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8.1 Category

8.1.1 EditCategory


8.1.2 link buttons

Wiki Markup\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Update\] \ [.jpg\] \ [.gif\] \ [clear\] \ [Browse\] \ [Upload Image\] \ [Go\!\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]*

8.1.3 Product Category ID

'This cannot be changed without re-creating the category.' Confirms which item you are viewing or editing.

8.1.4 Product Category Type (drop-down box)

The default is Catalog. Possible choices might include:

Cross Sell
Mix and Match
Quick Add

8.1.5 Name

Because the name can be quickly changed without changing the ID, you can use the same basic catalog in a variety of circumstances and match the name to fit.

8.1.6 Description

Put just a short description here.

8.1.7 Category Image URL

Same upload tool for most image assignments. This is the path of any images to be displayed. The image is accessed by url.

8.1.8 Link One Image URL

For dynamically linking to an image available to your server.

8.1.9 Link Two Image URL

Same as Link One, but for a separate image.

8.1.10 Detail Screen

Defaults to '/catalog/categorydetail.ftl'

8.1.11 Primary Parent Category (drop-down box)

This is where the top level for this category lives. A major unit (e.g. 'Groceries') might have 'Demo Browse Root' (and so hang off the top level of navigation) but lesser units would have levels of sub-navigation.

8.1.12 Upload Category Image

Wiki MarkupThree radio Three radio buttons: Category Image URL / Link One Image URL / Link One Image URL. Choose the right one, then specify or locate \ [Browse\] the URL. Press \ [Upload\] to complete the connection.

8.1.13 Duplicate a Product Category


Make another Product Category similar to the selected one instantly\! Follow these steps:
1. Enter a New ID in the box.
2. Click on the checkboxes until they reflect which parts of this Product Category you wish to continue into the new one. (Remember, you can edit these after the new Product Category is created.)
3. Click the link \ [Go\!\].

8.1.14 New Category screen

Takes you to the same screen except you specify new Product Category ID. EditCategory-new


8.1.15 Create Product in Category screen

Items for data entry dependent upon several factors; following are typical. createProductInCategoryStart link buttons


\[Back to Edit Category\] \ [Check Existing\] \ [New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] *\[[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]* Internal Name

The name used for this product internally to the company. Could be the name used by your supplier. Product Name

The marketing or branding name which will be seen by your customers. Short Description

This can be ad-talk or functional; what makes product different. Default Price

The price charged in the absence of any promotional or volume purchasing considerations. Average Cost

What the product costs you to have available to offer, on the average. Check Existing screen Check Existing screen
Presents table of any/all existing products in selected category. Your newly-created (proposed addition) product is shown at the bottom of the screen.

Wiki MarkupClick on \ [Create New Product\] when ready.unmigrated-wiki-markup createProductInCategoryCheckExisting!category.edit.! link buttons \
[This is it\] \ [Create New Product\] \ [Back to Edit Category\] \[[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]* Discussion
At this point in the 'Create Product In Category' process, two paths exist to take you to the Product Edit > Categories screen.unmigrated-wiki-markup

1.) If the Product you want appears in the Table, click on the \ [This is it\] link which will take you to the Product Edit screen. Make any changes you need there, then click on the Categories tab. Here you can add the Product to any Category that exists.

Wiki Markup2.) If the Product does not exist, give it a Product ID, click on \ [Create New Product\], and you will be at the same Product Edit screen. Complete the details there, then click on the Categories tab to add the product to the desired Categories.

These screens are discussed further below under the section Product - new Product or edit.

8.1.16 Search In Category screen advancedsearch-inCategory Discussion

This Advanced Search function has already been described above, under Search Products > Advanced Search. The only difference is that the Category is already populated from which your search will start.

8.1.17 Category Page

Takes you to the Featured Products - Search in Category screen in the active catalog. category


8.2 Content

8.2.1 editCategoryContent


8.2.2 link buttons


\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Delete\] \ [Edit Content #\] \ [Submit Query\] \ [Update\]*\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\]*

8.2.3 Table of existing content Content

Click on the Name and ID to be taken to the EditCategoryContentContent screen where you can make changes or read the content. Type

What type of content is this? Description, Long Description, Caption, Side-Bar, etc. From

The date and time of creation or of effectivity. Thru

When does the content expire or exceed its effectivity? Purchase From

Applies to the purchase of product from this date and time. Purchase Thru

May not apply to the purchase of products after this date and time. Use Count

How many times a customer may use this promotion. Use Days

How many days the promotion will be usable.

Wiki MarkupIf you click on the \ [Edit Content ...\] link to the right of the row, you will be editing the content under the Content Manager with greater options available to edit and refine your content.

8.2.4 Create New Category Content Content Type ID (drop-down box)

Assign a Content Type ID from the drop-down box. Use Days Limit

How many days is the promotion to be effective? prepareAddContentToCategory


8.2.5 Add Content to Category (tool) Content ID

What the Content will be known as. Content Type ID (drop-down box)

Select a type from the drop-down box. From Date (popup calendar)

Either accept the default (now at creation) by entering nothing, or identify the start of the effectivity. Thru Date (popup calendar)

With nothing entered, the Thru Date will appear as 'N/A' but if there is a termination or expiration date, enter it here. Purchase From Date (popup calendar)

Campaign dates may differ from the date of a sale. Enter here the date from which the promotion will apply to the sale of the product. Purchase Thru Date (popup calendar)

When is the promotional period finished for the purchaser? Use Count Limit

How many times can a customer apply this promotion for his own purchases? Use Days Limit

How many sales days is the promotion limited to?

8.2.6 Override Simple Fields Product Category Type (drop-down box)

Select the type of Product Category from the drop-down box. Description

This line has to be short. Long Description

Give the long version here. Detail Screen

Defaults to 'categorydetail'; for screens in other files use something like: 'component://ecommerce/widget/CatalogScreens.xml#categorydetail'

8.2.7 Edit Category Content

There are two levels of editing available: High Level and Content Level.


If you click on the far right-hand column where only the content ID is given, you are taken into the Content Manager for this particular content. There you will develop all of the aspects of the content. The screen is shown below; go to the Content Manager for more complete discussion of Content. EditCategoryContentContent link buttons

Wiki Markup\[Content Page\] \ [Submit Query\] \ [New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]* Discussion

The fields have already been discussed several times.

Wiki MarkupIf you click on the \ [Content Page\] link, you will open this Content within the Content Manager in another browser. There you have many other options to work with in developing your content. Data fields

Unlabeled fields for labels and descriptions.

8.2.8 EditContent


8.3 Rollup

This screen is used to allocate the location of the category within the navigation. The category will appear in 'Parent' categories and will have 'child' categories in its navigation tree.

8.3.1 EditCategoryRollup


8.3.2 link buttons


\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Update\] \ [Delete\] \ [Add\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]*

8.3.3 Category Rollup: Parent Categories Parent Category ID

You can assign a Parent Category into this column using the Tool to Add a Parent Category, discussed below.

This link to the category update screen takes you to EditCategory. From Date

Date the assignment to the Parent was effective. Thru Date / Time (popup calendar)

Date the relationship will expire. Use the popup calendar to edit this date. Sequence

If more than one, this number will indicate sequencing. Tool to Add a Parent Category Select category (drop-down box)
This is the selection of the Parent category for the established category you are working with.
NOTE: Just because a Category appears in the drop-down list does not a logical choice for a Parent. Consider true relationships when making assignments. From Date (popup calendar)
The default date will be the time when the assignment is made. If you wish, enter another date.

8.3.4 Category Rollup: Child Categories

Provides a link to the category update screen called EditCategory. Child Category ID

You can insert a Child Category to this column using the Tool to Add a Child Category, discussed below. From Date

The date when the relationship was created or made effective. Thru Date / Time (popup calendar)

Date the relationship will expire, if any. Use the popup calendar to enter. Sequence

If more than one, this number indicates the sequencing of relationships. Tool to Add a Child Category Select category (drop-down box)
Confirm that the Category you want to be the Parent is the active Category on the screen before you select a Child from the drop-down list of Categories. From Date (popup calendar)
The current date and time are entered by default. Select a different date and time if you need to.

8.4 Products!category.edit.8.4.1.gif!

This contains the list of products that will be displayed in the category. Other products may be displayed in sub categories but the products that are to appear on the page will go here. Products can appear more than once in categories.

8.4.1 EditCategoryProducts

8.4.2 link buttons

Wiki Markup\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Active and Inactive\] \ [Update\] \ [Delete\] \ [Add\] \ [Copy\] \ [Expire All\] \ [Remove Expired\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]*

8.4.3 Table of Products for this Category Product Name ID

Clicking on the Product Name ID takes you to the Catalog >> Product >> edit product page (EditProduct). From Date and Time

Date and Time when this item was included in this Category. Thru Date/Time (popup calendar)

If needed, Date and Time when the presence of this Item in this Category will expire. Use the popup calendar to edit this field. Sequence

Optional sequence number for rotation of items through a sequence, Quantity

If there is a limitation for this Promotion or a stock limitation, the Quantity available will be shown here.

8.4.4 Add Product Category Member Product ID

Use the popup search tool to locate if not sure of the ID. From Date (popup calendar)

Will default to the current date and time. Enter a different date if the effective date is not the same as the current.

8.4.5 Copy Product Category Members to Another Category Target Product Category (drop-down box)

If you want the products in this category to also be part of another established category, select that Product Category from this drop-down box. Optional Filter with Date (popup calendar)

If you have a filter system to use, enter the ID here along with the date you wish it to be effective from. Include Sub-Categories? (Y/N)

Some categories are also parent categories. Do you want the assignment of these products to also be included in the target Category's sub-categories? If Yes, select Y, else N.

8.4.6 Expire All Product Members

If you click on this Link, all the Products currently assigned will be Expired, clearing out the current list. Use with care!! Optional Expiration Date (popup calendar)

If you do want all the Product Members of this Category to expire but not yet, indicate the future date upon which that should occur. Note that you can use the popup calendar and then manually adjust the time entered.

8.4.7 Remove Expired Product Members

Expired does not mean removed. To remove the expired members, click on the link. Optional Expired Before Date (popup calendar)

Perhaps you want to remove those Products which expired the first of the month, but retain those which expired later. Maybe you need to retain them as expired so that Sales of those items can be confirmed at the promotional price.

Use this popup calendar to specify the cutoff point: those which expired before this date will be removed, but any which expired after the selected Date and Time will remain.

8.5 Catalogs

As a minimum you will need to add a browse root and a promotions category. The browse root forms the 'top level' of the site and this is what the other categories that you create will 'hang' off. The promotions category is for special offers and is the front page of a site by default. There are other categories available which can be used for specialist functions like Search, etc. So the catalog is assigned a category, categories are assigned to a catalog with a 'type' of assignment, ie , browse root, promotions, etc. In addition you will want to add your own categories to represent different 'Departments' in the store, 'grouping' of concepts, etc.

8.5.1 EditCategoryProdCatalogs


8.5.2 link buttons

Wiki Markup\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Update\] \ [Delete\] \ [Add\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]*

8.5.3 Table of Catalogs Catalog Name ID

Clicking on the ID takes you to the EditProdCatalog screen. Type

This is the Type of relationship this Catalog has with the selected Product or Category. From Date and Time

When the association was created or made active. Thru Date / Time (popup calendar)

When (if) the association will expire. Use the popup calendar to enter or change the Date and Time. Sequence

Optional sequencing number.

8.5.4 Add Catalog to Product Category Catalog (drop-down box)

Select from the drop-down box. Type (drop-down box)

Type of relationship between the catalog and this category. From Date (popup calendar)

Optional date if to be different than the current date which will default.

8.6 Features

8.6.1 EditCategoryFeatureCats


8.6.2 link buttons

Wiki Markup\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Attach Features to Category from Products\] \ [Add\] \ [Update\] \ [Delete\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]*

8.6.3 Table of Feature Groups Feature Group

Click on this and you are taken to the Catalog Manager > Features tab > Feature Groups sub-tab to edit the Feature Group. From Date and Time

Date and time this Feature Group was attached. Thru Date and Time (popup calendar)

When the association of this Feature Group with this Catalog will expire. Use the popup calendar to insert or change the date and time.

8.6.4 Apply Feature Group to Product Category Feature Groups (drop-down box)

Wiki MarkupSelect a Feature Group from the drop-down box, select a date and time for it to be effective (defaults to now if nothing entered), and click on the \ [Add\] link.

Wiki MarkupThis method will attach the Feature Groups one at a time. To do all of the Groups at the same time, use the \ [Attach Features to Category from Products\] link above the table. From Date and Time (popup calendar)

To enter an effectivity date and time other than the present.

8.6.5 Table of Feature Categories Feature Category

Click on the Feature Category ID and you are taken to the Catalog Manager > Features tab > Feature Category screen to view and edit this Category. From Date and Time

When the Feature Category was associated or became effective. Thru Date and Time (popup calendar)

Expiration date and time for this association. Use the popup calendar to enter or change the expiration.

8.6.6 Apply Feature Category to Product Category Feature Category (drop-down box)

Select a Feature Category from the drop-down box. From Date (popup calendar)

Enter a date and time for future effectivity. Leave blank and it will populate for the present time when the Feature Category is added.

8.7 Parties

8.7.1 EditCategoryParties


8.7.2 link buttons

Wiki Markup\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Update\] \ [Delete\] \ [Add\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]*

8.7.3 Table of Party IDs

This table contains a listing of those Parties associated with the Category. Use the Party Manager to specify the Party ID or to create any parties which should be associated but which have not yet been created. Party ID

Click on the Party ID and you are taken to the Party manager. Role

What role does this Party play? From Date and Time

Date and time of the assignment. Thru Date and Time (popup calendar)

If the role is to expire, enter the date and time with the popup calendar.

8.7.4 Associate Party to Category Party ID

There is no drop-down or popup search tool at this time. Enter the correct Party ID for this to function. Type (drop-down box)

Select from the drop-down box. From Date (popup calendar)

(Optional) Enter the date when the assignment will become effective. If left blank, defaults to now.

8.8 Attributes

8.8.1 EditCategoryAttributes


8.8.2 link buttons


\[New Category\] \ [Create Product in Category\] \ [Search in Category\] \ [Category Page\] \ [Update\] \ [Delete\] \ [Create\] *\[Category\] \ [Content\] \ [Rollup\] \ [Products\] \ [Catalogs\] \ [Features\] \ [Parties\] \ [Attributes\]*

8.8.3 Tool to create attributes Product Category ID

Cannot be changed. Is given here to confirm that this is the Product Category to which you wish to assign attributes. Attr Name

Create your own name for the attribute and enter it here. Attr Value

Enter words to describe this Attribute in relation to the Product Category.

8.8.4 Table of Attributes Attr Name

The name you gave to this Attribute. Attr Value

How the Attribute describes the Product Category.