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This tool can be also used for checking PR for introduction of new failures. See Apache Ignite Teamcity Bot.

Notification Types

This section covers notification types utility can send to dev@ list. User can specify his or her email and select desired tracked branches. All failures in this braches will be also forwarded to user.


New test failure notification is generated if test was stable passing and then became stable failing. Stable passing test requires at least 5 sucessfull runs in a row. Stable failure requires 3 4 failures in a row.

Let's define 0 as success, 1 as failure. 

So history of runs ..00000111000001111.. will cause notification. First transition 0->1 can be bug introduced test failure, and notification is linked to this particular build. Notification will not be resend in case tests continues to fail. This is done because all contributors are considered as interested in successfull tests passing and will do required steps to fix issue.

Duplicate notification can occur for same test if there is history ...00000111000001111...00000111000001111.  And second transition 0 ->1 can be potentially new problem, and test failure would be re-notified.


Some tests are flaky and sometimes change its state. This means test can be unluckily failed 3 4 times in a row. To protect from spam the Bot checks if test status transition is not often. Heuristic rule now is more than 6 state transitions for latest 50 runs. If test will change its state often then new rule is applied. Test fail row is happened on the one commit. If yes - test fail is considered as fail for 7 8 failures in a row. So history should be at least ...0000011111110000011111111... 

Newly contributed tests faillure

If test has no previous history and failed 3 4 times in a row, then it should be also considered is considered as newly introduced failure. This notification is planned to be supported in future releases:

Critical suite failure

The Bot is able to handle timeouts & JVM crashes in suites in a special way. These type of failures are named Critical.  If 3 4 or more (timeouts/JMV crashes) occured several times in a row, this will generate suite-related notification. Also it is required that last run was completed with timeout.

Lets name result 2 as critical failure. So it is required to have 5 non critical failures and 3 4 critical to generate notification: ....(0/1)(0/1)(0/1)(0/1)(0/1) 2222222....


Unassigned issues
