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List of

GemFire 6.6


Below is a list of GemFire 6.6 statistics. The ones in bold have been most useful in customer applications.

execPagesPagedInCacheClientNotifierStatistics (CacheClientNotifierStatistics)

eventsNumber of events processed by the cache client notifier.
eventProcessingTimeTotal time spent by the cache client notifier processing events.
clientRegistrationsNumber of clients that have registered for updates.
clientRegistrationTimeTotal time spent doing client registrations.
clientHealthMonitorRegisterNumber of client Register.
clientHealthMonitorUnRegisterNumber of client UnRegister.
durableReconnectionCountNumber of times the same durable client connects to the server
queueDroppedCountNumber of times client queue for a particular durable client is dropped
eventsEnqueuedWhileClientAwayCountNumber of events enqueued in queue for a durable client
cqProcessingTimeTotal time spent by the cache client notifier processing cqs.
compiledQueryCountNumber of compiled queries maintained.
compiledQueryUsedCountNumber of times compiled queries are used.

CacheClientProxyStatistics (CacheClientProxyStatistics)

messagesReceivedNumber of client messages received.
messagesQueuedNumber of client messages added to the message queue.
messagesFailedQueuedNumber of client messages attempted but failed to be added to the message queue.
messagesNotQueuedOriginatorNumber of client messages received but not added to the message queue because the receiving proxy represents the client originating the message.
messagesNotQueuedNotInterestedNumber of client messages received but not added to the message queue because the client represented by the receiving proxy was not interested in the message's key.
messagesNotQueuedConflatedNumber of client messages received but not added to the message queue because the queue already contains a message with the message's key.
messageQueueSizeSize of the message queue.
messagesProcessedNumber of client messages removed from the message queue and sent.
messageProcessingTimeTotal time spent sending messages to clients.
deltaMessagesSentNumber of client messages containing only delta bytes dispatched to the client.
deltaFullMessagesSentNumber of client messages dispatched in reponse to failed delta at client.
cqCountNumber of CQs on the client.
sentBytesTotal number of bytes sent to client.

CachePerfStats (Statistics about GemFire cache performance)

loadsInProgressCurrent number of threads in this cache doing a cache load.
loadsCompletedTotal number of times a load on this cache has completed (as a result of either a local get() or a remote netload).
loadTimeTotal time spent invoking loaders on this cache.
netloadsInProgressCurrent number of threads doing a network load initiated by a get() in this cache.
netloadsCompletedTotal number of times a network load initiated on this cache has completed.
netloadTimeTotal time spent doing network loads on this cache.
netsearchesInProgressCurrent number of threads doing a network search initiated by a get() in this cache.
netsearchesCompletedTotal number of times network searches initiated by this cache have completed.
netsearchTimeTotal time spent doing network searches for cache values.
cacheWriterCallsInProgressCurrent number of threads doing a cache writer call.
cacheWriterCallsCompletedTotal number of times a cache writer call has completed.
cacheWriterCallTimeTotal time spent doing cache writer calls.
cacheListenerCallsInProgressCurrent number of threads doing a cache listener call.
cacheListenerCallsCompletedTotal number of times a cache listener call has completed.
cacheListenerCallTimeTotal time spent doing cache listener calls.
indexUpdateInProgressCurrent number of ops in progress
indexUpdateCompletedTotal number of ops that have completed
indexUpdateTimeTotal amount of time spent doing this op
getInitialImagesInProgressCurrent number of getInitialImage operations currently in progress.
getInitialImagesCompletedTotal number of times getInitialImages initiated by this cache have completed.
getInitialImageTimeTotal time spent doing getInitialImages for region creation.
getInitialImageKeysReceivedTotal number of keys received while doing getInitialImage operations.
regionsThe current number of regions in the cache.
partitionedRegionsThe current number of partitioned regions in the cache.
destroysThe total number of times a cache object entry has been destroyed in this cache.
updatesThe total number of updates originating remotely that have been applied to this cache.
updateTimeTotal time spent performing an update.
invalidatesThe total number of times an existing cache object entry value in this cache has been invalidated
getsThe total number of times a successful get has been done on this cache.
missesTotal number of times a get on the cache did not find a value already in local memory. The number of hits (i.e. gets that did not miss) can be calculated by subtracting misses from gets.
createsThe total number of times an entry is added to this cache.
putsThe total number of times an entry is added or replaced in this cache as a result of a local operation (put(), create(), or get() which results in load, netsearch, or netloading a value). Note that this only counts puts done explicitly on this cache. It does not count updates pushed from other caches.
putTimeTotal time spent adding or replacing an entry in this cache as a result of a local operation. This includes synchronizing on the map, invoking cache callbacks, sending messages to other caches and waiting for responses (if required).
putallsThe total number of times a map is added or replaced in this cache as a result of a local operation. Note that this only counts putAlls done explicitly on this cache. It does not count updates pushed from other caches.
putallTimeTotal time spent replacing a map in this cache as a result of a local operation. This includes synchronizing on the map, invoking cache callbacks, sending messages to other caches and waiting for responses (if required).
getTimeTotal time spent doing get operations from this cache (including netsearch and netload)
eventQueueSizeThe number of cache events waiting to be processed.
eventQueueThrottleCountThe total number of times a thread was delayed in adding an event to the event queue.
eventQueueThrottleTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent delayed by the event queue throttle.
eventThreadsThe number of threads currently processing events.
queryExecutionsTotal number of times some query has been executed
queryExecutionTimeTotal time spent executing queries
queryResultsHashCollisionsTotal number of times an hash code collision occurred when inserting an object into an OQL result set or rehashing it
queryResultsHashCollisionProbeTimeTotal time spent probing the hashtable in an OQL result set due to hash code collisions, includes reads, writes, and rehashes
partitionedRegionQueryRetriesTotal number of times an OQL Query on a Partitioned Region had to be retried
txCommitsTotal number times a transaction commit has succeeded.
txCommitChangesTotal number of changes made by committed transactions.
txCommitTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent doing successful transaction commits.
txSuccessLifeTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in a transaction before a successful commit. The time measured starts at transaction begin and ends when commit is called.
txFailuresTotal number times a transaction commit has failed.
txFailureChangesTotal number of changes lost by failed transactions.
txFailureTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent doing failed transaction commits.
txFailedLifeTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in a transaction before a failed commit. The time measured starts at transaction begin and ends when commit is called.
txRollbacksTotal number times a transaction has been explicitly rolled back.
txRollbackChangesTotal number of changes lost by explicit transaction rollbacks.
txRollbackTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent doing explicit transaction rollbacks.
txRollbackLifeTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in a transaction before an explicit rollback. The time measured starts at transaction begin and ends when rollback is called.
txConflictCheckTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent doing conflict checks during transaction commit
reliableQueuedOpsCurrent number of cache operations queued for distribution to required roles.
reliableQueueSizeCurrent size in megabytes of disk used to queue for distribution to required roles.
reliableQueueMaxMaximum size in megabytes allotted for disk usage to queue for distribution to required roles.
reliableRegionsCurrent number of regions configured for reliability.
reliableRegionsMissingCurrent number regions configured for reliability that are missing required roles.
reliableRegionsQueuingCurrent number regions configured for reliability that are queuing for required roles.
reliableRegionsMissingFullAccessCurrent number of regions configured for reliablity that are missing require roles with full access
reliableRegionsMissingLimitedAccessCurrent number of regions configured for reliablity that are missing required roles with Limited access
reliableRegionsMissingNoAccessCurrent number of regions configured for reliablity that are missing required roles with No access
entriesCurrent number of entries in the cache
eventsQueuedNumber of events attached to other events for callback invokation
retriesNumber of times a concurrent destroy followed by a create has caused an entry operation to need to retry.
clearsThe total number of times a clear has been done on this cache.
diskTasksWaitingCurrent number of disk tasks (oplog compactions, asynchronous recoveries, etc) that are waiting for a thread to run the operation
evictorJobsStartedNumber of evictor jobs started
evictorJobsCompletedNumber of evictor jobs completed
evictorQueueSizeNumber of jobs waiting to be picked up by evictor threads
evictWorkTimeTotal time spent doing eviction work in background threads
nonSingleHopsCountTotal number of times client request observed more than one hop during operation.
metaDataRefreshCountTotal number of times the meta data is refreshed due to hopping obsevred.
deltaUpdatesThe total number of times entries in this cache are updated through delta bytes.
deltaUpdatesTimeTotal time spent applying the received delta bytes to entries in this cache.
deltaFailedUpdatesThe total number of times entries in this cache failed to be updated through delta bytes.
deltasPreparedThe total number of times delta was prepared in this cache.
deltasPreparedTimeTotal time spent preparing delta bytes in this cache.
deltasSentThe total number of times delta was sent to remote caches. This excludes deltas sent from server to client.
deltaFullValuesSentThe total number of times a full value was sent to a remote cache.
deltaFullValuesRequestedThe total number of times a full value was requested by this cache.

CacheServerStats (Stats for activity in the CacheServer)

getRequestsNumber of cache client get requests.
readGetRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading get requests.
processGetTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client get request, including the time to get an object from the cache.
getResponsesNumber of get responses written to the cache client.
writeGetResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing get responses.
putRequestsNumber of cache client put requests.
readPutRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading put requests.
processPutTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client put request, including the time to put an object into the cache.
putResponsesNumber of put responses written to the cache client.
writePutResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing put responses.
putAllRequestsNumber of cache client putAll requests.
readPutAllRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading putAll requests.
processPutAllTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client putAll request, including the time to put all objects into the cache.
putAllResponsesNumber of putAll responses written to the cache client.
writePutAllResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing putAll responses.
getAllRequestsNumber of cache client getAll requests.
readGetAllRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading getAll requests.
processGetAllTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client getAll request.
getAllResponsesNumber of getAll responses written to the cache client.
writeGetAllResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing getAll responses.
destroyRequestsNumber of cache client destroy requests.
readDestroyRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading destroy requests.
processDestroyTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client destroy request, including the time to destroy an object from the cache.
destroyResponsesNumber of destroy responses written to the cache client.
writeDestroyResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing destroy responses.
invalidateRequestsNumber of cache client invalidate requests.
readInvalidateRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading invalidate requests.
processInvalidateTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client invalidate request, including the time to invalidate an object from the cache.
invalidateResponsesNumber of invalidate responses written to the cache client.
writeInvalidateResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing invalidate responses.
sizeRequestsNumber of cache client size requests.
readSizeRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading size requests.
processSizeTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client size request, including the time to size an object from the cache.
sizeResponsesNumber of size responses written to the cache client.
writeSizeResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing size responses.
queryRequestsNumber of cache client query requests.
readQueryRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading query requests.
processQueryTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client query request, including the time to destroy an object from the cache.
queryResponsesNumber of query responses written to the cache client.
writeQueryResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing query responses.
destroyRegionRequestsNumber of cache client destroyRegion requests.
readDestroyRegionRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading destroyRegion requests.
processDestroyRegionTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client destroyRegion request, including the time to destroy the region from the cache.
destroyRegionResponsesNumber of destroyRegion responses written to the cache client.
writeDestroyRegionResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing destroyRegion responses.
containsKeyRequestsNumber of cache client containsKey requests.
readContainsKeyRequestTimeTotal time spent reading containsKey requests.
processContainsKeyTimeTotal time spent processing a containsKey request.
containsKeyResponsesNumber of containsKey responses written to the cache client.
writeContainsKeyResponseTimeTotal time spent writing containsKey responses.
processBatchRequestsNumber of cache client processBatch requests.
readProcessBatchRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading processBatch requests.
processBatchTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client processBatch request.
processBatchResponsesNumber of processBatch responses written to the cache client.
writeProcessBatchResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing processBatch responses.
batchSizeThe size of the batches received.
clearRegionRequestsNumber of cache client clearRegion requests.
readClearRegionRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading clearRegion requests.
processClearRegionTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client clearRegion request, including the time to clear the region from the cache.
clearRegionResponsesNumber of clearRegion responses written to the cache client.
writeClearRegionResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing clearRegion responses.
clientNotificationRequestsNumber of cache client notification requests.
readClientNotificationRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading client notification requests.
processClientNotificationTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client notification request.
updateClientNotificationRequestsNumber of cache client notification update requests.
readUpdateClientNotificationRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading client notification update requests.
processUpdateClientNotificationTimeTotal time spent in processing a client notification update request.
clientReadyRequestsNumber of cache client ready requests.
readClientReadyRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading cache client ready requests.
processClientReadyTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client ready request, including the time to destroy an object from the cache.
clientReadyResponsesNumber of client ready responses written to the cache client.
writeClientReadyResponseTimeTotal time spent in writing client ready responses.
closeConnectionRequestsNumber of cache client close connection requests.
readCloseConnectionRequestTimeTotal time spent in reading close connection requests.
processCloseConnectionTimeTotal time spent in processing a cache client close connection request.
failedConnectionAttemptsNumber of failed connection attempts.
currentClientConnectionsNumber of sockets accepted and used for client to server messaging.
currentQueueConnectionsNumber of sockets accepted and used for server to client messaging.
currentClientsNumber of client virtual machines connected.
outOfOrderGatewayBatchIdsNumber of Out of order batch IDs.
abandonedWriteRequestsNumber of write opertations abandond by clients
abandonedReadRequestsNumber of read opertations abandond by clients
receivedBytesTotal number of bytes received from clients.
sentBytesTotal number of bytes sent to clients.
messagesBeingReceivedCurrent number of message being received off the network or being processed after reception.
messageBytesBeingReceivedCurrent number of bytes consumed by messages being received or processed.
connectionsTimedOutTotal number of connections that have been timed out by the server because of client inactivity
threadQueueSizeCurrent number of connections waiting for a thread to start processing their message.
acceptsInProgressCurrent number of server accepts that are attempting to do the initial handshake with the client.
acceptThreadStartsTotal number of threads created to deal with an accepted socket. Note that this is not the current number of threads.
connectionThreadStartsTotal number of threads created to deal with a client connection. Note that this is not the current number of threads.
connectionThreadsCurrent number of threads dealing with a client connection.
connectionLoadThe load from client to server connections as reported by the load probe installed in this server
loadPerConnectionThe estimate of how much load is added for each new connection as reported by the load probe installed in this server
queueLoadThe load from queues as reported by the load probe installed in this server
loadPerQueueThe estimate of how much load is added for each new connection as reported by the load probe installed in this server

ClientSendStats (Statistics about client to server communication)

getSendsInProgressCurrent number of get sends being executed
getSendsTotal number of get sends that have completed successfully
getSendFailuresTotal number of get sends that have failed
getSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing get sends
putSendsInProgressCurrent number of put sends being executed
putSendsTotal number of put sends that have completed successfully
putSendFailuresTotal number of put sends that have failed
putSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing put sends
destroySendsInProgressCurrent number of destroy sends being executed
destroySendsTotal number of destroy sends that have completed successfully
destroySendFailuresTotal number of destroy sends that have failed
destroySendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing destroy sends
destroyRegionSendsInProgressCurrent number of destroyRegion sends being executed
destroyRegionSendsTotal number of destroyRegion sends that have completed successfully
destroyRegionSendFailuresTotal number of destroyRegion sends that have failed
destroyRegionSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing destroyRegion sends
clearSendsInProgressCurrent number of clear sends being executed
clearSendsTotal number of clear sends that have completed successfully
clearSendFailuresTotal number of clear sends that have failed
clearSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing clear sends
containsKeySendsInProgressCurrent number of containsKey sends being executed
containsKeySendsTotal number of containsKey sends that have completed successfully
containsKeySendFailuresTotal number of containsKey sends that have failed
containsKeySendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing containsKey sends
keySetSendsInProgressCurrent number of keySet sends being executed
keySetSendsTotal number of keySet sends that have completed successfully
keySetSendFailuresTotal number of keySet sends that have failed
keySetSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing keySet sends
commitSendsInProgressCurrent number of commit sends being executed
commitSendFailuresTotal number of commit sends that have failed
commitSendsTotal number of commit sends that have failed
commitSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing commits
rollbackSendsInProgressCurrent number of rollback sends being executed
rollbackSendFailuresTotal number of rollback sends that have failed
rollbackSendsTotal number of rollback sends that have failed
rollbackSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing rollbacks
getEntrySendsInProgressCurrent number of getEntry sends being executed
getEntrySendFailuresTotal number of getEntry sends that have failed
getEntrySendsTotal number of getEntry sends that have failed
getEntrySendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent sending getEntry messages
jtaSynchronizationSendsInProgressCurrent number of jtaSynchronization sends being executed
jtaSynchronizationSendFailuresTotal number of jtaSynchronization sends that have failed
jtaSynchronizationSendsTotal number of jtaSynchronization sends that have failed
jtaSynchronizationSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing jtaSynchronizations
txFailoverSendsInProgressCurrent number of txFailover sends being executed
txFailoverSendFailuresTotal number of txFailover sends that have failed
txFailoverSendsTotal number of txFailover sends that have failed
txFailoverSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing txFailovers
sizeSendsInProgressCurrent number of size sends being executed
sizeSendFailuresTotal number of size sends that have failed
sizeSendsTotal number of size sends that have failed
sizeSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing sizes
invalidateSendsInProgressCurrent number of invalidate sends being executed
invalidateSendFailuresTotal number of invalidate sends that have failed
invalidateSendsTotal number of invalidate sends that have failed
invalidateSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing invalidates
registerInterestSendsInProgressCurrent number of registerInterest sends being executed
registerInterestSendsTotal number of registerInterest sends that have completed successfully
registerInterestSendFailuresTotal number of registerInterest sends that have failed
registerInterestSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing registerInterest sends
unregisterInterestSendsInProgressCurrent number of unregisterInterest sends being executed
unregisterInterestSendsTotal number of unregisterInterest sends that have completed successfully
unregisterInterestSendFailuresTotal number of unregisterInterest sends that have failed
unregisterInterestSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing unregisterInterest sends
querySendsInProgressCurrent number of query sends being executed
querySendsTotal number of query sends that have completed successfully
querySendFailuresTotal number of query sends that have failed
querySendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing query sends
createCQSendsInProgressCurrent number of createCQ sends being executed
createCQSendsTotal number of createCQ sends that have completed successfully
createCQSendFailuresTotal number of createCQ sends that have failed
createCQSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing createCQ sends
stopCQSendsInProgressCurrent number of stopCQ sends being executed
stopCQSendsTotal number of stopCQ sends that have completed successfully
stopCQSendFailuresTotal number of stopCQ sends that have failed
stopCQSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing stopCQ sends
closeCQSendsInProgressCurrent number of closeCQ sends being executed
closeCQSendsTotal number of closeCQ sends that have completed successfully
closeCQSendFailuresTotal number of closeCQ sends that have failed
closeCQSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing closeCQ sends
gatewayBatchSendsInProgressCurrent number of gatewayBatch sends being executed
gatewayBatchSendsTotal number of gatewayBatch sends that have completed successfully
gatewayBatchSendFailuresTotal number of gatewayBatch sends that have failed
gatewayBatchSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing gatewayBatch sends
readyForEventsSendsInProgressCurrent number of readyForEvents sends being executed
readyForEventsSendsTotal number of readyForEvents sends that have completed successfully
readyForEventsSendFailuresTotal number of readyForEvents sends that have failed
readyForEventsSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing readyForEvents sends
makePrimarySendsInProgressCurrent number of makePrimary sends being executed
makePrimarySendsTotal number of makePrimary sends that have completed successfully
makePrimarySendFailuresTotal number of makePrimary sends that have failed
makePrimarySendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing makePrimary sends
closeConSendsInProgressCurrent number of closeCon sends being executed
closeConSendsTotal number of closeCon sends that have completed successfully
closeConSendFailuresTotal number of closeCon sends that have failed
closeConSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing closeCon sends
primaryAckSendsInProgressCurrent number of primaryAck sends being executed
primaryAckSendsTotal number of primaryAck sends that have completed successfully
primaryAckSendFailuresTotal number of primaryAck sends that have failed
primaryAckSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing primaryAck sends
pingSendsInProgressCurrent number of ping sends being executed
pingSendsTotal number of ping sends that have completed successfully
pingSendFailuresTotal number of ping sends that have failed
pingSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing ping sends
registerInstantiatorsSendsInProgressCurrent number of registerInstantiators sends being executed
registerInstantiatorsSendsTotal number of registerInstantiators sends that have completed successfully
registerInstantiatorsSendFailuresTotal number of registerInstantiators sends that have failed
registerInstantiatorsSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing registerInstantiators sends
registerDataSerializersSendInProgressCurrent number of registerDataSerializers sends being executed
registerDataSerializersSendsTotal number of registerDataSerializers sends that have completed successfully
registerDataSerializersSendFailuresTotal number of registerDataSerializers sends that have failed
registerDataSerializersSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing registerDataSerializers sends
putAllSendsInProgressCurrent number of putAll sends being executed
putAllSendsTotal number of putAll sends that have completed successfully
putAllSendFailuresTotal number of putAll sends that have failed
putAllSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing putAll sends
getAllSendsInProgressCurrent number of getAll sends being executed
getAllSendsTotal number of getAll sends that have completed successfully
getAllSendFailuresTotal number of getAll sends that have failed
getAllSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing getAll sends
executeFunctionSendsInProgressCurrent number of Function sends being executed
executeFunctionSendsTotal number of Function sends that have completed successfully
executeFunctionSendFailuresTotal number of Function sends that have failed
executeFunctionSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing Function sends
asyncExecuteFunctionSendsInProgressCurrent number of Function sends being executed asynchronously
asyncExecuteFunctionSendsTotal number of asynchronous Function sends that have completed successfully
asyncExecuteFunctionSendFailuresTotal number of asynchronous Function sends that have failed
asyncExecuteFunctionSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing asynchronous Function sends
getClientPRMetadataSendsInProgressCurrent number of getClientPRMetadata operation's request messages being send from the client to server
getClientPRMetadataSendFailuresTotal number of getClientPRMetadata operation's request messages not sent successfully from the client to server
getClientPRMetadataSendsSuccessfulTotal number of getClientPRMetadata operation's request messages sent successfully from the client to server
getClientPRMetadataSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent sending getClientPRMetadata operation's request messages successfully/unsuccessfully from the client to server
getClientPartitionAttributesSendsInProgressCurrent number of getClientPartitionAttributes operation's request messages being send from the client to server
getClientPartitionAttributesSendFailuresTotal number of getClientPartitionAttributes operation's request messages not sent successfully from the client to server
getClientPartitionAttributesSendsSuccessfulTotal number of getClientPartitionAttributes operation's request messages sent successfully from the client to server
getClientPartitionAttributesSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent sending getClientPartitionAttributes operation's request messages successfully/unsuccessfully from the client to server
getPDXTypeByIdSendsInProgressCurrent number of getPDXTypeById operation's request messages being send from the client to server
getPDXTypeByIdSendFailuresTotal number of getPDXTypeById operation's request messages not sent successfully from the client to server
getPDXTypeByIdSendsSuccessfulTotal number of getPDXTypeById operation's request messages sent successfully from the client to server
getPDXTypeByIdSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent sending getPDXTypeById operation's request messages successfully/unsuccessfully from the client to server
getPDXIdForTypeSendsInProgressCurrent number of getPDXIdForType operation's request messages being send from the client to server
getPDXIdForTypeSendFailuresTotal number of getPDXIdForType operation's request messages not sent successfully from the client to server
getPDXIdForTypeSendsSuccessfulTotal number of getPDXIdForType operation's request messages sent successfully from the client to server
getPDXIdForTypeSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent sending getPDXIdForType operation's request messages successfully/unsuccessfully from the client to server
addPdxTypeSendsInProgressCurrent number of addPdxType operation's request messages being send from the client to server
addPdxTypeSendFailuresTotal number of addPdxType operation's request messages not sent successfully from the client to server
addPdxTypeSendsSuccessfulTotal number of addPdxType operation's request messages sent successfully from the client to server
addPdxTypeSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent sending addPdxType operation's request messages successfully/unsuccessfully from the client to server

ClientStats (Statistics about client to server communication)

getsInProgressCurrent number of gets being executed
getsTotal number of gets completed successfully
getFailuresTotal number of get attempts that have failed
getTimeoutsTotal number of get attempts that have timed out
getTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing gets
putsInProgressCurrent number of puts being executed
putsTotal number of puts completed successfully
putFailuresTotal number of put attempts that have failed
putTimeoutsTotal number of put attempts that have timed out
putTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing puts
destroysInProgressCurrent number of destroys being executed
destroysTotal number of destroys completed successfully
destroyFailuresTotal number of destroy attempts that have failed
destroyTimeoutsTotal number of destroy attempts that have timed out
destroyTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing destroys
destroyRegionsInProgressCurrent number of destroyRegions being executed
destroyRegionsTotal number of destroyRegions completed successfully
destroyRegionFailuresTotal number of destroyRegion attempts that have failed
destroyRegionTimeoutsTotal number of destroyRegion attempts that have timed out
destroyRegionTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing destroyRegions
clearsInProgressCurrent number of clears being executed
clearsTotal number of clears completed successfully
clearFailuresTotal number of clear attempts that have failed
clearTimeoutsTotal number of clear attempts that have timed out
clearTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing clears
containsKeysInProgressCurrent number of containsKeys being executed
containsKeysTotal number of containsKeys completed successfully
containsKeyFailuresTotal number of containsKey attempts that have failed
containsKeyTimeoutsTotal number of containsKey attempts that have timed out
containsKeyTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing containsKeys
keySetsInProgressCurrent number of keySets being executed
keySetsTotal number of keySets completed successfully
keySetFailuresTotal number of keySet attempts that have failed
keySetTimeoutsTotal number of keySet attempts that have timed out
keySetTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing keySets
commitsInProgressCurrent number of commits being executed
commitsTotal number of commits completed successfully
commitFailuresTotal number of commit attempts that have failed
commitTimeoutsTotal number of commit attempts that have timed out
commitTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing commits
rollbacksInProgressCurrent number of rollbacks being executed
rollbacksTotal number of rollbacks completed successfully
rollbackFailuresTotal number of rollback attempts that have failed
rollbackTimeoutsTotal number of rollback attempts that have timed out
rollbackTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing rollbacks
getEntrysInProgressCurrent number of getEntry messages being executed
getEntrysTotal number of getEntry messages completed successfully
getEntryFailuresTotal number of getEntry attempts that have failed
getEntryTimeoutsTotal number of getEntry attempts that have timed out
getEntryTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing getEntry processings
jtaSynchronizationsInProgressCurrent number of jtaSynchronizations being executed
jtaSynchronizationsTotal number of jtaSynchronizations completed successfully
jtaSynchronizationFailuresTotal number of jtaSynchronization attempts that have failed
jtaSynchronizationTimeoutsTotal number of jtaSynchronization attempts that have timed out
jtaSynchronizationTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing jtaSynchronizations
txFailoversInProgressCurrent number of txFailovers being executed
txFailoversTotal number of txFailovers completed successfully
txFailoverFailuresTotal number of txFailover attempts that have failed
txFailoverTimeoutsTotal number of txFailover attempts that have timed out
txFailoverTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing txFailovers
sizesInProgressCurrent number of sizes being executed
sizesTotal number of sizes completed successfully
sizeFailuresTotal number of size attempts that have failed
sizeTimeoutsTotal number of size attempts that have timed out
sizeTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing sizes
invalidatesInProgressCurrent number of invalidates being executed
invalidatesTotal number of invalidates completed successfully
invalidateFailuresTotal number of invalidate attempts that have failed
invalidateTimeoutsTotal number of invalidate attempts that have timed out
invalidateTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing invalidates
registerInterestsInProgressCurrent number of registerInterests being executed
registerInterestsTotal number of registerInterests completed successfully
registerInterestFailuresTotal number of registerInterest attempts that have failed
registerInterestTimeoutsTotal number of registerInterest attempts that have timed out
registerInterestTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing registerInterests
unregisterInterestsInProgressCurrent number of unregisterInterests being executed
unregisterInterestsTotal number of unregisterInterests completed successfully
unregisterInterestFailuresTotal number of unregisterInterest attempts that have failed
unregisterInterestTimeoutsTotal number of unregisterInterest attempts that have timed out
unregisterInterestTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing unregisterInterests
querysInProgressCurrent number of querys being executed
querysTotal number of querys completed successfully
queryFailuresTotal number of query attempts that have failed
queryTimeoutsTotal number of query attempts that have timed out
queryTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing querys
createCQsInProgressCurrent number of createCQs being executed
createCQsTotal number of createCQs completed successfully
createCQFailuresTotal number of createCQ attempts that have failed
createCQTimeoutsTotal number of createCQ attempts that have timed out
createCQTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing createCQs
stopCQsInProgressCurrent number of stopCQs being executed
stopCQsTotal number of stopCQs completed successfully
stopCQFailuresTotal number of stopCQ attempts that have failed
stopCQTimeoutsTotal number of stopCQ attempts that have timed out
stopCQTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing stopCQs
closeCQsInProgressCurrent number of closeCQs being executed
closeCQsTotal number of closeCQs completed successfully
closeCQFailuresTotal number of closeCQ attempts that have failed
closeCQTimeoutsTotal number of closeCQ attempts that have timed out
closeCQTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing closeCQs
gatewayBatchsInProgressCurrent number of gatewayBatchs being executed
gatewayBatchsTotal number of gatewayBatchs completed successfully
gatewayBatchFailuresTotal number of gatewayBatch attempts that have failed
gatewayBatchTimeoutsTotal number of gatewayBatch attempts that have timed out
gatewayBatchTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing gatewayBatchs
readyForEventsInProgressCurrent number of readyForEvents being executed
readyForEventsTotal number of readyForEvents completed successfully
readyForEventsFailuresTotal number of readyForEvents attempts that have failed
readyForEventsTimeoutsTotal number of readyForEvents attempts that have timed out
readyForEventsTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing readyForEvents
makePrimarysInProgressCurrent number of makePrimarys being executed
makePrimarysTotal number of makePrimarys completed successfully
makePrimaryFailuresTotal number of makePrimary attempts that have failed
makePrimaryTimeoutsTotal number of makePrimary attempts that have timed out
makePrimaryTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing makePrimarys
closeConsInProgressCurrent number of closeCons being executed
closeConsTotal number of closeCons completed successfully
closeConFailuresTotal number of closeCon attempts that have failed
closeConTimeoutsTotal number of closeCon attempts that have timed out
closeConTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing closeCons
primaryAcksInProgressCurrent number of primaryAcks being executed
primaryAcksTotal number of primaryAcks completed successfully
primaryAckFailuresTotal number of primaryAck attempts that have failed
primaryAckTimeoutsTotal number of primaryAck attempts that have timed out
primaryAckTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing primaryAcks
pingsInProgressCurrent number of pings being executed
pingsTotal number of pings completed successfully
pingFailuresTotal number of ping attempts that have failed
pingTimeoutsTotal number of ping attempts that have timed out
pingTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing pings
registerInstantiatorsInProgressCurrent number of registerInstantiators being executed
registerInstantiatorsTotal number of registerInstantiators completed successfully
registerInstantiatorsFailuresTotal number of registerInstantiators attempts that have failed
registerInstantiatorsTimeoutsTotal number of registerInstantiators attempts that have timed out
registerInstantiatorsTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing registerInstantiators
registerDataSerializersInProgressCurrent number of registerDataSerializers being executed
registerDataSerializersTotal number of registerDataSerializers completed successfully
registerDataSerializersFailuresTotal number of registerDataSerializers attempts that have failed
registerDataSerializersTimeoutsTotal number of registerDataSerializers attempts that have timed out
registerDataSerializersTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing registerDataSerializers
connectionsCurrent number of connections
connectsTotal number of times a connection has been created.
disconnectsTotal number of times a connection has been destroyed.
putAllsInProgressCurrent number of putAlls being executed
putAllsTotal number of putAlls completed successfully
putAllFailuresTotal number of putAll attempts that have failed
putAllTimeoutsTotal number of putAll attempts that have timed out
putAllTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing putAlls
getAllsInProgressCurrent number of getAlls being executed
getAllsTotal number of getAlls completed successfully
getAllFailuresTotal number of getAll attempts that have failed
getAllTimeoutsTotal number of getAll attempts that have timed out
getAllTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing getAlls
receivedBytesTotal number of bytes received from server.
sentBytesTotal number of bytes sent to server.
messagesBeingReceivedCurrent number of message being received off the network or being processed after reception.
messageBytesBeingReceivedCurrent number of bytes consumed by messages being received or processed.
executeFunctionsInProgressCurrent number of Functions being executed
executeFunctionsTotal number of Functions completed successfully
executeFunctionFailuresTotal number of Function attempts that have failed
executeFunctionTimeoutsTotal number of Function attempts that have timed out
executeFunctionTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing Functions
asyncExecuteFunctionsInProgressCurrent number of Functions being executed asynchronously
asyncExecuteFunctionsTotal number of asynchronous Functions completed successfully
asyncExecuteFunctionFailuresTotal number of asynchronous Function attempts that have failed
asyncExecuteFunctionTimeoutsTotal number of asynchronous Function attempts that have timed out
asyncExecuteFunctionTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing asynchronous Functions
getClientPRMetadataInProgressCurrent number of getClientPRMetadata operations being executed
getClientPRMetadataFailuresTotal number of getClientPRMetadata operation attempts that have failed
getClientPRMetadataSuccessfulTotal number of getClientPRMetadata operations completed successfully
getClientPRMetadataTimeoutsTotal number of getClientPRMetadata operation attempts that have timed out
getClientPRMetadataTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing getClientPRMetadata successfully/unsuccessfully
getClientPartitionAttributesInProgressCurrent number of getClientPartitionAttributes operations being executed
getClientPartitionAttributesFailuresTotal number of getClientPartitionAttributes operation attempts that have failed
getClientPartitionAttributesSuccessfulTotal number of getClientPartitionAttributes operations completed successfully
getClientPartitionAttributesTimeoutsTotal number of getClientPartitionAttributes operation attempts that have timed out
getClientPartitionAttributesTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing getClientPartitionAttributes successfully/unsuccessfully.
getPDXTypeByIdInProgressCurrent number of getPDXTypeById operations being executed
getPDXTypeByIdFailuresTotal number of getPDXTypeById operation attempts that have failed
getPDXTypeByIdSuccessfulTotal number of getPDXTypeById operations completed successfully
getPDXTypeByIdTimeoutsTotal number of getPDXTypeById operation attempts that have timed out
getPDXTypeByIdTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing getPDXTypeById successfully/unsuccessfully.
getPDXIdForTypeInProgressCurrent number of getPDXIdForType operations being executed
getPDXIdForTypeFailuresTotal number of getPDXIdForType operation attempts that have failed
getPDXIdForTypeSuccessfulTotal number of getPDXIdForType operations completed successfully
getPDXIdForTypeTimeoutsTotal number of getPDXIdForType operation attempts that have timed out
getPDXIdForTypeTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing getPDXIdForType successfully/unsuccessfully.
addPdxTypeInProgressCurrent number of addPdxType operations being executed
addPdxTypeFailuresTotal number of addPdxType operation attempts that have failed
addPdxTypeSuccessfulTotal number of addPdxType operations completed successfully
addPdxTypeTimeoutsTotal number of addPdxType operation attempts that have timed out
addPdxTypeTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing addPdxType successfully/unsuccessfully.

ClientSubscriptionStats (ClientSubscriptionStats)

eventsQueuedNumber of events added to queue.
eventsConflatedNumber of events conflated for the queue.
eventsRemovedNumber of events removed from the queue.
eventsTakenNumber of events taken from the queue.
eventsExpiredNumber of events expired from the queue.
eventsRemovedByQrmNumber of events removed by QRM message.
threadIdentifiersNumber of ThreadIdenfier objects for the queue.
numVoidRemovalsNumber of void removals from the queue.
numSequenceViolatedNumber of events that has violated sequence.

DLockStats (Statistics on the gemfire distribution lock service.)

grantorsThe current number of lock grantors hosted by this system member.
servicesThe current number of lock services used by this system member.
tokensThe current number of lock tokens used by this system member.
grantTokensThe current number of grant tokens used by local grantors.
requestQueuesThe current number of lock request queues used by this system member.
serialQueueSizeThe number of serial distribution messages currently waiting to be processed.
serialThreadsThe number of threads currently processing serial/ordered messages.
waitingQueueSizeThe number of distribution messages currently waiting for some other resource before they can be processed.
waitingThreadsThe number of threads currently processing messages that had to wait for a resource.
lockWaitsInProgressCurrent number of threads waiting for a distributed lock.
lockWaitsCompletedTotal number of times distributed lock wait has completed by successfully obtained the lock.
lockWaitTimeTotal time spent waiting for a distributed lock that was obtained.
lockWaitsFailedTotal number of times distributed lock wait has completed by failing to obtain the lock.
lockWaitFailedTimeTotal time spent waiting for a distributed lock that we failed to obtain.
grantWaitsInProgressCurrent number of distributed lock requests being granted.
grantWaitsCompletedTotal number of times granting of a lock request has completed by successfully granting the lock.
grantWaitTimeTotal time spent attempting to grant a distributed lock.
grantWaitsNotGrantorTotal number of times granting of lock request failed because not grantor.
grantWaitNotGrantorTimeTotal time spent granting of lock requests that failed because not grantor.
grantWaitsTimeoutTotal number of times granting of lock request failed because timeout.
grantWaitTimeoutTimeTotal time spent granting of lock requests that failed because timeout.
grantWaitsNotHolderTotal number of times granting of lock request failed because reentrant was not holder.
grantWaitNotHolderTimeTotal time spent granting of lock requests that failed because reentrant was not holder.
grantWaitsFailedTotal number of times granting of lock request failed because try locks failed.
grantWaitFailedTimeTotal time spent granting of lock requests that failed because try locks failed.
grantWaitsSuspendedTotal number of times granting of lock request failed because lock service was suspended.
grantWaitSuspendedTimeTotal time spent granting of lock requests that failed because lock service was suspended.
grantWaitsDestroyedTotal number of times granting of lock request failed because lock service was destroyed.
grantWaitDestroyedTimeTotal time spent granting of lock requests that failed because lock service was destroyed.
createGrantorsInProgressCurrent number of initial grantors being created in this process.
createGrantorsCompletedTotal number of initial grantors created in this process.
createGrantorTimeTotal time spent waiting create the intial grantor for lock services.
serviceCreatesInProgressCurrent number of lock services being created in this process.
serviceCreatesCompletedTotal number of lock services created in this process.
serviceCreateLatchTimeTotal time spent creating lock services before releasing create latches.
serviceInitLatchTimeTotal time spent creating lock services before releasing init latches.
grantorWaitsInProgressCurrent number of threads waiting for grantor latch to open.
grantorWaitsCompletedTotal number of times waiting threads completed waiting for the grantor latch to open.
grantorWaitTimeTotal time spent waiting for the grantor latch which resulted in success.
grantorWaitsFailedTotal number of times waiting threads failed to finish waiting for the grantor latch to open.
grantorWaitFailedTimeTotal time spent waiting for the grantor latch which resulted in failure.
grantorThreadsInProgressCurrent iterations of work performed by grantor thread(s).
grantorThreadsCompletedTotal number of iterations of work performed by grantor thread(s).
grantorThreadExpireAndGrantLocksTimeTotal time spent by grantor thread(s) performing expireAndGrantLocks tasks.
grantorThreadHandleRequestTimeoutsTimeTotal time spent by grantor thread(s) performing handleRequestTimeouts tasks.
grantorThreadRemoveUnusedTokensTimeTotal time spent by grantor thread(s) performing removeUnusedTokens tasks.
grantorThreadTimeTotal time spent by grantor thread(s) performing all grantor tasks.
pendingRequestsThe current number of pending lock requests queued by grantors in this process.
destroyReadWaitsInProgressCurrent number of threads waiting for a DLockService destroy read lock.
destroyReadWaitsCompletedTotal number of times a DLockService destroy read lock wait has completed successfully.
destroyReadWaitTimeTotal time spent waiting for a DLockService destroy read lock that was obtained.
destroyReadWaitsFailedTotal number of times a DLockService destroy read lock wait has completed unsuccessfully.
destroyReadWaitFailedTimeTotal time spent waiting for a DLockService destroy read lock that was not obtained.
destroyWriteWaitsInProgressCurrent number of thwrites waiting for a DLockService destroy write lock.
destroyWriteWaitsCompletedTotal number of times a DLockService destroy write lock wait has completed successfully.
destroyWriteWaitTimeTotal time spent waiting for a DLockService destroy write lock that was obtained.
destroyWriteWaitsFailedTotal number of times a DLockService destroy write lock wait has completed unsuccessfully.
destroyWriteWaitFailedTimeTotal time spent waiting for a DLockService destroy write lock that was not obtained.
destroyReadsThe current number of DLockService destroy read locks held by this process.
destroyWritesThe current number of DLockService destroy write locks held by this process.
lockReleasesInProgressCurrent number of threads releasing a distributed lock.
lockReleasesCompletedTotal number of times distributed lock release has completed.
lockReleaseTimeTotal time spent releasing a distributed lock.
becomeGrantorRequestsTotal number of times this member has explicitly requested to become lock grantor.
freeResourcesCompletedTotal number of times this member has freed resources for a distributed lock.
freeResourcesFailedTotal number of times this member has attempted to free resources for a distributed lock which remained in use.

DiskDirStatistics (Statistics about a single disk directory for a region)

diskSpaceThe total number of bytes currently being used on disk in this directory for oplog files.
maximumSpaceThe configured maximum number of bytes allowed in this directory for oplog files. Note that some product configurations allow this maximum to be exceeded.

DiskRegionStatistics (Statistics about a Region's use of the disk)

writesThe total number of region entries that have been written to disk. A write is done every time an entry is created on disk or every time its value is modified on disk.
writeTimeThe total amount of time spent writing to disk
writtenBytesThe total number of bytes that have been written to disk
readsThe total number of region entries that have been read from disk
readTimeThe total amount of time spent reading from disk
readBytesThe total number of bytes that have been read from disk
*removesThe total number of region entries that have been removed from disk
removeTimeThe total amount of time spent removing from disk
entriesOnlyOnDiskThe current number of entries whose value is on disk and is not in memory. This is true of overflowed entries. It is also true of recovered entries that have not yet been faulted in.
entriesInVMThe current number of entries whose value resides in the VM. The value may also have been written to disk.
writesInProgresscurrent number of oplog writes that are in progress
localInitializationsThe number of times that this region has been initialized solely from the local disk files (0 or 1)
remoteInitializationsThe number of times that this region has been initialized by doing GII from a peer (0 or 1)

DiskStoreStatistics (Statistics about a Region's use of the disk)

writesThe total number of region entries that have been written to disk. A write is done every time an entry is created on disk or every time its value is modified on disk.
writeTimeThe total amount of time spent writing to disk
writtenBytesThe total number of bytes that have been written to disk
flushesThe total number of times the an entry has been flushed from the async queue.
flushTimeThe total amount of time spent doing an async queue flush.
flushedBytesThe total number of bytes written to disk by async queue flushes.
readsThe total number of region entries that have been read from disk
readTimeThe total amount of time spent reading from disk
readBytesThe total number of bytes that have been read from disk
recoveriesInProgresscurrent number of persistent regions being recovered from disk
recoveryTimeThe total amount of time spent doing a recovery
recoveredBytesThe total number of bytes that have been read from disk during a recovery
recoveredEntryCreatesThe total number of entry create records processed while recovering oplog data.
recoveredEntryUpdatesThe total number of entry update records processed while recovering oplog data.
recoveredEntryDestroysThe total number of entry destroy records processed while recovering oplog data.
recoveredValuesSkippedDueToLRUThe total number of entry values that did not need to be recovered due to the LRU.
recoveryRecordsSkippedThe total number of oplog records skipped during recovery.
oplogRecoveriesThe total number of oplogs recovered
oplogRecoveryTimeThe total amount of time spent doing an oplog recovery
oplogRecoveredBytesThe total number of bytes that have been read from oplogs during a recovery
removesThe total number of region entries that have been removed from disk
removeTimeThe total amount of time spent removing from disk
queueSizeThe current number of entries in the async queue waiting to be flushed to disk
compactInsertsTotal number of times an oplog compact did a db insert
compactInsertTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent doing inserts during a compact
compactUpdatesTotal number of times an oplog compact did an update
compactUpdateTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent doing updates during a compact
compactDeletesTotal number of times an oplog compact did a delete
compactDeleteTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent doing deletes during a compact
compactsInProgresscurrent number of oplog compacts that are in progress
writesInProgresscurrent number of oplog writes that are in progress
flushesInProgresscurrent number of oplog flushes that are in progress
compactTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent compacting oplogs
compactsTotal number of completed oplog compacts
openOplogsCurrent number of open oplogs this region has
compactableOplogsCurrent number of oplogs ready to be compacted
inactiveOplogsCurrent number of oplogs that are no longer being written but are not ready ready to compact
oplogReadsTotal number of oplog reads
oplogSeeksTotal number of oplog seeks
uncreatedRecoveredRegionsThe current number of regions that have been recovered but have not yet been created.
backupsInProgressThe current number of backups in progress on this disk store
backupsCompletedThe number of backups of this disk store that have been taking while this VM was alive

DistributionStats (Statistics on the gemfire distribution layer.)

sentMessagesThe number of distribution messages that this GemFire system has sent. This includes broadcastMessages.
commitMessagesThe number of transaction commit messages that this GemFire system has created to be sent. Note that it is possible for a commit to only create one message even though it will end up being sent to multiple recipients.
commitWaitsThe number of transaction commits that had to wait for a response before they could complete.
sentMessagesTimeThe total amount of time this distribution manager has spent sending messages. This includes broadcastMessagesTime.
sentMessagesMaxTimeThe highest amount of time this distribution manager has spent distributing a single message to the network.
broadcastMessagesThe number of distribution messages that this GemFire system has broadcast. A broadcast message is one sent to every other manager in the group.
broadcastMessagesTimeThe total amount of time this distribution manager has spent broadcasting messages. A broadcast message is one sent to every other manager in the group.
receivedMessagesThe number of distribution messages that this GemFire system has received.
receivedBytesThe number of distribution message bytes that this GemFire system has received.
sentBytesThe number of distribution message bytes that this GemFire system has sent.
processedMessagesThe number of distribution messages that this GemFire system has processed.
processedMessagesTimeThe amount of time this distribution manager has spent in message.process().
messageProcessingScheduleTimeThe amount of time this distribution manager has spent dispatching message to processor threads.
overflowQueueSizeThe number of normal distribution messages currently waiting to be processed.
waitingQueueSizeThe number of distribution messages currently waiting for some other resource before they can be processed.
overflowQueueThrottleCountThe total number of times a thread was delayed in adding a normal message to the overflow queue.
overflowQueueThrottleTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent delayed by the overflow queue throttle.
highPriorityQueueSizeThe number of high priority distribution messages currently waiting to be processed.
highPriorityQueueThrottleCountThe total number of times a thread was delayed in adding a normal message to the high priority queue.
highPriorityQueueThrottleTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent delayed by the high priority queue throttle.
partitionedRegionQueueSizeThe number of high priority distribution messages currently waiting to be processed.
partitionedRegionQueueThrottleCountThe total number of times a thread was delayed in adding a normal message to the high priority queue.
partitionedRegionQueueThrottleTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent delayed by the high priority queue throttle.
functionExecutionQueueSizeThe number of high priority distribution messages currently waiting to be processed.
functionExecutionQueueThrottleCountThe total number of times a thread was delayed in adding a normal message to the high priority queue.
functionExecutionQueueThrottleTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent delayed by the high priority queue throttle.
serialQueueSizeThe number of serial distribution messages currently waiting to be processed.
serialQueueBytesThe approximate number of bytes consumed by serial distribution messages currently waiting to be processed.
serialPooledThreadThe number of threads created in the SerialQueuedExecutorPool.
serialQueueThrottleCountThe total number of times a thread was delayed in adding a ordered message to the serial queue.
serialQueueThrottleTimeThe total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent delayed by the serial queue throttle.
serialThreadsThe number of threads currently processing serial/ordered messages.
processingThreadsThe number of threads currently processing normal messages.
highPriorityThreadsThe number of threads currently processing high priority messages.
partitionedRegionThreadsThe number of threads currently processing partitioned region messages.
functionExecutionThreadsThe number of threads currently processing function execution messages.
waitingThreadsThe number of threads currently processing messages that had to wait for a resource.
messageChannelTimeThe total amount of time received messages spent in the distribution channel
replyMessageTimeThe amount of time spent processing reply messages. This includes both processedMessagesTime and messageProcessingScheduleTime.
distributeMessageTimeThe amount of time it takes to prepare a message and send it on the network. This includes sentMessagesTime.
nodesThe current number of nodes in this distributed system.
replyWaitsInProgressCurrent number of threads waiting for a reply.
replyWaitsCompletedTotal number of times waits for a reply have completed.
replyWaitTimeTotal time spent waiting for a reply to a message.
replyWaitMaxTimeMaximum time spent transmitting and then waiting for a reply to a message. See sentMessagesMaxTime for related information
replyTimeoutsTotal number of message replies that have timed out.
receiversCurrent number of sockets dedicated to receiving messages.
sendersSOCurrent number of shared sockets dedicated to sending ordered messages.
sendersSUCurrent number of shared sockets dedicated to sending unordered messages.
sendersTOCurrent number of thread sockets dedicated to sending ordered messages.
sendersTUCurrent number of thread sockets dedicated to sending unordered messages.
failedAcceptsTotal number of times an accept (receiver creation) of a connect from some other member has failed
failedConnectsTotal number of times a connect (sender creation) to some other member has failed.
reconnectAttemptsTotal number of times an established connection was lost and a reconnect was attempted.
senderTimeoutsTotal number of times an unshared sender socket has remained idle long enough that its lease expired.
syncSocketWritesInProgressCurrent number of synchronous/blocking socket write calls in progress.
syncSocketWriteTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in synchronous/blocking socket write calls.
syncSocketWritesTotal number of completed synchronous/blocking socket write calls.
syncSocketWriteBytesTotal number of bytes sent out in synchronous/blocking mode on sockets.
ucastReadsTotal number of unicast datagrams received
ucastReadBytesTotal number of bytes received in unicast datagrams
ucastWriteTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in unicast datagram socket write calls.
ucastWritesTotal number of unicast datagram socket write calls.
ucastWriteBytesTotal number of bytes sent out on unicast datagram sockets.
ucastRetransmitsTotal number of unicast datagram socket retransmissions
mcastReadsTotal number of multicast datagrams received
mcastReadBytesTotal number of bytes received in multicast datagrams
mcastWriteTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in multicast datagram socket write calls.
mcastWritesTotal number of multicast datagram socket write calls.
mcastWriteBytesTotal number of bytes sent out on multicast datagram sockets.
mcastRetransmitsTotal number of multicast datagram socket retransmissions
mcastRetransmitRequestsTotal number of multicast datagram socket retransmission requests sent to other processes
serializationTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent serializing objects.
serializationsTotal number of object serialization calls.
serializedBytesTotal number of bytes produced by object serialization.
deserializationTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent deserializing objects.
deserializationsTotal number of object deserialization calls.
deserializedBytesTotal number of bytes consumed by object deserialization.
msgSerializationTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent serializing messages.
msgDeserializationTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent deserializing messages.
batchSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent queueing and flushing message batches
batchWaitTimeReserved for future use
batchCopyTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent copying messages for batched transmission
batchFlushTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent flushing batched messages to the network
ucastFlushesTotal number of flushes of the unicast datagram protocol, prior to sending a multicast message
ucastFlushTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent waiting for acknowledgements for outstanding unicast datagram messages
flowControlRequestsTotal number of flow control credit requests sent to other processes
flowControlResponsesTotal number of flow control credit responses sent to a requestor
flowControlWaitsInProgressNumber of threads blocked waiting for flow-control recharges from other processes
flowControlWaitTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent waiting for other processes to recharge the flow of control meter
flowControlThrottleWaitsInProgressNumber of threads blocked waiting due to flow-control throttle requests from other members
jgNAKACKreceivedMessagesNumber of received messages awaiting stability in NAKACK
jgNAKACKsentMessagesNumber of sent messages awaiting stability in NAKACK
jgQueuedMessagesNumber of messages queued by transport and awaiting processing
jgUNICASTreceivedMessagesNumber of received messages awaiting receipt of prior messages
jgUNICASTsentMessagesNumber of un-acked normal priority messages
jgUNICASTsentHighPriorityMessagesNumber of un-acked high priority messages
jgUNICASTdataReceivedTimeAmount of time spent in JGroups UNICAST send
jgSTABLEsuspendTimeAmount of time JGroups STABLE is suspended
jgSTABLEmessagesNumber of STABLE messages received by JGroups
jgSTABLEmessagesSentNumber of STABLE messages sent by JGroups
jgSTABILITYmessagesNumber of STABILITY messages received by JGroups
jgUDPupTimeTime spent in JGroups UDP processing up events
jgUDPdownTimeTime spent in JGroups UDP processing down events
jgNAKACKupTimeTime spent in JGroups NAKACK processing up events
jgNAKACKdownTimeTime spent in JGroups NAKACK processing down events
jgUNICASTupTimeTime spent in JGroups UNICAST processing up events
jgUNICASTdownTimeTime spent in JGroups UNICAST processing down events
jgSTABLEupTimeTime spent in JGroups STABLE processing up events
jgSTABLEdownTimeTime spent in JGroups STABLE processing down events
jgFRAG2upTimeTime spent in JGroups FRAG2 processing up events
jgFRAG2downTimeTime spent in JGroups FRAG2 processing down events
jgGMSupTimeTime spent in JGroups GMS processing up events
jgGMSdownTimeTime spent in JGroups GMS processing down events
jgFCupTimeTime spent in JGroups FC processing up events
jgFCdownTimeTime spent in JGroups FC processing down events
jgDirAckupTimeTime spent in JGroups DirAck processing up events
jgDirAckdownTimeTime spent in JGroups DirAck processing down events
jgVIEWSYNCdownTimeTime spent in JGroups VIEWSYNC processing down events
jgVIEWSYNCupTimeTime spent in JGroups VIEWSYNC processing up events
jgFDdownTimeTime spent in JGroups FD processing down events
jgFDupTimeTime spent in JGroups FD processing up events
jgTCPGOSSIPdownTimeTime spent in JGroups TCPGOSSIP processing down events
jgTCPGOSSIPupTimeTime spent in JGroups TCPGOSSIP processing up events
jgDISCOVERYdownTimeTime spent in JGroups DISCOVERY processing down events
jgDISCOVERYupTimeTime spent in JGroups DISCOVERY processing up events
jgDownTimeDown Time spent in JGroups stacks
jgUpTimeUp Time spent in JGroups stacks
jChannelUpTimeUp Time spent in JChannel including jgroup stack
jgFCsendBlocksNumber of times JGroups FC halted sends due to backpressure
jgFCautoRequestsNumber of times JGroups FC automatically sent replenishment requests
jgFCreplenishNumber of times JGroups FC received replenishments from receivers
jgFCresumesNumber of times JGroups FC resumed sends due to backpressure
jgFCsentCreditsNumber of times JGroups FC sent credits to a sender
jgFCsentThrottleRequestsNumber of times JGroups FC sent throttle requests to a sender
asyncSocketWritesInProgressCurrent number of non-blocking socket write calls in progress.
asyncSocketWritesTotal number of non-blocking socket write calls completed.
asyncSocketWriteRetriesTotal number of retries needed to write a single block of data using non-blocking socket write calls.
asyncSocketWriteTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in non-blocking socket write calls.
asyncSocketWriteBytesTotal number of bytes sent out on non-blocking sockets.
asyncQueueAddTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in adding messages to async queue.
asyncQueueRemoveTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in removing messages from async queue.
asyncQueuesThe current number of queues for asynchronous messaging.
asyncQueueFlushesInProgressCurrent number of asynchronous queues being flushed.
asyncQueueFlushesCompletedTotal number of asynchronous queue flushes completed.
asyncQueueFlushTimeTotal time spent flushing asynchronous queues.
asyncQueueTimeoutExceededTotal number of asynchronous queues that have timed out by being blocked for more than async-queue-timeout milliseconds.
asyncQueueSizeExceededTotal number of asynchronous queues that have exceeded max size.
asyncDistributionTimeoutExceededTotal number of times the async-distribution-timeout has been exceeded during a socket write.
asyncQueueSizeThe current size in bytes used for asynchronous queues.
asyncQueuedMsgsThe total number of queued messages used for asynchronous queues.
asyncDequeuedMsgsThe total number of queued messages that have been removed from the queue and successfully sent.
asyncConflatedMsgsThe total number of queued conflated messages used for asynchronous queues.
asyncThreadsTotal number of asynchronous message queue threads.
asyncThreadInProgressCurrent iterations of work performed by asynchronous message queue threads.
asyncThreadCompletedTotal number of iterations of work performed by asynchronous message queue threads.
asyncThreadTimeTotal time spent by asynchronous message queue threads performing iterations.
jgNAKACKwaitsNumber of delays created by NAKACK sent_msgs overflow
jgDirAcksReceivedNumber of DirAck acks received
jgFragmentationsPerformedNumber of message fragmentation operations performed
jgFragmentsCreatedNumber of message fragments created
receiverDirectBufferSizeCurrent number of bytes allocated from direct memory as buffers for incoming messages.
receiverHeapBufferSizeCurrent number of bytes allocated from Java heap memory as buffers for incoming messages.
senderDirectBufferSizeCurrent number of bytes allocated from direct memory as buffers for outgoing messages.
senderHeapBufferSizeCurrent number of bytes allocated from Java heap memory as buffers for outoing messages.
socketLocksInProgressCurrent number of threads waiting to lock a socket
socketLocksTotal number of times a socket has been locked.
socketLockTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent locking a socket
bufferAcquiresInProgressCurrent number of threads waiting to acquire a buffer
bufferAcquiresTotal number of times a buffer has been acquired.
bufferAcquireTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent acquiring a socket
messagesBeingReceivedCurrent number of message being received off the network or being processed after reception.
messageBytesBeingReceivedCurrent number of bytes consumed by messages being received or processed.
serialThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the serial message executor.
viewThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the view message executor.
processingThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the pool processing normal messages.
highPriorityThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the pool handling high priority messages.
waitingThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the waiting pool.
partitionedRegionThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the pool handling partitioned region messages.
functionExecutionThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the pool handling function execution messages.
serialPooledThreadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been created for the serial pool(s).
TOSentMsgsTotal number of messages sent on thread owned senders
replyHandoffTimeTotal number of seconds to switch thread contexts from processing thread to application thread.
partitionedRegionThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by partitioned region threads
functionExecutionThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by function execution threads
viewThreadsThe number of threads currently processing view messages.
serialThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by serial threads.
viewThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by view threads.
serialPooledThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by pooled serial processor threads.
processingThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by pooled message processor threads.
highPriorityThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by high priority processor threads.
waitingThreadJobsThe number of messages currently being processed by waiting pooly processor threads.
eldersCurrent number of system elders hosted in this member.
initialImageMessagesInFlightThe number of messages with initial image data sent from this member that have not yet been acknowledged.
initialImageRequestsInProgressThe number of initial images this member is currently receiving.

FunctionServiceStatistics (This is the aggregate Function Execution Stats (for all function Executions))

functionExecutionsCompletedTotal number of completed function.execute() calls
functionExecutionsCompletedProcessingTimeTotal time consumed for all completed invocations
functionExecutionsRunningnumber of currently running invocations
resultsSentToResultCollectorTotal number of results sent to the ResultCollector
resultsReceivedTotal number of results received and passed to the ResultCollector
functionExecutionCallsTotal number of FunctionService.execute() calls
functionExecutionsHasResultCompletedProcessingTimeTotal time consumed for all completed execute() calls where hasResult() returns true.
functionExecutionsHasResultRunningA gauge indicating the number of currently active execute() calls for functions where hasResult() returns true.
functionExecutionsExceptionsTotal number of Exceptions Occured while executing function

FunctionStatistics (This is the stats for the individual Function's Execution)

functionExecutionsCompletedTotal number of completed function.execute() calls for given function
functionExecutionsCompletedProcessingTimeTotal time consumed for all completed invocations of the given function
functionExecutionsRunningnumber of currently running invocations of the given function
resultsSentToResultCollectorTotal number of results sent to the ResultCollector
resultsReceivedTotal number of results received and passed to the ResultCollector
functionExecutionCallsTotal number of FunctionService.execute() calls for given function
functionExecutionsHasResultCompletedProcessingTimeTotal time consumed for all completed given function.execute() calls where hasResult() returns true.
functionExecutionsHasResultRunningA gauge indicating the number of currently active execute() calls for functions where hasResult() returns true.
functionExecutionsExceptionsTotal number of Exceptions Occured while executing function

GatewayHubStatistics (GatewayHubStatistics)

numberOfGatewaysNumber of gateways known to this hub.
eventsReceivedNumber of events received by this hub.
eventsQueuedNumber of events added to the event queue by this hub.
eventQueueTimeTotal time spent queueing events.
eventQueueSizeSize of the event queue.
eventsProcessedNumber of events removed from the event queue and processed by this hub.

GatewayStatistics (GatewayStatistics)

eventsQueuedNumber of events added to the event queue.
eventQueueTimeTotal time spent queueing events.
eventQueueSizeSize of the event queue.
eventsNotQueuedConflatedNumber of events received but not added to the event queue because the queue already contains an event with the event's key.
eventsDistributedNumber of events removed from the event queue and sent.
eventsExceedingAlertThresholdNumber of events exceeding the alert threshold.
batchDistributionTimeTotal time spent distributing batches of events to other gateways.
batchesDistributedNumber of batches of events removed from the event queue and sent.
batchesRedistributedNumber of batches of events removed from the event queue and resent.
unprocessedTokensAddedByPrimaryNumber of tokens added to the secondary's unprocessed token map by the primary (though a listener).
unprocessedEventsAddedBySecondaryNumber of events added to the secondary's unprocessed event map by the secondary.
unprocessedEventsRemovedByPrimaryNumber of events removed from the secondary's unprocessed event map by the primary (though a listener).
unprocessedTokensRemovedBySecondaryNumber of tokens removed from the secondary's unprocessed token map by the secondary.
unprocessedEventsRemovedByTimeoutNumber of events removed from the secondary's unprocessed event map by a timeout.
unprocessedTokensRemovedByTimeoutNumber of tokens removed from the secondary's unprocessed token map by a timeout.
unprocessedEventMapSizeCurrent number of entries in the secondary's unprocessed event map.
unprocessedTokenMapSizeCurrent number of entries in the secondary's unprocessed token map.
conflationIndexesSizeCurrent number of entries in the conflation indexes map.

LinuxProcessStats (Statistics on a Linux process.)

imageSizeThe size of the process's image in megabytes.
rssSizeThe size of the process's resident set size in megabytes. (assumes PAGESIZE=4096, specify -Dgemfire.statistics.linux.pageSize=<pagesize> to adjust)

LinuxSystemStats (Statistics on a Linux machine.)

allocatedSwapThe number of megabytes of swap space have actually been written to. Swap space must be reserved before it can be allocated.
bufferMemoryThe number of megabytes of memory allocated to buffers.
sharedMemoryThe number of megabytes of shared memory on the machine.
cpuActiveThe percentage of the total available time that has been used in a non-idle state.
cpuIdleThe percentage of the total available time that has been spent sleeping.
cpuNiceThe percentage of the total available time that has been used to execute user code in processes with low priority.
cpuSystemThe percentage of the total available time that has been used to execute system (i.e. kernel) code.
cpuUserThe percentage of the total available time that has been used to execute user code.
iowaitThe percentage of the total available time that has been used to wait for I/O to complete.
irqThe percentage of the total available time that has been used servicing interrupts.
softirqThe percentage of the total available time that has been used servicing softirqs.
cpusThe number of online cpus on the local machine.
freeMemoryThe number of megabytes of unused memory on the machine.
physicalMemoryThe actual amount of total physical memory on the machine.
processesThe number of processes in the computer at the time of data collection. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Each process represents the running of a program.
unallocatedSwapThe number of megabytes of swap space that have not been allocated.
cachedMemoryThe number of megabytes of memory used for the file system cache.
dirtyMemoryThe number of megabytes of memory in the file system cache that need to be written.
cpuNonUserThe percentage of total available time that has been used to execute non-user code.(includes system, iowait, irq, softirq etc.)
loopbackPacketsThe number of network packets sent (or received) on the loopback interface
loopbackBytesThe number of network bytes sent (or received) on the loopback interface
recvPacketsThe total number of network packets received (excluding loopback)
recvBytesThe total number of network bytes received (excluding loopback)
recvErrorsThe total number of network receive errors
recvDropsThe total number network receives dropped
xmitPacketsThe total number of network packets transmitted (excluding loopback)
xmitBytesThe total number of network bytes transmitted (excluding loopback)
xmitErrorsThe total number of network transmit errors
xmitDropsThe total number of network transmits dropped
xmitCollisionsThe total number of network transmit collisions
contextSwitchesThe total number of context switches from one thread to another on the computer. Thread switches can occur either inside of a single process or across processes. A thread switch may be caused either by one thread asking another for information, or by a thread being preempted by another, higher priority thread becoming ready to run.
processCreatesThe total number of times a process has been created.
pagesPagedInThe total number of pages that have been brought into memory from disk by the operating system's memory manager.
pagesPagedOutThe total number of pages that have been flushed from memory to disk by the operating system's memory manager.
pagesSwappedInThe total number of swap pages that have been read in from disk by the operating system's memory manager.
pagesSwappedOutThe total number of swap pages that have been written out to disk by the operating system's memory manager.
diskReadsCompletedThe total number disk read operations completed successfully
diskReadsMergedThe total number disk read operations that were able to be merge with adjacent reads for efficiency
diskBytesReadThe total number bytes read from disk successfully
diskTimeReadingThe total number of milliseconds spent reading from disk
diskWritesCompletedThe total number disk write operations completed successfully
diskWritesMergedThe total number disk write operations that were able to be merge with adjacent reads for efficiency
diskBytesWrittenThe total number bytes written to disk successfully
diskTimeWritingThe total number of milliseconds spent writing to disk
diskOpsInProgressThe current number of disk operations in progress
diskTimeInProgressThe total number of milliseconds spent with disk ops in progress
diskTimeThe total number of milliseconds that measures both completed disk operations and any accumulating backlog of in progress ops.
loadAverage1The average number of threads in the run queue or waiting for disk I/O over the last minute.
loadAverage15The average number of threads in the run queue or waiting for disk I/O over the last fifteen minutes.
loadAverage5The average number of threads in the run queue or waiting for disk I/O over the last five minutes.

MemLRUStatistics (Statistics about byte based Least Recently Used region entry disposal)

bytesAllowedNumber of total bytes allowed in this region.
byteCountNumber of bytes in region.
lruEvictionsNumber of total entry evictions triggered by LRU.
lruDestroysNumber of entries destroyed in the region through both destroy cache operations and eviction. Reset to zero each time it exceeds lruDestroysLimit.
lruDestroysLimitMaximum number of entry destroys triggered by LRU before scan occurs.
lruEvaluationsNumber of entries evaluated during LRU operations.
lruGreedyReturnsNumber of non-LRU entries evicted during LRU operations

PartitionedRegionStats (Statistics for operations and connections in the Partitioned Region)

bucketCountNumber of buckets in this node.
minBucketSizeMinimum number of entries in a bucket.
maxBucketSizeMaximum number of entries in a bucket.
totalBucketSizeTotal number of entries in buckets.
avgBucketSizeAverage entries per bucket.
putsCompletedNumber of puts completed.
putOpsRetriedNumber of put operations which had to be retried due to failures.
putRetriesTotal number of times put operations had to be retried.
createsCompletedNumber of creates completed.
createOpsRetriedNumber of create operations which had to be retried due to failures.
createRetriesTotal number of times put operations had to be retried.
preferredReadLocalNumber of reads satisfied from local store
putAllsCompletedNumber of putAlls completed.
putAllMsgsRetriedNumber of putAll messages which had to be retried due to failures.
putAllRetriesTotal number of times putAll messages had to be retried.
preferredReadRemoteNumber of reads satisfied from remote store
getsCompletedNumber of gets completed.
getOpsRetriedNumber of get operations which had to be retried due to failures.
getRetriesTotal number of times get operations had to be retried.
destroysCompletedNumber of destroys completed.
destroyOpsRetriedNumber of destroy operations which had to be retried due to failures.
destroyRetriesTotal number of times destroy operations had to be retried.
invalidatesCompletedNumber of invalidates completed.
invalidateOpsRetriedNumber of invalidate operations which had to be retried due to failures.
invalidateRetriesTotal number of times invalidate operations had to be retried.
containsKeyCompletedNumber of containsKeys completed.
containsKeyOpsRetriedNumber of containsKey or containsValueForKey operations which had to be retried due to failures.
containsKeyRetriesTotal number of times containsKey or containsValueForKey operations had to be retried.
containsValueForKeyCompletedNumber of containsValueForKeys completed.
PartitionMessagesSentNumber of PartitionMessages Sent.
PartitionMessagesReceivedNumber of PartitionMessages Received.
PartitionMessagesProcessedNumber of PartitionMessages Processed.
putTimeTotal time spent doing puts.
createTimeTotal time spent doing create operations.
getTimeTotal time spent performing get operations.
destroyTimeTotal time spent doing destroys.
invalidateTimeTotal time spent doing invalidates.
containsKeyTimeTotal time spent performing containsKey operations.
putAllTimeTotal time spent doing putAlls.
containsValueForKeyTimeTotal time spent performing containsValueForKey operations.
partitionMessagesProcessingTimeTotal time spent on PartitionMessages processing.
dataStoreEntryCountThe number of entries stored in this Cache for the named Partitioned Region
dataStoreBytesInUseThe current number of bytes stored in this Cache for the named Partitioned Region
volunteeringInProgressCurrent number of attempts to volunteer for primary of a bucket.
volunteeringBecamePrimaryTotal number of attempts to volunteer that ended when this member became primary.
volunteeringBecamePrimaryTimeTotal time spent volunteering that ended when this member became primary.
volunteeringOtherPrimaryTotal number of attempts to volunteer that ended when this member discovered other primary.
volunteeringOtherPrimaryTimeTotal time spent volunteering that ended when this member discovered other primary.
volunteeringClosedTotal number of attempts to volunteer that ended when this member's bucket closed.
volunteeringClosedTimeTotal time spent volunteering that ended when this member's bucket closed.
maxBucketCountThe maximum number of buckets.
primaryBucketCountCurrent number of primary buckets hosted locally.
volunteeringThreadsCurrent number of threads volunteering for primary.
lowRedundancyBucketCountCurrent number of buckets without full redundancy.
configuredRedundantCopiesConfigured number of redundant copies for this partitioned region.
actualRedundantCopiesActual number of redundant copies for this partitioned region.
getEntryCompletedNumber of getEntry operations completed.
getEntryTimeTotal time spent performing getEntry operations.
recoveriesInProgressCurrent number of redundancy recovery operations in progress for this region.
recoveriesCompletedTotal number of redundancy recovery operations performed on this region.
recoveryTimeTotal number time spent recovering redundancy.
bucketCreatesInProgressCurrent number of bucket create operations being performed for rebalancing.
bucketCreatesCompletedTotal number of bucket create operations performed for rebalancing.
bucketCreatesFailedTotal number of bucket create operations performed for rebalancing that failed.
bucketCreateTimeTotal time spent performing bucket create operations for rebalancing.
primaryTransfersInProgressCurrent number of primary transfer operations being performed for rebalancing.
primaryTransfersCompletedTotal number of primary transfer operations performed for rebalancing.
primaryTransfersFailedTotal number of primary transfer operations performed for rebalancing that failed.
primaryTransferTimeTotal time spent performing primary transfer operations for rebalancing.
applyReplicationCompletedcompleted ops
applyReplicationInProgressin progress ops
applyReplicationTimeTotal time spent
sendReplicationCompletedcompleted ops
sendReplicationInProgressin progress ops
sendReplicationTimeTotal time spent
putRemoteCompletedcompleted ops
putRemoteInProgressin progress ops
putRemoteTimeTotal time spent
*putLocalCompletedcompleted ops
putLocalInProgressin progress ops
putLocalTimeTotal time spent
rebalanceBucketCreatesInProgressCurrent number of bucket create operations being performed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketCreatesCompletedTotal number of bucket create operations performed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketCreatesFailedTotal number of bucket create operations performed for rebalancing that failed.
rebalanceBucketCreateTimeTotal time spent performing bucket create operations for rebalancing.
rebalancePrimaryTransfersInProgressCurrent number of primary transfer operations being performed for rebalancing.
rebalancePrimaryTransfersCompletedTotal number of primary transfer operations performed for rebalancing.
rebalancePrimaryTransfersFailedTotal number of primary transfer operations performed for rebalancing that failed.
rebalancePrimaryTransferTimeTotal time spent performing primary transfer operations for rebalancing.
prMetaDataSentCounttotal number of times meta data refreshed sent on client's request.

PoolStats (PoolStats)

initialContactCountNumber of contacts initially by user
locatorsCurrent number of locators discovered
serversCurrent number of servers discovered
subscriptionServersNumber of servers hosting this clients subscriptions
locatorRequestsNumber of requests from this connection pool to a locator
locatorResponsesNumber of responses from the locator to this connection pool
connectionsCurrent number of connections
poolConnectionsCurrent number of pool connections
connectsTotal number of times a connection has been created.
disconnectsTotal number of times a connection has been destroyed.
minPoolSizeConnectsTotal number of connects done to maintain minimum pool size.
loadConditioningConnectsTotal number of connects done due to load conditioning.
loadConditioningReplaceTimeoutsTotal number of times a load conditioning connect was done but was not used.
idleDisconnectsTotal number of disconnects done due to idle expiration.
loadConditioningDisconnectsTotal number of disconnects done due to load conditioning expiration.
idleChecksTotal number of checks done for idle expiration.
loadConditioningChecksTotal number of checks done for load conditioning expiration.
loadConditioningExtensionsTotal number of times a connection's load conditioning has been extended because the servers are still balanced.
connectionWaitsInProgressCurrent number of threads waiting for a connection
connectionWaitsTotal number of times a thread completed waiting for a connection (by timing out or by getting a connection).
connectionWaitTimeTotal number of nanoseconds spent waiting for a connection.
clientOpsInProgressCurrent number of clientOps being executed
clientOpSendsInProgressCurrent number of clientOp sends being executed
clientOpSendsTotal number of clientOp sends that have completed successfully
clientOpSendFailuresTotal number of clientOp sends that have failed
clientOpsTotal number of clientOps completed successfully
clientOpFailuresTotal number of clientOp attempts that have failed
clientOpTimeoutsTotal number of clientOp attempts that have timed out
clientOpSendTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing clientOp sends
clientOpTimeTotal amount of time, in nanoseconds spent doing clientOps

ResourceManagerStats (Statistics about resource management)

rebalancesInProgressCurrent number of cache rebalance operations being directed by this process.
rebalancesCompletedTotal number of cache rebalance operations directed by this process.
rebalanceTimeTotal time spent directing cache rebalance operations.
rebalanceBucketCreatesInProgressCurrent number of bucket create operations being directed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketCreatesCompletedTotal number of bucket create operations directed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketCreatesFailedTotal number of bucket create operations directed for rebalancing that failed.
rebalanceBucketCreateTimeTotal time spent directing bucket create operations for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketCreateBytesTotal bytes created while directing bucket create operations for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketRemovesInProgressCurrent number of bucket remove operations being directed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketRemovesCompletedTotal number of bucket remove operations directed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketRemovesFailedTotal number of bucket remove operations directed for rebalancing that failed.
rebalanceBucketRemovesTimeTotal time spent directing bucket remove operations for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketRemovesBytesTotal bytes removed while directing bucket remove operations for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketTransfersInProgressCurrent number of bucket transfer operations being directed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketTransfersCompletedTotal number of bucket transfer operations directed for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketTransfersFailedTotal number of bucket transfer operations directed for rebalancing that failed.
rebalanceBucketTransfersTimeTotal time spent directing bucket transfer operations for rebalancing.
rebalanceBucketTransfersBytesTotal bytes transfered while directing bucket transfer operations for rebalancing.
rebalancePrimaryTransfersInProgressCurrent number of primary transfer operations being directed for rebalancing.
rebalancePrimaryTransfersCompletedTotal number of primary transfer operations directed for rebalancing.
rebalancePrimaryTransfersFailedTotal number of primary transfer operations directed for rebalancing that failed.
rebalancePrimaryTransferTimeTotal time spent directing primary transfer operations for rebalancing.
rebalanceMembershipChangesThe number of times that membership has changed during a rebalance
heapCriticalEventsTotal number of times the heap usage went over critical threshold.
heapSafeEventsTotal number of times the heap usage fell below critical threshold.
evictionStartEventsTotal number of times heap usage went over eviction threshold.
evictMoreEventsTotal number of times evict more event was delivered
evictionStopEventsTotal number of times heap usage fell below eviction threshold.
criticalThresholdThe currently set critical threshold value in bytes
evictionThresholdThe currently set eviction threshold value in bytes
tenuredHeapUsedTotal memory used in the tenured/old space
resourceEventsDeliveredTotal number of resource events delivered to listeners
resourceEventQueueSizePending events for thresholdEventProcessor thread
thresholdEventProcessorThreadJobsNumber of jobs currently being processed by the thresholdEventProcessorThread

SolarisProcessStats (Statistics on a Solaris process.)

allOtherSleepTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been sleeping for some reason not tracked by any other stat. Note that all lwp's contribute to this stat's value so check lwpCurCount to understand large values.
characterIoThe number of characters read and written.
dataFaultSleepTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been faulting in data pages.
heapSizeThe size of the process's heap in megabytes.
imageSizeThe size of the process's image in megabytes.
involContextSwitchesThe number of times the process was forced to do a context switch.
kernelFaultSleepTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been faulting in kernel pages.
lockWaitSleepTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been waiting for a user lock. Note that all lwp's contribute to this stat's value so check lwpCurCount to understand large values.
lwpCurCountThe current number of light weight processes that exist in the process.
lwpTotalCountThe total number of light weight processes that have ever contributed to the process's statistics.
majorFaultsThe number of times the process has had a page fault that needed disk access.
messagesRecvThe number of messages received by the process.
messagesSentThe number of messages sent by the process.
minorFaultsThe number of times the process has had a page fault that did not need disk access.
rssSizeThe size of the process's resident set size in megabytes.
signalsReceivedThe total number of operating system signals this process has received.
systemCallsThe total number system calls done by this process.
stackSizeThe size of the process's stack in megabytes.
stoppedTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been stopped.
systemTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been using the CPU to execute system calls.
textFaultSleepTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been faulting in text pages.
trapTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been in system traps.
userTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been using the CPU to execute user code.
volContextSwitchesThe number of voluntary context switches done by the process.
waitCpuTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been waiting for a CPU due to latency.
activeTimeThe number of milliseconds the process has been using the CPU to execute user or system code.
cpuUsedThe percentage of recent cpu time used by the process.
memoryUsedThe percentage of real memory used by the process.

SolarisSystemStats (Statistics on a Solaris machine.)

allocatedSwapThe number of megabytes of swap space have actually been written to. Swap space must be reserved before it can be allocated.
cpuActiveThe percentage of the total available time that has been used to execute user or system code.
cpuIdleThe percentage of the total available time that has been spent sleeping.
cpuIoWaitThe percentage of the total available time that has been spent waiting for disk io to complete.
cpuSwapWaitThe percentage of the total available time that has been spent waiting for paging and swapping to complete.
cpuSystemThe percentage of the total available time that has been used to execute system (i.e. kernel) code.
cpuUserThe percentage of the total available time that has been used to execute user code.
cpuWaitingThe percentage of the total available time that has been spent waiting for io, paging, or swapping.
cpus itemsThe number of online cpus on the local machine.
freeMemoryThe number of megabytes of unused memory on the machine.
physicalMemoryThe actual amount of total physical memory on the machine.
processesThe number of processes in the computer at the time of data collection. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Each process represents the running of a program.
reservedSwapThe number of megabytes of swap space reserved for allocation by a particular process.
schedulerRunCountThe total number of times the system scheduler has put a thread in its run queue.
schedulerSwapCountThe total number of times the system scheduler has swapped out an idle process.
schedulerWaitCountThe total number of times the system scheduler has removed a thread from the run queue because it was waiting for a resource.
unreservedSwapThe number of megabytes of swap space that are free. If this value goes to zero new processes can no longer be created.
unallocatedSwapThe number of megabytes of swap space that have not been allocated.
anonymousPagesFreedThe total number pages that contain heap, stack, or other changeable data that have been removed from memory and added to the free list.
anonymousPagesPagedInThe total number pages that contain heap, stack, or other changeable data that have been allocated in memory and possibly copied from disk.
anonymousPagesPagedOutThe total number pages that contain heap, stack, or other changeable data that have been removed from memory and copied to disk.
contextSwitchesThe total number of context switches from one thread to another on the computer. Thread switches can occur either inside of a single process or across processes. A thread switch may be caused either by one thread asking another for information, or by a thread being preempted by another, higher priority thread becoming ready to run.
execPagesFreedThe total number readonly pages that contain code or data that have been removed from memory and returned to the free list.
execPagesPagedInThe total number readonly pages that contain code or data that have been copied from disk to memory.
execPagesPagedOutThe total number readonly pages that contain code or data that have been removed from memory and will need to be paged in when used again.
failedMutexEntersThe total number of times a thread entering a mutex had to wait for the mutex to be unlocked.
failedReaderLocksThe total number of times readers failed to obtain a readers/writer locks on their first try. When this happens the reader has to wait for the current writer to release the lock.
failedWriterLocksThe total number of times writers failed to obtain a readers/writer locks on their first try. When this happens the writer has to wait for all the current readers or the single writer to release the lock.
fileSystemPagesFreedThe total number of pages, that contained the contents of a file due to the file being read from a file system, that have been removed from memory and put on the free list.
fileSystemPagesPagedInThe total number of pages that contain the contents of a file due to the file being read from a file system.
fileSystemPagesPagedOutThe total number of pages, that contained the contents of a file due to the file being read from a file system, that have been removed from memory and copied to disk.
hatMinorFaultsThe total number of hat faults. You only get these on systems with software memory management units.
interruptsThe total number of interrupts that have occurred on the computer.
involContextSwitchesThe total number of times a thread was forced to give up the cpu even though it was still ready to run.
majorPageFaultsThe total number of times a page fault required disk io to get the page.
messageCountThe total number of msgrcv() and msgsnd() system calls.
pageDaemonCyclesThe total number of revolutions of the page daemon's scan "clock hand".
pageInsThe total number of times pages have been brought into memory from disk by the operating system's memory manager.
pageOutsThe total number of times pages have been flushed from memory to disk by the operating system's memory manager.
pagerRunsThe total number of times the pager daemon has been scheduled to run.
pagesPagedInThe total number of pages that have been brought into memory from disk by the operating system's memory manager.
pagesPagedOutThe total number of pages that have been flushed from memory to disk by the operating system's memory manager.
pagesScannedThe total number pages examined by the pageout daemon. When the amount of free memory gets below a certain size, the daemon start to look for inactive memory pages to steal from processes. So I high scan rate is a good indication of needing more memory.
procsInIoWaitThe number of processes waiting for block I/O at this instant in time.
protectionFaultsThe total number of times memory has been accessed in a way that was not allowed. This results in a segementation violation and in most cases a core dump.
semphoreOpsThe total number of semaphore operations.
softwareLockFaultsThe total number of faults caused by software locks held on memory pages.
systemCallsThe total number system calls.
systemMinorFaultsThe total number of minor page faults in kernel code. Minor page faults do not require disk access.
threadCreatesThe total number of times a thread has been created.
trapsThe total number of traps that have occurred on the computer.
userMinorFaultsThe total number of minor page faults in non-kernel code. Minor page faults do not require disk access.
loopbackInputPacketsThe total number of input packets received over the loopback network adaptor.
loopbackOutputPacketsThe total number of output packets sent over the loopback network adaptor.
inputPacketspackets received (Solaris kstat 'ipackets')
inputErrorsinput errors (Solaris kstat 'ierrors')
outputPacketsSolaris kstat 'opackets'
outputErrorsoutput errors (Solaris kstat 'oerrors')
collisionsSolaris kstat 'collisions'
inputBytesoctets received (Solaris kstat 'rbytes')
outputBytesoctats transmitted (Solaris kstat 'obytes')
multicastInputPacketsmulticast received (Solaris kstat 'multircv')
multicastOutputPacketsmulticast requested to be sent (Solaris kstat 'multixmt')
broadcastInputPacketsbroadcast received (Solaris kstat 'brdcstrcv')
broadcastOutputPacketsbroadcast requested to be sent (Solaris kstat 'brdcstxmt')
inputPacketsDiscardednumber receive packets discarded (Solaris kstat 'norcvbuf')
outputPacketsDiscardedpackets that could not be sent up because the queue was flow controlled (Solaris kstat 'noxmtbuf')
loadAverage1The average number of threads ready to run over the last minute.
loadAverage15The average number of threads ready to run over the last fifteen minutes.
loadAverage5The average number of threads ready to run over the last five minutes.

StatSampler (Stats on the statistic sampler.)

sampleCountTotal number of samples taken by this sampler.
sampleTimeTotal amount of time spent taking samples.
delayDurationActual duration of sampling delay taken before taking this sample.
statResourcesCurrent number of statistic resources being sampled by this sampler.

VMGCStats (Stats available on a 1.5 garbage collector)

collectionsTotal number of collections this garbage collector has done.
collectionTimeApproximate elapsed time spent doing collections by this garbage collector.

VMMemoryPoolStats (Stats available on a 1.5 memory pool)

currentInitMemoryInitial memory the vm requested from the operating system for this pool
currentMaxMemoryThe maximum amount of memory this pool can have in bytes.
currentUsedMemoryThe estimated amount of used memory currently in use for this pool, measured in bytes.
currentCommittedMemoryThe amount of committed memory for this pool, measured in bytes.
collectionUsedMemoryThe estimated amount of used memory after that last garbage collection of this pool, measured in bytes.
collectionUsageThresholdThe collection usage threshold for this pool in bytes
collectionUsageExceededTotal number of times the garbage collector detected that memory usage in this pool exceeded the collectionUsageThreshold
usageThresholdThe usage threshold for this pool in bytes
usageExceededTotal number of times that memory usage in this pool exceeded the usageThreshold

VMMemoryUsageStats (Stats available on a 1.5 memory usage area)

initMemoryInitial memory the vm requested from the operating system for this area
maxMemoryThe maximum amount of memory this area can have in bytes.
usedMemoryThe amount of used memory for this area, measured in bytes.
committedMemoryThe amount of committed memory for this area, measured in bytes.

VMStats (Stats available on a 1.5 java virtual machine.)

pendingFinalizationNumber of objects that are pending finalization in the java VM.
daemonThreadsCurrent number of live daemon threads in this VM.
threadsCurrent number of live threads (both daemon and non-daemon) in this VM.
peakThreadsHigh water mark of live threads in this VM.
threadStartsTotal number of times a thread has been started since this vm started.
cpusNumber of cpus available to the java VM on its machine.
loadedClassesTotal number of classes loaded since vm started.
unloadedClassesTotal number of classes unloaded since vm started.
freeMemoryAn approximation fo the total amount of memory currently available for future allocated objects, measured in bytes.
totalMemoryThe total amount of memory currently available for current and future objects, measured in bytes.
maxMemoryThe maximum amount of memory that the VM will attempt to use, measured in bytes.
processCpuTimeCPU timed used by the process in nanoseconds.
fdLimitMaximum number of file descriptors
fdsOpenCurrent number of open file descriptors

WindowsProcessStats (Statistics on a Microsoft Window's process.)

handlesThe total number of handles currently open by this process. This number is the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process.
priorityBaseThe current base priority of the process. Threads within a process can raise and lower their own base priority relative to the process's base priority
threadsNumber of threads currently active in this process. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a processor, and a thread is the object that executes instructions. Every running process has at least one thread.
activeTimeThe elapsed time in milliseconds that all of the threads of this process used the processor to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.
pageFaultsThe total number of Page Faults by the threads executing in this process. A page fault occurs when a thread refers to a virtual memory page that is not in its working set in main memory. This will not cause the page to be fetched from disk if it is on the standby list and hence already in main memory, or if it is in use by another process with whom the page is shared.
pageFileSizeThe current number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s). Paging files are used to store pages of memory used by the process that are not contained in other files. Paging files are shared by all processes, and lack of space in paging files can prevent other processes from allocating memory.
pageFileSizePeakThe maximum number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s). Paging files are used to store pages of memory used by the process that are not contained in other files. Paging files are shared by all processes, and lack of space in paging files can prevent other processes from allocating memory.
privateSizeThe current number of bytes this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.
systemTimeThe elapsed time in milliseconds that the threads of the process have spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service is called, the service will often run in Privileged Mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. These subsystem processes provide additional protection. Therefore, some work done by Windows on behalf of your application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in your process.
userTimeThe elapsed time in milliseconds that this process's threads have spent executing code in user mode. Applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems execute in user mode. Code executing in User Mode cannot damage the integrity of the Windows Executive, Kernel, and device drivers. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. These subsystem processes provide additional protection. Therefore, some work done by Windows on behalf of your application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in your process.
virtualSizeVirtual Bytes is the current size in bytes of the virtual address space the process is using. Use of virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. Virtual space is finite, and by using too much, the process can limit its ability to load libraries.
virtualSizePeakThe maximum number of bytes of virtual address space the process has used at any one time. Use of virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. Virtual space is however finite, and by using too much, the process might limit its ability to load libraries.
workingSetSizeThe current number of bytes in the Working Set of this process. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are not in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If they are needed they will then be soft-faulted back into the Working Set before they are paged out out to disk.
workingSetSizePeakThe maximum number of bytes in the Working Set of this process at any point in time. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are not in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If they are needed they will then be soft-faulted back into the Working Set before they leave main memory.

WindowsSystemStats (Statistics on a Microsoft Windows machine.)

committedMemoryInUseThis represents the percentage of available virtual memory in use. This is an instantaneous value, not an average.
eventsThe number of events in the computer at the time of data collection. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. An event is used when two or more threads wish to synchronize execution.
interruptsThe total number of harware interrupts on the computer. Some devices that may generate interrupts are the system timer, the mouse, data communication lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. This counter provides an indication of how busy these devices are on a computer-wide basis.
mutexesThe number of mutexes in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Mutexes are used by threads to assure only one thread is executing some section of code.
processesThe number of processes in the computer at the time of data collection. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Each process represents the running of a program.
processorQueueLengthThe instantaneous length of the processor queue in units of threads. All processors use a single queue in which threads wait for processor cycles. This length does not include the threads that are currently executing. A sustained processor queue length greater than two generally indicates processor congestion. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval
registryQuotaInUseThe percentage of the Total Registry Quota Allowed currently in use by the system.
sharedMemorySectionsThe number of sections in the computer at the time of data collection. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. A section is a portion of virtual memory created by a process for storing data. A process may share sections with other processes.
semaphoresThe number of semaphores in the computer at the time of data collection. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Threads use semaphores to obtain exclusive access to data structures that they share with other threads.
threadsThe number of threads in the computer at the time of data collection. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. A thread is the basic executable entity that can execute instructions in a processor.
dgramsReceivedThe number of datagrams received on the VM's machine.
dgramsNoPortThe number of incoming datagrams that were discarded due to invalid headers
dgramsReceivedErrorsThe number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port
dgramsSentThe number of datagrams sent on the VM's machine
loopbackPacketsThe number of packets sent/received on the loopback interface
loopbackBytesThe number of bytes sent/received on the loopback interface
netPacketsReceivedThe number of network packets received (total excluding loopback)
netBytesReceivedThe number of network bytes received (total excluding loopback)
netPacketsSentThe number of network packets sent (total excluding loopback)
netBytesSentThe number of network bytes sent (total excluding loopback)
availableMemoryThe size, in bytes, of the virtual memory currently on the Zeroed, Free, and Standby lists. Zeroed and Free memory is ready for use, with Zeroed memory cleared to zeros. Standby memory is memory removed from a process's Working Set but still available. Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval.
cacheFaultsIncremented whenever the Cache manager does not find a file's page in the immediate Cache and must ask the memory manager to locate the page elsewhere in memory or on the disk so that it can be loaded into the immediate Cache.
cacheSizeMeasures the number of bytes currently in use by the system Cache. The system Cache is used to buffer data retrieved from disk or LAN. The system Cache uses memory not in use by active processes in the computer.
cacheSizePeakMeasures the maximum number of bytes used by the system Cache. The system Cache is used to buffer data retrieved from disk or LAN. The system Cache uses memory not in use by active processes in the computer.
committedMemoryThe size of virtual memory, in bytes, that has been Committed (as opposed to simply reserved). Committed memory must have backing (i.e., disk) storage available, or must be assured never to need disk storage (because main memory is large enough to hold it.) Notice that this is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval.
committedMemoryLimitThe size, in bytes, of virtual memory that can be committed without having to extend the paging file(s). If the paging file(s) can be extended, this is a soft limit. Note that this value will change if the paging file is extended.
contextSwitchesThe number of times this thread has lost the cpu to another thread. Thread switches can occur either inside of a single process or across processes. A thread switch may be caused either by one thread asking another for information, or by a thread being preempted by another, higher priority thread becoming ready to run. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of User and Privileged modes. These subsystem processes provide additional protection. Therefore, some work done by Windows on behalf of an application may appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the Privileged Time in the application. Switching to the subsystem process causes one Context Switch in the application thread. Switching back causes another Context Switch in the subsystem thread.
demandZeroFaultsThe total number of page faults for pages that must be filled with zeros before the fault is satisfied. If the Zeroed list is not empty, the fault can be resolved by removing a page from the Zeroed list.
pageFaultsThe total number of Page Faults by the threads executing in this process. A page fault occurs when a thread refers to a virtual memory page that is not in its working set in main memory. This will not cause the page to be fetched from disk if it is on the standby list and hence already in main memory, or if it is in use by another process with whom the page is shared.
pageReadsThe number of page read operations done by the process since it was last started. These operations involve actual disk reads and not reads from the shared page cache
pagesThe total number of pages read from the disk or written to the disk to resolve memory references to pages that were not in memory at the time of the reference. This is the sum of pagesInput and the pagesOutput. This counter includes paging traffic on behalf of the system Cache to access file data for applications. This value also includes the pages to/from non-cached mapped memory files. This is the primary counter to observe if you are concerned about excessive memory pressure (that is, thrashing), and the excessive paging that may result.
pageWritesThe number of pages written by the process since it was last started. These page writes are actual disk writes and not just writes into the shared page cache. Unless a large data load is in process, the number should be low for all processes except the Stone's AIO page server process.
pagesInputThe total number of pages read from the disk to resolve memory references to pages that were not in memory at the time of the reference. This counter includes paging traffic on behalf of the system Cache to access file data for applications. This is an important counter to observe if you are concerned about excessive memory pressure (that is, thrashing), and the excessive paging that may result
pagesOutputA count of the total number of pages that are written to disk because the pages have been modified in main memory
systemCallsThe total number of calls to Windows system service routines on the computer. These routines perform all of the basic scheduling and synchronization of activities on the computer, and provide access to non-graphical devices, memory management, and name space management.
cpuActiveThe percentage of time spent doing useful work by all processors. On a multi-processor system, if all processors are always busy this is 100%.
cpuIdleThe percentage of time the machine's processors spent idle.
cpuInterruptThe percentage of time spent receiving and servicing interrupts on all the processors on the machine. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended during interrupts. Most system clocks interrupt the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity.
cpuSystemThe percentage of time spent in privileged mode by all processors. On a multi-processor system, if all processors are always in privileged mode this is 100%. When a Windows system service is called, the service will often run in privileged mode in order to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system may be explicit, or they may be implicit such as when a page fault or an interrupt occurs. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. These subsystem processes provide additional protection. Therefore, some work done by Windows on behalf of an application may appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the cpuSystem in the application process.
cpuUserThe percentage of time spent executing code in user mode on all the processor's on the machine.

