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The HR App Leave feature is the way for your company to manage employ leave in OFBiz. Employees can schedule leave for themselves by using the Leave screen in the Employees feature or it can be done by an administrator in as discussed in the section below.

Any user with Human Resource Employee permission can view and request leave for themselves or any other employee. Only users with Human Resource Approver or Administration permission can approve a leave request. Only users with Administrator permission can update and delete a leave request.




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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Leave

Usage Use the Leave screen to request leave, search for leave request and view a list of leave requests. When the screen opens the first 20 leave request are displayed in the Search Results. Use Search Options to refine the search. Selecting a update in the Leave request list opens the request for update.


  • Party Id - The party id of the employee requesting leave.

  • Leave Type Id - The name of a leave type. Leave types are defined in Global Settings

  • Leave Reason Type - The name of a leave type reason. Leave types reasons are defined in Global Settings

  • From Date - The data the leave starts.

  • Thru Date - The data the leave ends.

  • Approver Party - The party id of the person with authority to approve the leave.

  • Leave Status - A leave request may be Created, Approved, or Rejected.


  • New Leave button: Click open the screen to create a new leave request for an employee.

  • Find button: Click for a list of leave request. Displays a list of request in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Party Id button: Click to open the employees profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.

  • Approver Party button: Click to open the approvers profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.

  • Update button: Click to save changes to a leave record.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the leave request. The request item is deleted and can not be restored.

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The OFBiz Party Manager application is separate from the HR App. To return to the HR App Select HR from the Applications menu. You will be returned to the main Main screen.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Leave > Click New Leave

Usage - Create a new request for leave for an employee.


  • Party Id - The party id of the employee requesting leave.

  • Leave Type Id - The name of a leave type. Leave types are defined in Global Settings

  • From Date - The data the leave starts.

  • Leave Reason Type - The name of a leave type reason. Leave types reasons are defined in Global Settings

  • Thru Date - The data the leave ends.

  • Approver Party - The party id of the person with authority to approve the leave.

  • Description - A user entered description of the leave.

Action - Create button: Click create to create a leave request. The request is in edit mode.

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To create another leave you must clear the previous leave from the edit mode. To do this click the Employee Leave menu item. The the Search Leave screen opens. Click the New Leave button, the Add Employee Leave screenlet opens.



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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Leave > In the Search Results click Update button

Usage: You can update the information in any of fields listed below in the update leave screenlet.



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If you update Party Id, Leave Type Id or From Date you will get an error message. The Update button will change to Create. You can click create to save your changes as a new record. To update any of update-able fields in the original record, return to the search screen (Click the Employee Leave menu item) and click the update button for the item you wish to update.


Action Update button: Click to save changes to the leave request.



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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Leave > Click Leave Approval menu item


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The Leave Approval menu item is visible only to users with Administrator or Approver permission.


Usage Use the Leave Approval screen to search for leave request and view a list of leave requests in the same manners as in the Employee Leave screen described in the previous section. Selecting a update in the Leave Approval search results opens the Edit Leave Approval Status screen (where the Leave Approval screen opened the update screen).


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The Leave Approval Search Option Approver Party defaults to the logon user id. This has the effect of only showing request for approval that apply to the current login user. This field can be manually cleared to show all leave request.



  • Party Id - The party id of the employee requesting leave.

  • Leave Type Id - The name of a leave type. Leave types are defined in 2Global Settings

  • Leave Reason Type - The name of a leave type reason. Leave types reasons are defined in Global Settings

  • From Date - The data the leave starts.

  • Thru Date - The data the leave ends.

  • Approver Party - The party id of the person with authority to approve the leave. Defaults to the user logon id.

  • Leave Status - A leave request may be Created, Approved, or Rejected.


  • Find button: Click for a list of leave request. Displays a list of leave request in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Party Id button: Click to open the employees profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.

  • Approver Party button: Click to open the approvers profile in the OFBiz Party Manager application.

  • Update button: Click to open the Edit Leave Approval Status screenlet.

Image AddedWarning

The OFBiz Party Manager application is separate from the HR App. To return to the HR App Select HR from the Applications menu. You will be returned to the main Main screen.



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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Leave > Click Leave Approval menu item > Click Update

Usage - Users with Approver or Administrator may change the Leave status. The default status is Created. Created status can be changed to status Approved or Rejected. Approved status can be changed to Created or Rejected. Rejected status can not be changed.


  • Party Id - The party id of the employee requesting leave.

  • Leave Type Id - The name of a leave type. Leave types are defined in Global Settings

  • From Date - The data the leave starts.

  • Leave Reason Type - The name of a leave type reason. Leave types reasons are defined in Global Settings

  • Thru Date - The data the leave ends.

  • Approver Party - The party id of the person with authority to approve the leave. Defaults to the user logon id.

  • Leave Status - A leave request may be Created, Approved, or Rejected.

  • Description - A user entered description of the leave.


  • Update button: Click to save changes to a leave status. The new status is displayed. Click Employee Leave to return to the Employee Leave screen or select another menu item as needed.