Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Start up your Eclipse workspace.

  2. Open up Java Perspective
    Window → Perspective → Open Perspective → Java
  3. Open up Git Repositories view:
    Window → Show View → Other → Git → Git Repositories 
  4. In the view, click the "Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view":  

  5. Enter the information for the Juneau Git Repository.  Then click next.

    The URI for the Juneau project is
    Use your Apache GitHub user/password.
  6. In the Branch Selection page, select only the master branch.  Then click next.

  7. In the Local Destination page, select a location where your local Git repository will reside.  
    Note that this is NOT the same location as your workspace. 
    Make sure to select the checkbox for importing all the projects into your workspace.
    Then click finish.
  8. After a couple of minutes, you should see various projects loaded into your workspace:

  9. If you see the project "my-microservice" in your workspace, you can remove it (but don't delete from the file system!).
    This is being picked up from the .project file inside juneau-microservice-template/build-overlay used to create the starter template project and not a project by itself.

  10. If you see warnings about JavaSE-1.7, you can go to... 
    Preferences → Java → Installed JREs → Execution Environments
    ....and map an existing JVM (e.g. Java 8).
    The core Juneau libraries still support Java 7 as of release 7.2.1.
    The current plan is to prereq Java 8 in Juneau 8.0.

3 - Loading code style preferences (optional)

Various code style preferences are located in the /juneau-root/eclipse-preferences directory.


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