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This page is intended to be a quick guide through the process nominating committers and PMC Members for the geode project. For more in depth details on the process of nominating committers for incubating projects, please refer to the ppmc guide. Any member of the PPMC PMC for geode can nominate someone to be a geode committer .or PMC member

For more in depth details please refer to the pmc guide, including how to add a PMC member here. 

1. Send a DISCUSS email to indicating you would like to propose a new committer and PMC Member. Example:

No Format
[DISCUSS] Propose new committer and PMC Member - Lee T. Hacker
I'd like to discuss the proposal to add Lee T. Hacker as a new Geode committer and PPMCPMC member. 
<Brief description of Lee T.'s contributions>

2. If the DISCUSS email does not raise any objections after a couple of days, send a [VOTE] email to with at least 72 hours of voting time. The vote passes if there are at least 3 +1s and no -1 of any PPMC PMC members. Mentors votes are not required. Do one vote for Committer and PPMC PMC membership. Our policy is that if you want to nominate someone was a committer, you should also nominate them to join the PPMCPMC. Example:

No Format
[VOTE] New committer and PPMCPMC member - Lee T. Hacker
I propose adding Lee T. Hacker as a new Geode committer and PPMCPMC member. 
<Brief description of Lee T.'s contributions>
Please cast your vote. Voting ends 5/6/2022
[   ] +1  Approve
[   ] +0  No opinion
[   ] -1   Disapprove (and reason why)

3. Send the [VOTE][RESULT] email. Example:

No Format
[RESULT] [VOTE] New committer and PPMCPMC member: Lee T. Hacker
The vote has now closed.
The current results are:  
+1   [ Total +15 VOTES ]
  0   [ 0 ]
-1    [ 0 ]
The voting is ***successful***


If the vote passes:
4.Send an email to the with the vote results. Example:

No Format
New member of Geode PPMC Lee T. Hacker

Lee T. Hacker has been voted as a new member of the Geode PPMC. 
The vote thread is at:


a notice to the board indicating that a member has been invited to join the PMC. You can find a link to the VOTE RESULT email by browsing Do not CC the new member or invite them to the PMC yet.

No Format
Subject: [NOTICE] Jane Doe for Geode PMC

Geode proposes to invite Jane Doe (janedoe) to join the PMC.

The vote result is available here: <link to vote result>

5. After 72 hours, invite The message id can be found by looking at the headers of your [RESULT][VOTE] email.
5. Invite the person to be a committer and PMC member. If they do not have an Apache account already, get them to file an ICLA. CC the with the invitation. Do not invite them to join the PPMC yet, you must wait 72 hours after sending the email in step 4 before doing that.  Example.

6. Once the ICLA is filed, a mentor will follow through with creating the account7. After 72 hours, send an invitation to be a PPMC member. CC the with the invitation. Ask them to subscribe using their *apache* email address. Example.




the ASF Secretary will create an Apache account. If the project was indicated on the ICLA, then the person will be automatically be added as a committer to the project

7. If the new committer has also accepted PMC membership, ask the PMC chair add them to the PMC roster through Whimsy.

8. After the committer has accepted membership, announce them as new committers and PMC members on the dev list. Example

No Format
The Apache Geode Project Management Committee has invited Lee T. Hacker to join the Geode PMC and we are pleased to announce he has

Please join me in welcoming Lee!

Best regards,
On behalf of the Apache Geode PMC


9. After the user has an account and has been added to the PMC roster, send them an email to join the private@geode mailing list. Example

No Format
We generally discuss everything on the dev list and keep the list for occasional matters which must be private.  Please subscribe to the mailing list from your apache address or one of your registered email aliases by sending an email to You can update your registered email aliases at after your account has been setup.

The developer section of the website describes the roles and provides other resources:

Just as before when you became a committer, participation in any ASF community requires adherence to the ASF Code of Conduct:

You may find this page useful for the process of nominating a new committer:

As a PMC member, you can also look at the archives of the private@geode mailing list here:
