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} JAX-RS (JSR-311) {span} {toc} h1. Introduction CXF supports JAX-RS (JSR-311), Java API for RESTful Web Services. JAX-RS standardizes the way RESTful services can be developed in Java. CXF 2.3.0 supports [JSR-311 API 1.1|]. CXF 2.2.x supports [JSR-311 API 1.0 |]. CXF 2.3.0 and CXF 2.2.x have passed JAX-RS TCK 1.1 and TCK 1.0 respectively. CXF 2.1.x supports [JSR-311 API 0.8|]. JAX-RS related demos are located under the samples/jax_rs directory. This documentation will refer to [JSR-311 API 1.1 |]. h1. Migration h2. Migrating from JAX-RS 0.8 to 1.0 The following major changes in 1.0 will most likely affect users migrating from 0.8 - @ProduceMime and @ConsumeMime have been replaced with @Produces and @Consumes respectively - HttpHeaders has had some of its methods returning a string representation of Locale updated to return Locale instead h2. Migrating from 1.0 to 1.1 Existing JAX-RS 1.0 applications should run in CXF 2.3.0 without any problems. There have been just few minor modifications at the JAX-RS API level : - @ApplicationPath has been introduced which JAX-RS Application implementations can be annotated with; - Request interface has been updated with a new evaluatePreconditions method with no input parameters - the existing applications which are already using the Request interface may need to be recompiled. h1. Maven dependencies To incorporate JAX-RS, you will need: {code:xml} <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <artifactId>cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs</artifactId> <version>2.3.0</version> </dependency> {code} This will in turn pull in other CXF modules such cxf-api, cxf-rt-core, cxf-rt-transports-http and cxf-rt-bindings-xml as well as [the following 3rd-party dependencies|]: 1. (or 1.0 for CXF 2.2.x) 2. org.apache.abdera groupId : abdera-core, abdera-parser and abdera-extensions-json artifacts, version 1.1. Note that starting from CXF 2.3.0 the Abdera dependencies are optional. 3. org.springframework/spring-core/3.0.5-RELEASE (and other core Spring dependencies) 4. org.codehaus.jettison/jettison/1.2 5. org.apache.xmlbeans/xmlbeans/2.4.0 Please check [the pom.xml|] for the list of cxf components used by the JAX-RS implementation. Snapshots are available from h1. Setting up the classpath in Eclipse or Ant If Maven is not used then the following jars need to be available at the runtime classpath. For CXF 2.3.0: - cxf-2.3.0.jar - jsr311-api-1.1.jar - jaxb-impl-2.1.13.jar - jaxb-api-2.1.jar - geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec-1.1.1.jar - geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.1.jar - geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec_1.0.jar - commons-logging-1.1.1.jar - geronimo-stax_api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar - woodstox-core-asl-4.0.8.jar - stax2-api-3.0.1.jar - wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar - XmlSchema-1.4.5.jar - neethi-2.0.4.jar For CXF 2.2.x the dependencies are similar : - cxf-2.2.12.jar - jsr311-api-1.0.jar - do not add stax2-api-3.0.1.jar - add wstx-asl-3.2.8.jar instead of woodstox-core-asl-4.0.3.jar - add saaj-api-1.3.jar If Spring configuration is used then add spring.jar from the Spring distribution or the spring jars available in the CXF distribution. When creating client proxies from concrete classes the cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar needs to be added. You do not need to add JAXB libraries if you do not use JAXB. If you depend on Jetty then you will also need to add Jetty 7 or Jetty 6 jars shipped with CXF 2.3.0 and 2.2.12 respectively. We will work on reducing the set of required dependencies. Please see the configuration sections below on how a spring dependency can be dropped. h1. CXF JAX-RS bundle A standalone [JAX-RS bundle|] is now available which may be of interest to users doing JAX-RS work only. h1. Understanding the basics You are encouraged to read [JAX-RS spec |] [(html version) |] to find out information not covered by this documentation. The JAX-RS introduces such terms as root resources, resource methods, sub-resources and sub-resource locators, message body readers and writers, etc. Please see the [JAX-RS Basics] page for more information. h1. Support for data bindings JAX-RS MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter can be used to create data bindings for reading and writing the data in a number of different formats. Compliant JAX-RS implementations are expected to support JAXB-annotated beans, JAXP Source objects, InputStreams, etc. In addition, CXF JAX-RS lets users reuse existing CXF DataBindings for working with JAXB, XBeans, Aegis and SDO. Please see the [JAX-RS Data Bindings] page for more information. h1. Support for Complex Search Queries Using [query parameter beans|] provides for a way to capture all the search requirements which can be expressed by enumerating simple name/value pairs, example, a query such as '?name=CXF&version=2.3' can be captured by a bean containing setName and setVersion methods. This 'template' bean can be used in the code to compare it against all the available local data. CXF JAXRS (since 2.3) supports another option for users to do the advanced search queries based on the [Feed Item Query Language|](FIQL). Please see the [JAXRS Advanced Features] page for more information. h1. Debugging One may want to use a browser to test how a given HTTP resource reacts to different HTTP Accept or Accept-Language header values and request methods. For example, if a resource class supports a "/resource" URI then one can test the resource class using one of the following queries : GET /resource.xml GET /resource.en The runtime will replace '.xml' or '.en' with an appropriate header value. For it to know the type or language value associated with a given URI suffix, some configuration needs to be done. Here's an example how to do it in Spring : {code:xml} <jaxrs:server id="customerService" address="/"> <jaxrs:serviceBeans> <bean class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.systests.CustomerService" /> </jaxrs:serviceBeans> <jaxrs:extensionMappings> <entry key="json" value="application/json"/> <entry key="xml" value="application/xml"/> </jaxrs:extensionMappings> <jaxrs:languageMappings/> </jaxrs:server> {code} CXF also supports a _type query as an alternative to appending extensions like '.xml' to request URIs : GET /resource?_type=xml Overriding a request method is also easy: GET /resource?_method=POST Please see the [Debugging and Logging] page for more information on how to debug and log the service calls in CXF. h1. Logging Many of the existing CXF features can be applied either to jaxrs:server or jaxrs:client. For example, to enable the logging of requests and responses, simply do: {code:xml} <beans xmlns:cxf="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <jaxrs:server> <jaxrs:features> <cxf:logging/> </jaxrs:features> <jaxrs:server> </beans> {code} Please make sure an "" namespace is in scope. Starting from CXF 2.3.0 it is also possible to convert log events into Atom entries and either push them to receivers or make available for polling. Please see the [Debugging and Logging] page for more information. h1. Filters CXF suports filters. Often it's necessary to pre- or post-process some requests according to a number of requirements. For example, a request like GET /resource?_type=xml is supported by a CXF specific RequestHandler filter which modifies the CXF input Message by updating one of its headers. In some cases users can use the existing filter technologies such as Servler filters or Spring AOP proxies. In other cases, it can be handy to write a CXF filter which will introspect the resource class, input or output message, the operation which was invoked and modify the request or response accordingly. Here are the interface definitions : {code:java} public interface RequestHandler { Response handleRequest(Message inputMessage, ClassResourceInfo resourceClass); } {code} The request handler implementation can either modify the input Message and let the request to proceed or block the request by returning a non-null Response. A response filter implementation can get an access to OperationResourceInfo object representing a method to be invoked on a resource class : {code:java} OperationResourceInfo ori = exchange.get(OperationResourceInfo.class); {code} Use OperationResourceInfo in your filter with care. In principle a given request chain may have filters which may want to overwrite Accept or ContentType message headers which might lead to another method be selected. However if you know no such filters (will) exist in your application then you might want to check an OperationResourceInfo instance as part of your filter logic. When modifying an input message, one would typically want to replace a message input stream or one of its headers, such as ContentType : {code:java} InputStream is = message.getContent(InputStream.class); message.setContent(new MyFilterInputStream(is)); message.put(Message.ACCEPT_CONTENT_TYPE, "custom/media"); {code} {code:java} public interface ResponseHandler { Response handleResponse(Message outputMessage, OperationResourceInfo invokedOperation, Response response); } {code} The response handler implementation can optionally overwrite or modify the application Response or modify the output message. When modifying an output message, one may want to either replace an output stream before message body providers attempt to write to it or replace the actual response object : {code:java} // replace an output stream OutputStream os = message.getContent(OutputStream.class); message.setContent(new MyFilterOutputStream(os)); // replace an actual object response.setEntity(new MyWrapper(response.getEntity())) // or using a low-level Message api if needed MessageContentsList objs = MessageContentsList.getContentsList(message); if (objs !== null && objs.size() == 1) { Object responseObj = objs.remove(0); obj.add(new MyWrapper(responseObj)); } {code} Please see [this blog entry|] for another example of when response filters can be useful. Multiple request and response handlers are supported. The implementations can be registered like any other types of providers : {code:xml} <beans> <jaxrs:server id="customerService" address="/"> <jaxrs:serviceBeans> <bean class="org.CustomerService" /> </jaxrs:serviceBeans> <jaxrs:providers> <ref bean="authorizationFilter" /> </jaxrs:providers> <bean id="authorizationFilter" class=""> <!-- authorization bean properties --> </bean> </jaxrs:server> </beans> {code} h2. Difference between JAXRS filters and CXF interceptors JAXRS runtime flow is mainly implemented by a pair of 'classical' CXF interceptors. JAXRSInInterceptor is currently at Phase.PRE_STREAM phase while JAXRSOutInterceptor is currently at Phase.MARSHAL phase. JAXRS filters can be thought of as additional handlers. JAXRSInInterceptor deals with a chain of RequestHandlers, just before the invocation. JAXRSOutInterceptor deals with a chain of ResponseHandlers, just after the invocation but before message body writers get their chance. Sometimes you may want to use CXF interceptors rather than writing JAXRS filters. For example, suppose you combine JAXWS and JAXRS and you need to log only inbound or outbound messages. You can reuse the existing CXF interceptors : {code:xml} <beans> <bean id="logInbound" class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor"/> <bean id="logOutbound" class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingOutInterceptor"/> <jaxrs:server> <jaxrs:inInterceptors> <ref bean="logInbound"/> </jaxrs:inInterceptors> <jaxrs:outInterceptors> <ref bean="logOutbound"/> </jaxrs:outInterceptors> </jaxrs:server> <jaxws:endpoint> <jaxws:inInterceptors> <ref bean="logInbound"/> </jaxws:inInterceptors> <jaxws:outInterceptors> <ref bean="logOutbound"/> </jaxws:outInterceptors> </jaxws:endpoint> </beans> {code} Reusing other CXF interceptors/features such as GZIP handlers can be useful too. h2. Overriding request and response properties Now and then one needs to overwrite various request and response properties like HTTP method or request URI, response headers or status codes. JAX-RS Response may be used to specify custom status and response headers but it might be intrusive to use it in certain cases. Here are some more examples. h3. Overriding HTTP method There are 3 options available : 1. Use a _method system query like > GET /books?_method=RETRIEVE 2. Register a custom RequestHandler filter which will replace the current method value keyed by Message.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD in a given Message. 3. Specify an HTTP header X-HTTP-Method-Override : > POST /books > X-HTTP-Method-Override : PATCH For example, at the moment http-centric client API does not support arbitrary HTTP verbs except for those supported by Java HTTPUrlConnection. When needed, X-HTTP-Method-Override can be set to overcome this limitation. h3. Overriding request URI, query and headers One can do it either from a CXF input interceptor (registered at the early phase like USER_STREAM) or from a RequestHandler filter, for example : {code:java} String s = m.get(Message.REQUEST_URI); s += "/data/"; m.put(Message.REQUEST_URI, s); {code} If the updated Request URI has a new query string, then you also need to update a Message.QUERY_STRING property. Similarly, one can update request HTTP headers, by modifying a Message.REQUEST_HEADERS Message object which is a Map containing String and List of Strings entries. h3. Overriding response status code and headers It is assumed here a user prefers not to use explicit Response objects in the application code. This can be done either from a CXF output interceptor (phase like MARSHALL will do) or from a ResponseHandler filter, for example this code will work for both JAXRS and JAXWS : {code:java} public class CustomOutInterceptor extends AbstractOutDatabindingInterceptor { public CustomOutInterceptor() { super(Phase.MARSHAL); } public void handleMessage(Message outMessage) { Map<String, List<String>> headers = (Map<String, List<String>>)outMessage.get(Message.PROTOCOL_HEADERS); // modify headers } {code} At the moment it is not possible to override a response status code from a CXF interceptor running before JAXRSOutInterceptor, like CustomOutInterceptor above, which will be fixed. The only option at the moment is to use a custom ResponseHandler which will replace the current Response object with another one containing the required status. h2. Ignoring JAXRS MessageBodyWriters In some cases you may want to have a JAXRS Response entity which a given RequestHandler or ResponseHandler has produced to be directly written to the output stream. For example, a CXF JAXRS WADLGenerator RequestHandler produces an XML content which does not have to be serialized by JAXRS MessageBodyWriters. If you do need to have the writers ignored then set the following property on the current exchange in the custom handler : {code:java} message.getExchange().put("ignore.response.writers", true); {code} h1. Custom invokers *Note* This feature is not available in CXF 2.2.1 Using custom JAXR-RS invokers is yet another way to pre or post process a given invocation. For example, this [invoker|] does a security check before delegating to the default JAXRS invoker. A custom invoker, like a request filter, has the access to all the information accumulated during the processing of a given call, but additionally, it can also check the actual method parameter values. Custom invokers can be registered like this : {code:xml} <beans> <jaxrs:server address="/"> <jaxrs:invoker> <bean class="org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.CustomJAXRSInvoker"/> </jaxrs:invoker> </jaxrs:server> </beans> {code} h1. Advanced HTTP CXF JAXRS provides support for a number of advanced HTTP features by handling If-Match, If-Modified-Since and ETags headers. JAXRS Request context object can be used to check the preconditions. Vary, CacheControl, Cookies and Set-Cookies are also supported. h1. Advanced Features CXF JAX-RS provides a number of advanced extensions such as the support for the JMS transport, one-way invocations (HTTP and JMS), the suspended invocations (HTTP and JMS), making existing code REST-aware by applying the external user models, etc. Please see the [JAX-RS Advanced Features] page for more information. h1. Secure JAX-RS services A demo called samples\jax_rs\basic_https shows you how to do communications using HTTPS. Spring Security can be quite easily applied too (see "JAXRS and Spring AOP" section for some general advice). h2. Checking HTTP security headers It is often containers like Tomcat or frameworks like Spring Security which deal with ensuring a current user is authenticated. Sometimes you might want to deal with the authentication manually. The easiest way to do it is to register a custom invoker or RequestHandler filter which will extract a user name and password like this (note it will work only for basic authentication requests only) : {code:java} public class AuthenticationHandler implements RequestHandler { public Response handleRequest(Message m, ClassResourceInfo resourceClass) { AuthorizationPolicy policy = (AuthorizationPolicy)m.get(AuthorizationPolicy.class); policy.getUserName(); policy.getPassword(); // alternatively : // HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeadersImpl(m); // access the headers as needed return null; } } {code} h2. SecurityManager and IllegalAccessExceptions If java.lang.SecurityManager is installed then you'll likely need to configure the trusted JAXRS codebase with a 'suppressAccessChecks' permission for the injection of JAXRS context or parameter fields to succeed. For example, you may want to update a Tomcat [catalina.policy|] with the following permission : {code} grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/yourwebapp/lib/cxf.jar" { permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks"; }; {code} h1. Client API JAX-RS 1.0 does not provide for the standard approach toward consuming pure HTTP-based services thus CXF JAX-RS provides a comprehensive support for developing RESTful clients by introducing 3 flavors of the client API : proxy-based, HTTP-centric and XML-centric. Please see the [JAX-RS Client API] page for more information. h1. XPath and XSLT XPath and XSLT are promoted and treated as first-class citizens in CXF JAX-RS. These technologies can be very powerful when generating complex data or retrieving data of interest out of complex XML fragments. h2. XPath support XPath is supported on the server and client sides with the help of [XMLSource|] utility class. Please see above how http-centric WebClients can use XPath, here is an example for the server side : {code:java} @Path("/root") public class Root { @POST public void post(XMLSource source) { String value = source.getProperty("/books/book/@name"); } } {code} Users have an option to hide XPath expressions, by registering an [XPathProvider|], either on client or server sides. For example : {code:java} XPathProvider provider = new XPathProvider(); provider.setGlobalExpression("/books/book[position() = 1]"); WebClient wc = WebClient.create("http://aggregated/data", Collections.singletonList(provider)); Book b = wc.get(Book.class); {code} h2. XSLT support XSLT is currently supported by [XSLTJaxbProvider|]. This provider works in tandem with JAXB and can be used to produce pretty much any format, including non-XML ones. Likewise, it can be used to extract XML data out of incoming XML fragments, either on the client or server sides. XSLTJaxbProvider can be configured to handle input or output data, scoped by media types if needed. For example, one may configure it such that one template handles "application/xml" formats only while the other one handles "application/json" writes only. XSLTJaxbProvider uses an injected JAX-RS UriInfo to inject all the usual JAX-RS information like template or query parameters into a given XSLT template. For example, given this resource method definition : {code:java} @Path("/root") public class Root { @GET @Path("{id}") public Book get(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("name") String name) { return getBook(id, name); } } {code} an XSLT template processing the JAXB-driven serialization of a Book instance will have parameters with name 'id' and 'name' injected. Note that when XSLTJaxbProvider is used on the client side, it may not always be possible for template parameters be injected in cases when http-centric clients are used (as opposed to proxies). For example : {code:java} WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://books"); client.path("/store/1").get(); {code} it is not possible to deduce that '1' represents a template parameter in the "/store/1" expression. However, one can use the following code instead if '1' needs to be available to XSLT templates : {code:java} WebClient client = WebClient.create("http://books"); client.path("/store/{id}", 1).get(); {code} h1. Redirection CXF 2.2.5 supports redirecting to other servlet resources for a given request and/or response be completed. h2. With RequestDispatcherProvider [RequestDispatcherProvider|] is a JAXRS MessageBodyWriter which can redirect to JSP pages, named or default servlets. It can be used to serve all the responses from a given resource class or restricted to serving a limited set of classes only using a classResources map property. Note that this classResources property can also be used to specify the name of the key which JSP pages or other downstream servlets will use to access a response object. At the moment, this provider is statically configured to support text/html content types, but it can be easily configured to support other content types if needed. Please see this [beans.xml|]. As you can see, it is possible to redirect to either to static resources such as book.html (possibly for providing some default response) or dynamic resources such as JSP pages. It is also possible to redirect to named servlets. Note that the only required property is a 'requestPath' one and its value should start with a forward slash but it does not have to point to an existing web application resource such as book.html; it can also have values like "/other/services/", possibly in a combination with a 'dispatcherName' property. Finally, a servletContextPath property can be used to have some other ServletContext (as opposed to the current one) be used for RequestDispatcher look-ups. If set then the current ServletContext.getContext(servletContextPath) will be used to get the needed ServletContext. h2. With CXFServlet Please see the "Redirection" section on the [Servlet Transport|] page. Note that both CXFServlet and JAXRS RequestDispatcher provider can work together effectively on executing the redirection requests as described at that page. If you have CXFServlet listening on "/" (thus effectively catching all the requests) and also would like to use RequestDispatcher, then make sure that a 'dispatcherName' property is also set, for example : {code:xml} <bean id="dispatchProvider" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.RequestDispatcherProvider"> <property name="dispatcherName" value="jsp"/> <property name="resourcePath" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/test.jsp"/> <property name="scope" value="request"/> </bean> {code} If resources which are redirected to can be made public (i.e, moved out of /WEB-INF) then alternative option (instead of adding a 'dispatcherName' property to RequestDispatcherProvider and still have CXFServlet listening on '/') is to configure both RequestDispatcherProvider and CXFServlet to redirect to resources such as "/jsp/test.jsp". h2. Custom Redirection One can borrow some of the code from RequestDispatcherProvider and do the custom redirection from CXF in interceptors or custom invokers, if you will try to do it then you will also need to set an AbstractHTTPDestination.REQUEST_REDIRECTED property with a 'true' value on a current input message. h1. Model-View-Controller support h2. XSLT Please see [this blog entry|] on how XSLTJaxbProvider can be used to generate complex (X)HTML views. h2. JSP With the introduction of the RequestDispatcherProvider (see above) it is now possible for JAXRS service responses be redirected to JSP pages for further processing. Please see this [beans.xml|]. In addition to 'resourcePath' and 'dispatcherName' properties, one can set a 'scope' property which has two possible values, 'request' and 'session' with 'request' being the default value. It affects the way the JSP code can retrieve parameters passed to it by the RequestDispatcherProvider. If it is a 'request' scope then all the parameters are set as the attributes on the current HTTP request, if it is a session then they're set as the attributes on the current HTTP session. RequestDispatcherProvider sets the following parameters : - JAXRS method response object, the name of this parameter is either a simple class name of this object (lower case) or a value retrieved from a beanNames map property using the fully qualified class name of this object. - All the path, query and matrix parameters which have been initialized during the method execution - "absolute.path", "base.path" and "relative.path" obtained from the current UriInfo h1. Support for Multiparts Multiparts can be handled in a number of ways. CXF core runtimes provides an advanced support for handling attachments and CXF JAX-RS builds upon it. Please see the [JAX-RS Multiparts] page for more information. h1. Service listings and WADL support CXF JAX-RS now supports the auto-generation of [WADL|] for JAX-RS endpoints. Note that JAX-RS subresources are supposed to be late-resolved, so using annotated interfaces for subresources and a staticSubresourceResolution=true property will let the whole resource tree/graph be described in a generated instance. Schemas will be generated for JAXB-annotated types. WADL instances for RESTful endpoints are available from \{base endpointaddress\}/services, in addition to SOAP endpoints if any. Note that you can override the location at which listings are provided (in case you would like '/services' be available to your resources) using 'service-list-path' servlet parameter, ex : > 'service-list-path' = '/listings' Going to the service listings page is not the only way to see the wadl instances, generally one can get it using a ?_wadl query. For example, given {code:xml} Base address : 'http://localhost:8080' WAR name : 'store' CXFServlet : '/books/*' jaxrs:server/@address = '/orders' jaxrs:server/@staticSubresourceResoulution = 'true' {code} and 2 root resource classes registered with this endpoint, say {code:java} @Path("/fiction") public class FictionBookOrders { } @Path("/sport") public class SportBookOrders { } {code} then > http://localhost:8080/store/books/orders?_wadl will give you the description of all the root resource classes registered with a given jaxrs:server endpoint, including all the subresources. While > http://localhost:8080/store/books/orders/fiction?_wadl > http://localhost:8080/store/books/orders/sport?_wadl will give you all the info for FictionBookOrders and SportBookOrders respectively. If you have many jaxrs:endpoints then visiting > http://localhost:8080/store/books > http://localhost:8080/store/books/services will let you see all the WADL links. Note that the media type for a ?_wadl response is set to 'application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml' which is something Firefox does not really like unless some wadl plugin is registered. If an HTTP Accept header is set to 'application/xml' then Firefox will show it with no problems. Doing '?_wadl&_type=xml' will ensure a WADL generator will see Accept being set set to 'application/xml'. h2. Documenting resource classes and methods in WADL WADL documents can include [doc|] fragments. Users may want to use [Description|] annotations which can be attached to resource classes and methods. h2. Custom WADL providers One can register a custom WADLGenerator as a jaxrs:provider. The custom generator can extend the default org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.model.wadl.WADLGenerator or register a default one with one of the following properties set. - wadlNamespace : default is "", the earlier one is "". - singleResourceMultipleMethods : default is 'true', for example, if a resource class has multiple methods supported at the same path such as "/" (GET, POST, etc) then WADL will list them all as the child nodes of a single resource element. - useSingleSlashResource : default is false, for example, if you have a root resource class with a path "root" and a resource method with a path "" or "/" then a WADL resource representing the root will not have a child resource representing this resource method (it would do if a resource method had a more specific path such as "bar"). h3. Representing external schemas and non JAXB types By default, the WADL grammar section will be properly generated if resource methods accept or return JAXB types. Even when you do use JAXB, the JAXB types may have been generated from the external schema so having WADLGenerator attempting to recreate the original schema may not work well. To have a generated WADL referencing the original schema(s) please set a 'schemaLocations' list property (programmatically or from Spring) : {code:java} WadlGenerator wg = new WadlGenerator(); wg.setSchemaLocations(Collections.singletonList("classpath:/book.xsd")); {code} In this case the grammar section will have the 'book.xsd' schema inlined. If this schema imports other schemas then the imports with relative URIs will be replaced by the absolute URIs based on the current endpoint's base address. For example, if the endpoint address is "http://somehost/bar" and the 'book.xsd' imports "foo/book1.xsd" then the published WADL will contain an "http://somehost/bar/foo/book1.xsd". At the moment a custom RequestHandler filter will have to be registered to serve resources such as "http://somehost/bar/foo/book1.xsd" which can 'calculate' which resource is required get the absolute request URI and comparing it with the base URI, possibly with the help of the injected JAXRS UriInfo context. Alternatively, resources such as book1.xsd may be served by CXFServlet itself (see the Redirection with CXFServlet) TODO : add ignoreImports flag so that users can list root and imported schemas in "schemaLocations" and have them all inlined. Note that the root schema such as "book.xsd" is inlined - you can have it referenced only by setting an 'externalLinks' list property. This will very well when the "book.xsd" is indeed available at some external URI, but this property can be used to avoid the local schemas being inlined. Moreover, using JAXB will not be required. The result will look like this : {code:xml} <wadl:grammars> <wadl:include href="http://books.xsd"/> </wadl:grammars> {code} Note that "schemaLocations" and "externalLinks" properties differ in that the schemas referenced by the former one are inlined. You can also customize the way schema elements are referenced. When WADLGenerator creates WADL representation elements (representing resource method input or output types) it will be able to link to schema elements provided a given type is actually a JAXB one, so the result may look like this : {code:xml} <!-- thebook2 element is declared in a schema inlined in or referenced from the grammar section prefix1 is bound to that schema's target namespace and is declared at the wadl:application element --> <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="prefix1:thebook2"/> {code} If no JAXB is used then you can attach an [XmlName|] annotation to method input or output types. Alternatively, you can register an instance of [ElementQNameResolver|] with the WADLGenerator which will be used for creating wadl:representation/@element values. h1. Hiding links to JAXRS endpoints from the services page In some cases you may not want the users to see the links to some of your JAXRS endpoints. For example, if you have an AtomPullServer endpoint collecting the log entries for a number of application endpoints, you may not want to the AtomPullServer endpoint being listed among the endpoints which the users are actually interested in. If so then adding an "org.apache.cxf.endpoint.private" boolean property with the value "true" will do the trick; note the same property can be used by jaxws endpoints. h1. Code Generation h2. Generating the client code at runtime If you register an org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.codegen.CodeGeneratorProvider with a jaxrs endpoint and issue a '_code' query to it then you will get back an XHTML page containing the link to a zipped client source code which you can download and start customizing. Internally, before the code gets generated, WADL will be generated first. The archive will include JAXB generated classes from a WADL grammar section plus the proxy based client code for accessing root and sub resources. The WebClient based code can not be generated just yet but one can request that only a WADL grammar section is processed by adding a '_codeType=grammar' query and easily adding a WebClient-based code. Here is how to get the archive programmatically : {code:java} WebClient wc = WebClient.create("http://localhost:9080/petstore"); XMLSource source = wc.query("_code").query("_os", getOs()).get(XMLSource.class); String link = source.getValue("ns:html/ns:body/ns:ul/ns:a/@href", Collections.singletonMap("ns","")); // download a zip file WebClient wcZip = WebClient.create(link); InputStream is = wcZip.accept("application/zip").get(InputStream.class); // unzip and compile it {code} Please see a [testPetStore|] test for more details. h1. Configuring JAX-RS services JAX-RS services can be configured programmatically, from Spring or using CXFNonSpringJAXRSServlet. Please see the [JAXRS Services Configuration] page for more information. h1. Matching the request URI There's a number of variables involved here. Lets assume you have a web application called 'rest'. CXFServlet's url-pattern is "/test/*". Finally, jaxrs:server's address is "/bar". Requests like /rest/test/bar or /rest/test/bar/baz will be delivered to one of the resource classes in a given jaxrs:server endpoint. For the former request be handled, a resource class with \@Path("/") should be available, in the latter case - at least \@Path("/") or more specific @Path("/baz"). The same requirement can be expressed by having a CXFServlet with "/*" and jaxrs:server with "/test/bar". When both CXFServlet and jaxrs:server use "/" then it's a root resource class which should provide a \@Path with at least "/test/bar" for the above requests be matched. Generally, it can be a good idea to specify the URI segments which are more likely to change now and then with CXFServlets or jaxrs:server. h1. Combining JAX-WS and JAX-RS Here's a beans.xml showing how to have a single service class supporting both SOAP and REST-based invocations at the same time with the help of JAX-WS and JAX-RS : {code:xml} <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jaxrs="" xmlns:jaxws="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" /> <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxrs-binding.xml" /> <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml" /> <!-- JAX-RS --> <jaxrs:server id="customerService" address="/"> <jaxrs:serviceBeans> <ref bean="customerService" /> </jaxrs:serviceBeans> </jaxrs:server> <!-- JAX-WS --> <jaxws:endpoint implementor="#customerService" address="/CustomerWorld" wsdlLocation="..."/> <bean id="customerService" class="demo.jaxrs.server.CustomerService" /> </beans> {code} Either contract-first or Java-first approach can be used for JAX-WS. JAX-RS annotations can be added to the existing service class. Some custom providers may need to be created, depending on the complexity of the method signatures. When a WSDL-first approach is used then a document-literal-wrapped style may or may not be a good fit as the code generator unwraps all the types into a signature, for example : {code:java} public class CustomerService { public void doIt(String a, String b) {...}; } {code} By default JAX-RS may not be able to handle such methods as it requires that only a single parameter can be available in a signature that is not annotated by one of the JAX-RS annotations like @PathParam. So if a 'String a' parameter can be mapped to a @Path template variable or one of the query segments then this signature won't need to be changed : {code:java} @Path("/customers/{a}") public class CustomerService { public void doIt(@PathParam("a") String a, String b) {...}; } {code} Note that CXF Continuations API is supported for both JAXWS and JAXRS services. h2. Dealing with contexts When combining JAXWS and JAXRS, one may need to access some context information as part of processing a given request. At the moment, CXF JAXRS does not offer a context implementation which can be used to access a request-specific information common for both JAXWS and JAXRS requests, in cases when the same methods are used to handle both JAXWS and JAXRS requests. Please use a JAXWS WebServiceContext and JAXRS contexts or CXF JAXRS composite MessageContext : {code:java} @Path("/customers") @WebService public class CustomerService { @Resource WebServiceContext jaxwsContext; @Resource MessageContext jaxrsContext; @WebMethod @POST public void doIt(String b) { isUserInRole(); }; private void isUserInRole() throws WebApplicationException { if (jaxwsContext.getSecurityContext() != null) { // soap invocation jaxwsContext.getSecurityContext().isUserInRole(theRole); } else { // http-only jaxrs one jaxrsContext.getSecurityContext().isUserInRole(theRole); } } } {code} Note that injected context instances (jaxwsContext and jaxrsContext) are in fact thread-local proxies hence they will not be equal to null even if they do not represent a given request. For example, jaxrsContext will not be equal to null even if it's not a JAXWS invocation which is being processed at the moment. However, if say a (JAXWS or JAXRS) SecurityContext needs to be accessed then it will be set in, say, jaxwsContext only if it's a JAXWS/SOAP invocation. For this reason it can be handy using a composite CXF JAXRS MessageContext when accessing a JAXRS-specific context information when combining JAXWS and JAXRS as one can easily check if it's actually a JAXRS request by simply checking an individual context like SecurityContext or UriInfo for null. Using individual contexts like JAXRS SecurityContext might be less attractive : {code:java} @WebService public class CustomerService { @Resource WebServiceContext jaxwsContext; // @Resource can be applied too @Context SecurityContext jaxrsSecurityContext; } {code} as some methods of SecurityContext return boolean values so only throwing a runtime exception can reliably indicate that this context is actually not in scope. Note that if you do not share the same service methods between JAXRS and JAXWS invocations then you can directly access corresponding contexts : {code:java} @Path("/customers") @WebService public class CustomerService { @Resource WebServiceContext jaxwsContext; @Resource MessageContext jaxrsContext; @WebMethod public void doItSoap(String b) { isUserInRole(jaxwsContext.getSecurityContext().getPrincipal()); }; @POST public void doItSoap(String b) { isUserInRole(jaxwsContext.getSecurityContext().getPrincipal()); } private void isUserInRole(Principal p) throws WebApplicationException { ... } } {code} Another option is to avoid the use of contexts in the service code and deal with them in CXF interceptors or JAXRS filters. Sometimes it's possible to avoid the use of contexts altogether. For example, Spring Security can be used to secure a given service at an individual method level. h1. JAX-RS and Spring AOP CXF JAX-RS is capable of working with AOP interceptors applied to resource classes from Spring. For example : {code:xml} <beans xsi:schemaLocation=""> <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml"/> <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxrs-binding.xml"/> <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml"/> <jaxrs:server id="bookservice" address="/"> <jaxrs:serviceBeans> <ref bean="bookstore"/> <ref bean="bookstoreInterface"/> </jaxrs:serviceBeans> </jaxrs:server> <bean id="bookstore" class="org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.BookStore"/> <bean id="bookstoreInterface" class="org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.BookStoreWithInterface"/> <aop:config> <aop:aspect id="loggingAspect" ref="simpleLogger"> <aop:before method="logBefore" pointcut="execution(* org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.BookStore*.*(..))"/> <aop:after-returning method="logAfter" pointcut="execution(* org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.BookStore*.*(..))"/> </aop:aspect> </aop:config> <bean id="simpleLogger" class="org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.SimpleLoggingAspect"/> </beans> {code} Note that some AOP configuration is applied to two JAX-RS resource classes. By default Spring uses JDK dynamic proxies every time a class to be proxified implements at least one interface or CGLIB proxies otherwise. For example, here's how org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.BookStoreWithInterface looks like : {code:java} public interface BookInterface { @GET @Path("/thosebooks/{bookId}/") @Produces("application/xml") Book getThatBook(Long id) throws BookNotFoundFault; } public class BookStoreWithInterface extends BookStoreStorage implements BookInterface { public Book getThatBook(@PathParam("bookId") Long id) throws BookNotFoundFault { return doGetBook(id); } @Path("/thebook") public Book getTheBook(@PathParam("bookId") Long id) throws BookNotFoundFault { return doGetBook(id); } } {code} In this case Spring will use a JDK proxy to wrap a BookStoreWithInterface class. As such it is important that a method which needs to be invoked such as getThatBook(...) is part of the interface. The other method, getTheBook() can not be dispatched to by a JAX-RS runtime as it's not possible to discover it through a JDK proxy. If this method also needs to be invoked then this method should either be added to the interface or CGLIB proxies have to be explicitly enabled (consult Spring AOP documentation for more details). For example : {code:xml} <aop:config proxy-target-class="true"/> {code} h1. Integration with Distributed OSGi Distributed OSGi RI is a CXF [subproject|]. DOSGi mandates how registered Java interfaces can be exposed and consumed as remote services. DOSGi single and multi bundle distributions contain all the OSGI bundles required for a CXF endpoint be successfully published. CXF JAX-RS implementations has been integrated with DOSGi RI 1.1-SNAPSHOT which makes it possible to expose Java interfaces as RESTful services and consume such services using a proxy-based client API. Please see [DOSGI Reference page|] ('' properties) and a [greeter_rest|] sample for more information. Note that this demo can be run exactly as a SOAP-based [greeter|] demo as it registers and consumes a similar (but) JAX-RS annotated [GreeterService|]. In addition, this demo shows how one can register and consume a given interface ([GreeterService2|]) without using explicit JAX-RS annotations but providing an out-of-band [user model description|]. h1. How to contribute CXF JAX-RS implementation sits on top of the core CXF runtime and is quite self-contained and isolated from other CXF modules such as jaxws and simple frontends. Please check this [list|] and see if you are interested in fixing one of the issues. If you decide to go ahead then the fastest way to start is to * do the fast trunk build using 'mvn install -Pfastinstall' * setup the workspace 'mvn -Psetup.eclipse' which will create a workspace in a 'workspace' folder, next to 'trunk' * import cxf modules from the trunk into the workspace and start working with the cxf-frontend-jaxrs module If you are about to submit a patch after building a trunk/rt/frontend/jaxrs, then please also run JAX-RS system tests in trunk/systests/jaxrs : > mvn install

Table of Contents


JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services is a Java programming language API that provides support in creating web services according to the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style.

CXF supports JAX-RS 2.1 (JSR-370), 2.0 (JSR-339) and 1.1 (JSR-311).

CXF 3.2.0 supports JAX-RS 2.1. All existing JAX-RS 2.0 and 1.1 applications can be run with CXF 3.2.0.

CXF 3.1.x and 3.0.x support JAX-RS 2.0.  Existing JAX-RS 1.1 applications can be run with CXF 3.1.x/3.0.x.

See below for more information about the compliance.

JAX-RS related demos are located under the samples/jax_rs directory.

Outstanding JAX-RS JIRA issues can be found here.

JAX-RS Compliance


2.1 Final

CXF 3.2.0 has been updated to implement the JAX-RS 2.1 API’s as completely as possible.

If another TCK licensee that uses CXF’s JAX-RS 2.1 implementation in their products finds issues with CXF’s compliance, we are more than happy to fix bugs that are raised.

2.0 Final

CXF 3.1.x and CXF 3.0.x have been updated to implement the JAX-RS 2.0 API’s as completely as possible without access to the final JAX-RS 2.0 TCK.
We have done extensive testing with JAX-RS 2.0 user applications, samples, and the preliminary TCK to make sure CXF’s implementation is as complete and compatible as we can make it.
CXF makes and will continue making the best possible effort to have JAX-RS 2.0 and new JAX-RS version implementations technically complete and offering an environment for running the portable JAX-RS 2.0 applications.
If the final 2.0 TCK is made available to Apache, we will make sure CXF is updated to pass.
If another TCK licensee that uses CXF’s JAX-RS 2.0 implementation in their products finds issues with CXF’s compliance, we are more than happy to fix bugs that are raised.


Apache CXF 2.6.x passes the final JAX-RS 1.1 TCK and is formally 1.1 compliant.

Please consult the TomEE documentation on the support of Java EE related JAX-RS 1.1 options in its Apache CXF-based JAX-RS runtime.

CXF 2.7.x and CXF 3.0.0 will fully support and run JAX-RS 1.1 applications but will not pass the JAX-RS 1.1 TCK Signature tests due to

CXF 2.7.x and CXF 3.0.0 depending on 2.0-m10 and 2.0 final versions of JAX-RS 2.0 API.

Project setup and configuration


From JAX-RS 2.0 to JAX-RS 2.1

JAX-RS 2.1 is backward compatible with JAX-RS 2.0. Please see JAX-RS Basics for more information about JAX-RS 2.1.

All the existing JAX-RS 2.0 and 1.1 applications will run on CXF 3.2.0.

From JAX-RS 1.1 to 2.0

JAX-RS 2.0 is backward compatible with JAX-RS 1.1. Please see JAX-RS Basics for more information about JAX-RS 2.0.

CXF 3.1.x and CXF 3.0.x are expected to support the existing JAX-RS 1.1 applications.

From CXF 2.7.x to CXF 3.0.x or 3.1.x

Please check the CXF 3.0.0 Migration Guide for the information about all the changes
in CXF 3.0.0. Here are more details on the changes specifically affecting JAX-RS users:

1. CXF RequestHandler and ResponseHandler filters have been removed.

These legacy CXF filters are still supported in 2.7.x but no longer in 3.0.0. Please use ContainerRequestFilter and ContainerResponseFilter instead. Also, ReaderInterceptor and WriterInterceptor can be used too.

Note, CXF filters had org.apache.cxf.message.Message available in the signature. If CXF Message is used in the existing CXF RequestHandler or ResponseHandler then use "org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.getCurrentMessage()" or "org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.util.JAXRSUtils.getCurrentMessage()" to get a Message which has all the contextual information available.

For example, instead of

Code Block
public class CustomRequestHandler implements RequestHandler {
    public Response handleRequest(Message message, ClassResourceInfo cri) {

public class CustomResponseHandler implements ResponseHandler {
    public Response handleResponse(Message message, OperationResourceInfo ori, Response response) {


Code Block
public class CustomRequestFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext context) {
        Message message = JAXRSUtils.getCurrentMessage();
       ClassResourceInfo cri = message.getExchange().get(OperationResourceInfo.class).getClassResourceInfo();

        // or consider using JAX-RS 2.0 ResourceInfo context

        // finally use context.abortWith(Response) if you need to block the request 

public class CustomResponseFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter {
    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext inContext, ContainerResponseContext outContext) {
        Message message = JAXRSUtils.getCurrentMessage();
        OperationResourceInfo cri = message.getExchange().get(OperationResourceInfo.class);

        // or consider using JAX-RS 2.0 ResourceInfo context 
        // finally, work with ContainerResponseContext to modify specific Response properties

The above is only needed to ease the migration of the existing RequestHandler or ResponseHandler implementations. Prefer writing portable JAX-RS 2.0 filter implementations if possible. CXF interceptors can be used to do the CXF specific code if needed.

2. CXF org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.form.Form has been dropped, please use JAX-RS 2.0 Form instead. For example, use:

Code Block

Form form = new Form().param("a", "b");

instead of

Code Block
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.form.Form;

Form form = new Form().set("a", "b");

3. CXF WebClient and proxy code has been moved to a new cxf-rt-rs-client module.
Also, jaxrs:client elements for injecting proxies have had the namespace changed from from "" to "".

Please see JAX-RS Client API page for more information.

4. WADL Auto Generator code has been moved to a new cxf-rt-rs-service-description module.

5. CXF ParameterHandler has been dropped. Please use ParameterConverterProvider instead, it can be used both on the server and client sides.

6. JAX-RS 2.0 introduces a controversial requirement that the default built-in JAX-RS MessageBodyWriter and JAX-RS MessageBodyReader providers are preferred to custom providers supporting the same types unless the custom providers are precisely typed, for example, if you have a custom InputStream reader properly implementing isReadable:

Code Block
public class MyStreamProvider implements MessageBodyReader<Object> {
    public boolean isReadable(Class<?> cls, ...) {
        return InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) || Reader.class.isAssignableFrom(cls);
    // other methods

then the runtime will ignore it and choose a default InputStream/Reader reader because MyStreamProvider is typed on Object. This was done to deal with the cases where well-known JSON/etc providers are blindly supporting all types in their isReadable methods by always returning 'true' and then failing when asked to actually read the incoming stream into InputStream/etc directly. In case of MyStreamProvider, it will need to be split into MyInputStreamProvider and MyReaderProvider typed on InputStream and Reader respectively.

At CXF level, the users which depend on CXF MultipartProvider to have InputStream or String references to multipart attachments will be affected unless they use @Multipart annotation. For example, if we have a multipart payload with a single part/attachment only then the following code:

Code Block
public void upload(InputStream is) {

which in CXF 2.7.x or earlier will return a pointer to first/single individual part, will actually return a stream representing the complete unprocessed multipart payload. Adding a @Multipart marker will keep the existing code working as expected:

Code Block
public void upload(@Multipart InputStream is) {

Alternatively, setting a "" contextual property will do.

7. If the custom code throws JAX-RS WebApplicationException with Response containing a non-null entity then custom WebApplicationException mappers will be bypassed - another problematic requirement, for example, the custom mappers doing the logging will miss on such exceptions.
Set CXF "support.wae.spec.optimization" property to false to disable it.

8. In some cases the matching sub-resource locators will be dropped to precisely meet the current JAX-RS matching algorithm text, please see CXF-5650 for more information. Use a new "keep.subresource.candidates" property to support the existing application if needed.

CXF 3.1.2 Provider Sorting Changes

Starting from CXF 3.1.2 customMessageBodyReader (MBR), MessageBodyWriter (MBW) and ExceptionMapper providers are sorted together with default providers.

Before CXF 3.1.2 if a custom MBR or MBW matches the read or write selection criteria, example, if MBR Consumes matches Content-Type and its isReadable() returns true, then

the default providers are not even checked. The specification however does let the custom providers be selected only if no higher priority matching default provider is available.

For example, suppose you have a custom StringReader which is not typed by String but by Object. In this case the default provider which is typed by String wins. To have the custom String provider winning one needs to type it by String.

Check the specification or ask at the users list for more details.

Maven dependencies

CXF 3.2.0

The cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs dependency is required:

Code Block

This will in turn pull other CXF modules such cxf-core and cxf-rt-transports-http, check the pom for more information. dependency provides JAX-RS 2.1 Final API.

CXF 3.1.x

The cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs dependency is required:

Code Block

This will in turn pull other CXF modules such cxf-core and cxf-rt-transports-http, check the pom for more information. dependency provides JAX-RS 2.0 Final API.

javax.annotation/javax.annotation-api/1.2 dependency is needed if custom JAX-RS 2.0 filters or interceptors use a javax.annotation.Priority annotation.

Existing JAX-RS 1.1 applications can run in CXF 3.1.x and CXF 3.0.x.

CXF JAX-RS bundle

Note CXF JAX-RS bundle has been removed in CXF 3.0.0. Prefer depending on the JAX-RS frontend directly. In CXF 3.0.0 a complete CXF all-inclusive bundle can still be used if really needed.

Only in CXF 2.7.x or earlier:
A standalone JAX-RS bundle is available which may be of interest to users doing the JAX-RS work only.

Please note that this bundle has a transitive Maven dependency on the Jetty server modules. If you are using Maven and working with other servlet containers such as Tomcat then please add the following exclusion:

Code Block


What is New

Getting Started with JAX-RS

Understanding the Basics

You are encouraged to read JAX-RS 2.1 JSR-370 specification to find out the information not covered by this documentation. The specification enhances JAX-RS 2.0 by introducing a support for Reactive Client API extensions, Server Sent Events (client and server), returning CompletableFuture from the resource methods and the sub-resource classes (as opposed to instances) from the sub-resource locators.

You are also encouraged to read JAX-RS 2.0 JSR-339 specification to find out the information not covered by this documentation. The specification introduces many terms such as root resources, resource methods, sub-resources and sub-resource locators, message body readers and writers. JAX-RS 2.0 additionally introduces filters, interceptors, new client API, features, new exception classes, server-side support for asynchronous invocations.

Please see the JAX-RS Basics page for more information.

Support for Data Bindings

JAX-RS MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter can be used to create data bindings for reading and writing data in a number of different formats. Compliant JAX-RS implementations are expected to support JAXB-annotated beans, JAXP Source objects, InputStreams, etc.

In addition, CXF JAX-RS lets users reuse existing CXF DataBindings for working with JAXB, XBeans, Aegis and SDO.

Please see the JAX-RS Data Bindings page for more information.

How Request URI is Matched

Lets assume you have a web application called 'rest' (example, a 'rest.war' archive). CXFServlet's url-pattern is "/test/*". Finally, jaxrs:server's address is "/bar".

Requests like /rest/test/bar or /rest/test/bar/baz will be delivered to one of the resource classes in a given jaxrs:server endpoint. For the former request to be handled, a resource class with @Path("/") should be available, in the latter case - at least @Path("/") or a more specific @Path("/baz").

The same requirement can be expressed by having a CXFServlet with "/*" and jaxrs:server with "/test/bar".

When both CXFServlet and jaxrs:server use "/" then it's a root resource class which should provide a @Path with at least "/test/bar" for the above requests to be matched.

Generally, it can be a good idea to specify the URI segments which are more likely to change now and then with CXFServlets or jaxrs:server.

Client API

CXF 3.0.0 implements JAX-RS 2.0 Client API.

CXF 2.7.x or earlier provides a comprehensive support for developing RESTful clients by supporting 3 flavors of the client API: proxy-based, HTTP-centric and XML-centric. CXF-specific client API is supported alongside new JAX-RS 2.0 Client API in CXF 3.0.0.

Please see the JAX-RS Client API page for more information.

Bean Validation

Bean Validation 1.1 is supported since CXF 3.0.0-milestone1. Please see the for more information.

Filters, Interceptors and Invokers

It is possible to intercept and modify the inbound and outbound calls with the help of CXF JAX-RS filters and/or CXF interceptors. Additionally, custom invokers offer an option to intercept a call immediately before a service bean is invoked.

Please see the JAX-RS Filters page for more information.

Please see the JAX-RS Basics page for more information about new JAX-RS 2.0 filters and interceptors available in CXF 2.7.x and 3.0.0.

Service listings and WADL support

New: Swagger feature has been introduced.

CXF JAX-RS supports WADL. CXF JAX-RS service endpoints can be listed in the service listings page and users can check the WADL documents.

Please see the JAXRS Services Description page for more information.

Configuring JAX-RS services

JAX-RS services can be configured programmatically, using Blueprint, Spring or CXFNonSpringJAXRSServlet.

Please see the JAXRS Services Configuration page for more information.


JAX-RS services can be easily tested using the embedded Jetty or CXF Local Transport.
Please see the JAXRS Testing page for more information.


One may want to use a browser to test how a given HTTP resource reacts to different HTTP Accept or Accept-Language header values and request methods. For example, if a resource class supports a "/resource" URI then one can test the resource class using one of the following queries :

> GET /resource.xml
> GET /resource.en

The runtime will replace '.xml' or '.en' with an appropriate header value. For it to know the type or language value associated with a given URI suffix, some configuration needs to be done. Here's an example of how it can be done with Spring:

Code Block
  <jaxrs:server id="customerService" address="/">
      <bean class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.systests.CustomerService" />
      <entry key="json" value="application/json"/>
      <entry key="xml" value="application/xml"/>
       <entry key="en" value="en-gb"/>  

CXF also supports a _type query as an alternative to appending extensions like '.xml' to request URIs:

{{ > GET /resource?_type=xml}}

CXF also supports overriding request methods. However note that by default this is not allowed (since CXF 3.3.4) for a CXF service. To enable HTTP method overriding, specify the "org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.allow.http.method.override" endpoint property as "true".

Two options of overriding HTTP request methods are available - via a query parameter:

> GET /resource?_method=POST

Alternatively, one can specify an HTTP header X-HTTP-Method-Override:

> POST /books
> X-HTTP-Method-Override : PATCH

For example, at the moment the http-centric client API does not support arbitrary HTTP verbs except for those supported
by Java HTTPUrlConnection. When needed, X-HTTP-Method-Override can be set to overcome this limitation.

Finally, a "_ctype" query allows for overriding Content-Type.

Please see the Debugging and Logging page for more information on how to debug and log service calls in CXF.


Many of the existing CXF features can be applied either to jaxrs:server or jaxrs:client. For example, to enable logging of requests and responses, simply do:

Code Block
<beans xmlns:cxf="" 

Please make sure the namespace is in scope.

Starting from CXF 2.3.0 it is also possible to convert log events into Atom entries and either push them to receivers or make them available for polling.

Please see the Debugging and Logging page for more information.

Advanced Features


Multiparts can be handled in a number of ways. The CXF core runtime provides advanced support for handling attachments which CXF JAX-RS builds upon.

Please see the JAX-RS Multiparts page for more information.

Secure JAX-RS services

Transport level HTTPS security can be used to protect messages exchanged between CXF JAX-RS endpoints and providers.

Authentication and authorization can be enforced in a number of ways.

Please see the Secure JAX-RS Services page for more information.

Please also check JAX-RS XML Security, JAX-RS SAML, JAX-RS Token Authorization and JAX-RS OAuth2 pages for more information about the advanced security topics.

Failover and Load Distribution Features

Starting from CXF 2.4.1, CXF JAX-RS proxy and WebClient consumers can be backed up by failover and load distribution features.
Please see the JAX-RS Failover page for more information.


Starting from CXF 2.2.5 it is possible to redirect the request or response call to other servlet resources by configuring CXFServlet or using CXF JAX-RS RequestDispatcherProvider.

Please see the JAX-RS Redirection page for more information.

XSLT and XPath

XSLT and XPath are promoted and treated as first-class citizens in CXF JAX-RS. These technologies can be very powerful when generating complex data or retrieving data of interest out of complex XML fragments.

Please see the JAX-RS Advanced XML page for more information.

Complex Search Queries

Using query parameter beans provides a way to capture search requirements that can be expressed by enumerating name/value pairs, for example, a query such as '?name=CXF&version=2.3' can be captured by a bean containing setName and setVersion methods. This 'template' bean can be used in the code to compare it against all available local data.

Versions 2.3 and later of CXF JAXRS support another option for doing advanced search queries using the Feed Item Query Language(FIQL).

Please see the JAX-RS Search page for more information.

Model-View-Controller support

Please see the JAX-RS Advanced XML page for more information. on how XSLTJaxbProvider can be used to generate complex (X)HTML views.


With the introduction of RequestDispatcherProvider it is now possible for JAXRS service responses be redirected to JSP pages for further processing. Please see the JAX-RS Redirection page for more information.

Combining JAX-WS and JAX-RS

CXF JAX-RS tries to make it easy for SOAP developers to experiment with JAX-RS and combine both JAX-WS and JAX-RS in the same service bean when needed.

Please see the JAX-RS and JAX-WS page for more information.

Integration with Distributed OSGi

Distributed OSGi RI is a CXF subproject. DOSGi mandates how registered Java interfaces can be exposed
and consumed as remote services. DOSGi single and multi bundle distributions contain all the OSGI bundles required for a CXF endpoint be successfully published.

CXF JAX-RS implementations has been integrated with DOSGi RI 1.1-SNAPSHOT which makes it possible to expose Java interfaces as RESTful services and consume such services using a proxy-based client API.

Please see the DOSGI Reference page ('' properties) and a greeter_rest sample for more information. Note that this demo can be run exactly as a SOAP-based greeter demo as it registers and consumes a similar (but) JAX-RS annotated GreeterService. In addition, this demo shows how one can register and consume a given interface (GreeterService2) without using explicit JAX-RS annotations but providing an out-of-band user model description.

OData Support

CXF JAX-RS endpoints can support OData in two ways by relying on Apache Olingo.

First, the OData "$filter" query is supported by the Search extension where an endpoint with the application specific API can respond to the filter queries, for example, return a collection of books matching the fillter search criteria.

Second, CXF JAX-RS can be used to interpose over the Olingo, as is demoed here. Effectively such a CXF endpoint becomes an OData server: all it does it delegates to Olingo. The idea is to be able to add CXF specific features and interceptors in front of Olingo.

Other Advanced Features

CXF JAX-RS provides a number of advanced extensions such as the support for the JMS transport, one-way invocations (HTTP and JMS), suspended invocations (HTTP and JMS), making existing code REST-aware by applying external user models, etc.

Please see the JAX-RS Advanced Features page for more information.

Maven Plugins

Please see the JAX-RS Maven Plugins page for more information about the Maven plugins and archetypes which can help with creating CXF JAX-RS applications.


CXF JAX-RS applications packaged as WAR archives can be deployed into standalone Servlet containers such as Tomcat or Jetty.
Please see the JAX-RS Deployment page for the tips on how to deploy the CXF JAX-RS applications into various Java EE and OSGI application servers successfully.

Third-party projects


How to contribute

CXF JAX-RS implementation sits on top of the core CXF runtime and is quite self-contained and isolated from other CXF modules such as jaxws and simple frontends.

Please check the issue list and see if you are interested in fixing one of the issues.

If you decide to go ahead then the fastest way to start is to

  • do the fast trunk build using 'mvn install -Pfastinstall'
  • setup the workspace 'mvn -Psetup.eclipse' which will create a workspace in a 'workspace' folder, next to 'trunk'
  • import cxf modules from the trunk into the workspace and start working with the cxf-frontend-jaxrs module

If you are about to submit a patch after building a trunk/rt/frontend/jaxrs, then please also run JAX-RS system tests in trunk/systests/jaxrs :
> mvn install

You can also check out the general Getting Involved web page for more information on contributing.