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Have a story to tell about how much you like SpamAssassin? Tell it here.


SpamAssassin has been a vital ingredient in our efforts to make a spam and antivirus filter solution based entirely on Open Source Software. Its ability to easily create specialized plugins has been fantastic in our efforts to reduce spam. We run a smaller spam farm and easily get 500.000 – 1.000.000 emails scanned every day.

Jesper Knudsen, Founder,


SpamAssassin is beyond any doubt the best open source email spam filter and when in 2006 we decided to add a spam filter to the mail module of Zentyal Linux small business server, SpamAssassin was clear choice for us. The mail filtering capabilities are integrated within the Zentyal mail server module, but can also be used to filter incoming and outgoing mail for an existing mail server.

Heidi Vilppola, Zentyal Development Team, Zentyal


We use SpamAssassin for several clients here in Qatar , As a company providing several types of anti-spam solutions we can easily certify that SpamAssassin has the least number of false positives compared to its commercial counterparts like Barracuda and Sonicwall . SpamAssassin is the only solution you can use if you want to relay emails ( smarthost ) to an smtps server ( ofcourse with stunnel and postfix ) , most of commercial appliances doesnt support this feature .

F Kalpana - Consultant HTS Qatar


SpamAssassin is an amazing product. When I first started spam filtering in 2000 I tried using some crude Exim rules. I remember thinking that if I could accurately get rid og 80% of spam that would be good enough. I though that nothing over 80% was theoretically possible. Then I discovered SpamAssassin and now - along with a lot of other tricks - I'm getting rid of better than 99% of spam without false positives. SpamAssassin is the central scoring engines that makes it all work.

Marc Perkel - Fearless Leader - Junk Email Filter dot com


We have been using SpamAssassin for over a year now and we've had great feedback from our customers regarding the drop in spam messages in their inbox. Personally I used to get over 250 spams a day, now I get about five that manage to sneak through - Keep up the good work, thats a great result!

Mike Glaser - Technical Director - eDIY NZ Website Design and E-mail Hosting


I started using SpamAssassin in the year 2000 for my personal domains and The product was so good and so reliable, I was able to introduce it at work. We started in November of 2004 and tagged 295,000 SPAM in the first month. We're still going strong and tagged almost 700,000 SPAM last month. SpamAssassin runs like a champ on two old desktops (P4 2Ghz, 1GB RAM, 80GB IDE) and easily handles our mail volume of about 1 million messages a month.

Jason Reusch

Associate Director Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management


We use SpamAssassin in a very large scanning cluster, and have noted over the years, that its the most versatile and powerful spam scanning and tagging platform out there. Centralized preference databases, lighting like speeds, and the least false positives in the industry (in my opinion).

Dave Smulsky - Founder - SpamMinder Inc


SpamAssassin has been the corner stone of our spam filtering services for more than twelve years. It is, and always has been rock solid and a credit to open source software. We are very happy supporters of the project.

Ross Cooney – Founder –


SpamAssassin is our very first line of Defence when it comes to unwanted and unsolicited e-mail. It has saved our Company and many other just like it during high volume mass mail flood attempts. SpamAssassin although we use it now with many other combinations of software always has remained they number one Spam filter system in the world according to us and our real world testing of the product. Unrivalled in the industry for it's very exceptional and aggressive spam filtering capabilities.

Sean Smith – Founder – Hosting Habitat


SpamAssassin is a core part of the anti-spam options we give to all customers. We have been using it since we launched our hosting company in 2005, and have never needed to look at another system. It does exactly what is says on the tin and it does it well. SpamAssassin is a excellent (exceptionally versatile) solution for taming spam, I can't recommend it highly enough.

Tom Ashworth - Founder - NuBlue


Feel free to edit this page and add your story. Wiki Markup[SpamAssassin] is an amazing product. When I first started spam filtering in 2000 I tried using some crude \[ Exim\] rules. I remember thinking that if I could accurately get rid og 80% of spam that would be good enough. I though that nothing over 80% was theoretically possible. Then I discovered [SpamAssassin] and now - along with a lot of other tricks - I'm getting rid of better than 99% of spam without false positives.