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serverASF JIRA



Targeted for ACS master


  1. Existing API deployVirtualMachine will be updated
    1. Adding 1 new optional parameter – vmsnapshotid
      1. vmsnapshotid - UUID of the VM snapshot that the VM has to be deployed from.
      2. This parameter would be mutually exclusive with the existing parameter ‘templateid’, which represents a template or iso
      3. Usage - &vmsnapshotid=<vmsnapshot-uuid>
    2. Modifying the existing parameter templateid from required to optional

  2. seedTemplateFromVmSnapshot– New API introduced
    1. Parameters –
      1. zoneid - UUID of zone
        1. Required
      2. vmsnapshotid - UUID of the VM snapshot from which the template would be created from.
        1. Required
      3. storageid - UUID of primary storage pool where the template need to be seeded onto.
        1. Required
      4. Usage - &vmsnapshotid=<vmsnapshot-uuid>&zoneid=<zone-uuid>&storageid=<primary-storage-uuid>

  3. createVolumeFromVmSnapshot -  New API will be introduced. In class that implements this API inherits CreateVolumeCmd class due to the functional overlap. Hence all required parameters of createVolume API would required for this API too. Following are the parameters specific to this API and doesn't belong to createVolume API.
    1. Parameters – vmsnapshotid, volumeId.
      1. vmsnapshotid
        1. UUID of the VM snapshot from which the volume should be extracted and created from.
        2. Required parameter
        3. Usage - &vmsnapshotid=<vmsnapshot-uuid>
      2. volumeId
        1. UUID of the volume from which (content of) new volume would be created so that content of volume would be identical to that of the volume from snapshot specified by vmsnapshotid.
        2. Required parameter
        3. Usage - &volumeId=<volume-uuid>
    2. Size of new volume would be same as that of the volume specified by <volumeid>
