Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This article describes how document provides:

  • How to use


  • the juneau-code.css


  •  stylesheet to produce highlighted text for Java, XML, HTML, manifest file, and config file code.


These  These styles can be used in any of the javadocs or web page content.


  • <jc> - Java comment
  • <jd> - Javadoc comment
  • <jt> - Javadoc tag
  • <jk> - Java keyword
  • <js> - Java string
  • <jf> - Java field
  • <jsf> - Java static field
  • <jsm> - Java static method
  • <ja> - Java annotation
  • <xt> - XML tag
  • <xa> - XML attribute
  • <xc> - XML comment
  • <xs> - XML string
  • <mk> - Manifest file key
  • <mv> - Manifest file value
  • <cc> - Config file comment 
  • <cs> - Config file section
  • <ck> - Config file key
  • <ce> - Config file entry


If marking up the language is too tedious, the sample REST app also includes a code formatter resource:

Image Added

The formatter resource is not perfect.  For example, it can't detect static methods and fields.  But it's will provide a good starting point, especially for XML.


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