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Current state"Under Discussion"

Discussion thread: [Change the link from the KIP proposal email archive to your own email thread]


serverASF JIRA


We hope to add an interface to TopicCommand to directly obtain the list of partitions whose leader is in a non-preferred replica.

One of the things a user might do after running this command would be to use `` to try electing the preferred leader for (some of) those partitions. and tools  reads a JSON file containing the partitions which should have the preferred leader elected. 

Therefore, we hope to be able to output json format.

Public Interfaces

The topic command will accept the --non-preferred-leader or--undernon-preferred-leader-json options when using the --bootstrap-server option.

In order to reflect that the non-preferred replica was elected as the leader of the partition, I set auto.leader.rebalance.enable=false

1. --non-preferred-leader for the more human readable output,  one example of use: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --non-preferred-leader

Topic: test-2 Partition: 1 Leader: 1002 Replicas: 1001,1002 Isr: 1002,1001
Topic: test-2 Partition: 3 Leader: 1006 Replicas: 1005,1006 Isr: 1006,1005
Topic: test-2 Partition: 5 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1004,1003 Isr: 1003,1004
Topic: test-2 Partition: 7 Leader: 1006 Replicas: 1001,1006 Isr: 1006,1001
Topic: test-2 Partition: 9 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1005,1003 Isr: 1003,1005
Topic: test-2 Partition: 11 Leader: 1002 Replicas: 1004,1002 Isr: 1002,1004
Topic: test-1 Partition: 0 Leader: 1006 Replicas: 1001,1006 Isr: 1006,1001
Topic: test-1 Partition: 2 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1005,1003 Isr: 1003,1005
Topic: test-1 Partition: 4 Leader: 1002 Replicas: 1004,1002 Isr: 1002,1004
Topic: test-1 Partition: 7 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1006,1003 Isr: 1003,1006
Topic: test-1 Partition: 8 Leader: 1004 Replicas: 1005,1004 Isr: 1004,1005
Topic: test-3 Partition: 0 Leader: 1006 Replicas: 1001,1006 Isr: 1006,1001
Topic: test-3 Partition: 2 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1005,1003 Isr: 1003,1005
Topic: test-3 Partition: 4 Leader: 1002 Replicas: 1004,1002 Isr: 1002,1004
Topic: test-3 Partition: 7 Leader: 1003 Replicas: 1006,1003 Isr: 1003,1006
Topic: test-3 Partition: 8 Leader: 1004 Replicas: 1005,1004 Isr: 1004,1005


2. --non-preferred-leader-json for the JSON output,  one example of use: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --partitions option when using the --bootstrap-server option.non-preferred-leader-json


3. We can direct the output of example two to a json file named preferred.jsonThen use the tool to trigger the preferred replica election. --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --election-type PREFERRED --path-to-json-file preferred.json

Successfully completed leader election (PREFERRED) for partitions test-3-2, test-2-1, test-1-0, test-1-2, test-3-4, test-2-3, test-2-5, test-1-4, test-3-7, test-3-8, test-2-7, test-1-7, test-3-0, test-2-9, test-1-8, test-2-11

Proposed Changes

Make some changes in TopicCommand.scala

Code Block
    override def describeTopic(opts: TopicCommandOptions): Unit = {
      val topics = getTopics(opts.topic, opts.excludeInternalTopics)
      ensureTopicExists(topics, opts.topic, !opts.ifExists)

      if (topics.nonEmpty) {
        val allConfigs = adminClient.describeConfigs( ConfigResource(Type.TOPIC, _)).asJavaCollection).values()
        val liveBrokers = adminClient.describeCluster().nodes().get()
        val topicDescriptions = adminClient.describeTopics(topics.asJavaCollection).all().get().values().asScala
        val describeOptions = new DescribeOptions(opts, liveBrokers.toSet)
        val topicPartitions = topicDescriptions
          .flatMap(td => td.partitions.iterator() => new TopicPartition(, p.partition())))
        val reassignments = listAllReassignments(topicPartitions)

        if (opts.reportNonPreferredLeaderJson) {
          var nonPreferredLeader = Set.empty[TopicPartition]
          for (td <- topicDescriptions) {
            val topicName =
            val config = allConfigs.get(new ConfigResource(Type.TOPIC, topicName)).get()
            val sortedPartitions = td.partitions.asScala.sortBy(_.partition)

            nonPreferredLeader = nonPreferredLeader.++(sortedPartitions.toSet.filter { tpInfo =>
              val reassignment = reassignments.get(new TopicPartition(topicName, tpInfo.partition))
              val partitionDesc = PartitionDescription(topicName, tpInfo, Some(config), markedForDeletion = false, reassignment)
            }.map(tp => new TopicPartition(topicName, tp.partition())))
        } else {
          for (td <- topicDescriptions) {
            val topicName =
            val topicId = td.topicId()
            val config = allConfigs.get(new ConfigResource(Type.TOPIC, topicName)).get()
            val sortedPartitions = td.partitions.asScala.sortBy(_.partition)

            if (describeOptions.describeConfigs) {
              val hasNonDefault = config.entries().asScala.exists(!_.isDefault)
              if (!opts.reportOverriddenConfigs || hasNonDefault) {
                val numPartitions = td.partitions().size
                val firstPartition =
                val reassignment = reassignments.get(new TopicPartition(, firstPartition.partition))
                val topicDesc = TopicDescription(topicName, topicId, numPartitions, getReplicationFactor(firstPartition, reassignment), config, markedForDeletion = false)
     def isUnderPreferredReplicaPartitions         }

            if (describeOptions.describePartitions) {
              for (partition <- sortedPartitions) {
                val reassignment = reassignments.get(new TopicPartition(, partition.partition))
                val partitionDesc = PartitionDescription(topicName, partition, Some(config), markedForDeletion = false, reassignment)

    def shouldPrintTopicPartition(partitionDesc: PartitionDescription): Boolean = {
      describeConfigs ||
        shouldPrintUnderReplicatedPartitions(partitionDesc) ||
        shouldPrintUnavailablePartitions(partitionDesc) ||
        shouldPrintUnderMinIsrPartitions(partitionDesc) ||
        shouldPrintAtMinIsrPartitions(partitionDesc) ||

    def isNonPreferredLeader: Boolean = {
      hasLeader && !info.leader.equals(info.replicas.asScala.head)

    private def shouldPrintUnderPreferredReplicaPartitionsshouldPrintNonPreferredLeader(partitionDescription: PartitionDescription): Boolean = {
      (opts.reportUnderPreferredReplicaPartitionsreportNonPreferredLeader || opts.reportNonPreferredLeaderJson) && partitionDescription.isUnderPreferredReplicaPartitionsisNonPreferredLeader

    private val reportUnderPreferredReplicaPartitionsOptreportNonPreferredLeaderOpt = parser.accepts("undernon-preferred-leader",
      "if set when describing topics, only show partitions whose leader is not equal to the first replica-partitions in the replica list. Not supported with the --zookeeper option.")
    private val reportNonPreferredLeaderJsonOpt = parser.accepts("non-preferred-leader-json",
      "if set when describing topics, only show partitions whose leader is not equal to the first replica in the replica list and output as json format. Not supported with the --zookeeper option.")

    private val allReplicationReportOpts = Set(reportUnderReplicatedPartitionsOpt, reportUnderMinIsrPartitionsOpt, reportAtMinIsrPartitionsOpt, reportUnavailablePartitionsOpt, reportNonPreferredLeaderOpt, reportUnderPreferredReplicaPartitionsOptreportNonPreferredLeaderJsonOpt)

    def reportUnderPreferredReplicaPartitions reportNonPreferredLeader: Boolean = has(reportNonPreferredLeaderOpt)
    def reportNonPreferredLeaderJson: Boolean = has(reportUnderPreferredReplicaPartitionsOpt)(reportNonPreferredLeaderJsonOpt)

    private def formatAsJson(nonPreferredLeader: Set[TopicPartition]): String = {
        "partitions" -> { tp =>
            "topic" -> tp.topic(),
            "partition" -> tp.partition()

	# Some other minor changes omitted


The new option has no effect on existing usage.

Rejected Alternatives

1. A better name for the option would be --non-preferred-leader rather than --under-preferred-replica-partitions.

2.Because the other outputs from don't naturally get used as inputs to the other tools, so such as `--output=json`  top level option would not be a good fit.