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Wicket 6.x, using HttpsMapper

Inside of the Application.init() method add the following.


It is extemtely important that when setting the rootRequestMapper it is done AFTER you have added any bookmarkable links otherwise they will not be switched over to Secure mode.

Code Block

mountPage("/somepage", MyPage.class);

// notice that in most cases this should be done as the
// last mounting-related operation because it replaces the root mapper
setRootRequestMapper(new HttpsMapper(getRootRequestMapper(), new HttpsConfig()));

As with previous versions of Wicket, now all you need to do is include the @RequireHttps attribute on your Pages or Components.

Using other methods to determine if Https should be use:

Referencing the example above, override the getDesiredSchemeFor method.

Code Block
setRootRequestMapper(new HttpsMapper(getRootRequestMapper(), new HttpsConfig()){
      protected Scheme getDesiredSchemeFor(Class pageClass) {
         if (getConfigurationType()==RuntimeConfigurationType.DEVELOPMENT) {
         log.debug("Dev mode, always use HTTP");
         return Scheme.HTTP;
      } else {
         log.debug("not in development mode, letting the mapper decide, or roll you own solution");
         return super.getDesiredSchemeFor(pageClass);


Using HttpsRequestCycleProcessor (after 1.4--rc3)

By replacing the default WebRequestCycleProcessor with the HttpsRequestCycleProcessor, you are able to specify secure pages using the @RequireHttps annotation on your pages. If you wanted a little more control... lets say for development you did not want your annotated pages to use https, you could bypass the Switch Protocol code like this. As of 1.4-rc3 Wicket provides built in support for http/https switching via org.apache.wicket.protocol.https.HttpsRequestCycleProcessor. Please see the javadoc of this class for details

Code Block
protected IRequestCycleProcessor newRequestCycleProcessor()
    HttpsConfig config = new HttpsConfig(80,443);
    return new HttpsRequestCycleProcessor(config)

        protected IRequestTarget checkSecureIncoming(IRequestTarget target) 
            if (getConfigurationType().equals(Application.DEVELOPMENT))
	        return target;
                return super.checkSecureIncoming(target);

        protected IRequestTarget checkSecureOutgoing(IRequestTarget target) 
            if (getConfigurationType().equals(Application.DEVELOPMENT))
                return target;
                return super.checkSecureOutgoing(target);

For The Entire Application
