logout SOAP messages are typically used.


  • RSA/X509 signature along with 
  • Create/manage JKS Keystore, X509 keys
  • Handle expiry time (as sent by SAML assertion for valid user), on expiry how auth/reauth should work




Version 1: Done
  • Implemented as a separate SAML auth plugin
  • The authentication layer was refactored as a framework to support pluggable authentication mechanisms such as SAML
  • SSO/SLO works and is tested against which is also the default pre-configured ACS IDP
  • SP XML metadata is listed using getSPMetaData API
  • Global configs are created with saml.* namespace
  • IdP MetaData is loaded when plugin starts using a provided url from Config
  • Cryptographics signature verification is done on Response object when doing SSO
  • Fixes CloudStack UI to auto unbox cookie values
  • If users are removed from IdP, SSO will not work but recommendation is that admins disable the user account which is removed
Version 2:


In Progress

TBD Future:

  • Answer open-ended questions
  • Get some field testing done and fix any integration issues
  • UI module at login screen (right now we don't want to add a button for SSO)

IP Clearance

  • Dependencies:
    • OpenSAML: Apache 2.0 license


For testing the plugin, you may use one of publicly available IdP servers such as SSOCircle etc. or download the IDP ova appliance:

The IDP appliance has a pre-configured Shibbotleth 2.4.0 server and OpenLDAP.

Login credentials:
username = root
password = password

LDAP admin: admin
LDAP password: password 

The hostname is A record to IP, if you need to change the IDPServer appliance IP (say in KVM, VMWare Fusion, VirtualBox), add an entry in your hosts files for domain. 

Note: After starting the IDP VM, run "sudo ntpdate" to update its date/time and make sure that the management server host has same effective time as the IDP server. In case time/date mismatches, the IDP server on single-sign-on will state security errors and fail.

LDAP interface:
Shibboleth IdP Metadata:

To test, build CloudStack, deploydb and deploydb-saml. The SAML plugin is located in the source directory at this location: "plugins/user-authenticators/saml2/"


The deploydb-saml will automatically configure ldap and saml auth plugin in CloudStack to use with this appliance.

  • Build CloudStack:
    mvn clean install -P developer

  • Deploy Database:
    mvn -q -Pdeveloper -pl developer -D
    mvn -q -Pdeveloper -pl developer -Ddeploydb-saml
  • Start management server:
    mvn -pl client jetty:run 

Log in to CloudStack and check/update global settings by searching for all config settings starting with 'saml'. If you need to change them, restart the management server.

Import users from LDAP or add them manually. Next authorize the user(s) to use SAML SSO against a IdP server by choosing the correct entity ID.

Log out and select an appropriate IdP server from the list of dropdown (in the default case it will be only one, pre-selected) and enter the domain where your account is, the default domain is the ROOT or / domain. Click on SAML SSO button which will redirect you to the IdP log in page, where upon successful authentication you'll be redirected to CloudStack UI with your user account logged in.

As a compatibility requirement, the SAML SP implementation in CloudStack need to adhere to the SAML profile:

There is a strict policy on timestamps and cryptographic token checking using IdP server's public key and SP (CloudStack's) private key, so sometimes upon successful authentication the UI may not get logged in - in this case simply re-login using SAML SSO. By default when the management server starts for the first time, SAML certificates are created and stored in cloud.keystore table.

On every SAML SSO attempt, an entry is recorded in CloudStack's cloud.saml_token table to protect against spoofed log-in attempts or an IdP initiated log in where CloudStack won't know in specific domain the user wishes to log in. On Firefox, SAML tracer add-on can be used to view the SAML tokens that get exchanged. Every SAML Request (AuthnRequest) is a XML encoded HTTP-POST request as per the profile, the XML consists of the issuer information (SP information, name, entity ID), a unique ID (securely generated random string) and some security enforcement on how to authenticate the user. In cloud.saml_token table, we store the IdP we will redirect the user to, along with the unique ID used in the XML and the domain name to be later referenced.

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After successfully authenticated from the IdP/federation login system, a SAML Response is sent to the CloudStack SAML Plugin either as a HTTP-Redirect (GET) or HTTP-POST (POST) request that consists of an XML that has issuer information (IdP entity name, timestamp etc), response information (saml token ID, response to ID), authentication status (success, failure etc) and encrypted and unencrypted attributes.

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The response ID in the SAML Response is same as the unique ID we generated for the SAML request, this ID can be used to verify from cloud.saml_token table if we generated any authentication response or not, along with the IdP and domain selected if we did request it. Using this information and user attributes parsed from the XML's encrypted or unencrypted attribute nodes, we get the user details (username, domain and IDP name) and if the user is authorized we log in the user by setting appropriate cookies and redirect the browser to CloudStack's UI which checks these cookies and logs in the user. We return error, in case the user is found to be not authorized i.e. either the user was not SAML enabled or not enabled for the specific IdP or just does not exist in the chosen domain.

it consists of   Using saml_token table, we can know if a user wants to access a specific domain upon successful log in, this is useful in case a user has multiple user account with same "username" across several domains. The saml_token table can be flushed after a timeout period.

The SAML IDP metadata of the IDP/Shibbotleth server can be accessed from:

The SAML SP metadata can be accessed from CloudStack: http://localhost:8080/client/api?command=getSpMetadata