Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • All source files should include the standard Apache license header.
  • All lines should be limited to 90 characters in width
  • Remove trailing whitespace. To automate this, install into .git/hooks/pre-commit and make it executable.


See the C++ Style Guide


  • Currently undocumented - new code should follow existing style conventions. Note that you should use clang-format to automatically reformat Java code, as described in the C++ Style Guide


We don't have a formal style guide, but we do adhere to a few conventions:


  • We wrap lines at 90 characters (instead of 80)
  • We use 2 spaces indent (instead of 4)



automatically run flake8-diff on jobs pre-commit to report style violations on lines that patches modify. It is configured using setup.cfg in the Impala repository.

You can run flake8 in several ways. Note that a lot of existing Python code in Impala doesn't meet our current style standards. We fix such issues incrementally when we modify the code.

Code Block
# Works in an Impala development environment. Lists all violations for a file or subdirectory.
impala-flake8 <path to file>

# Show newly introduced violations for your current HEAD commit in git.
# Requires you to install flake8-diff separately.
flake8-diff HEAD^ HEAD

# Generate the same violations as the Impala jenkins bot for your current HEAD commit in git.
./bin/jenkins/ --dryrun

The following tools have also been found useful by developers to scan and/or automatically fix formatting issues:
