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The Employees feature manages information about people who have an employment relationship with your Company or one of it's departments. This features include an employee Profile, a display of all employee related information in a single screen and facilities for managing employee skills, qualifications, training, leave and payroll history.

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Breadcrumbs - HR Human Resources > Employees

Usage - In the Employees screen you can create a new employee, search for an existing employee and view a list of employees. Selecting an employee in the list opens the employees profile and other screens associated with the employee. The Employees screen is divided in three screenlets, they are described in the following sections

New Employee



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees - Click New Employee


Breadcrumbs - Human Resources > Employees

Usage - Find an employee using search criteria.



Only Employees Are Found.

Use the Party Manager application to get information about people who are not employees.

To do this: In the Applications menu select Party, enter search criteria to search for the person, to return the HR App select HR from the Applications menu.



  • Party ID - Must be the id of a party who is an employee.

  • User Login - The identifier used to login to OFBiz



    An employee may have zero or more user logins.

  • Last name - Employee last name

  • First name - Employee first name


Actions are described from the left to right, top to bottom of the Find an employee screen.

  • Contact Information radio buttons - Displays or hides additional criteria fields.

  • Lookup Party button (title bar): Opens a list of employees based on the criteria entered.

  • Hide Fields / Show Lookup Fields button (title bar): Hides / shows the filter fields in the "Find an employee" screenlet.

  • Lookup Party icon (right of Party Id field): Opens a pop up search form that finds a Party Id. Use the form to find employees by id or first and last name when you do not know the employee id. Remember the search is only for employees and not all people are employees.

  • Lookup Party button(button center of "Find an employee" footer): Opens a list of employees using the criteria in the "Find an employee" screenlet (same as Lookup Party in the title bar).

  • Show all records button: Opens a list of all employees (same as selecting Lookup Party without entering a criteria).

This section list the employees found by the Find an employee search.


  • PARTY ID: The unique identifier for the employee.

  • USER LOGIN: The user login for the employee. May be "(None)", "(Many)" in the case where an employee has no or more then one login.

  • NAME: The last name, first name of the employee.

  • TYPE: The party type of the employee. Typically "Person"


  • Party Id link (left column in Parties Found list): Opens the employees profile.

  • DETAILS button (right column in Parties Found list): Opens the employees profile (same as clicking the Party Id link).


Profile (Employee)

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The Profile screen for an employee is a collection of screenlets each presenting information about a different aspect of the employee. It is the first item on a menu that has screens for other information related to the employee.


  • View a summary of information on an employee in a single screen

  • Update Personal Information

  • View, create, update, and expire employee contact information

  • View and create a list of related accounts

  • View training records

  • View employment information

  • View, create, and update login id's, update security group

  • View and create party attributes

  • Upload party content

  • View and create notes

Each of the Profile screenlets are described in the sections that follow.

The Personal Information screenlet has only a few of the fields available in OFBiz for recording information about an employee. You can collect and edit additional information by clicking the Update link in the title bar.


  • Party Id: The id of a employee associated with the profile information

  • Name: The first and last name of the employee

  • Comments: A comment associated with the employee

  • External Id: The id of an external login system e.g. An LDAP server

  • Status ID: Available status: Enabled, Disabled, and Assigned.

Action Update title bar button: Edit Personal Information

The Contact Information screenlet summarizes contact details for multiple channels including:

  • Electronic Address

  • Postal Address

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • Internet IP Address

  • Internet Domain Name

  • Web URL/Address

  • Internal Party Note

  • LDAP Address


  • Create New - Opens the Create New Contact Information screen

  • Update - Click to change information or add a contact purpose. You can add a contact purpose when you create and Email Address, Phone Number or LDAP Address. Use Update to add a contact purpose to Postal Address or Web URL/Address. You can not add a purpose to Electronic Address, Internet IP Address, Internet Domain Name and Internal Party Note

  • Expire - Click to sets the through date (not visible the user) on the contact item. The item is no longer displayed in Contact Information.

  • (only in Phone Number)- Click opens in a new browser window

  • Look up White pages (only in Phone Number) - Click opens in a new browser window

  • Send Mail (only in Email Address) - Opens a new communications event. For help see Send Email in the OFBiz Support Apps document.

  • open page in new window (only in Web URL/Address) - Click to open the address in a new browser window.

Accounts are created in the SFA Manger application See SFA Manager Accounts SFA. Listing an account in the Profile provides a quick link in the HR App to the profile of the account.

To Add a Related Account:

  1. Click Create New to add an account to your Profile

  2. Click the Lookup Icon

  3. Select from the list of Id's.

  4. Click Add

  5. The Account is added to the list of Related Accounts in your profile.

Action Click the From Party Id field (in brackets and bold) to open the Related Account profile.

The Training screenlet displays a list of classes that have been assigned to this person.


  • From Date - Start date time for training

  • Thru Date - End date time for training

For more information see: Training

Usage - This screenlet shows the employee's department, position and salary.


  • Company - The organization unit to which the employee is assigned

  • Position - Position(s) held by the employee

  • Salary - Employee salary


  • Company [some text]: Click to open Company profile



    The Profile opened is in the Party Manager application. To return to the HR App select Applications > HR

  • Position [some text]: Click to open position Summary screen.

Usage - The User Name(s) screenlet manages user logins and security settings. Logins give a user the ability log into an OFBiz application while security settings control what the user can do while logged on.

Users with create privileges in the Party Manager application have the ability to create user logins and then to manage the login password and security setting. Others will see a list user login names and status (ENABLED or DISABLED).

Users may have no user login or multiple logins. Each login has it's own set of security settings so multiple logins provide flexibility in controlling a users connection to OFBiz applications.


  • Create New text in title bar: Opens the Create User Login screenlet.

  • Edit button: Opens the Edit Login screen where a user can update the login or change the password.

Usage - Party Attributes provide an ability for users to attach arbitrary names and values to people. These name value pairs can be used in different ways to extend the information collected about a person without having to make changes to the database.

For example, a name could be added "On Company Team" with a value "Football". A report could be created for employees grouped by Company Team.


  • Create New title bar button: Opens the Party Attribute screenlet where you can create name value pairs for the party.

  • Edit button: Click to open Party Attribute screenlet where you can update name value pairs for the party.

Usage - The Party Content screenlet provides a means to load content to the OFBiz Content Manager application. You can use this feature to load your picture for display in your profile.

Action - To load an image for display in the Personal Information screenlet:

  1. Click Browse and select an image using the native file search

  2. In the drop-down list select Logo Image URL

  3. In Is Public select Yes

  4. Click Upload.

After a screen refresh the selected image will appear above Party Id in the Personal Information as Personal Image


  • Content Id - A unique content identifier linking the employee to the content

  • Content Type - One of Internal Content, User Defined Content, Logo Image URL, or Vendor Shipping Info

  • Content Name - A user defined name for the content

  • Content Description - A user defined description of the content

  • Content mime type - One of application/octet-stream, application/pdf, image/gif, image/jpeg, text/html, text/plain, or text/x-diff

  • Status- One of Available Deactivated, Final Draft, In Progress, Initial Draft, Published, or Revised Draft


  • Content Id button: Opens the dedicated Party Content screen.

  • View button: Click to open content. Content will open in a viewer appropriate for the content type.

  • Remove button: Deletes the record

  • Browse button: Opens system file upload

  • Upload button: Uploads file to OFBiz runtime > upload folder. A record is created in Content Manager.



You can manage the uploaded content in OFBiz content manager. To find the content:

  1. In the main Applications menu select Content.

  2. In the Content Manager Menu select Content

  3. In the content id filed enter the content id as displayed in the Party Content list.

  4. Click Find


Usage - In the Notes screenlet you can create and display notes. Notes may not be updated after they are created.


  • Note Name - Required name for the note. The text of the node is to the right of the name.

  • By - Name of the person who created the note.

  • At - Date time note was entered


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees > Click Lookup Party > Click Details > Click Menu Item Employments

Usage - This screen displays a convenient list of Employments for an employee, however usually a person will have only a single employment. You can navigate to the employee profile to view summary information on the employee or to the employment edit page in the Employments feature to edit the employment.



  • DemoEmployee button: Opens the PROFILE screen


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    This action is the same as clicking on the Profile menu item adjacent to this item.

  • Edit button: Opens the Edit Employment screen in the Employments feature.

Employee Position


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees > Click Lookup Party > In Parties Found Click Details > Click Menu Item Employee Position

Usage - This screen displays a convenient list of positions for an employee. Employee positions are created and managed in the Employee Position feature. From this screen you can navigate to the employee position profile screen of the employee to view summary information on the employees position. Click the link button in the party id column to navigate to the profile of the internal organization authorized to fill the position.

To edit position information see Edit Employee Position


  • Status ID - One of Active/Open, Inactive/Closed or Planed For.

  • Party Id

  • Estimate From Date - May be used for budgeting

  • Estimate Thru Date - May be used for budgeting

  • Actual From Data - May be used for financial and regulatory reporting

  • Actual Thru Data - May be used for financial and regulatory reporting


  • Employee Position Id text link: Click to open the Summary screen (profile) in the Employee Position feature for the employee position

  • Party Id button: Click to open profile screen of the organization assigned to the position


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees > Click Lookup Party > In Parties Found Click Details > Click Menu Item Skills

Usage - You can assign a skill to an employee or organization in the Skills screen. Assign numeric values to Years Experience, Rating and Skill Level to provide objective criteria for discriminating between resources with the same skill. These attributes can be used in the Skills feature to locate resources with a needed skill.

You manage skill in Global HR Settings by creating new skill groups and skills or editing existing skills. You can search for employees skills as well as manage employee skills in the Skills feature.

. Fields

  • Person Id - The unique identifier of the person assigned the skill.

  • Years Experience - A numeric value identifying the number of years of experience.

  • Rating - A numeric value that can be used as a filter for finding and reporting on skills in the company.

  • Skill Level - A numeric value that can be used as a filter for finding and reporting on skills in the company


  • Create button - Click to add a skill to an employees list of skills

  • Update button - Click to update changes Years Experience, Rating and Skill Level

  • Delete button - Click to delete a skill from the employee's skill list. Deleted skills can not


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees > Click Lookup Party > In Parties Found Click Details > Click Menu Item Qualifications

Usage - You can assign a qualification to a person or an organization to track their ability to perform a job.

You can search and also assign qualifications in the Qualifications feature. You can manage qualification groups and types in Global Settings Qualification Type.


  • Qualification - The Qualification name.

  • From Date - The start date of the qualification.

  • Qualification Desc - A user defined description of the qualification.

  • Title - A user defined title of the qualification

  • Status - One of completed, deferred or incomplete may be used to indicate if state of the qualification for the party.

  • Verify Status - Indicates if the validity of the qualification has be checked.

  • Thru Date - The end date of the qualification i.e. The expiration date of a drivers license


  • Update button: Click to save changes to the qualification.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the qualification. The qualification is deleted and can not be restored.


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    Instead of deleting a qualification it is better to set the thru date.

  • Create button: Click to create a new qualification for the party.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees > Click Lookup Party > In Parties Found Click Details > Click Menu Item Training

Usage - This screen presents a list of a persons training status. Training is managed in the Training Status screen in the Calendar feature. Classes classes can be created and participants assigned in Training Calendar.


  • Employee Party Id - The unique identifier for person associated with the training list.

  • Training Request Id - The identifier for the request for this person to attend the training.

  • Training Class Type - The name of the training class.

  • Work Effort Id - This field can be ignored by the user.

  • From Date - The date and time the training starts

  • Thru Date - The date and time the training ends.

  • Status - The approval status for the person for this class. May be one of

  • Reason - Reason for training


  • Employee Party Id button: Click to open the employees profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.

  • Approver Party button: Click to open the approvers profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.

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The OFBiz Party Manager application is separate from the HR App. To return to the HR App Select HR from the Applications menu. You will be returned to the main Main screen.

Leave displays a list of reqested leave dates.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees > Click Lookup Party > In Parties Found Click Details > Click Menu Item Training Leave

Usage - An employee can use this screen to request leave. The List Leave screenlet is a list all of the leave records for the employee. An employee can also create a leave request in the Add Employee Leave screenlet.

Any user with Human Resource Employee permission can view and request leave for any other employee. Only users with Human Resource Approver permission can update or approve a leave request.

Leave request are managed in the Leave feature where in addition to requesting leave an approver may review and approve assigned request. Leave types and reasons are managed by the administrator in the Global Settings Employee Leave Type feature.


  • Leave Type Id - The name of a leave type. Leave types are defined in Global Settings

  • From Date - The data the leave starts.

  • Thru Date - The data the leave ends.

  • Approver Party - The party id of the person with authority to approve the leave.

  • Description - A user entered description of the leave.

  • Leave Reason Type - The name of a leave type reason. Leave types reasons are defined in Global Settings


  • Update button: Click to save changes to a leave record.


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    You must have update or administrator permission to update a leave request.

  • Create button: Create button: Click to create a leave request.

  • Employee Party Id button: Click to open the employees profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.

  • Approver Party button: Click to open the approvers profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.


    Image AddedWarning

    The OFBiz Party Manager application is separate from the HR App. To return to the HR App Select HR from the Applications menu. You will be returned to the main Main screen.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employees > Click Lookup Party > In Parties Found Click Details > Click Menu Item Payroll History

Usage - The Payroll History screen displays a list of invoices for the employee. Generally these are payroll or commission invoices. The invoices life cycle from creation through payment is done in the Accounting application.


  • Invoice ID - The distance identifier of the invoice. This number can be used to find the invoice in the Accounting application.

  • Invoice Type - Identifies the type of invoice. This will typically be Payroll.

  • Invoice Date - Date the invoice was created.

  • Invoice Status - Status may be In-Processes (can be edited), Approved (has been reviewed, can not be edited), Ready (post to GL), Paid (post to GL)

  • Description - A user entered description of the invoice.

  • From Party - The employee identified by the party id . The invoice is in effect from the employee to the company.

  • To Party - The party the invoice is to. For payroll this will typically by your company identified by the party id .

  • Total - Amount paid. For a payroll invoice this will typically be less then the gross amount of the invoice due to deductions for taxes and benefits etc

  • Outstanding Amount - Any unpaid amount due on the invoice.


  • Invoice Id - Click to open the invoices Overview screen in the Accounting application.

  • From Party - Click to open the Fin. History screen for the From Party party id the OFBiz Party Manager application.

  • To Party - Click to open the Fin. History screen for the To Party party id the OFBiz Party Manager application.

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The OFBiz Accounting and Party Manager applications are separate from the HR App. To return to the HR App Select HR from the Applications menu. You will be returned to the main Main screen.


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Description of the Invoice Overview screen is outside the scope of this document.



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Description of the Party Financial History screen is outside the scope of this document.



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