Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Java Enhancements

  • nbjavac-upgrade-to-jdk-17





  • pull/3112
  • [NETBEANS-6111] auto completion for "record" is now prefix aware.





  • pull/3227
  • [NETBEANS-5799] : Add support for Pattern Matching for switch (Preview)





  • pull/3007
  • When java.lang is not available, avoid throwing a FatalError, but rather try to report an error to the user and continue.





  • pull/2947
  • Java code completion should show effectivelly final variables for use from anonymous classes.





  • pull/3106
  • Fixing TreeUtilities.pathFor in the presence of the synthetic 'value=' in annotations.





  • pull/3103
  • Include URLs in Java code templates for easier customization





  • pull/3141
  • Improve wait condition for the test: both Lookup and configurations must change.





  • pull/3140
  • [NETBEANS-6116] - General Availability for javadoc 17





  • pull/3222
  • CheckRegexp hint causes all lines with regexp shown with a warning





  • pull/3287
  • NETBEANS-6080: NoSuchMethodError thrown while applying CreateClassFix.





  • pull/3199
  • Return a copy instead of cached array






  • [NETBEANS-6107] Bumped Gradle Tooling to 7.3-rc-1 with Java 17 support.





  • pull/3246
  • [NETBEANS-5050] Gradle projects should recognize Kotlin source directories.





  • pull/2541
  • [NETBEANS-6065] Make Gradle Project test close connections to Gradle Daemon





  • pull/3193
  • [NETBEANS-6107] Allow to use Gradle 7.2 distributions on JDK17.





  • pull/3216
  • [NETBEANS-6055] Prevent NPE form GradleDistributionManager





  • pull/3195
  • New Project wizard for Gradle should use gradle init





  • pull/3084
  • Updating the Java Frontend project template to work with Gradle 7.0





  • pull/3083
  • The class$Loader is not found in newer GraalVMs, use TruffleJDKServices instead.







  • [NETBEANS-6115] UTF-8 input is broken in Maven project.





  • pull/3289
  • [NETBEANS-6044] Maven looks for annotation processor classpath in compiler plugin's configuration.





  • pull/3190
  • NETBEANS-5971 support Maven Wrapper (mvnw) in projects.







  • [NETBEANS-6077] Cached Transformation Classloader, based on set of classpath roots.





  • pull/3213
  • Use static type checking to attribute AST





  • pull/3125
  • Performance: groovy loads classes using FileSystems









  • pull/3175
  • Must reach ELEMENTS_RESOLVED before working with java els









  • pull/3197
  • [NETBEANS-6130] - Fix wrong Groovy version in ant library






  • Payara Server UI disabled on the failed startup





  • pull/3273
  • [NETBEANS-5734] Add details for Glassfish 6.2.1 server and improve version detection





  • pull/3288
  • [NETBEANS-6118] - Fix test failures in 'j2ee.core'





  • pull/3226
  • [NETBEANS-5892] - Java Maven Web Project not created properly






  • LSP: minor bug fixes





  • pull/3256
  • [NETBEANS-5887] Use RequestProcessor to fix SecurityException:setContextClassLoader.













  • pull/3123
  • [NETBEANS-5925] Prevent from NPE when no NetBeans project is opened.





  • pull/3120
  • Restart frame action implemented in the DAP.









  • pull/3129
  • LSP: Show test results for MX projects.





  • pull/3128
  • LSP: Extract Superclass and Extract Interface refactorings added.





  • pull/3138
  • LSP Client Improvements (Foldmanager, Performance)





  • pull/3153
  • Proper handling of LSP logging breakpoints.





  • pull/3150
  • LSP: Pull Up and Push Down refactorings added.





  • pull/3149
  • By default build release-like version of .vsix





  • pull/3118
  • LSP: Various Surround With refactoring fixes.





  • pull/3169
  • LSP: Surround With refactorings implemented.





  • pull/3157
  • LSP: ChangeMethodParameters refactoring added.





  • pull/3174
  • Do not persist breakpoints and watches when debugging through LSP server.





  • pull/3182
  • LSP: Test results displayed using the new TestExplorer API.









  • pull/3196
  • Convert paths of external libraries when debugging through LSP.





  • pull/3214
  • Remove check that blows up when the LSP or DAP server is reset.





  • pull/3220
  • Enable Groovy by default in vscode and NBJLS.









  • pull/3224
  • LSP: Code completion should auto import classes






  • Attach to a running Native Image.









  • pull/3243
  • Assure that the decorated ranges in editor do not disappear when editor visibility changes.









  • pull/3232
  • Handle dots in class name by treating the prefix as a package structure





  • pull/3223
  • CodeLens for Run/Debug main in Java Frontend Application





PHP Enhancements

  • [NETBEANS-6054] PHP Template missing Namespace option





  • pull/3280
  • [NETBEANS-4978] Avoid inserting use statements to an incorrect position





  • pull/3279
  • [NETBEANS-6087] Use the refactoring feature for private members of trait instead of the instant renamer





  • pull/3257
  • [NETBEANS-3391] Support PSR-12 valid formatting rules





  • pull/3254
  • [NETBEANS-5849] Fix CC in a use declaration after a group use declaration





  • pull/3111
  • [NETBEANS-5905] Don't check idekey for Xdebug






HTML Enhancements





HTML Enhancements


  • 3092
  • [NETBEANS-5970] Add the option for HTML palette completion:https://









C/C++ Enhancements

  • Switch typescript and cpplite editors to multiviews





  • pull/3155
  • Prevent NullPointerException in CPP LanguageServerImpl





Debugger Enhancements

  • Performance optimizations to speed up remote debugging.





  • pull/3204
  • Performance optimizations to speed up remote debugging.





  • pull/3158
  • [NETBEANS-6123] Step and Continue after breakpoint suspends at wrong place after eval.





  • pull/3236
  • [NETBEANS-6127] Do not parallelize notifyToBeResumedNoFire(), because it runs under a lock.





  • pull/3244
  • The set of arguments and launcher arguments is corrected.





  • pull/3238
  • Support of setting the current working directory and environment variables.





Profiler Enhancements

  • Concentrating I/O access into JavaIoFile private class









Miscellaneous Enhancements



  • pull/3143
  • [NETBEANS-5976] - cleanup Integer deprecation warnings





  • pull/3154
  • [NETBEANS-6023] - cleanup warning errors





  • pull/3177
  • [NETBEANS-6045] - cleanup ArrayList warnings





  • pull/3185
  • [NETBEANS-6090] - update javac.source to 1.8 from 1.5





  • pull/3217
  • [NETBEANS-5907] - Update eclipselink from 2.7.7 to 2.7.9









  • pull/3179
  • Update JNA and JNA platform to 5.9.0





  • pull/3178
  • [NETBEANS-6008] Update FlatLaf from 1.5 to 1.6.1





  • pull/3250
  • Fix RAT and (some) verify-all-libs-and-licenses errors and warnings





  • pull/3276
  • [NETBEANS-5950] - cleanup warnings related to unreachable exception catches





  • pull/3126
  • [jackpot] updated Collection.toArray() refactoring





  • pull/3166
  • [jackpot] add Collection/Map.size() > 0 case to isEmpty() refactoring.





  • pull/3164
  • [jackpot] source version fix for java versions using the new scheme.





  • pull/3176
  • [jackpot] hint reload on save + run action registration + small cleanup





  • pull/3171
  • [jackpot] ConvertTextBlockToString warning should be a hint/suggestion













  • pull/3205
  • NETBEANS-6153 installer jdk 11 fixes





  • pull/3272
  • Keep old plain for loops in NetBeans sources









Platform Enhancements

  • [NETBEANS-3196] Fix lazy Node loading when switching from Children.LEAF to another Children instance





  • pull/1779
  • [NETBEANS-5927] Switch Windows LAF to the now-standard "Segoe UI" font





  • pull/3114
  • NETBEANS-5722: Added `` to exported modules





  • pull/3194
  • [NETBEANS-4198] Fix anti-aliasing and HiDPI scaling in the Test Results progress bar.







