Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: Update merging GitHub pull requests instructions.


The Kafka project development ecosystem involves git (for version control), JIRA (for issue tracking) and either GitHub pull requests or Review Board (for reviewing code changes made by contributors). To make it easier for both the contributors and the reviewers to manage the contributions, the Kafka project also ships a (python based) script which automates the steps that are involved in the context of a patch submission. These steps involve:

  • Creating a patch/diff between the local git repo against the project remote repo
  • Creating a review task in Review Board and publish the patch/diff that was generated for the changes
  • Updating the JIRA, related to these changes, with a comment about a patch being made available and ready for review at Review Board

As you'll notice this requires (automated) integration between JIRA and Review Board. The (python based) script, which is named (and present in the checked out code of Kafka project), acts as a wrapper around the scripts/tools that are shipped by JIRA and Review Board for such integrations. Since the is merely a wrapper around those tools, you'll have to install those tools locally to be able to use the script. This document helps you in setting up those tools as well as helping you understand the usage of the itself.

Kafka patch review tool

The following sections will help you install and setup the necessary tools which this wrapper script uses for patch submission.

Install/setup jira-python package


See below for more details.

Patch Review Tool

We have moved the contribution workflow to Github pull requests. The patch review tool has been phased out. If you are submitting a new patch, please use a Github pull request. If you are still interested in learning more about it, you can find the instructions here.

Contributor and Reviewer Workflow

The process for contributing or reviewing a patch is documented in the Contributing Code Changes page.

Committer Workflow

If you are merging a patch attached to a JIRA (and not a GitHub PR), here is a suggested workflow.

Instructions on merging GitHub pull requests are here

Code Block
sudo easy_install jira



(OPTIONAL) Configure JIRA user name and password

During the patch submission process, the prompts you for your JIRA user name and password that you use for JIRA instance. The tool uses that information  to update the JIRA with the new patch. However, if you do not like being prompted each time you submit the patch, you can configure your JIRA user name and password  be setup in a file named jira.ini under your home directory. The content of such a file would look like:

Code Block
nnarkhed-mn:~ nnarkhed$ cat ~/jira.ini


Install/setup review board python tools

This is a quick tutorial on using Review Board with Kafka.

Install the post-review tool

If you are on RHEL, Fedora or CentOS, follow these steps

Code Block
sudo yum install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install -U RBTools

If you are on a Debian based system (like LinuxMint) follow these steps

Code Block
	sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
	sudo easy_install -U RBTools

If you are on Mac, follow these steps

Code Block
sudo easy_install -U setuptools
sudo easy_install -U RBTools

For other platforms, follow the instructions here to setup the post-review tool.

Configure review board related stuff

Then you need to configure a few things to make it work:

First set the review board url to use. You can do this from in git:

Code Block
git config reviewboard.url

If you checked out using the git wip http url that confusingly won't work with review board. So you need to configure an override to use the non-http url. You can do this by adding a config file like this:

Code Block
jkreps$ cat ~/.reviewboardrc
REPOSITORY = 'git://'
Install the argparse module
Code Block
    On Linux -> sudo yum install python-argparse
    On Mac -> sudo easy_install argparse

Kafka patch review tool usage


Code Block
nnarkhed-mn:kafka-git-idea nnarkhed$ python --help
usage: [-h] -b BRANCH -j JIRA [-s SUMMARY]
                             [-d DESCRIPTION] [-r REVIEWBOARD] [-t TESTING]
                             [-v VERSION] [-db]

Kafka patch review tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        Tracking branch to create diff against
  -j JIRA, --jira JIRA  JIRA corresponding to the reviewboard
  -s SUMMARY, --summary SUMMARY
                        Summary for the reviewboard
                        Description for reviewboard
                        Review board that needs to be updated
  -t TESTING, --testing-done TESTING
                        Text for the Testing Done section of the reviewboard
  -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                        Version of the patch
  -db, --debug          Enable debug mode

Upload patch

  1. Specify the branch against which the patch should be created (-b)
  2. Specify the corresponding JIRA (-j)
  3. Specify an optional summary (-s) and description (-d) for the reviewboard


Code Block
 python -b origin/trunk -j KAFKA-42

Update patch

  1. Specify the branch against which the patch should be created (-b)
  2. Specify the corresponding JIRA (--jira)
  3. Specify the rb to be updated (-r)
  4. Specify an optional summary (-s) and description (-d) for the reviewboard, if you want to update it
  5. Specify an optional version of the patch. This will be appended to the jira to create a file named JIRA-<version>.patch. The purpose is to be able to upload multiple patches to the JIRA. This has no bearing on the reviewboard update.


Code Block
python -b origin/trunk -j KAFKA-42 -r 14081


When I run the script, it throws the following error and exits
Code Block
nnarkhed$python -b trunk -j KAFKA-42
There don't seem to be any diffs

There are 2 reasons that can cause this -

  • The code is not checked into your local branch
  • The -b branch is not pointing to the remote branch. In the example above, "trunk" is specified as the branch, which is the local branch. The correct value for the -b (--branch) option is the remote branch. "git branch -r" gives the list of the remote branch names.
When I run the script, it throws the following error and exits
Code Block
Error uploading diff

Your review request still exists, but the diff is not attached.

One of the most common root causes of this error are that the git remote branches are not up-to-date. Since the script already does that, it is probably due to some other problem. You can run the script with the --debug option that will make post-review run in the debug mode and list the root cause of the issue.

Simple contributor workflow

This is the simple workflow and will work well for small features development for people who don't have direct access to check in to the Apache repository. Let's assume you are working on a feature or bug called, xyz:

1. Checkout a new repository:

Code Block
  git clone kafka

Or if you already have a copy of the repository, just check for updates

Code Block
  git fetch

2. Create and checkout a feature branch to work in:

Code Block
  git checkout -b xyz remotes/origin/trunk

3. Do some work on this branch and periodically checkin locally:

Code Block
  git commit -a

4. When done (or periodically) rebase your branch to take any changes from trunk:

Code Block
  git pull --rebase origin trunk

5. Make a patch containing your work and upload it to JIRA:

Code Block
  git format-patch trunk --stdout > xyz-v1.patch

6. You may need to iterate/rebase your patch a few times as people comment on the code until a commit checks it in to the main repository.

You will also want to ensure you have your username and email setup correctly so that we correctly record the source of the contribution:

Code Block
git config --global "Palmer Eldritch"
git config --global ""

Reviewer workflow:

This assumes you already have a copy of the repository.

1. Make sure your code is up-to-date:

Code Block
  git fetch

2. Checkout the destination branch:

Code Block
  git checkout trunk

3. See what the patch will do:

Code Block
  git apply --stat xyz-v1.patch

4. See that the patch will apply cleanly (otherwise prod the contributor to rebase):

Code Block
  git apply --check xyz-v1.patch

6. Apply the patch to trunk

Code Block
  git am --signoff < xyz-v1.patch

If you get an error that says "Patch does not have a valid e-mail address." then the patch might have been created by doing git diff in which case you can apply the patch using

Code Block
patch -p1 < xyz-v1.patch

if the am operation failed you will also need to remove the .git/rebase-apply/ that gets created

7. If things go wrong (tests fail, you find some problem, etc), you can back out:

Code Block
  git reset --hard HEAD
  git clean -f

8. Push the change back to Apache:

Code Block
  git push origin trunk

Simple Commiter Workflow

If you have commit access on the apache repository then you will not be applying patches in the manner described in the reviewer workflow. Instead, once your patch has been reviewed you will check it in yourself as follows:

  1. Create a branch to work on:

    Code Block
        git fetch
        git checkout -b xyz remotes/origin/trunk
  2. Implement the feature.
  3. Rebase:

    Code Block
        git rebase remotes/origin/trunk
  4. Post the change to JIRA and get it reviewed.
  5. Push the change back to Apache. Pick one of the following:
    • You should almost always collapse your work into a single check-in in order to avoid cluttering the upstream change-log:

      Code Block
           # assuming trunk is up-to-date with origin
           git checkout trunk
           git merge --squash xyz
           git commit -am "KAFKA-XXX xyz feature; reviewed by <reviewers>" --author="firstname lastname <contributoremail>"
           git push origin trunk
    • If you are absolutely sure you want to preserve your local intermediate check-in history then push directly from your feature branch instead of the above merge (or use merge without the squash option):

      Code Block
         # from feature branch xyz
         git push origin trunk

[Note] For reviewer and simple committer workflow, remember to resolve the corresponding JIRA ticket and mark the fix versions label after the corresponding patch is committed.


Github Workflow

Apache doesn't seem to provide a place to stash your work-in-progress branches or provide some of the nice social features github has. This can be a problem for larger features. Here are instructions for using github as a place to stash your work in progress changes.

Setting Up

1. As in the other workflows begin by checking out kafka (if you haven't already):

Code Block
  git clone

This sets up the remote alias "origin" automatically which refers back to the Apache repo.
2. Create a new github repository on your github account to use for stashing changes. There are various ways to do this, I just forked the apache/kafka repo ( which creates a repo (where jkreps would be your user name).
3. Add an alias on your local repository to github to avoid typing:

Code Block
  git remote add github<your_user>/kafka.git

Now you can push either to origin or to github.

Doing Work

1. You can create a branch named xyz in your local repository and check it out

Code Block
  git checkout -b xyz remotes/origin/trunk

2. To set up a second machine to work on you can clone the github url.
3. To save your branch to your github repo do

Code Block
  git push github xyz

4. To pull these changes onto the other machine where you have a copy of the repository you can do:

Code Block
  git fetch github
  git checkout xyz
  git merge remotes/github/xyz

Review and pushing changes back to Apache works just as before.

Merging GitHub Pull Requests

This section documents the process for reviewing and merging code changes contributed via Github Pull Requests. It assumes you have a clone of Kafka's Git repository. is a script that automates the process of accepting a code change into the project. It creates a temporary branch from apache/trunk, squashes the commits in the pull request, rewrites the commit message in the squashed commit to follow a standard format including information about each original commit, merges the squashed commit into the temporary branch, pushes the code to apache/trunk and closes the JIRA ticket. The push will then be mirrored to apache-github/trunk, which will cause the PR to be closed due to the pattern in the commit message. Note that the script will ask the user before executing remote updates (ie git push and closing JIRA ticket), so it can still be used even if the user wants to skip those steps.

Setting Up

1. Add aliases for the remotes expected by the merge script (if you haven't already):

Code Block
  git remote add apache

  git remote add apache-github

2. Install jira-python as described above.


Once the pull request is ready to be merged (it has been reviewed, feedback has been addressed, CI build has been successful and the branch merges cleanly into trunk):

1. Set the JIRA_USERNAME and JIRA_PASSWORD environment variables with the appropriate credentials if you intend to ask the script to close the issue associated with the pull request.

2. Run the merge script:

Code Block

3. Answer the questions prompted by the script.

How to get your patches reviewed
