Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

provided in the vote email thread

Note:  This document is a work in progress and heavily derived from the NiFi Release guide generated by the community.  The idea is that with processes fully established for each project we can consolidate at a later point.


Throughout this guide, references must be made to names and values that will vary from release to release. For clarity those variable values have been written like Bash variable references. When a term like "/tmp/src/nifi-${NIFIMINIFI_VERSION}" is seen in an instruction or email template it should be replaced with "/tmp/src/nifi-0.7.0" when working the release of "Apache NiFi 0.7.0".


Substitutions used in tasks and email templates:






mainthe development branch on which the release is based










0the version currently in development on the release branch


, to be released





MINIFICPP-1234the JIRA ticket created by the release manager for the release tasks




1the Release Candidate index start at 1 for the first release candidate




the commit ID of the RC tag created during the Maven release process




johndoethe Apache account ID of Release Manager










0the Git repository tag for the source code as released






10.0 vote thread][




the URL for the Apache Pony Mail archive of the release vote thread


To be practical but avoid confusion with future release details, these example values reflect the


release details of MiNiFi C++ 0.


10.0 RC2



What to validate and how to validate a release



  1. Follow the steps outlined in the to prepare the development system.
  2. Confirm that the local Git workspace is configured with an origin remote pointing to the RM's personal fork of the NiFi source and an "ASF" remote pointing to the Apache Git Repository for NiFi.
    $ git remote -v
    asf (fetch)
    asf (push)
    origin${RM_USERID}/nifi-minifi-cpp.git (fetch)
    origin${RM_USERID}/nifi-minifi-cpp.git (push)
    Additional remotes will not cause a problem if these two are correct. Other configurations are perfectly acceptable but the appropriate adjustments to the steps in this guide must be made by the release manager.
  3. Confirm that source code can be checked out for the branch being released.
    git checkout ${BRANCH}
  4. Confirm that the entire application builds correctly in the build environment.


  1. Create a JIRA ticket for the release tasks for version ${NIFI
    _The resulting JIRA ticket number is referred to as  ${JIRA_TICKET}  in this guide..
  2. Create the next version in JIRA, if it doesn't already exist, so work can continue towards that release.  Versions can be managed at the next version in JIRA, if it doesn't already exist, so work can continue towards that release.
  3. Create meaningful release notes for this version if not already created. Enter them here on the MiNiFi wiki.
  4. Create a new branch off 'master' named after the JIRA ticket.
    $ git checkout -b NIFI-${JIRA_TICKET}-RC${RC} ${BRANCH}
  5. Verify that you have the needed dependencies to build and run MiNiFi
  6. version if not already created.  Add them to the Release Notes - MiNiFi (C++) page on the MiNiFi wiki.
    1. May be useful to add links to processor documentation so it is easier to diff releases. 
  7. Create a new branch off ${BRANCH} named after the JIRA ticket.
    $ git checkout -b ${JIRA_TICKET}-RC${RC} ${BRANCH}
  8. Verify that you have the needed dependencies to build and run MiNiFi
  9. Ensure the the full application builds, all tests work, and source passes linting by executing the following:
    TODO/DISCUSS:  Since we don't have a dependency management framework we will include only base extensions.
    $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DENABLE_COAP=ON -DSKIP_TESTS= -DUSE_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DPORTABLE=ON -DBUILD_ROCKSDB=ON -DEXCLUDE_BOOST=ON -DBUILD_IDENTIFIER= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFAIL_ON_WARNINGS= .. && make package_source && make package Ensure the the full application builds, all tests work, and source passes linting by executing the following:
    mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make package && make package_source && make test && make linter && make docker

  10. Startup and test the application with from the build folder:
    $ tar xf xvzf nifi-minifi-cpp-0.2.0-bin.${MINIFI_VERSION}.tar.gz && ./nifi-minifi-cpp-0.2.0${MINIFI_VERSION}/bin/ start

  11. Evaluate and ensure the appropriate license headers are present on all source files.

  12. Ensure LICENSE and NOTICE files are complete and accurate. (Developers should always be keeping these up to date as they go along adding source and modifying dependencies to keep this burden manageable.)

  13. The If the validated artifacts all look good then push the branch to origin release branch to the ASF repository.
    $ git push asf MINIFI-${JIRA_TICKET}-RC${RC}
Generate convenience binaries
    OS X
    Linux - RHEL based
    Linux - Debian based
  • Create the signature and hashes for the source release and convenience binary files.
for artifact in $(find . -type f -name '*.tar.gz'); 
    echo $artifact;
    echo Generating ASCII armored GPG signature”;
    gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 ${artifact};
    echo Generating md5sum hash”;
    md5sum ${artifact} | cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.md5
    echo Generating sha1sum hash”;
    gsha1sum ${artifact} | cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.sha1
    echo Generating sha25sum hash”;
    gsha256sum ${artifact} | cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.sha256
  1. create a tag and push the branch to the ASF repository.

    $ git tag -s "minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-RC${RC}" -m "${JIRA_TICKET} RC${RC} release candidate of NiFi MiNiFi C++ ${MINIFI_VERSION}" ${JIRA_TICKET}-RC${RC}
    $ git push --tag asf ${JIRA_TICKET}-RC${RC}

Generate the convenience binary:
$ make centos
$ mv nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin-{centos,linux}.tar.gz

Create the signature and hashes for the source release and convenience binary files:

Code Block
for artifact in $(find . -type f -name '*.tar.gz')
  echo $artifact;
  echo  " Generating ASCII armored GPG signature "
  gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 ${artifact};
  echo  " Generating sha512 sum hash "
  sha512sum  ${artifact} |  cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.sha512
  echo  " Generating sha256 sum hash "
  sha256sum  ${artifact} |  cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.sha256

    ASCII armored GPG signatures (--digest-algo=SHA512 select the SHA512 hash algorithm). Configure GPG to always prefer stronger hashes.
    $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}  # produces nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}
    $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz          # produces nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc
    1. ASCII armored GPG signatures (--digest-algo=SHA512 select the SHA512 hash algorithm). Configure GPG to always prefer stronger hashes.

    1. $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-
  1. ${NIFI_VERSION}             # produces nifi-${NIFI_VERSION} md5 hash summaries.
    $ md5sum nifi-${NIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 > nifi-${NIFI
    1. minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source.tar.gz    # produces nifi-minifi-cpp${MINIFI_VERSION}-source
  2. -release
    1. .tar.
  3. zip
    1. gz.
  4. md5
    1. asc
  5. md5sum
    1. gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-minifi-cpp-${
  6. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.
  7. gz | cut -d" " -f1 > nifi
    1. gz          # produces nifi-minifi-cpp-${
  8. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.
  9. md5
    $ md5sum nifi
    1. asc
      $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-minifi-cpp-${
  10. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.
  11. zip | cut -d" " -f1 > nifi
    1. tar.gz          # produces nifi-minifi-cpp-${
  12. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.
  13. zip
    1. tar.gz.
  14. md5
    1. asc
    2. Generate
  15. SHA1
    1. SHA256 hash summaries.
  16. sha1sum
    1. shasum -a 256 nifi-${
  17. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
  19. sha1
    1. sha256
  20. sha1sum
    1. shasum -a 256 nifi-${
  21. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.
  23. sha1
    1. sha256
  24. sha1sum
    1. shasum -a 256 nifi-${
  25. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-$
  27. sha1
    1. sha256
    2. Generate
  28. SHA256 hash
    1. SHA512 hash summaries.
  29. shasum -a 256
    1. sha512sum nifi-${
  30. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
    1. RELEASAE}
  32. sha256
    1. sha512
  33. shasum -a 256
    1. sha512sum nifi-${
  34. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
    1. RELEASAE}-bin.tar.gz.
  36. sha256
    1. sha512
  37. shasum -a 256
    1. sha512sum nifi-${
  38. NIFI
    1. MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${
    1. RELEASAE}
  40. sha256
    1. sha512

For reviewing


the release candidate,


upload the source


and the convenience


binary tarballs, along with their hashes


and signatures, to the ASF distribution repo using subversion:

Code Block
svn co


cd nifi-minifi-cpp
cp nifi-minifi-cpp-* ${MINIFI_VERSION}/
svn commit

(you need to be a committer to do this, and svn will prompt you for your Apache password).

Step 4. Error recovery (RM)


  1. RM sends a vote request email to the NiFi Developers Mailing List.

  2. RM sends the following helper email to the NiFi Developers Mailing List.

    1. TO:
    2. FROM: ${RM_USERID}
    3. SUBJECT:  Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ ${MINIFI_VERSION} RC${RC} Release Helper Guide

      Hello Apache NiFi community,

      Please find the associated guidance to help those interested in validating/verifying the release so they can vote.

      # Download latest KEYS file:

      # Import keys file:
      gpg --import KEYS

      # Pull down nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION} source release artifacts for review:

    RM sends the following helper email to the NiFi Developers Mailing List.
  3. TO:
  5. SUBJECT: Apache NiFi ${NIFI_VERSION} RC${RC} Release Helper Guide
    Hello Apache NiFi community,
    Please find the associated guidance to help those interested in validating/verifying the release so they can vote.
    # Download latest KEYS file:
    # [optional] Clear out local maven artifact repository
    # Pull down nifi-${NIFI_VERSION} source release artifacts for review:
    # Import keys file:
    gpg --import KEYS
    1. nifi-minifi-cpp/${MINIFI_VERSION}/nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source.tar.gz.asc

    1. wget${
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}/nifi-minifi-cpp-${
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-source
    1. .tar.gz.sha256
    1. nifi/nifi-minifi-cpp/${MINIFI_VERSION}/nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source.tar.gz.sha512

      # Verify the signature
      gpg --verify nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source
    1. .tar.
    1. gz.asc

      # Verify the hashes (sha256, sha512) match the source and what was provided in the vote email thread
      sha256sum nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source
    1. .
    1. tar.gzsha512sum nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source
    1. .
    1. tar.
    1. gz

      # Extract nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source
    1. .
    1. tar.
    # Verify the signature
    gpg --verify nifi
    1. gz
      tar xvzf
    1. MINIFI_VERSION}-source
    1. .
    1. tar.
    md5sum nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}
    sha1sum nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}
    sha256sum nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}
    # Unzip nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}
    # Verify the build works including release audit tool (RAT) checks
    cd nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}
    mvn clean install -Pcontrib-check
    1. gz

      # Verify the
    hashes (md5, sha1, sha256) match the source and what was provided in the vote email thread
    1. build works including tests and linter checks
      cd nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source
      mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make package && make test && make linter
      # or:
      # ./ && cd build && make package && make test && make linter

      # On Windows:
      # Install dependencies as documented:
      # cd nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source
      # win_build_vs.bat build /P

    1. # Verify the contents contain a good README, NOTICE, and LICENSE.

      # Verify the git commit ID is correct

      # Verify the RC was branched off the correct git commit ID

      # Look at the resulting convenience binary as found in build/nifi
    1. -minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz

      # Make sure the README, NOTICE, and LICENSE are present and correct

      # Run the resulting convenience binary and make sure it works as expected

      # Send a response to the vote thread indicating a +1, 0, -1 based on your findings.

      Thank you for your time and effort to validate the release!
  6. Developers in the community review the release candiate and reply to the vote email with their vote.

  7. After 72 hours if

    • at least 3 binding (PMC members) cast +1 votes, and
    • the positive binding votes out number any negative binding votes
  8. the vote passes and the release candidate is officially released. If the vote does not pass, corrections are made on the release branch and a new release candidate is put forward for a new vote.
  9. RM sends vote result email.

    • TO:
    • FROM: ${RM_USERID}
    • SUBJECT:  [RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ ${NIFI_VERSION}

      Apache NiFi Community,

      I am pleased to announce that the ${NIFIMINIFI_VERSION} release of Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ passes with
        X +1 (binding) votes
        Y -+1 (non-binding) votes
        0 0 votes
        0 -1 votes

      Thanks to all who helped make this release possible.

      Here is the PMC vote thread: ${VOTE_THREAD_URL}


  1. Move convenience binaries and related artifacts from dist/dev to dist/release:dist/dev to dist/release: (a member of the PMC needs to run this)


  2. Update the MiNiFi website to point to the new download(s) by creating a pull request on and following the instructions in  Remove older release artifacts from download page (leave the current release and the previous one). For the release just previous to this new one change the links to point to the archive location. See current page as an example of the needed URL changesleave the current release and the previous one). In addition to updating the download page as described delete artifacts other than the current/new release from the dist/nifi SVN storage. They are already in the archive location so no need to do anything else.
    Update the NiFi Web Page to indicate NEWS of the release as appropriate
    Create a proper signed tag of the released codebase based on the RC Tag craeted during the Maven release process.
    $ git tag -s rel/nifi-${NIFI_VERSION} -m "${JIRA_TICKET} signed release tag for approved release of NiFi ${NIFI_VERSION}" ${RC_TAG_COMMIT_ID}
    For instructions on setting up to sign your tag see here.
    Push the release tag to the official ASF repository.
    $ git push asf rel/nifi-${NIFI_VERSION} rel/nifi-${NIFI_VERSION}Update the release notes with the final date of the release.
    After the release has been complete for 24 hours send the release announcement.
  3. See here for an understanding of why you need to wait 24 hours
  4. The announcement should addressed as follows.
  5. The subject should include [ANNOUNCE] Apache NiFi x.y.z release.
  6. The text should on the template included below. +
    The Apache NiFi team would like to announce the release of Apache NiFi ${NIFI_VERSION}.
    Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute
    data.  Apache NiFi was made for dataflow.  It supports highly configurable directed graphs
    of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic.
    More details on Apache NiFi can be found here:
    The release artifacts can be downloaded from here:
    Maven artifacts have been made available here:
    Issues closed/resolved for this list can be found here:
    Release note highlights can be found here:${NIFI_VERSION}
    Thank you
    The Apache NiFi team

Release Supporting and Helper Resources

Sample NiFi and MiNiFi Configuration to transmit data from MiNiFi to NiFi via Site to Site

The following archive contains a flow.xml.gz to configure a flow with a known input port UUID to communicate with a configuration for MiNiFI C++ with the included flow.yml. 



  • md5sum: 871b465492eb6cb0d9072c50b08fe4b1

  • sha1sum: 5b3797924eee1a59421ff216c542cb28c3564bfe

  • sha256sum: 9323165a2086053f8d1ad5478e2b7cc97f01fbc38ba133afe77badba1a446833


Signed with the key at


  1. the dist/nifi SVN storage. They are already in the archive location so no need to do anything else.

  2. Update the NiFi Web Page to indicate NEWS of the release as appropriate

  3. Create a proper signed tag of the released codebase based on the RC Tag created during the Maven release process.

    $ git tag -s rel/minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION} -m "${JIRA_TICKET} signed release tag for approved release of NiFi MiNiFi C++ ${MINIFI_VERSION}" ${RC_TAG_COMMIT_ID}
    For instructions on setting up to sign your tag see  here .

  4. Push the release tag to the official ASF repository.

    $ git push asf rel/minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}

  5. Publish the convenience binaries to docker hub (TODO: extend this guide with details)

  6. Update the release notes with the final date of the release.

  7. After the release has been complete for 24 hours send the release announcement.
