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Table of Contents

Protocol negotiation



titleProtocol Negotiation


Message Definition

A message is a series of bytes which contains the request or response. If the message is large, then we will have provision to divide the message into small messages. In that case, client/server needs to collect all messages to parse the request/response.


In order to consistently define messages the Extended Backus–Naur form grammar will be used.

optional[ ... ]
repetition{ ... }
Groupinggrouping( ... )

Generic Message definition

Every message will (except for connection initializing handshakes, which are necessarily insulated from future changes to the message structure) will adhere to the following generic message definition. A Message will comprise of a MessageHeader and either a Request or Response component.


Response = APIResponse

APIResponsetype = variable

The Api specific Reponse message. Here are some examples of Response messages

PutResponse GetResponse | PutAllResponse | GetAllResponse | ServerConfigResposneServerConfigResponse | ClientConfigResponse | AuthResponse | ErrorResponse


Operations for getting, creating, and modifying data regions can be found here

Locator API

Connections to locators behave a bit differently from normal cache server connections.  For more details and information about locator operations, visit this page.