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Feature Reference

serverASF JIRA

Bug Reference



What branch is this work being done in



State the purpose of the document; something like: this is functional specificationS of feature "..." which has Jira ID CS-xyzw


  • relevant links

Document History

Provide the new VPN implementation based on IKEv2 rather than using existing L2TP implementation.

Document History

v1 - Khosrow Moossavi - April 2nd 2018


Feature Specifications

  • provide a global settings to switch between L2TP and IKEv2 (only one can be active throughout an installation)
  • out of the box configuration of ipsec will be provided in /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf
  • authentication will be done with EAP and Public Key
  • it will use self-signed certificates per domain act as CA on VRs
  • PKI backend engine (out of the box support)
    • Vault by HashiCorp
    • Default internal implementation (TBD on dev@)
    • External Services (such as Let's Encrypt) (TBD on dev@)
    • Bring Your Own Certificate (BYOC) model (TBD on dev@)
  • put a summary or a brief description of the feature in question 
  • list what is deliberately not supported or what the feature will not offer - to clear any prospective ambiguities
  • list all open items or unresolved issues the developer is unable to decide about without further discussion
  • quality risks (test guidelines)
    • functional
    • non functional: performance, scalability, stability, overload scenarios, etc
    • corner cases and boundary conditions
    • negative usage scenarios
  • specify supportability characteristics:
    • what new logging (or at least the important one) is introduced
    • how to debug and troubleshoot
    • what are the audit events 
    • list JMX interfaces
    • graceful failure and recovery scenarios
    • possible fallback or work around route if feature does not work as expected, if those workarounds do exist ofcourse.
    • if feature depends other run-time environment related requirements, provide sanity check list for support people to run
  • explain configuration characteristics:
    • configuration parameters or files introduced/changed
    • branding parameters or files introduced/changed
    • highlight parameters for performance tweaking
    • highlight how installation/upgrade scenarios change
  • deployment requirements (fresh install vs. upgrade) if any
  • system requirements: memory, CPU, desk space, etcno special requirements needed
  • interoperability and compatibility requirements:
    • OS
    • xenserver, hypervisors
    • Tested on Debian 7 on VR
    • All major OSes (Linux, Windows 10, Mac X) as client of VPNstorage, networks, other
  • list localization and internationalization specifications specifications
    • one language key added (
  • explain the impact and possible upgrade/migration solution introduced by the feature explain performance & scalability implications when feature is used from small scale to large scale
  • explain security specifications
    • list your evaluation of possible security attacks against the feature and the answers in your design* *
  • explain marketing specifications
  • explain levels or types of users communities of this feature (e.g. admin, user, etc)

      Use cases

      put the relevant use case/stories to explain how the feature is going to be used/work

      Architecture and Design description


        • this will be used by both infra admin, customer admin and customer user as it will be the Remove Access VPN implementation

      Architecture and Design description

      • the main feature is pretty straight forward, a global setting is added to distinguish between L2TP and IKEv2 implementation
      • the scripts changes on VR are pretty straight forward as well, the type of VPN added in the command being sent to VR and the corresponding ipsec config file will be loaded
      • the main part of the design document will be around using external or start implementing internal PKI backend engine. which we will have multiple options (at least two)
        • Using Vault as the PKI engine (recommended by author and fully implemented as of Apr 2018)
        • Using Cloudstack as a self contained PKI engine (it's not recommended and it's not implemented)
        • Using external services (such as Let's Encrypt) to generate and sign certificates (this is nice to have but will need to be discussed on ML)
        • Bring Your Own Certificate (BYOC) model (this is nice to have but will need to be discussed on ML)
      • list of added settings are
      NameDescriptionDefault Value
      pki.engine.certificate.brandBrand name to be used in Certificate's common nameCloudstack
      pki.engine.certificate.common.nameCertificate's common name template (brand will be filled from 'pki.engine.certificate.brand', domain will be provided on the fly__BRAND__ VPN __DOMAIN__ CA
      pki.engine.vault.cca.ttlVault PKI root CA TTL (e.g. 87600h)87600h
      pki.engine.vault.enabledEnable Vault as the backend PKI enginefalse
      pki.engine.vault.mount.pathVault PKI mount point prefix (must not end with trailing slash)pki/cloudstack
      pki.engine.vault.role.nameVault PKI role namecloudstack-vpn
      pki.engine.vault.role.ttlVault PKI role TTL (e.g. 43800h)43800h
      pki.engine.vault.tokenToken to access Vault(empty)
      pki.engine.vault.token.role.idApp Role id to be used to fetch token to access Vault(empty)
      pki.engine.vault.token.secret.idSecret id to be used to fetch token to access Vault(empty)
      pki.engine.vault.ttlVault PKI TTL (e.g. 87600h)87600h
      pki.engine.vault.urlFull URL of Vault endpoint (e.g.




      Web Services APIs

      list changes to existing web services APIs and new APIs introduced with signatures and throughout documentation

      UI flow

      • either demonstrate it visually here or link to relevant mockups

      IP Clearance

      • what dependencies will you be adding to the project?
      • are you expecting to include any code developed outside the Apache CloudStack project?

      Usage Impact

      • Are there any entities being created that require usage reporting for billing purposes? 

      • Does this change any existing entities for which usage is being tracked already?


      Appendix A:

      • Added API
        • ListVpnCaCertificateCmd
          • input:
            • domain (uuid)
          • output (CertificateResponse)
            • certificate: The client certificate
            • privateKey: Private key for the certificate
            • caCertificate: The CA certificate(s)
      • Modified API
        • RemoteAccessVpnResponse: two additional fields
          • type: the type of remote access vpn implementation (e.g. l2tp or ikev2)
          • certificate: the client certificate


      UI flow

      • the only changes on the UI are the fact that we don't have Preshared Key anymore rather we will have Certificates (and user should be able to download them)

      IP Clearance

      Usage Impact

      • None
