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The JMeter FAQ

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    \[  Simple Chinese Version\]


Table of Contents

How to do remote testing the 'proper way'?


  1. Your application server. You shouldn't run anything on this machine that you wouldn't have running on it in your proposed or actual production environment (if you are running anything else, including JMeter, you will be adding load to the server and thus tainting your results).unmigrated-wiki-markup
  2. One or more machines running jmeter-server (the \["JMeterEngine"\]). You want these machines to be reasonably close (network wise) to the application server. By "reasonably close" I mean on the same Ethernet segment or at least with no low speed links between them. The JMeter User Manual provides reasonable information about doing this.
  3. Wiki Markup
    A single machine running the JMeter GUI that you use to control the machines running the \["JMeterEngine"\].
  4. JMeterEngine). You want these machines to be reasonably close (network wise) to the application server. By "reasonably close" I mean on the same Ethernet segment or at least with no low speed links between them. The JMeter User Manual provides reasonable information about doing this.
  5. A single machine running the JMeter GUI that you use to control the machines running the JMeterEngine.

While you are developing your scripts and for only moderate levels of user testing (assuming you are "close" to the application server) you do not need to involve any JMeterEngine machines.
The reason you have these are Wiki MarkupWhile you are developing your scripts and for only moderate levels of user testing (assuming you are "close" to the application server) you do not need to involve any \["JMeterEngine"\] machines. The reason you have these are to:

  1. Eliminate the impact of slow network connections when you are not "close" to the application server.
  2. Execute more test threads than your local machine is capable of handling.

Note that if the GUI is running multiple remote servers, it can easily become a bottle-neck, especially if a lot of listeners are being used. Remove all unnecessary listeners before running stress tests.


How to run JMeter test plan programatically, such as from an Ant script?

Answer: Quick answer, go here: http://www.programmerplanet. org/ant-jmeter/. I have permission from the author of this ant task to add it to JMeter's distribution, which I will do as soon as I have the time. (It should now be in the extras folder).

How can I do stress testing of EJBs?

Answer: You can use the UserManual Reference/JavaSampler classes to write your own class that runs your EJB's, and then JMeter will take over the threading and reporting. This, however, is not ideal. Someone needs to write a good EJB Sampler implementation for JMeter (hint, hint).


Answer: Quick answer: They appear as an error because 302 != 200, at least in v 1.8.1.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Long answer: try using v1.9RC1, the code in \[ HTTPSampler\] seems to take into account the result code for the redirect instead of the redirect result code.

How do I parameterize my JMeter test cases?

Answer: Parameters can be set at both the Test Plan and Thread Group levels.

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At the Test Plan level, parameters can be used as constants to minimize changes throughout the test plan when a server or port changes, for example.  \[N.B. functions are not currently supported at Test Plan level.\]

in HTTPSampler seems to take into account the result code for the redirect instead of the redirect result code.

How do I parameterize my JMeter test cases?

Answer: Parameters can be set at both the Test Plan and Thread Group levels.

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At the Test Plan level, parameters can be used as constants to minimize changes throughout the test plan when a server or port changes, for example.  \[N.B. functions are not currently supported at Test Plan level.\]

Within Thread Groups, the User Parameters Pre-Processor can be used to set different parameters for each simulated user.

Note: if only one user (i.e. User_1) is defined, the value will be used for all threads. Functions ARE supported here. See later FAQs for more information. Wiki MarkupThe following example parameterizes the pet category from the \[ Java Pet Store\]. Thanks to \[\] for allowing us to run the example on their server.

The following example parameterizes the pet category from the Java Pet Store.

  1. Install Petstore application on a local Tomcat server.
  2. Start JMeter
  3. Click the Add button to add the following user defined variables to the Test Plan node:
    1. server: www.jboss.jwebhosting.netlocalhost
    2. port: 808080
    3. protocol: http
  4. Add a Thread Group to the Test Plan setting:
    1. Number of Threads: 2
    2. Clear the forever checkbox
    3. Loop Count: 1
  5. Add Config Element > HTTP Cookie Manager to Thread Group
  6. Add Pre Processors > User Parameters to Thread Group
  7. Click Add User to add an additional user to the User Parameters
  8. Click Add Variable and set name to category, User_1 to DOGS and User_2 to FISH
  9. Add Sampler > HTTP Request to Thread Group with the following settings:
    1. Server Name or IP: ${server}
    2. Port Number: ${port}
    3. Protocol: ${protocol}
    4. Path: /estore/control/category
  10. Click the Add button to add a parameter to the request:
    1. Name: category_id
    2. Value: ${category}
  11. Add Listener > View Results Tree to Thread Group
  12. Save
  13. Run > Start

When you view the results in the View Results Tree, you can see the ${category} value was replaced with the value from the User Parameters. Each thread will use the category from the User Parameter setting automatically. If there are more than two threads, they will reuse the values in these settings, so the third thread would use DOGS.


  1. Load Test Plan created in previous FAQ question
  2. Add Post Processor > Regular Expression Extractor to thread Group with following values:
    1. Reference Name: product
    2. Regular Expression: product_id=(\w*-\w*-\w*) 
    3. Template: $1$ 
    4. Match No.: 0  (Setting this parameter to 0 returns a random match)
  3. Copy the HTTP Request we created in the previous question and paste to the thread group after the previous HTTP Request
  4. Change the following values:
    1. Path: /estore/control/product 
    2. Add Parameter and set name to product_id , value to to ${product }
  5. Save Test Plan
  6. Run > Start

When you view the results in the View Results Tree, you can see the ${product} value was replaced with the value extracted by the regular expression.


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Wiki MarkupNote: Thread Groups are slightly different from other test elements, because their settings have to be determined before the test starts. This means that you cannot use variables defined in a User Parameters form\["as far as I could tell"\]. But the __property() function works in Thread Groups. Groups, and you can use variables defined on the Test Plan.

For example, you could define the TestPlan variable:

THREADS ${__P(threads,10) }

and then use{{ ${THREADS}}} in the ThreadGroup test element.

Elsewhere, you can use function calls, or variable references to User Parameters (which in turn could be functions), or variable references to variables set up by functions earlier in the test. There's more than one way to do it.


It can be useful to put default settings into the jmeter property file, so you only need to supply differences on the command line.

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 # defaults in 

Then just do jmeter -Jgroup1.loops=1000 for example.


if you omit the value, it defaults to 1

How do I use external data files to define variables in my Test scripts?

*Answer:  The CSV Data Set Config element is the best way to do this, as it can create multiple variables from a single data file.

Answer:  Another way to do this *One way to do this is to create a User Parameters Pre-Processor in which you list all the values that you want to read from files. You can then use the variable names later in the script.


  1. Start JMeter
  2. Add a Thread Group to the Test Plan
    1. set the appropriate number of threads and iterations
  3. Add Pre Processors > User Parameters to Thread Group
  4. Click Add Variable
    1. Set Update once per iteration
    2. Set the Name to the name of the variable (e.g. ACCOUNTID)
      1. Set the value (under User_1) to ${_StringFromFile(accounts.dat)}
  5. Add Sampler > HTTP Request to Thread Group:
  6. Click the Add button to add a parameter to the request:
    1. Name: account_id
    2. Value: ${ACCOUNTID}
  7. Add Listener > View Results Tree to Thread Group
  8. Save
    Wiki Markupcreate the file 1. create the file accounts.dat containing one line per account id. \[In the bin directory, unless you add a path to the parameter to _StringFromFile\]
  9. Run > Start
  10. If it is not in the bin directory, then modify the String{{`From}}`File parameter accordingly, e.g. {${_StringFromFile(../testdata/accounts.dat)} or ${_StringFromFile(/home/user/testdata/accounts.dat)} or ${_StringFromFile(C:/work/data/accounts.dat)}}
    1. Run > Start

Each iteration, the ACCOUNTID variable will be set to Each iteration, the ACCOUNTID variable will be set to the next line in the file, and the HTTP Request will use its value to set the account_id parameter.


I'm having difficulty getting JMeter to work with SSL (HTTPS). What's the problem?


*Answer:* Check out the documentation \[ item 2.documentation item 1.2.4\]. _\[A lot of people struggle with this, either because of private certs or whatever - I'm looking for a page that details common trip-ups and solutions for them. - MikeStover\]_.

A lot of people struggle with this, either because of private certs or whatever - I'm looking for a page that details common trip-ups and solutions for them. – MikeStover

I'm having difficulty building Jmeter from NetBeans IDE. It is looking for a org.apache.log.Hierarchy, which log util is it looking for?

Answer: Make sure to mount all of the jars in the lib folder.


Can JMeter record HTTPS requests using the recording proxy?

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*Answer:*No.  JMeter would never be able to decipher the encrypted requests the browser sends.  SSL Proxies create a tunnel from the browser to the destination server but do not and cannot read the messages.  Check out \[ BadBoy\] for a possible solution.

How can I display the response text my assertation runs against?

*Answer:*You can display your server's response text in the View Results Tree listener.

Is there a JMX Schema/DTD available?

Answer:  Yes, in JMeter 2.4. JMeter now uses its own dummy certificate which the browser needs to be configured to accept.

How can I display the response text my assertation runs against?

Answer:  You can display your server's response text in the View Results Tree listener.

Is there a JMX Schema/DTD available?

Answer:  No. Don't plan on *Answer:*No. Don't plan on having one either at this point. Changes would be too frequent to realistically keep up with.

What happens with redirects when asserting HTTP responses?

*Answer:*  Assertions aren't smart enough to do the right thing with redirected requests - currently the 302 response would be asserted against. You can get around this by recording your test plans and leaving "follow redirects" off.


I've set the CLASSPATH, but JMeter is not picking up my Jars

Wiki Markup*Answer:*  The CLASSPATH variable is ignored when using the -jar flag. For some further information on this, see:\[ How the Java launcher finds user classes \]see: How the Java launcher finds user classes

JMeter currently knows to look for jars/classes in two places only:


  • lib/ext, where the \["ApacheJMeter"\]_\*.jar files live
  • lib, where the 3rd party jar files live

Additional jars should normally be placed in the lib directory; however, if you have written an add-on for JMeter itself, that should be put in the lib/ext directory.unmigrated-wiki-markup

If you want your jar file to be available to all Java applications, it can be placed in the \[ JVM extensions directory\]

Another possible solution is to take a copy of the jmeter startup script, and replace:


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after adding \["ApacheJMeter"\].jar to the classpath

What Pattern matching (regexen) does JMeter support?

Wiki Markup*Answer:*  JMeter includes the pattern matching software \[ Apache Jakarta ORO\].

See RegularExpressions for more details and examples


Currently I am using WAS 5.0 Application Server . For “Monitor Results” , JMeter shows the example for TOMCAT 5.0 WebServer.



Followings from JMeter doc


Add the HTTP Request to the Thread Group element (


Add → Sampler → HTTP Request). Then, select the HTTP Request element in the tree and edit the following properties):

Change the Name field to "Server Status". Enter the IP address or Hostname Enter the port number Set the Path field to "/manager/status" if you're using Tomcat. Add a request parameter named "XML" in uppercase. Give it a value of "true" in lowercase. Check "Use as Monitor" at the bottom of the sampler


Please let me know how I can set “Monitor Results” of JMeter in WAS5.0.


You can uncomment those lines (remove # character) and restart jmeter :

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# Save test plans and test logs in 2.0 format
# Just test plans (jmx)
# Just test logs (jtl)

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You can also take a look at this \[ mail archive\] from dev list.


You can also take a look at this mail archive from dev list.

More informations about: JmxTestPlan or JtlTestLog

How do I ensure each http request for jsp is within one jsessionid ?

Just insert an HTTP Cookie Manager. This keeps track of all cookies for each thread within the thread group. Without http cookie manager, each request is a new session as cookies are not kept. jsessionid is only shown for the very first request, subsequent request will not see the jsessionid. to use a variable in jmeter is ${name of variable}.

This is very useful when dealing with jsp form logins, as the first request is to login to the system and subsequent request is to do load testing on the target page. This will prevent redirection back into login page.

How do I ensure the remote jmeter server can communicate with the master client?

Sometimes java/rmi doesn't determine the correct IP address of your client. For example if you are communicating over a vpn under linux, the ppp interface is the IP that you want to use, but java may end up using the eth1 interface. If this is the case, you will see a connect exception in the jmeter-server log, which will mention an IP address different than the one you want it to use. You can force rmi to use a different IP address than the one it looks up by setting a system property: -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= informations about: JmxTestPlan or JtlTestLog