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Please note this page is present for reference only. QMan has been removed and is no longer a released component.

Get me up and running

Table of Contents

Get me up...

This section describes how to install QMan.


First of all, download the distribution from here and then unzip the archive into your chosen directory. Now you should have a directory structure like this :

  • bin : This contains the scripts needed to run QMan (see below for further details).
  • lib : This contains jars needed to run QMan (core libraries and dependencies).
  • log : This will contain the QMan log (see below for further details)


The jconsole tool ( can acts as QMan client, allowing you to browse and interact with QMan exposed MBeans.
Remember, we are using RMI as communication protocol and therefore you need to add to JConsole classpath the QMan "client" classes.
Those classes are contained on $QMAN_HOME/lib/qpid-management-client-$Version.jar. So at the end command line for running JConsole should look like this :

Code Block

jconsole -J-Djava.class.path=$CLASSPATH:$JAVA_HOME/lib/jconsole.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar

Where CLASSPATH contains the mentioned QMan jar and JAVA_HOME point on your JDK home.
When JConsole appears you can find QMan MBeans under the "MBeans" tab, Q-MAN domain.

WS-DM Bridge

QMan WS-DM Bridge is a HTTP server that acts as a WS-DM Adapter and enables broker remote management using this interoperable protocol. Briefly, let's say that broker management interface is exposed as a WS-Resources domain.


QMan WS-DM Bridge needs three configuration files : qman-config.xml (optional), log4j.xml and jetty.xml. As the JMX version the qman-config.xml is optional while the other two are required. Specifically, jetty.xml is used for HTTP Server / Servlet Engine configuration and, unless you need an advanced configuration for web server, you can leave it as is.


For detailed informatiom about this file please refer to the corresponding QMan JMX section before.


For detailed information about how to configure log4j.xml please refer to


QMan WS-DM uses Jetty as Web Server / Servlet Container. Detailed information on how to configure this module can be found at


To run QMan open up a shell / command prompt on 'bin' directory. After that execute ./ or qman-wsdm.start.cmd (windows).
You should see the following output on the /log/qman.log file :

No Format

2009-01-08 10:04:12,253 INFO  [QMan] <QMAN-000001> : Starting Q-Man...
2009-01-08 10:04:12,253 INFO  [QMan] <QMAN-000002> : Reading Q-Man configuration...
2009-01-08 10:04:12,847 INFO  [QMan] <QMAN-000023> : Q-Man service is now available on MBeanServer.
2009-01-08 10:04:12,957 INFO  [QMan] <QMAN-000019> : Q-Man open for e-business.
2009-01-08 10:04:26,502 INFO  [WSDMAdapter] <QMAN-000026> : Initializing WS-DM Adapter Environment...
2009-01-08 10:04:27,455 INFO  [WSDMAdapter] <QMAN-000027> : WS-DM Adapter ready for incoming requests.

and this should be (moreless) the content of the /log/server.log:

No Format

2009-01-08 10:04:10,660 INFO  [log] Logging to org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
2009-01-08 10:04:10,832 INFO  [log] Extract jar:file:/.../qman.war!/ to /.../Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_qman.war__qman__j84idd/webapp
2009-01-08 10:04:11,957 WARN  [log] Unknown realm: default
2009-01-08 10:04:13,191 INFO  [log] Started SelectChannelConnector@


To run QMan open up a shell / command prompt on 'bin' directory and execute ./ or qman-wsdm-stop.cmd (windows). You should see the following output on the shell :

No Format

QMan WS-DM Adapter shut down successfully.

the following on the /log/qman.log:

No Format

2009-01-09 15:37:32,589 INFO  [QMan] <QMAN-000020> : Shutting down Q-Man...
2009-01-09 15:37:32,589 INFO  [QMan] <QMAN-000021> : Q-Man shut down.

and the following on /log/server.log:

No Format

2009-01-09 15:36:15,444 INFO  [log] Shutdown hook executing
2009-01-09 15:36:15,444 INFO  [log] Shutdown hook complete

WS-DM Bridge with a preexisting Application Server

QMan WS-DM Adapter is basically a JEE standard web application. You can find the archive under the $QMAN_HOME/lib directory; it is the qman.war file.
So, generally speaking, you can get that archive and deploy it on your preferred Application Server that is J2EE 1.4 (or later) compliant.



This kind of installation (deployment) is in general useful when there's already a Web Server in your environment.

The following is a list of servers where QMan can de deployed :

  • JBoss 4.2.x;
  • BEA Weblogic Server 9.x;
  • BEA Weblogic Server 10;
  • IBM WebSphere 7.x;
  • Apache Tomcat 5.x;
  • Jetty 6.x


In this scenario we are working with a third-party middleware so basically the only thing that you can configure is the qman-config.xml (see above for details).
Note that the location of the configuration file must be passed as a JVM parameter from the start command line of the server:

Code Block


java -Dqman-config=<complete path to qman-config.xml> ...

If you don't have permission to edit the server startup script please read the User Guide in order to see how to connect QMan with broker(s) at runtime.