Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Version 2.0.0-M2

Version 2.0.0-M2 is the second milestone version of Apache NiFi 2.0.0.

This version includes a number of new features and substantial dependency upgrades, as well as several breaking changes.

Release Date: January 29, 2024

Jira Release Notes for 2.0.0-M2

New Components

  • Controller Services
    • DatabaseTableSchemaRegistryService
    • StandardKustoIngestService
    • StandardJsonSchemaRegistry
    • ZendeskRecordSink
  • Processors
    • CalculateParquetOffsets
    • CalculateParquetRowGroupOffsets
    • FilterAttribute
    • PublishSlack
    • PutMongoBulk
    • PutAzureDataExplorer
    • PutZendeskTicket

Notable Upgrades

  • Spring Framework 6
  • Jetty 12
  • Jakarta Servlet API 6
  • Jakarta XML Binding 4
  • Swagger 2 annotations
  • OpenAPI 3.0 REST API specification

Breaking Changes

  • Removed MiNiFi C2 Server modules and Docker image configuration
  • Relocated JoltTransformJSON and JoltTransformRecord from nifi-standard-nar to nifi-jolt-nar
  • Removed InfluxDB Processors
  • Removed Bootstrap Notification Services
  • Moved from SimpleDateFormat to DateTimeFormatter for date and time parsing and formatting
  • Moving from Servlet API 3 and Servlet API 6 requires custom user interface extensions to be updated and recompiled

Version 2.0.0-M1

Version 2.0.0-M1 is the first milestone version of Apache NiFi 2.0.0. This version includes over 900 issues resolved, including new features as well as numerous improvements and bug fixes.

Please refer to the Deprecated Components and Features documentation for items removed in this version.

Migrating Deprecated Components and Features for 2.0.0 includes current progress on the steps necessary for migrating certain components and features.

Release Date: November 25, 2023

Jira Release Notes for 2.0.0-M1

New Features and Changes for 2.0.0-M1

  • Initial version of native Python API for Processors
  • Stateless Execution mode for Process Groups
  • Flow Analysis Rules API
  • Kubernetes-based Leader Election and State Management extensions
  • Python-based Processors for interacting with ChatGPT and Vector Databases
  • ListenOTLP Processor for collecting OpenTelemetry
  • ListenSlack and ConsumeSlack Processors for handling messages from Slack
  • EncryptContentAge and DecryptContentAge Processors supporting specification
  • Schema Registry Services for Amazon Glue and Apicurio
  • Parameter Provider for 1Password Vault
  • YamlTreeReader for YAML as Records
  • PackageFlowFile Processor for writing file streams and attributes as FlowFile Version 3
  • Migrated from H2 Database Engine to JetBrains Xodus for storing Flow Configuration History
  • Moved several modules to optional build profiles, requiring separate NAR download from the Central Repository
    • nifi-hadoop-nar
    • nifi-hadoop-libraries-nar
    • nifi-hbase-nar
    • nifi-hbase2_client-service-nar
    • nifi-kudu-nar
    • nifi-parquet-nar
    • nifi-solr-nar

Version 1.25.0

Version 1.25.0 is feature improvement and bug fix release, including over 100 issues resolved.

Release Date: January 29, 2024

Jira Release Notes for 1.25.0

New Components

  • Controller Services
    • DatabaseTableSchemaRegistryService
    • StandardJsonSchemaRegistry
    • ZendeskRecordSink
  • Processors
    • CalculateParquetOffsets
    • CalculateParquetRowGroupOffsets
    • FilterAttribute
    • PublishSlack
    • PutZendeskTicket

Notable Changes

  • Added Component State strategy for ConsumeAzureEventHub Checkpointing
  • Corrected automated migration of Flow Configuration History from NiFi 1.23.2 and earlier versions
  • Deprecated Bootstrap Notification Services for removal in NiFi 2.0.0-M2
  • Deprecated MiNiFi C2 Server for removal in NiFi 2.0.0-M2
  • Upgraded Logback to 1.3.14
  • Upgraded SSHJ to 0.38.0
  • Upgraded JLine to 3.25.0
  • Upgraded JSON Path to 2.9.0

Version 1.24.0

Version 1.24.0 of Apache NiFi is a feature improvement and bug fix release, including over 270 issues resolved.

Release Date: November 27, 2023

Jira Release Notes for 1.24.0

New Features and Changes for 1.24.0

  • ListenOTLP Processor for collecting OpenTelemetry
  • EncryptContentAge and DecryptContentAge Processors supporting specification
  • YamlTreeReader for YAML as Records
  • PackageFlowFile Processor for writing file streams and attributes as FlowFile Version 3
  • Migrated from H2 Database Engine to JetBrains Xodus for storing Flow Configuration History
  • Deprecated Jython Script Engine for Scripted Processors

Version 1.23.2

Version 1.23.2 of Apache NiFi is a bug fix release. NiFi 1.23.0 and 1.23.1 should not be used.

Release Date: August 22, 2023

Highlights of the 1.23.2 release include:

Version 1.23.1

Version 1.23.1 of Apache NiFi is a bug fix and dependency upgrade release.

Release Date: August 18, 2023

Highlights of the 1.23.1 release include:

  • Corrected ListHDFS closing of File System resources
  • Corrected ListenGRPC with TLS on Java 17
  • Corrected NiFi Registry Git Provider integration with SSH
  • Added Proxy Configuration support for Azure Storage Credentials
  • Incremental dependency upgrades including Logback 1.3.8, Bouncy Castle 1.76, and Netty 4.1.96

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.23.0

Version 1.23.0 of Apache NiFi is an improvement, bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: July 28, 2023

Highlights of the 1.23.0 release include:

  • Added Record Reader for Excel XLSX Files and RemoveRecordField Processor
  • Added Service for Amazon Glue Schema Registry
  • Upgraded Spring Framework, Spring Security, Bouncy Castle, and many other libraries for framework and extension components
  • Moved Riemann and HBase 1.1.2 NAR bundles to optional build profiles
  • Deprecated RethinkDB components

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

NiFi NAR Maven Plugin Version 1.5.1

Version 1.5.1 of Apache NiFi NAR Maven Plugin is a bug fix and dependency upgrade release.

Release Date: June 14, 2023

Highlights of the NAR Maven Plugin 1.5.1 release include:

  • NAR Plugin extension docs not correctly resolving overridden versions from system properties.
  • NAR Plugin not correctly using remote repositories.

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.22.0

Version 1.22.0 of Apache NiFi is an improvement, bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: June 11, 2023

Highlights of the 1.22.0 release include:

  • MiNiFi agents can now talk to C2 servers using reverse proxy/load balancers.
  • New processor to support modifying the compression algorithm of content which still incurs the CPU hit substantially improves IO by avoiding writing and reading the intermediary decompressed form.
  • New processor for Azure Queue Storage using Azure SDK 12.
  • Put Database Record now allows for Upserts.
  • Deprecated additional components and features in preparation toward an Apache NiFi 2.0.
  • Upgraded numerous dependencies due to potential vulnerabilities and latest stable lines.
  • Numerous bug fixes to processors but also core NiFi framework behavior
  • A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.21.0

Version 1.21.0 of Apache NiFi is an improvement, bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: April 7, 2023

Highlights of the 1.21.0 release include:

NiFi NAR Maven Plugin Version 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0 of Apache NiFi NAR Maven Plugin is a bug fix and dependency upgrade release.

Release Date: March 15, 2023

Highlights of the NAR Maven Plugin 1.5.0 release include:

  • Fixes Maven build issues with NAR artifacts in NiFi extension projects that are not part of the apache/nifi repository and have NAR dependencies.
  • Upgrade core Maven dependencies. This includes migrating from maven-dependency 2.x to 3.x and corresponding code changes due to breaking changes.

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.20.0

Version 1.20.0 of Apache NiFi is a feature, improvement, bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: Feb 9, 2023

Highlights of the 1.20.0 release include:

  • New processor 'GenerateRecord' to create record data with random type/schema appropriate data great for testing!
  • New processor to capture data from Asana.
  • New processor for interacting with Amazon Web Services Polly, Textract, Translate, and Transcribe services.
  • New processor to send data to Salesforce
  • New processor to send data to Apache IoTDB
  • New processor to push data to Google Drive
  • New processor to push data to Box
  • New DecryptContent and DecryptContentCompatibility Processors to support migration away from the EncryptContent Processor
  • Several other new processors, components and dozens of improvements.
  • Fixed dozens of bugs including improving the behavior between versioned NiFi flows and the NiFi Registry across upgrades and other scenarios
  • Resolved CVE-2023-22832 - Improper Restriction of XML External Entity References in ExtractCCDAAttributes
  • Deprecated additional components and features for removal in 2.0.0
    • ConsumeEWS Processor
    • Base64EncodeContent Processor
    • HortonworksSchemaRegistry Controller Service
    • ProcessContext encrypt and decrypt methods
  • A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

NiFi NAR Maven Plugin Version 1.4.0

Version 1.4.0 of Apache NiFi NAR Maven Plugin is a feature, stability, and bug fix release.

Release Date: February 2, 2023

Highlights of the NAR Maven Plugin 1.4.0 release include:

  • Add a new plugin goal that checks dependency duplications in NARSs
  • Improvements to NAR packaging to make the output reproducible
  • Exclude system jars such as when generating extension manifest
  • Exclude extension dependencies from parent NAR when generating extension manifest

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.19.1

Version 1.19.1 of Apache NiFi is a bug fix and simple improvement release.

Release Date: December 7, 2022

Highlights of the 1.19.1 release include:

  • Fixed regressions with NiFi talking to the Flow Registry faced in recent 1.17/1.18/1.19.0 releases.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in 1.19.0 for Kafka SCRAM SASL handling.
  • Added support for the SQLServer sql_variant type and other CDC related improvement/bugs.
  • Numerous other simple bug fixes/dependency updates.
  • A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.19.0

Version 1.19.0 of Apache NiFi is a feature, improvement, bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: November 28 2022

Highlights of the 1.19.0 release include:

  • Java 8 will continue to work for all NiFi 1.x releases.  However, we strongly encourage everyone to upgrade to Java 11.0.16 or newer as this is the recommended minimum version.  And once we have the NiFi 2.x line support for Java 8 will no longer exist at all so this will help you with the transition.
  • Provided a new processor to Put data to Apache Iceberg called PutIceberg.
  • Provided a new processor to Put data to Snowflake using Snowpipe Ingest called PutSnowflake.
  • Provided a new processor called UpdateDatabaseTable which will be very helpful for cases where the schema of data evolves and the backing tables being written to need DDL changes to accommodate it so data can keep flowing.
  • The Consume Kafka Record processor now allows writing out the Kafka key of each message which can be quite helpful for certain Apache Kafka based flows.
  • Docker images now support arm64 platforms in addition to amd64 (aka aarch64/x86_64). This includes Apple Silicon Macs with M1/M2 processors.
  • Docker images now use Java 11.
  • Upgraded numerous dependencies for security vulnerability concerns such as with Apache Commons Text, performance, functionality, or API stability as is the case with Apache Iceberg 1.0.
  • Numerous bug fixes related to MergeContent, Stateless NiFi, ListenSyslog, and many other components.

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.18.0

Version 1.18.0 of Apache NiFi is a substantial feature, improvement, bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: Oct 6 2022

Highlights of the 1.18.0 release include:

  • Have various values including sensitive ones like passwords and other things for your flow definitions but dont want them stored in NiFi?  Parameter Providers to the rescue!  NiFi now allows you to register parameter providers such as HashiCorp Vault,  an external database, AWS or GCP Secrets Management. We'll add others like Azure soon.
  • NiFi now supports pluggable Registry Clients. This will allow for follow-on implementations such as using a plain git repository as a 'registry' for versioned flows.
  • CompressContent now supports ZStd and Brotli.
  • New processors to List and Fetch data using SMB.
  • New processor to QueryAirtable
  • New component to use Azure's Event Hub as a record sink called AzureEventHubRecordSink
  • New processors to List and Fetch data from Dropbox.
  • New processors to List and Fetch data from Box.
  • New processor to get data from HubSpot called GetHubSpot
  • New processors to capture data from Workday called GetWorkdayReport.
  • New processor to pull data from Zendesk.
  • Default run duration on processors is now configurable.
  • We can now publish to MQTT using the record mechanism which is far more efficient and flexible.
  • Updated a ton of dependencies for security and behavior improvements.  Fixed a ton of bugs.  Improved clustering performance.
  • Numerous components are now flagged as deprecated and NiFi will write warning messages to nifi-deprecation.log with potential alternatives

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.17.0

Version 1.17.0 of Apache NiFi is a substantial feature, improvement, bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: August 1, 2022

Highlights of the 1.17.0 release include:

  • NiFi can now be built on ARM based platforms including latest MacOS systems.
  • New processor to support query of data from Salesforce.
  • New ConsumeTwitter processor to replace the deprecated GetTwitter processor.
  • Dynamic properties can now be marked by the user as sensitive and the framework will handle them properly.  Many components updated to take advantage of this support.
  • The built in content viewer now supports image/webp.
  • Added the ability to track detailed metrics such as CPU at processor level.
  • New processors to List and Fetch Google Drive files.
  • NiFi application, as well as ListenHTTP and HandleHttpRequest processors now support HTTP/2.
  • Hundreds of other bug fixes, improvements and dependency updates for better stability and to eliminate libraries with reported vulnerabilities.

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

NiFi NAR Maven Plugin Version 1.3.5

Version 1.3.5 of Apache NiFi NAR Maven Plugin is a bug fix and improvement release.

Release Date: July 21, 2022

Highlights of the 1.3.5 release include:

  • Fixed generation of extension manifest XML during building of NARs to correctly process API interfaces that extend other interfaces

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

NiFi NAR Maven Plugin Version 1.3.4

Version 1.3.4 of Apache NiFi NAR Maven Plugin is a bug fix and improvement release.

Release Date: June 20 2022

Highlights of the 1.3.4 release include:

  • Fixed generation of extension manifest XML during building of NARs to recursively include all provided interfaces for Controller Service extensions
  • Improvements to NAR packaging to make the output reproducible

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.16.3

Version 1.16.3 of Apache NiFi is a bug fix and security focused release.

Release Date: June 15 2022

Highlights of the 1.16.3 release include:

  • Security related updates for dependencies.
  • Corrected a couple framework level issues with controller service and reporting task lifecycle management.
  • Resolved a regression related to parameter context inheritance.
  • Resolved CVE-2022-33140 - Improper Neutralization of Command Elements in Shell User Group Provider

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.16.2

Version 1.16.2 of Apache NiFi is a bug fix, enhancement, and security focused release.

Release Date: May 25 2022

Highlights of the 1.16.2 release include:

  • Fixed an issue with the repository that would cause flows to pause due to back-pressure / archive settings when it should not have.
  • Google Pub/Sub processors now able to work with proxies.
  • Standard Oauth2 Token Provider now supports scope and additional status codes.
  • Fixed a property decryption issue for sensitive properties.
  • ASN1 record reading now reads all records instead of stopping after the first one.
  • 16 JIRAs to fix bugs, enhance existing capability, and improve security.

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Version 1.16.1

Version 1.16.1 of Apache NiFi is a bug fix, enhancement, and security focused release.

Release Date: TBD - Vote process underway.April 29 2022

Highlights of the 1.16.1 release include:

  • Fixed regressions in NiFi/Registry interaction from 1.16.
  • Fixed regression for NiFi Registry interaction with databases from 1.16.
  • Upgraded a large array of dependent libraries due to reported CVEs and/or bug fixes.
  • Updates for AWS and Azure components too support more regions and fix defects.
  • Substantial improvements to behaviors for XML related processing.
  • 7080+ JIRAs to fix bugs, enhance existing capability, and improve security.
  • Resolved CVE-2022-29265 - Improper Restriction of XML External Entities in Multiple Components

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:


  • Framework Level Retry now supported.  For many years users build flows in various ways to make retries happen for a configured number of attempts.  Now this is easily and cleanly configured in the UI/API and simplifies the user experience and flow design considerably!  To those waiting for years for this thank you for your patience.
  • Disconnected nodes can now rejoin the cluster, updating their flow to match whatever the cluster gives it (after writing a backup of the disconnected node's flow locally, of course!) - even when the flow is significantly different
  • The cluster now allows changes to the dataflow even while there are disconnected nodes
  • New components to read CEF messages, easily perform geohashing on records, and to listen for SNMP traps.
  • New components to make data enrichment far easier - especially when enrichment comes from web services.
  • UI now shows when component properties have leading or trailing whitespace - very helpful when copying a value from elsewhere and pasting it into NiFi
  • UI now shows when all data in a queue is penalized, and the processor will no longer run millions of times per minute in order to accomplish nothing
  • MiNiFi Java can now hot-load nars just like NiFi.
  • Tons of bug fixes and improvements for processors that interact with cloud services on AWS, Azure, and GCP as well as SFTP, FTP, Kafka and more.
  • Stateless NiFi getting better and better with improved classloader isolation and ability to run off local nars only.
  • Security: Aggressively update libraries such as Jetty, Netty, Logging related libs (log4j, slf4j, etc..), and moved to latest H2 Database to eliminate any worries about a vulnerability in the older line.  Included a super slick mechanism to upgrade from the old database to the new one without the user having to worry about it.
  • Resolved CVE-2022-26850 - Insufficiently Protected Credentials in Single User Login Identity Provider

A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:


A full list of issues that were resolved can be found at:

Note: The Apache NiFi Registry and Apache MiNiFi Java Agent codebases have been merged with the Apache NiFi codebase as of NiFi 1.14.0. Here are links for their release notes prior to this change:
