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We hope these things(SDK/Execution mode) are transparent to the sink API.

The document includes three parts: The first part describes the semantics the unified sink API should support. According to the first part the second part proposes two versions of a new unified sink API. In the last part we introduce two open questions related to the API.


This section would talk about which semantics the unified sink API would support. This section includes two parts. The first part describes how the sink API supports the exactly once semantics. The second part mainly talks about that drain and snapshot are two general semantics, which are valid for both bounded and unbounded scenarios. 


This section tries to figure out the sink developer would be responsible for which part and Flink would be responsible for which part in terms of ensuring consistency. After this we could know what semantics the sink API should have to support the exact once semantics.


In summary the sink API should be responsible for producing What to commit & providing How to commit. Flink should be responsible for guaranteeing the exact semantics. Flink could “optimize” When & Where to commit according to the execution mode and these optimizations should be transparent to the sink developer.

Sink API

From above analysis we could know that there are four semantics the sink API should support.

  1. What to commit
  2. How to commit
  3. SnapshotState
  4. Drain(Flush)

Following we propose two versions of the sink APIs. There is no difference on how to express the four semantics between the two versions: 

  1. `Sink` is responsible for creating the `Writer` and `Committer`
  2. The `Writer` is responsible for writing data and handling any potential tmp area used to write yet unstaged data, e.g. in-progress files. As soon as some data is ready to commit, they (or metadata pointing to where the actual data is staged) are shipped to an operator who knows when to commit them.
  3. The `Writer` also responds to the progress notification: Snapshot and Flush.
  4. The `Committer` knows how to commit the data to the destination storage system.

The only difference between the two versions is how to expose the state to the user. The cons & pros are following. 

First Alternative

  1. PROS
    1. This alternative has the advantage of not exposing anything about internal state handling to the user. We require the sink to provide us with the state to be persisted and it is up to the underlying runtime to handle them. For example, instead of using union state for the shared state, we could leverage a potential operator coordinator.
    2. We do not expose complex classes such as StateDescriptors, TypeSerializer... (only a simplified version: SimpleVersionedSerializer)
    3. The intent of the #snapshotState is cleaner. The signature tells the user already that it expects/allows some state out of this method.
  2. CONS
    1. It exposes more methods
    2. We get the state to snapshot via a return value from a method, the state must fit into memory. Moreover we must put the whole state into the state backend on each checkpoint instead of putting only the updated values during elements processing

Code Block
 * This interface lets the sink developer build a simple sink topology, which could guarantee the exactly once
 * semantics in both batch and stream execution mode if there is a {@link Committer} or {@link GlobalCommitter}.
 * 1. The {@link SinkWriter} is responsible for producing the committable.
 * 2. The {@link Committer} is responsible for committing a single committable.
 * 3. The {@link GlobalCommitter} is responsible for committing an aggregated committable, which we call the global
 *    committable. The {@link GlobalCommitter} is always executed with a parallelism of 1.
 * Note: Developers need to ensure the idempotence of {@link Committer} and {@link GlobalCommitter}.
 * @param <InputT>        The type of the sink's input
 * @param <CommT>         The type of information needed to commit data staged by the sink
 * @param <WriterStateT>  The type of the sink writer's state
 * @param <GlobalCommT>   The type of the aggregated committable
public interface Sink<InputT, CommT, WriterStateT, GlobalCommT> extends Serializable {

	 * Create a {@link SinkWriter}.
	 * @param context the runtime context.
	 * @param states the writer's state.
	 * @return A sink writer.
	 * @throws IOException if fail to create a writer.
	SinkWriter<InputT, CommT, WriterStateT> createWriter(
			InitContext context,
			List<WriterStateT> states) throws IOException;

	 * Creates a {@link Committer}.
	 * @return A committer.
	 * @throws IOException if fail to create a committer.
	Optional<Committer<CommT>> createCommitter() throws IOException;

	 * Creates a {@link GlobalCommitter}.
	 * @return A global committer.
	 * @throws IOException if fail to create a global committer.
	Optional<GlobalCommitter<CommT, GlobalCommT>> createGlobalCommitter() throws IOException;

	 * Returns the serializer of the committable type.
	Optional<SimpleVersionedSerializer<CommT>> getCommittableSerializer();

	 * Returns the serializer of the aggregated committable type.
	Optional<SimpleVersionedSerializer<GlobalCommT>> getGlobalCommittableSerializer();

	 * Return the serializer of the writer's state type.
	Optional<SimpleVersionedSerializer<WriterStateT>> getWriterStateSerializer();

	 * The interface exposes some runtime info for creating a {@link SinkWriter}.
	interface InitContext {

		 * Returns a {@link ProcessingTimeService} that can be used to
		 * get the current time and register timers.
		ProcessingTimeService getProcessingTimeService();

		 * @return The id of task where the writer is.
		int getSubtaskId();

		 * @return The metric group this writer belongs to.
		MetricGroup metricGroup();

	 * A service that allows to get the current processing time and register timers that
	 * will execute the given {@link ProcessingTimeCallback} when firing.
	interface ProcessingTimeService {

		/** Returns the current processing time. */
		long getCurrentProcessingTime();

		 * Invokes the given callback at the given timestamp.
		 * @param time Time when the callback is invoked at
		 * @param processingTimerCallback The callback to be invoked.
		void registerProcessingTimer(long time, ProcessingTimeCallback processingTimerCallback);

		 * A callback that can be registered via {@link #registerProcessingTimer(long,
		 * ProcessingTimeCallback)}.
		interface ProcessingTimeCallback {

			 * This method is invoked with the time which the callback register for.
			 * @param time The time this callback was registered for.
			void onProcessingTime(long time) throws IOException;

Code Block
 * The {@code SinkWriter} is responsible for writing data and handling any potential tmp area used to write yet un-staged
 * data, e.g. in-progress files. The data (or metadata pointing to where the actual data is staged) ready to commit is
 * returned to the system by the {@link #prepareCommit(boolean)}.
 * @param <InputT>         The type of the sink writer's input
 * @param <CommT>          The type of information needed to commit data staged by the sink
 * @param <WriterStateT>   The type of the writer's state
public interface SinkWriter<InputT, CommT, WriterStateT> extends AutoCloseable {

	 * Add an element to the writer.
	 * @param element The input record
	 * @param context The additional information about the input record
	 * @throws IOException if fail to add an element.
	void write(InputT element, Context context) throws IOException;

	 * Prepare for a commit.
	 * <p>This will be called before we checkpoint the Writer's state in Streaming execution mode.
	 * @param flush Whether flushing the un-staged data or not
	 * @return The data is ready to commit.
	 * @throws IOException if fail to prepare for a commit.
	List<CommT> prepareCommit(boolean flush) throws IOException;

	 * @return The writer's state.
	 * @throws IOException if fail to snapshot writer's state.
	List<WriterStateT> snapshotState() throws IOException;

	 * Context that {@link #write} can use for getting additional data about an input record.
	interface Context {

		 * Returns the current event-time watermark.
		long currentWatermark();

		 * Returns the timestamp of the current input record or {@code null} if the element does not
		 * have an assigned timestamp.
		Long timestamp();

Code Block
 * The {@code Committer} is responsible for committing the data staged by the sink.
 * @param <CommT> The type of information needed to commit the staged data
public interface Committer<CommT> extends AutoCloseable {
Code Block
 * This interface lets the sink developer to build a simple transactional sink topology pattern, which satisfies the HDFS/S3/Iceberg sink.
 * This sink topology includes one {@link Writer} + one {@link Committer} + one {@link GlobalCommitter}.
 * The {@link Writer} is responsible for producing the committable.
 * The {@link Committer} is responsible for committing a single committable.
 * The {@link GlobalCommitter} is responsible for committing an aggregated committable, which we called the global committable.
 * And the parallelism of the {@link GlobalCommitter} is always 1.
 * Both the {@link Committer} and the {@link GlobalCommitter} are optional.
 * @param <IN>           The type of the sink's input
 * @param <CommT>        The type of the committable data
 * @param <GCommT>       The type of the aggregated committable
 * @param <WriterStateT> The type of the writer's state
interface TransactionalSink<IN, CommT, GCommT, WriterStateT> {

	 * Create a {@link Writer}.
	 * @param context the runtime context
	 * @return A new sink writer
	Writer<IN, CommT, WriterStateT> createWriter(InitContext context);

	 * Restore a Commit the given list of {@link Writer} from the stateCommT}.
	 * @param context the runtime context
	 * @param states the previous writers' statecommittables A list of information needed to commit data staged by the sink.
	 * @return A sinklist writer
	Writer<IN,of {@link CommT,} WriterStateT>needed restoreWriter(InitContext contextto re-commit, List<WriterStateT> states);

	 * @return a {@link Committer}
	Optional<Committer<CommT>> createCommitter();

	 * @return a {@link GlobalCommitter}
	Optional<GlobalCommitter<CommT, GCommT>> createGlobalCommitter();

	Optional<SimpleVersionedSerializer<CommT>> getCommittableSerializer();

	Optional<SimpleVersionedSerializer<GCommT>> getGlobalCommittableSerializer();

	Optional<SimpleVersionedSerializer<WriterStateT>> getWriterStateSerializer();

	interface InitContext {

		int getSubtaskId();

		int getAttemptID();

		MetricGroup metricGroup();
}which is needed in case we implement a "commit-with-retry" pattern.
	 * @throws IOException if the commit operation fail and do not want to retry any more.
	List<CommT> commit(List<CommT> committables) throws IOException;

Code Block
 * The {@code GlobalCommitter} is responsible for creating and committing an aggregated committable,
 * which we call global committable (see {@link #combine}).
 * <p>The {@code GlobalCommitter} runs with parallelism equal to 1.
 * @param <CommT>         The type of information needed to commit data staged by the sink
 * @param <GlobalCommT>   The type of the aggregated committable
public interface GlobalCommitter<CommT, GlobalCommT> extends AutoCloseable {

	 * Find out which global committables need to be retried when recovering from the failure.
	 * @param globalCommittables A list of {@link GlobalCommT} for which we want to verify
	 *     /**
 * The interface is responsible for writing data and handling any potential tmp area used to write yet un-staged data, e.g. in-progress files.
 * As soon as some data is ready to commit, they (or metadata pointing to where the actual data is staged) are shipped to an operator who knows when to commit them.
 * @param <IN>           The type of the writer's input
 * @param <CommT>        The type of the committable data
 * @param <WriterStateT> The type of the writer's state
interface Writer<IN, CommT,which WriterStateT> {

	 * Add an element to the writerones were successfully committed and which ones did not.
	 * @param element The input record
	 * @param ctx The additional information about the input record@return A list of {@link GlobalCommT} that should be committed again.
	 @param* output@throws TheIOException committableif datafail couldto befilter shipped to the committer by thisrecovered committables.
	voidList<GlobalCommT> writefilterRecoveredCommittables(INList<GlobalCommT> element,globalCommittables) Context ctx, WriterOutput<CommT> output)throws IOException;

	 * Prepare for a commit.*
	 * @paramCompute flushan aggregated whethercommittable flushingfrom thea un-stagedlist committable or notof committables.
	 * @param outputcommittables TheA committablelist dataof could{@link beCommT} shipped to thebe committercombined byinto this
	void prepareCommit(boolean flush, WriterOutput<CommT> output);

	/*a {@link GlobalCommT}.
	 * @return thean writer's state.aggregated committable
	List<WriterStateT> snapshotState();

	interface Context {

		long currentProcessingTime();

		long currentWatermark();

		Long timestamp();
Code Block
* This interface knows how to commit the data to the external system.
* @param <CommT> The type of the committable data.
public interface Committer<CommT> {
	void commit(CommT committable) throws Exception;
Code Block
* The {@link Writer} uses this interface to send the committable data to the operator who knows when to commit to the external system.
* @param <CommT> The type of the committable data.
public interface WriterOutput<CommT> { * @throws IOException if fail to combine the given committables.
	GlobalCommT combine(List<CommT> committables) throws IOException;

	 * Commit the given list of {@link GlobalCommT}.
	 * @param globalCommittables a list of {@link GlobalCommT}.
	 * @return A list of {@link GlobalCommT} needed to re-commit, which is needed in case we implement a "commit-with-retry" pattern.
	 * @throws IOException if the commit operation fail and do not want to retry any more.
	List<GlobalCommT> commit(List<GlobalCommT> globalCommittables) throws IOException;

	 * SendSignals thethat committablethere datais tono thecommittable operator who knows when to commitany more.
	 * @param@throws committableIOException Theif datafail thatto ishandle readythis for committingnotification.
	void sendToCommitendOfInput(CommT committable) throws IOException;

Open Questions

There are still two open questions related to the unified sink API


One of the special requirements of Hive is that the data partitioning key of the first two steps might be different.  For example the first step needs partition by the and the second step needs to partition by the order.created_at. It is because it would introduce data skew if we use the same key to partition. The unified sink API uses the `Writer` to produce the committable data. It implies that there would be only one partition key. So this api does not meet the above scenario directly. 

From the discussion we will not support the HiveSink in the first version.

Is the sink an operator or a topology?

The scenario could be more complicated. For example, some users want to merge the files in one bucket before committing to the HMS. Where to place this logic? Do we want to put all these logic into one operator or a sink topology? 

From the discussion in the long run we should give the sink developer the ability of building “arbitrary” topologies. But for Flink-1.12 we should be more focused on only satisfying the S3/HDFS/Iceberg sink.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
