Versions Compared


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TEZ UI depends on Maven and Yeoman standards for the directory structure.

Color codes

       Maven standard

       Additional files

       Yeoman/Ember standard

Directory hierarchy:
I have just listed things that some one devs must know to start working with the system. There are configurations files that I have omitted. feel free to modify.


  • tez - Repo root
    • Other TEZ files and directories
    • tez-ui
      • pom.xml - Maven configuration file
      • README.TXT
      • target - The web On maven build the tar and Ambari jar can be found here post buildwar would be put here
      • src
        • assembly - Maven plugin for creating the web tar
        • main
          • java - For Ambari view 
          • resources - For Ambari view resources - xml that must be included in war file.
          • webapp
            • package.json - Define node js dependencies -> node_modules
            • bower.json - Define bower dependencies -> app/bower_components (.bowerrc)
            • Gruntfile.js - Web build script. For minification, compilation, unit testing, linting etc...

            • dist - Created by grunt to put the final files for distribution
            • node_modules

            • test

            • app
              • index.html - The first file that would be loaded, index the loads all the scripts and styles will be linked in itstyle files.
              • bower_componentsimg
              • images
              • styles - Less files
              • templates - Handlebar files
              • scripts
                • app.js - Where everything startExecution starts from here
                • router.js
                • configs.js - Change this file to add more counter columns into the tables.
                • default-configs.



                • controllers
                • models
                • routes
                • views
                • mixins
                • components
                • helpers
                • adapters