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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Children Display

Best Practices

Html Template Declaration

Code Block
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Wicket Filter Mapping

Wicket 1.4.x & 1.5.x

On these versions, you should prefer to use WicketFilter instead of WicketServlet. If you want, it's possible to map /* instead of /app/*. But remember to configure the ignorePaths parameter to ignore static resources and leave them to be handled by the container.

Ignoring paths

If you want to leave static resources to be handled by the container, configure the {{ignorePaths }}init parameter as follows:

Code Block


Wicket Servlet Mapping

Wicket 1.1.x & 1.2.x

It is best to map the servlet as /app/* instead of /*. The /app/* mapping allows static resources to be handled by the webserver as opposed to the wicket servlet.

You may experience difficulties with form POSTs if you map to /*. For example, if a GET request on a Wicket form produces a URL like, you will find that Wicket writes an action="/examplecontext?wicket:interface=wicket-0:2:3:someForm:2:IFormSubmitListener" attribute to the |<form\> element. Because of the missing / before the ?, the container may not recognise the resulting POST as a request for the Wicket servlet. This behaviour has been observed with:

  • Jetty 6
  • mod_jk when mounted to accept requests for a subdirectory beneath the root web directory (i.e. "JkMount /* exampleworker" works but not "JkMount /examplesubdirectory/* exampleworker")

Wicket 1.3.x

To avoid this issue with Wicket 1.3, the recommandation has been changed to use a ServletFilter rather than a servlet - See the Migrate-1.3 page for details of the changes required.

More info

(Thanks, Igor)
Usually static resources are handled by the application server. The server knows it is serving a file and thus sets the last modified date of the resource to the last modified date of a file.

So, for example, let's say you have /myapp/images/foo.gif and you map your wicket servlet to /*

What happens is that when a request comes in for /myapp/images/foo.gif it will match the wicket servlet - so now it is wicket servlet's job to serve this file to the browser. now we are nice enough to provide support for this - but obviously we cannot do as good a job as the application server which has a lot more context.

So for 1.1 & 1.2, we recommend mapping the servlet to something like /app/* so that foo.gif will be processed by the application server and only wicket-specific requests are processed by the servlet.

For 1.3 and onward, what we do is instead of using a servlet, use a filter.

The advantage of a filter is that, unlike a servlet, it can choose not to process the request and let whatever is next in chain try. So when using a wicket filter and a request comes in for foo.gif the filter can choose not to process it because it knows it is not a wicket-related request. Since the filter didnt process it, it falls on to the application server to try, and then it works.

Do's and dont

(thanks orange11-blog)

Do use models

Don't do this

Code Block
public IncomePanel(String id, Person person) {
  add(new Label("salary", person.getSalary()); // no model!

But this -

Code Block
public IncomePanel(String id, IModel<Person> personModel) {
  add(new Label("salary", new PropertyModel(personModel, "salary"));

Or even this:

Code Block
public IncomePanel(String id, IModel<Person> personModel) {
  super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel(personModel);
  add(new Label("salary");

Why - because A) we don't want to risk serialize an object, models are fine though - lightweight and ok. And we want to let the component take care of the detach when the request is done B) With an direct-entity we would set an nondynamic value to our label. With a model, the label will update the value from the entity it's using.

Don't use an Ajax library without intimate knowledge of the library

May collide with wicket code, make sure you know your JS-library well

Do make sure you understand the repeaters for high performance sites

Wicket by default provides the following repeater: Loop, ListView, RepeatingView, RefreshingView, DataTable. This list is not even exhaustive; there are some more variations. Every repeater constructs a transient component for each iteration: the loop item. Every loop item has a Wicket model to look up the item's data.

Here are some points to consider to choose the most optimal repeater:

  • Moment of data retrieval. Is it during construction only, or for each render again?
  • During a re-render, is all data retrieved at once or one by one?
  • Moment the loop-item's model is created. First time only, or again for each render, or does it retain existing models and only add/remove models as the underlying data changes (ItemReusePolicy)?
  • Can you control the model creation?
  • Is pagination/sorting needed?

Don't overuse inheritance - use composition

Signs you're in trouble are:

  • common layout turned out to be slightly different on every page,
  • components are created by abstract methods (constructors should not call these),
  • there are getters to your components (breaks data hiding),
  • the constructor of the sub-class replaces a component that was created by the super-class (wasteful and unmaintainable) or
  • you add components while the wicket:id is not in the markup file of the current class (maintenance nightmare).

The remedy is to split of parts of the screen to separate components (e.g. Panels) and manage the complexity there.

Don't try to do authorization from a servlet filter

It just won't work. Wicket is full of generated URLs (yes, even if you mount every page) so authorization based on the URL is a fruitless exercise. You are better off by writing an IAuthorizationStrategy and configuring this in your Wicket application. Study the code of wicket-auth-roles to see how this can work. In addition you'll get component based authorization, not just page based! (By the way, you'll have no problems with filter based authentication.)

Do take your time to override key Wicket features

Wicket can be tweaked in all kinds of expected and unexpected ways. For example you can substitute your own resource messages provider, filter and change the markup as it is read from disk or completely override the request cycle handling. However, some of these extension points are not for the faint hearted and not likely to be right immediately

onInitialize for adding components.

If you need to , and for components that are not a Page, you can override the new onInitialize callback to add components, which is only called once after construction, when the component has been added to the page (so that component.getPage() doesn't return null).

Another option is to use addOrReplace() instead of add.

Wicket Filter Mapping

Wicket 1.4.x and upwards

On these versions, you should prefer to use WicketFilter instead of WicketServlet. If you want, it's possible to map /* instead of /app/*. But remember to configure the ignorePaths parameter to ignore static resources and leave them to be handled by the container.

Ignoring paths

If you want to leave static resources to be handled by the container, configure the ignorePaths init parameter as follows:

Code Block


Otherwise, there's a risk the wicketservlet will handle the job to serve static resources, instead of the container.
For example,let's say you have /myapp/images/foo.gif and you map your wicket servlet to /* and dpn't have set ignorePaths.


Anti-Pattern #1.

Code Block

public FooPanel(String id,IModel<User> userMdl) {
        final User user = getModelObject();
        IModel<List<User>> model = new LoadableDetachableModel<List<User>>() {
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                protected List<User> load() {
                        // A Stale User entity is now serialized with each page view
                        // This can consume lots of session space if the user entity is large.
                        return getWebSession().getUserService().getUserFriends(user);

Here is the correct way to do this

Code Block

//IModel needs to be a LoadableDetachableModel!
public FooPanel(String id,IModel<User> userMdl) {
        IModel<List<User>> model = new LoadableDetachableModel<List<User>>() {
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                protected List<User> load() {
                        User user = FooPanel.this.getModelObject();
                        return getWebSession().getUserService().getUserFriends(user);

The entity is fetched each page view, and NOT serialized with the page. The only thing that gets serialized is the fetching model.

Anti-Pattern #2.

Code Block

public FooPanel(String id,IModel<User> userMdl) {
        User user = getModelObject();
        // Doh! user is serialized with each page view, since the PropertyModel holds a reference!
        add(new Label("name",new PropertyModel(user,"screenName")));

Here is the correct way to do this:

Code Block

public FooPanel(String id,IModel<User> userMdl) {
        add(new Label("name",new PropertyModel(userMdl,"screenName")));

The PropertyModel holds a reference to the Model which fetches the User on each page view. That way the User object is always fresh and is not serialized with the page.

Anti-Pattern #3.

Code Block

public FooPanel(String id,User user) {
        // The stale User object will be in your session
        // for the life span of the stateful page.
        super( Model(user));

Here is the correct way to do this, though not very elegant.

Code Block

public FooPanel(String id,User user) {
        final int id = user.getId();
        setModel(new LoadableDetachableModel<List<User>>() {
                protected List<User> load() {
                        return getUserDao().findById(id);

antipattern 1-3 from blog letsgetdugg, thanks

Anti-pattern #4. - Anonymous Inner classes

Don't do this:

Code Block
class MyPage extends WebPage {

    private MyVeryLargeObject subject;

    // ....
    public MyPage() {
        // get my very large object from database
        subject = MyVeryLargeObjectDao.get();
        // ...
        form.add(new TextField("name", new PropertyModel(MyPage.this, ""));

The 'subject' instance of the MyVeryLargeObjectDao class will be serialized into the session with each page version. This can get out of hand, because with some business object models, the attached object can become very large. For this we introduced DetachableModels, which will retrieve the data from the database when needed, and will clean up when the data is not needed (at the end of the request for instance).

The other thing to avoid is be careful about are anonymous or nested instances subclasses of IModel. Usually you shouldn't share an instance of a model between two page instances. If But if you create an anonymous or nested instance of IModel, then you automatically get a 'this' reference to the class that surrounds it. This will usually be the page, but can also be the form or a listview. Anyway, because the reference is /final/, you will copy that reference to the old page, with the model to the new page, thus duplicating the component tree (it gets versioned etc.). This will eventually lead to OutOfMemoryError.


PBEWithMD5AndDES not found

Wiki Markup_\[For the moment, I'll leave this, but I'm not convinced this actually belongs here at all -_ _[Gwyn|User__Gwynevans]_ _all - Gwyn 13:56, 23 Aug 2006 (BST)\]_

Not entirely clear what causes this.

Code Block

INFO  - ClassCryptFactory          - using encryption/decryption object wicket.util.crypt.SunJceCrypt@17d26fc
ERROR - AbstractCrypt              - ClassCryptFactoryUnable to encrypt text '' Algorithm PBEWithMD5AndDES not available
	at  - using encryption/decryption object javax.crypto.SunJCE_b.a(DashoA12275)
	at javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(DashoA12275)
	at wicket.util.crypt.SunJceCrypt.generateSecretKey(
	at wicket.util.crypt.SunJceCrypt@17d26fc
ERROR - AbstractCrypt              - Unable to encrypt text '' Algorithm PBEWithMD5AndDES not availableSunJceCrypt.crypt(
	at javaxwicket.util.cryptocrypt.SunJCE_bAbstractCrypt.a(DashoA12275encryptStringToByteArray(
	at javaxwicket.util.cryptocrypt.SecretKeyFactoryAbstractCrypt.getInstance(DashoA12275encrypt(
	at wicket.utilmarkup.html.cryptform.SunJceCryptPasswordTextField.generateSecretKeygetModelValue(
	at wicket.markup.utilhtml.cryptform.SunJceCryptFormComponent.cryptgetValue(
	at wicket.markup.utilhtml.cryptform.AbstractCryptTextField.encryptStringToByteArrayonComponentTag(
	at wicket.util.crypt.AbstractCrypt.encrypt(
	at wicket.markup.html.form.PasswordTextField.getModelValue(
	at wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponent.getValue(
	at wicket.markup.html.form.TextField.onComponentTag(

A possible fix is to add another security provider like this:

Wiki Markup
\[Comments on the mailing list suggest this has been seen _twice_ only, and may be due to misconfigured/corrupted JDK - Suggest reinstalling the JDK before adding BouncyCastle... [Gwyn|User__Gwynevans] 13:56, 23 Aug 2006 (BST)\]

I've only seen this under the SysDeo Tomcat plug-in for Eclipse, when the boot classpath wasn't configured properly to include jce.jar, etc. – Al Maw

I ran into a similar problem with Red Hat Enterprise Linux because the default JDK is from IBM, and I had to replace wicket's SunJceCrypt and CachingSunJceCryptFactory with my own IBM versions. – Jim Hunziker

Adding id attribute to a tag

Do not add an explicit id to a tag (div, input, select,...); this will break the javascript code injected by Wicket (Ajax behavior,...). This is because the injected javascript uses the wicket generated id. – David Bernard

This is due to a hard to fix issue. As long as that issue is open, people should avoid setting id attributes on tags that are coupled to components that use rely on the markup id (setOutputMarkupId true). See – Eelco

Avoid using empty elements (i.e. <textarea />)

Wicket will not automatically expand an empty element (i.e., an element that is expressed as a single tag ending in "/>") during the rendering phase. You should always include both an open tag and a close tag in your markup when you want Wicket to include content in the tag body.


<textarea wicket:id="mytext" />

A possible fix is to add another security provider like this:

[Comments on the mailing list suggest this has been seen twice only, and may be due to misconfigured/corrupted JDK - Suggest reinstalling the JDK before adding BouncyCastle... Gwyn 13:56, 23 Aug 2006 (BST)]

I've only seen this under the SysDeo Tomcat plug-in for Eclipse, when the boot classpath wasn't configured properly to include jce.jar, etc. – Al Maw

I ran into a similar problem with Red Hat Enterprise Linux because the default JDK is from IBM, and I had to replace wicket's SunJceCrypt and CachingSunJceCryptFactory with my own IBM versions. – Jim Hunziker

Adding id attribute to a tag

Do not add an explicit id to a tag (div, input, select,...); this will break the javascript code injected by Wicket (Ajax behavior,...). This is because the injected javascript uses the wicket generated id. – David Bernard

This is due to a hard to fix issue. As long as that issue is open, people should avoid setting id attributes on tags that are coupled to components that use rely on the markup id (setOutputMarkupId true). See – Eelco

Avoid using empty elements (i.e. <textarea />)

Wicket will not automatically expand an empty element (i.e., an element that is expressed as a single tag ending in "/>") during the rendering phase. You should always include both an open tag and a close tag in your markup when you want Wicket to include content in the tag body.

Code Block
titleDon't do this

<textarea wicket:id="mytext" />
Code Block
titleDo this Instead

<textarea wicket:id="mytext">Content to be replaced by Wicket</textarea>

Links with stuff not yet integrated: - Devproof best practices blog worldtuner - 10 things to know.. Wicket pitfalls 5 articles in action - lots of good stuff if searching here


<textarea wicket:id="mytext">Content to be replaced by Wicket</textarea>
