Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

1) VPC

Vpc creation



  • CidrBlock - the CIDR block you want the VPC to cover
  • instanceTenancy  - The supported tenancy of instances launched into the VPC.

Unlike cloudStack, Amazon has separate command for setting up the networkDomain for the VPC - CreateDhcpOptions. Following parameters can be set as a part of it:


describeVPC/deleteVpc are pretty much the same.

2) Gateway

VPN gateway:



  • The type of VPN connection this virtual private gateway supports.

attachVpnGateway - attaches vpn gateway to the VPC

  • gatewayId (required)
  • vpcId (required)


createVpnGateway - combines Amazon createVpnGateway + attachVpnGateway. The gateway is created for the particular VPC from the very beginning and can't be detached.


Amazon doesn't have equivalent for this command

3) Static route

The main difference - in Amazon, each network in VPC has its own route table; in cloudStack route table is shared across networks, and can be applied either to all of them or none.


createRouteTable - creates route table for VPC.

  • vpcId (required)

AssociateRouteTable - associates route table to network


  • routeTableId (required)
  • gatewayId (required)
  • cidr - dest CIDR
  • InstanceId
  • NetworkInterfaceId



  • gatewayId (required)
  • cidr (required) - dest cidr

Once static route is created, it's available for all networks in the VPC.


If customer wants to remove some associations, he can do it with AssociateRouteTable after the ugprade is done.

4) Network ACL (Applicable only to pre-4.2 releases; works amazon way since 4.2)


createNetworkACL - creates network ACL for VPC and adds default ingress (deny all) and egress network acl entry (deny all) to it. NetworkACL acts like a container for networkACLEntries - actual firewall rules.

  • vpcId (Required)

createNetworkACLEntry - creates new network ACL entry in the network ACL

  • networkACLId (required)
  • ruleNumber (required)
  • protocol (required)
  • ruleAction (required, allow/deny)
  • egress
  • icmpCode
  • icmpType
  • startPort
  • endPort

replaceNetworkACLEntry - replaces network ACL entry with the given priority

  • networkACLId (required)
  • ruleNumber (required)
  • protocol (required)
  • ruleAction (required, allow/deny)
  • egress
  • icmpCode
  • icmpType
  • startPort
  • endPort

By default, each new network gets associated with default networkACL. To change network->ACL association, following API is used:


In cloudStack each networkACL entry is tight to the network.

createNetworkACL - equivalent to addNetworkACLEntry; ruleAction and rule number are missing. In cloudStack networkACL rule always has action=allow, and we check for conflicts before allowing the rule creation, so the "rule number" is not applicable with the current implementation.

  • networkId (required)
  • protocol (required)
  • startPort
  • endPort
  • cidrList
  • icmpType
  • icmpCode
  • trafficType (Ingress/Egress)

In order to support more Amazon like model in the future, following needs to be done:

  • add ruleAction/ruleNumber to createNetworkACL api
  • implement replaceNetworkACL API
  • For existing customers, for all network ACL db entries, add "ruleAction = allow" and "ruleNumber". Rule number should be calculated based on rule DB id.
  • introduce networkACLList concept - list of network ACL rules that can be associated with a particular network. CreateNetworkACL will continue having networkId parameter (We'll just make it optional to provide backwards compatibility). Plug new parameterwill be added - networkACLListId (also optional).If no networkACLListId is specified, the networkACL will be added to the default container (list) of the network.
  •  New api replaceNetworkACLList will be used to change network->ACL association

5. Ability to extend VPC network ip ranges

As in CS isolated networks we have no support for extending ip ranges, we can't do it in the VPC networks as Amazon does. So no analogs for following EC2 VPC commands:

  • AssignPrivateIpAddress
  • UnassignPrivateIpAddress

6. Ability to add/remove existing networks to VPC

In order to be used in VPC, network has to be created fresh in the VPC. We can't attach/detach existing networks to/from VPC the way amazon lets you: