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  1. Create a folder (ex: SciGaP) in a preferable location in your local machine to clone download the PHP samples from GitHub. Open the created SciGaP folder (...../ cd SciGaP) and clone the files using GitHuB ‘HTTPS clone URL’    
    git clone
    Once the cloning is completed you would get a completed message. dist/dev/airavata/0.13/RC0/. 
  2. In the given location download the apache-airavata-php-sdk-0.13-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  3. Open the folder which contains the PHP sample scripts. 
    SciGaP → airavata/apache-airavata-php-api/airavata-client-sdks/airavata-php-sdk/src/main/resources/php-sdk-0.13-SNAPSHOT/php-cli-samples
  4. client-samples  folder contains PHP scripts to exercise currently existing Airavata API methods;
    1. add-compute-resources.php
      1. GetAPIVersion.php (a sanity check)
      1. createProject.php
      2. updateProject.php
      3. getAllUserProjects.php
      4. createExperiment.php
      5. getExperiment.php
      6. updateExperiment.php
      7. cloneExperiment.php
      8. getAllExperimentsInProject.php
      9. getAllUserExperiments.php
    2. launchExperiment
      1. search_experiments_by_name.php
      2. search_experiments_by_description.php
    3. getExperimentStatus
      1. search_experiments_by_application.php
    4. getExperimentOutputs
      1. launchExperiment.php
      2. terminateExperiment.php 
    5. list-application-interfaces
      1. getExperimentStatus.php
    6. list-compute-resources
      1. getExperimentOutputs.php
    7. airavata-client-api-tester.php
  5. Apart for the scripts for the API methods the folder contains;
    1. airavata-client-properties.ini - contains the server. port and timeout period information
    2. README-PHP-CLI-Examples.txt - Gives the script execution order
  6. Navigation to working directory; 
    cd SciGaP/airavata/airavata-api/airavata-client-sdks/airavata-php-sdk/src/main/resources/php-cli-samples

Tutorial II - Sanity Check

  1. Get Airavata Version 
    Execute php getAPIVersion.php and confirm the Airavata API version.

Tutorial III - Create, Update & List Projects

Create Project
  1. Use; createProject.php to create new projects.
    project_owner and project_name can be given as command line arguments.
    1. Format;
      php createProject.php<space><project_owner><space><project_name>
  2. When creating new projects both project_owner and project_name cannot contain spaces.
    1. Sample values;
      project_owner: Thomas   
      project_name: Test_Project
  3. Successful creation of project will give confirmation message with the Project ID 
  4. Tutorial tryout; 
    Add project description as a command-line argument to the existing createProject.php script and execute.
Update Project
      1. registerComputeResource.php
      2. getAllComputeResourceNames.php
      3. getComputeResource.php

      4. deleteComputeResource.php

      5. registerApplicationModule.php
      6. getApplicationModule.php
      7. getApplicationDeployedResources.php
      8. registerApplicationInterface.php
      9. updateApplicationInterface.php
      10. getAllApplicationInterfaceNames.php
      11. deleteApplicationInterface.php
      12. getAvailableAppInterfaceComputeResources.php
      13. registerApplicationDeployment.php
      14. getApplicationDeployment.php
      15. getApplicationInputs.php

      16. getApplicationOutputs.php
      17. deleteGatewayComputeResourcePreference.php
      18. getGatewayComputeResourcePreference.php
      19. airavata-client-api-tester.php
  1. Apart for the scripts for the API methods the folder contains;
    1. getAiravataClient.php - This script is referred by all other scripts to obtain Airavata client. Not for stand alone execution.
    2. README.txt - Gives an introduction to the scripts and also reference links to wiki pages with command line script execution information
  2. Navigation to working directory; 
    cd SciGaP/airavata/airavata-api/airavata-client-sdks/airavata-php-sdk/src/main/resources/php-cli-samples

Tutorial II - Sanity Check

  1. Get Airavata Version 
    Execute php getAPIVersion.php and confirm the Airavata API version.

Tutorial III - Create, Update & List Projects

Create Project
  1. Use; createProject.php to create new projects.
    project_owner and project_name can be given as Use; updateProject.php to modify or add project description.
    project_ID and project_description are passed into the script as command line arguments.
    1. Format;
      php updateProjectcreateProject.php<space><project_ID><space><projectowner><space><project_description>name>
  2. When creating new projects both project_owner and project_name cannot contain When updating Projects currently user can only update the project description. Use quotes around the description to include spaces.
    1. Sample values;
      project_IDowner: Thomas   
      project_name: Test_Project_4063b440-332a-49af-a6de-aea21d77bb2f
      project_description: Test_Airavata_Project
  3. Successful creation of project Successful modification of project will give confirmation message with the Project ID 
  4. Tutorial tryout; 
    Add project name description as a command-line argument to the existing updateProjectcreateProject.php script and execute.
List Project
Update Project
  1. Use; updateProject.php to modify or add project description.
    project_ID and project_description are passed into the script as command line arguments
  2. Verify the existence of the above created project by using getAllUserProjects.php file 
  3. User = Project owner who creates the Project. User name is given as a command line argument.
    1. Format;
      php getAllUserProjects.php <space><user>updateProject.php<space><project_ID><space><project_description>
  4. When updating Projects currently user can only update the project description. Use quotes around the description to include spaces.
    1. Sample values;
      user: Thomas
  5. Execute the file; all the projects created by the given user will get listed with project information.
    Image Removed
    Image - Project Detail Listing

Tutorial IV - Create, View , Update & Clone Experiment

Create Experiment
    1. project_ID: Test_Project_4063b440-332a-49af-a6de-aea21d77bb2f
      project_description: Test_Airavata_Project
  1. Successful modification of project will give confirmation message with the Project ID 
  2. Tutorial tryout; 
    Add project name as a command-line argument to the existing updateProject.php script and execute.
List Project
  1. Verify the existence of the above created project by using getAllUserProjects.php file 
  2. User = Project owner who creates the Project. User name is given as a command line argumentCreate an experiment with above created project using createExperiment.php script. When creating experiment User, Experiment name and Project ID (username, experiment_name, project_ID) are passed as arguments to the script.
    1. Format;
      php createExperimentgetAllUserProjects.php<space><username><space><experiment_name><space><project_ID><space><user>
    2. Sample values;
      user: Peter
  3. Execute the file; all the projects created by the given user will get listed with project information.
    Image Added
    Image - Project Detail Listing

Tutorial IV - Create, View , Update & Clone Experiment

Create Experiment
  1. Create an experiment with above created project using createExperiment.php script. When creating experiment User, Experiment name and Project ID (username, experiment_name, project_ID) are passed as arguments to the script.
    1. Format;
      php createExperiment.php<space><username><space><experiment_name><space><project_ID>
  2. Changing other parameters require opening the script and modifying and saving values inside the script. 
    Sample values;



    Sample Values


    Project ID


    Project iD is validated against existing projects

    Passed as an argument to the script

    Creating User


    Users are validated against existing Airavata gateway users.

    Passed as an argument to the script

    Experiment Name


    Not a unique value. Use can enter any value

    Passed as an argument to the script

    Resource Host ID


    From Application Catalog
    Changing other parameters require opening the script and modifying and saving values inside the script. 
    Sample values;



    Sample Values


    Project ID


    Project iD is validated against existing projects

    Passed as an argument to the script

    Creating User


    Users are validated against existing Airavata gateway users.

    Passed as an argument to the script

    Experiment Name


    Not a unique value. Use can enter any value

    Passed as an argument to the script

    Resource Host ID



    Computational Project Account


    Total CPU Count


    Number of CPUs required for the experiment



    Number of nodes required in each CPU

    Number of Threads


    Number of threads per node

    Queue Queue Name


    if left blank it will pick default queue

    Wall Time Limit


    This is given in minutes


    0Application ID


    Total Physical Memory



    Application ID


    Existing application in the selected resource

    From Application Catalog

    Input Key



    Input Value

    echo_output=Hello World


    Output Key


  3. Script has all the resource listed; User has to select a resource to run the experiment and comment the others. User can change existing other parameters as well in the script.
  4. Execute the fileDepending on the computational resource used the resource scheduling data part need to be entered by the user. Other defined resource scheduling parts should be commented. 
    Image Removed
    Image - PHP Script Sample
    Execute the file; experiment will be created and experiment ID will be generated; ID is the unique value which identifies the experiment in Airavata.
  5. Experiment creation confirmation message;


  1. To clone above modified experiment use cloneExperiment.php.
  2. Cloning will create exact copy of the existing experiment with a new experiment ID, new experiment name in CREATED state. 
  3. To clone the experiment use;
    1. php cloneExperiment.php
    2. Format:
      php cloneExperiment.php<space><exp<space><experiment_ID>id>
  4. Experiment modification confirmation message;
    1. Experiment<space><exp_ID><space>cloned!


  5. User can clone any experiment created by him/her irrespective of the experiment status.
  6. User can change existing information by updating the newly created experiment.
  7. Tutorial tryout;
    1. Try adding parameters to the script to change other data in the new experiment. E.g.: Exp name, Application, Resource, etc… and execute.


  1. Experiments can be searched by providing username along with experiment name or part of the experiment name.
    1. Format;
      php search_experiments_by_name.php<space><username><space><experiment_name>
    2. Example;
      php search_experiments_by_name.php Test_User Exp
  2. When the script is executed; all the experiments which has the given text as part of the name will be listed along with all experiment information.
  3. To view all experiments created by the user use star (*) or percentage mark (%) in the place of experiment name. 


  1. Experiments can be searched by providing username along with experiment description or part of the experiment description.
    1. Format;
      php search_experiments_by_description.php<space><username><space><experiment_description>
    2. Example;
      php search_experiments_by_description.php Test_User Test
  2. When the script is executed; all the experiments which has the given text as part of the description will be listed along with all experiment information.
  3. To view all experiments created by the user use star (*) or percentage mark (%) in the place of experiment description. This would list experiment which has no description as well.
Search Experiments by Application
  1. Experiments can be searched by providing username along with applicationId or part of the applicationId.
    1. Format;
      php search_experiments_by_application.php<space><username><space><applicationID>
    2. Example;
      php search_experiments_by_application.php Test_User Echo
  2. When the script is executed; all the experiments which has the given text as part of the application ID will be listed along with all experiment information.
  3. To view all experiments created by the user use star (*) or percentage mark (%) in the place of applicationID.

Tutorial VI - Launch & Cancel Experiments

Launch Experiment
  1. launchExperiment.php is used to launch individual experiments. 
  2. Currently with the scripts to launch an experiment user need to pass only the experiment ID as a command line arguments to the script.
    1. Format;
    2. php launchExperiment.php<space><experiment_id>
  3. Upon successful launch a confirmation message will be displayed; 
Cancel/Terminate the Experiment
  1. Experiments which are not in statuses COMPLETED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN can be canceled/terminated. 
  2. In order to cancel use;
    1. Format;
      php terminateExperiment.php<space><Experiment ID>
  3. User provided with the message; 'If there are no exceptions, assume the experiment terminated successfully'
  4. Experiment will be terminated/canceled. The status can be viewed by using the command getExperimentStatus.php. Status will be  immediately changed to CANCELING and then to CANCELED.

Tutorial VII - Get Experiment Results & Status

  Check Experiment Status
  1. To check the experiment status;
    1. Format; 
      php getExperimentStatus.php<space><experiment_id>
  2. Experiment status will be displayed to the user in the command line.
    1. experiment status = COMPLETED
Check Experiment Output
  1. Once the experiment is COMPLETED (Status of the experiment is checked using above getExperimentStatus.php) user can check the output. 
  2. To check the output  
    1. Format; 
      php getExperimentOutputs.php<space><experiment_id>

Image Removed 

Image - Sample output

Tutorial VIII - Computational Resources

Register Computational Resource
  1. Experiments can be searched by providing username along with applicationId or part of the applicationId.
    1. Format;
      php search_experiments_by_application.php<space><username><space><applicationID>
    2. Example;
      php search_experiments_by_application.php Test_User Echo
  2. When the script is executed; all the experiments which has the given text as part of the application ID will be listed along with all experiment information.
  3. To view all experiments created by the user use percentage mark (%) in the place of applicationID.

Tutorial VI - Launch & Cancel Experiments

Launch Experiment
  1. launchExperiment.php is used to launch individual experiments. 
  2. Currently with the scripts to launch an experiment user need to pass only the experiment ID as a command line arguments to the script.
    1. Format;
    2. php launchExperiment.php<space><experiment_id>
  3. Upon successful launch a confirmation message will be displayed; 
Cancel/Terminate the Experiment
  1. Experiments which are not in statuses COMPLETED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN can be canceled/terminated. 
  2. In order to cancel use;
    1. Format;
      php terminateExperiment.php<space><Experiment ID>
  3. User provided with the message; 'If there are no exceptions, assume the experiment terminated successfully'
  4. Experiment will be terminated/canceled. The status can be viewed by using the command getExperimentStatus.php. Status will be  immediately changed to CANCELING and then to CANCELED.

Tutorial VII - Get Experiment Results & Status

  Check Experiment Status
  1. To check the experiment status;
    1. Format; 
      php getExperimentStatus.php<space><experiment_id>
  2. Experiment status will be displayed to the user in the command line.
    1. experiment status = COMPLETED
Check Experiment Output
  1. Once the experiment is COMPLETED (Status of the experiment is checked using above getExperimentStatus.php) user can check the output. 
  2. To check the output  
    1. Format; 
      php getExperimentOutputs.php<space><experiment_id>
      Image Added 

Image - Sample output

Tutorial VIII - Computational Resources

Register Computational Resource
  1. To add computational resources use script; registerComputeResource.php
  2. In order to run the script hostName and resourceDescription are passed as command line arguments.
    1. Format;
      php registerComputeResource.php<space><hostName><space><resourceDescription>
  3. Execute the above and a confirmation message will be prompted along with the resource ID (computResourceId)
    Compute Resource<space><computeResourceId><space>is<space>registered!
  4. Tutorial Tryout;
    Add other parameters to the script as command line arguments and improve the script.
    1. hostAliases
    2. ipAddresses

View Computational Resource
  1. To view computational resource information after creating above; use the script getComputeResource.php
    1. Format;
    2. php getComputeResource.php<space><computeResourceId>
  2. Given information will be available when the script is executed;

    Image Added

View All Computational Resources
  1. User can view all existing resources linked with the gateway using script; getAllComputeResourceNames.php
    1. Format;
      php getAllComputeResourceNames.php
  2. Computational resource names and their IDs will be listed at the script execution.
    Image Added
Delete Computational Resource
  1. User can delete existing computational resource form the gateway by using script; deleteComputeResource.php
    1. Format;
      php deleteComputeResource.php <computeResourceId>
  2. Once the script is executed user will be prompted a successfully deleted message
    Computational Resource<space><computeResourceId><space>successfully<space>deleted
  3. To add computational resources use script; registerComputeResource.php
  4. In order to run the script hostName and resourceDescription are passed as command line arguments.
    1. Format;
      php registerComputeResource.php<space><hostName><space><resourceDescription>
  5. Execute the above and a confirmation message will be prompted along with the resource ID (computResourceId)
    Compute Resource<space><computeResourceId><space>is<space>registered!
  6. Tutorial Tryout;
    Add other parameters to the script as command line arguments and improve the script.
  7. hostAliases
  8. ipAddresses

Tutorial IX - Application Modules


  1. Gateway user can view a particular application module details using using script; getApplicationModule.php
    1. Format;
      php getApplicationModule.php<space><appModuleID>
  2. Executing the script will display application module object with Application module ID, Application Module name, Description and version.
    Image Added
Search Application Deployments 
  1. To view all application deployments of a particle application module use the script; getAppModulegetApplicationDeployedResources.php
  2. By providing the application module ID can view all available application deployments of the application.
    1. Format;
      php getAppModule.php<space><appModuleID>php getApplicationDeployedResources.php<space><appModuleID>
  3. Output will look like;
    Executing the script will display application module object with Application module ID, Application Module name, Description and version.
    Image RemovedImage Added

Tutorial X - Application Interfaces


  1. For user to view all existing applications and their application interface ID use; getAllApplicationInterfaceNames.php script.
    1. Format;
      php getAllApplicationInterfaceNames.php
  2. All the applications used within the gateway will be listed along with the application interface ID.
    Image AddedImage Removed
Delete Application Interface


  1. User can view all the computational resources which has a particular Application interface deployed by using the script; getAvailableAppInterfaceComputeResources.php
    1. Format;
      php getAvailableAppInterfaceComputeResources.php<space><appInterfaceId>
  2. name and computational resource ID of all the resources with which has the provided application interfacedeployed will get listed.

Tutorial XI - Application Deployments


  1. When an application module is registered in the system AIravat need to register the deployment of the application module in one or many computational resources. In order to do so user can execute the script;
    1. Format;
      php registerApplicationDeployment.php<space><appModuleId><space><computeHostId><space><executablePath>
  2. In order to do deploy user has to give application module ID, computational Host ID and also the executable path of the application deployment.
  3. Tutorial tryout; User can enhance the script to add other parameters such as appDeploymentDescription, libPrependPaths, etc... as command line arguments.


View Application


  1. To view all application deployments of a particle application module use the script; getApplicationDeployedResources.php
  2. By providing the application module ID can view all available application deployments of the application.
    1. Format;
      php getApplicationDeployedResources.php<space><appModuleID>
  3. Output will look like;
    Image Removed

Tutorial X - Airavata API tester

  1. This special script consist of several API method executions. 
    1. Format;
      php airavata-client-api-tester.php<space><username>
  2. By this single script user can create project, update the project, create experiment, launch experiment, view experiment, clone experiment, etc... 
  3. Explore the script for more infomration and build on this script.

Useful Commands






Make a directory


mkdir <directory name>


Navigate to directory


cd <directory name>


List directory content


ls <directory name>


Navigate to a directory giving path


cd <..../….../…../ directory name>

cd SciGaP/Airavata-PHP-Client-Samples/client-samples


Check for PHP existence


php –v


Install PHP & GIT


sudo apt-get install php5-cli

sudo apt-get install git


The given sequence will ensure getting a new copy from git reverting all the local changes have made  to the local scripts


git reset --hard HEAD

git pull

  1. Execution of getApplicationDeployment.php script will show all the information related to the application deployment.
    1. Format;
      php getApplicationDeployment.php<space>< appDeploymentId>
  2. When the script is executed it will show;
    Image Added

Tutorial XII - View Application Input & Output

View Application Input
  1. In order to view a particular application input data this script can be used with providing application interface ID
    1. Format;
      php getApplicationInputs.php
  2. At script execution user will be provided with information on application inputs.
    Sample inout information on Echo application
    Image Added

View Application Output
  1. In order to view a particular application output data this script can be used with providing application interface ID
    1. Format;
      php getApplicationOutputs.php
  2. At script execution user will be provided with information on application outputs.
    Sample: Application Output Name: Echoed_Output   Output Type STRING

Tutorial XIII - Gateway Preferences

View Gateway Preference
  1. A gateway can have a resource preference to execute an application when the same application is available in multiple reseoruces.
  2. To find out the gateway preference user can use getGatewayComputeResourcePreference.php script.
    1. Format;
    2. php getGatewayComputeResourcePreference.php<space> <gateway id><space><compute resource id>
Delete Gateway Preference
  1. To delete an existing gateway preference one can use deleteGatewayComputeResourcePreference.php script.

Tutorial XIV - Airavata API tester

  1. This special script consist of several API method executions. 
    1. Format;
      php airavata-client-api-tester.php<space><username>
  2. By this single script user can create project, update the project, create experiment, launch experiment, view experiment, clone experiment, etc... 
  3. Explore the script for more infomration and build on this script.

