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Apache Kafka Brokers make periodic FetchRequests to other brokers, in order to learn about updates to partitions they are following.  These periodic FetchRequests must enumerate all the partitions which the follower is interested in.  The responses also enumerate all the partitions, plus metadata (and potentially data) about each one.


Proposed Changes

We can solve both of these problems by adding a new RPC, the incremental fetch request.

An IncrementalFetchRequest does not enumerate the full set of partitions that the follower is interested in.  Instead, it describes only the partitions that have been updated since the last request was sent. So, for example, in our hypothetical 100,000-partition cluster, if the follower has only updated the log end offset of a single partition, it would include only that single partition in its IncrementalFetchRequest message, rather than all of them.  The corresponding IncrementalFetchResponse omits repeating metadata about partitions that haven't changed since the last IncrementalFetchRequest.

The follower registers the set of partitions which it is interested in by sending an ordinary FetchRequest.  (Because the FetchRequest currently includes a broker id, there is no ambiguity about which follower has sent the request.)  The leader then generates a random 64-bit UUID and returns it in the FetchResponse.  The follower can then make IncrementalFetchRequests with that same UUID, and the leader will understand what set of partitions the follower is interested in.  If the leader receives an IncrementalFetchRequest with a UUID that does not match that of the latest FetchResponse, it will return an error.  To resolve this error, the follower must fall back to making a full FetchRequest.

The purpose of the randomly generated UUID is to make it absolutely clear which full fetch request each incremental fetch request is based on.  For example, imagine that a follower makes two slightly different FetchRequests, and the leader ends up processing the earlier one later for some reason.  In that case, we do not want the follower and the leader to disagree about what the IncrementalFetchResponse is based on.  The UUID prevents this.  Similarly, if someone sends a full fetch request with a broker ID that is not theirs, either accidentally or maliciously, they cannot disrupt the functioning of the real broker.  The UUID, being random, cannot be forged by an attacker or counterfeited by buggy code.

Public Interfaces 

This change adds a new RPC, the IncrementalFetchRequest.

IncrementalFetchRequest => uuid replica_id max_wait_time min_bytes isolation_level [topic]
uuid => INT64
replica_id => INT32
max_wait_time => INT32
min_bytes => INT32
isolation_level => INT8
topic => topic_name [partition]
topic_name => STRING
partition => partition_id fetch_offset start_offset max_bytes
partition_id => STRING
fetch_offset => INT64
start_offset => INT64
max_bytes => INT32

IncrementalFetchResponse => throttle_time_ms error_code uuid [topic]
throttle_time_ms => INT32
error_code => INT16
uuid => INT64
topic => topic_name [partition]
topic_name => STRING
partition => partition_header records
partition_header => partition_id error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transaction]
partition_id => INT32
error_code => INT16
high_watermark => INT64
last_stable_offset => INT64
log_start_offset => INT64
aborted_transaction => producer_key first_offset
producer_key => INT64
 first_offset => INT64
records => RECORDS


the scalability and latency problems discussed above by creating "incremental" fetch requests and responses that only include information about what has changed.  In order to do this, we need to introduce the concept of "fetch sessions."

Fetch Sessions

A fetch session encapsulates the state of an individual fetcher.  This allows us to avoid resending this state as part of each fetch request.

The Fetch Session includes:

  1. A randomly generated 32-bit session ID which is unique on the leader
  2. The 32-bit fetch epoch
  3. Cached data about each partition which the fetcher is interested in.
  4. The privileged bit
  5. The time when the fetch session was last used

Fetch Session ID

The fetch session ID is a randomly generated 32-bit session ID.  It is a unique, immutable identifier for the fetch session.  Note that the fetch session ID may not be globally unique (although it's very likely to be so.)  It simply has to be unique on the leader.

Since the ID is randomly chosen, it cannot leak information to unprivileged clients.  It is also very hard for a malicious client to guess the fetch session ID.  (Of course, there are other defenses in place against malicious clients, but the randomness of the ID provides defense in depth.)

Fetch Epoch

The fetch epoch is a monotonically incrementing 32-bit counter. After processing request N, the broker expects to receive request N+1.

The sequence number is always greater than 0.  After reaching MAX_INT, it wraps around to 1.

Cached data about each partition

If the fetch session supports incremental fetches, the FetchSession will maintain information about each partition in the incremental fetch.

For each partition, we maintain:

  • The topic name
  • The partition index
  • The maximum number of bytes to fetch from this partition
  • The fetch offset
  • The high water mark
  • The fetcher log start offset
  • The leader log start offset

Topic name and partition index come from the TopicPartition.

maxBytes, fetchOffset, and fetcherLogStartOffset come from the latest FetchRequest in which the partition appeared.

highWatermark and localLogStartOffset come from the leader.

The leader uses this cached information to decide which partitions to include in the FetchResponse.  Whenever any of these elements change, or if there is new data available for a partition, the partition will be included.

Privileged bit

The privileged bit is set if the fetch session was created by a follower.  It is cleared if the fetch session was created by a regular consumer.

This is retained in order to prioritize followers over consumers, when resources are low.  See the section on fetch session caching for details.

The time when the fetch session was last used

This is the time in wall-clock milliseconds when the fetch session was last used.  This is used to expire fetch sessions after they have been inactive.  See the section on fetch session caching for details.

Fetch Session Caching

Because fetch sessions use memory on the leader, we want to limit the amount of them that we have at any given time.  Therefore, each broker will create only a limited number of incremental fetch sessions.

There is one new public configurations for fetch session caching:

  • max.incremental.fetch.session.cache.slots, which set the number of incremental fetch session cache slots on the broker.  Default value: 1,000

There is one new constant for fetch session caching:

  •, which sets the minimum amount of time we will wait before evicting an incremental fetch session from the cache.  Value: 120,000

When the server gets a new request to create an incremental fetch session, it will compare the proposed new session with its existing sessions.  The new session will evict an existing session if and only if:

  1. The new session belongs to a follower, and the existing session belongs to a regular consumer, OR
  2. The existing session has been inactive for more than, OR
  3. The existing session has existed for more than, AND the new session has more partitions

This accomplishes a few different goals:

  • Followers get priority over consumers
  • Inactive session get replaced over time
  • Bigger requests, which benefit more from being incremental, are prioritized
  • Cache thrashing is limited, avoiding expensive session re-establishment when there are more fetchers than cache slots.

Public Interface Changes 

New Error Codes

FetchSessionIdNotFound: The server responds with this error code when the client request refers to a fetch session that the server does not know about.  This may happen if there was a client error, or if the fetch session was evicted by the server.

InvalidFetchSessionEpochException.  The server responds with this error code when the fetch session epoch of a request is different than what it expected.

FetchRequest Changes

There are several changes to the FetchRequest API.

Fetch Session ID

A 32-bit number which identifies the current fetch session.  If this is set to 0, there is no current fetch session.

Fetch Session Epoch

A 32-bit number which identifies the current fetch session epoch.  Valid session epochs are always positive-- they are never 0 or negative numbers.

The fetch session epoch is incremented by one for each fetch request that we send.  Once it reaches MAX_INT, the next epoch is 1.

The fetch epoch keeps the state on the leader and the follower synchronized.  It ensures that if a message is duplicated or lost, the server will always notice.  It is also used to associate requests and responses in the logs. Other numbers, such as IP addresses and ports, or NetworkClient sequence numbers, can also be helpful for this purpose-- but they are less likely to be unique.

FetchRequest Metadata meaning






Make a full FetchRequest that does not use or create a session.

This is the session ID used by pre-KIP-227 FetchRequests.


Make a full FetchRequest.

Create a new incremental fetch session if possible.  If a new fetch session is created, it will start at epoch 1.


Close the incremental fetch session identified by $ID.

Make a full FetchRequest.

Create a new incremental fetch session if possible.  If a new fetch session is created, it will start at epoch 1.

$ID$EPOCHIf the ID and EPOCH are correct, make an incremental fetch request.

Close the incremental fetch session identified by $ID.

Make a full FetchRequest.

Incremental Fetch Requests

Incremental fetch requests have a positive fetch session ID.

A partition is only included in an incremental FetchRequest if:

  • The client wants to notify the broker about a change to the partition's maxBytes, fetchOffset, or logStart
  • The partition was not included in the incremental fetch session before, but the client wants to add it.
  • The partition is in the incremental fetch session, but the client wants to remove it.

If the client doesn't want to change anything, the client does not need to include any partitions in the request at all.

If the client wants to remove a partition, the client will add the partition to the removed_partition list in the relevant removed_topics entry.


FetchRequest => max_wait_time replica_id min_bytes isolation_level fetch_session_id fetch_session_epoch [topic] [removed_topic]

  max_wait_time => INT32

  replica_id => INT32

  min_bytes => INT32

  isolation_level => INT8

  fetch_session_id => INT32

  fetch_session_epoch => INT32

  topic => topic_name [partition]

  topic_name => STRING

  partition => partition_id fetch_offset start_offset max_bytes

  partition_id => INT32

  fetch_offset => INT64

  start_offset => INT64

  max_bytes => INT32

  removed_topic => removed_topic_name [removed_partition_id]

  removed_topic_name => STRING

  removed_partition_id => INT32

FetchResponse Changes

Top-level error code

Per-partition error codes are no longer sufficient to handle all response errors.  For example, when an incremental fetch session encounters an FetchSessionIdNotFoundException, we do not know which partitions the client expected to fetch.  Therefore, the FetchResponse now contains a top-level error code.  This error code is set to indicate that the request as a whole cannot be processed.

When the top-level error code is set, the caller should assume that all the partitions in the fetch received the given error.

Fetch Session ID

The FetchResponse now contains a 32-bit fetch session ID.

FetchResponse Metadata meaning



0No fetch session was created.

The next request can be an incremental fetch request with the given $ID.

Incremental Fetch Responses

A partition is only included in an incremental FetchResponse if:

  • The broker wants to notify the client about a change to the partition's highWatermark or broker logStartOffset
  • There is new data available for a partition

If the broker has no new information to report, it does not need to include any partitions in the response at all.

The format of the partition data within FetchResponse is unchanged.

Handling Partition Size Limits in Incremental Fetch Responses

Sometimes, the per-fetch-request limit is too small to allow us to return information about every partition.  In those cases, we will limit the number of partitions that we return information about, to avoid exceeding the per-request maximum.  (As specified in KIP-74, the response will always return at least one message, though.)

If we always returned partition information in the same order, we might end up "starving" the partitions which came near the end of the order.  With full fetch requests, the client can rotate the order in which it requests partitions in order to avoid this problem.  However, incremental fetch requests need not explicitly specify all the partitions.  Indeed, an incremental fetch request may contain no partitions at all.

In order to solve the starvation problem, the server must rotate the order in which it returns partition information.  The server does this by maintaining a linked list of all partitions in the fetch session.  When data is returned for a partition, that partition is moved to the end of the list.  This ensures that we eventually return data about all partitions for which data is available.


FetchResponse => throttle_time_ms error_code error_string fetch_session_id [topic]

  throttle_time_ms => INT32

  error_code => INT16

  fetch_session_id => INT32

  topic => topic_name [partition]

  topic_name => STRING

  partition => partition_header records

  partition_header => partition_id error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transaction]

  partition_id => INT32

  error_code => INT16

  high_watermark => INT64

  last_stable_offset => INT64

  log_start_offset => INT64

  aborted_transaction => producer_key first_offset

  producer_key => INT64

  first_offset => INT64

  records => RECORDS

New Metrics

The following new metrics will be added to track cache consumption:

NumIncrementalFetchSessions: Tracks the number of incremental fetch sessions which exist.

NumIncrementalFetchPartitionsCached: Tracks the total number of partitions cached by incremental fetch sessions.

IncrementalFetchSessionEvictionsPerSec: Tracks the number of incremental fetch sessions that were evicted from the cache per second. This metric is not increased when a client closes its own incremental fetch sessionThis change also adds a 64-bit UUID to FetchResponse.  There are no other changes to FetchResponse.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Although this change adds a new request typethe concept of incremental fetch requests, existing brokers can continue to use the old FetchRequest as before.  Therefore, there is no compatibility impact.
