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This table is an attempt to capture the various requirements that I've gathered from browsing the SCA specs and discussions on the Tuscany dev list, and the work in-progress in the community.

I am We are hoping that it will help organize our requirements and discuss how we want to stage their implementation over our next milestones. It should also help new contributors understand who is working on what, and grab areas that need work.

The table is under construction (I just started with some requirements related to the SCA assembly PM) and I'm . We are inviting everybody in our community to come help build that page with the requirements that they are aware of, and the features that they are interested in.

Feature area


People working on it

Comments / description


 Assembly PM spec





Complex properties


Add support to SCDL parsers, builders and factory configuration. Integrate with data bindings.

This has been completed and checked into the sca-java-integration branch.

Pass by-value / by-reference


Initial implementation almost in? Some cleanup necessary? Need to understand how to clone/copy data with different databindings, SDO, JAX-WS, and POJOs. Understand how to handle pointers across multiple parameters when copying.

Has now been improved for performance to skip copying when the source or target is a ServiceBinding or ReferenceBinding




Support multiplicity constraints




Support multiplicity constraints on references. Support multiple wires. Handle overrides. Investigate how to handle binding selection. Support for callbacks.


Naming constraints in a composite


Luciano (Tuscany-914)

Validate that service/reference/component names are unique inside a composite. Check the presence of SCDL includes.


Multi-valued properties


Add support to SCDL parsers, builders and factory configuration. Integrate with data bindings.

This has been implemented and checked into the sca-java-integration branch. This impl. assumes that if a property is of simple type and has multiple values, then each value is defined in the scdl within an enclosing element who name is 'value'. e.g. <value>Some String Value</value>.

WSDL 2.0



Add support for WSDL 2.0

WSDL 2.0



Add support for WSDL 2.0 accross the board, runtime, WSDL/Java tools and WS binding.


Operation overloading (simple exact matching)


Change runtime service contract hashmap and invocation handling/dispatching. Adjust extensions to this. Match identical methods on ends of a wire.

Operation overloading (complete support)



Match and wire compatible methods, factor in different databindings, WSDL wrapping/unwrapping, and match invocation and actual parameters to a compatible method.


ComponentType side files



Partial support already in. Need to define overriding strategy when implementation and componentType metadata overlap.


Support for SCA contribution

Raymond, Luciano

Generic handling of SCA contributions and base plugin mechanism for loading/scanning artifacts. Allow a contribution and artifacts in it to be addressed by URI. Do not assume a fixed default.scdl file.

Filesystem based SCA contributions



Support free-form folder structure in a contribution. Support multiple SCDLs per contribution. Scan for SCDL and other artifacts under an SCA contribution.

JAR based SCA contributions


Support JAR contribution structure. Support multiple SCDLs per contribution. Scan for SCDL and other artifacts under an SCA contribution.

The following is a summary of what's available for the contribution service:
- Contribution Model
- Processing jar and folder based contributions
- Artifact loader WSDL, XSD, SCDL/Composite, Java/Class, sca-contribution.xml
- Contribution repository
- Contribution Service (add to SCA Domain using Assembly services)
- Integration with SCAMiniRuntime, unit test cases, and integration tests cases
- Very initial artifact addressing/resolving integrated into Assembly services
- Support for loading sca-contribution.xml

Design Draft

Look for the following jira issues to see what's still not available in the contribution services : TUSCANY-1158, TUSCANY-1159, TUSCANY-1160, TUSCANY-1161, TUSCANY-1162, TUSCANY-1163

Filesystem based SCA contributions


Raymond, Luciano

Support free-form folder structure in a contribution. Support multiple SCDLs per contribution. Scan for SCDL and other artifacts under an SCA contribution.

Completed and available in the sca-java-integration branch.

JAR based SCA contributions

Raymond, Luciano

Support JAR contribution structure. Support multiple SCDLs per contribution. Scan for SCDL and other artifacts under an SCA contribution.

Completed and available in the sca-java-integration branch.

SCA includes



This does not seem complete, verify, in particular wiring across includes and support for nested includes.


Composite resolution (no recursion)



Register composites and find them by Qname within a contribution. Support references across contributions in domain level includes.


Composite resolution (recursive composition)



Resolve composites with nested composites. Support full recursion. Current support needs to be fixed, as each reference to a composite gets it reloaded/redefined.


XML property configuration in side files



Properties configured in an external XML file. Resolve the file location, load it. See if loading and xpath reference mechanism needs to be adjusted for this.


Ref/Service/Property config override (no recursion)



Support overriding of services/references/properties. Investigate overrides combined with multiplicity.


Ref/Service/Property config override (recursive)



Support overriding of services/references/properties in nested composites. Handle multiple overrides. Support additions vs overrides in the case of bindings. Investigate overrides combined with multiplicity.


Wiring with service/reference bindings



Support binding URIs. Then configuration of binding URI with wires. Then propagation of binding info from a service to a reference wired to it.

Support for WS binding mainly completed determining the URI from all the combinations described in the assembly and WS binding specs.

Support for business exceptions


Rick, Raymond

Distinguish handling of runtime exceptions vs business exceptions. Add support to invocation/dispatching mechanism + POJO implementations, bindings and databinding.

We added the support for intra-composite and inter-composite over binding.axis2. Please see the Design Draft. There are a few itest cases you can play with.

Context info in error reports



Across the board, need to provide application level context data (composite, component, service, reference etc.) with errors, to allow an app developer to understand what's wrong in his application. Without that he's left having to understand all the underlying middleware.


Minimum SCDL extensibility (non SCA namespaces)



Support additional bindings, implementation types, interface types, and policies from diff namespaces. Should already work for bindings and implementations. Need to check policies and interface types.


Complete SCDL extensibility as defined by the XSD



Will need changes to a number of loaders and builders.


Support for xsi:type in addition to global elements



Changes to most loaders or improvements to LoaderRegistry.


Support for various ordering of SCDL elements



Loaders depend on a specific order of elements in the SCDL files. Supporting other possible sequences will require changes in the loaders logic.


Autowire - local



Adjust to the spec, which now defines this at the assembly level, independent of the Java C&I.


Autowire - domain level



Support autowire in a domain, including components services and references, policy intents and compatible bindings.


Autowire extension point



Plugin mechanism to allow different autowire algorithms to be plugged in


SCDL validation, semantic constraints (obvious cases)



Only support the obvious/main semantic constraints. Separate tool to perform semantic validation of an assembly. Also needs to be invoked as part of deployment and/or loading at runtime.


SCDL validation, semantic constraints (complete)



Complete support for the spec. Separate tool to perform semantic validation of an assembly. Also needs to be invoked as part of deployment and/or loading at runtime.


Implementation / component matching



Make sure that an implementation matches the component that uses it. For example enforce wiring of required references.


Callback support



Combinations of sync and async. Determine which binding to use for a callback invocation.


Configured implementations



Configuration of component implementations in .componentType files or inlined in implementations (spec issue 8) and in component declarations. Resolve/merge when overlap between the three.


Promotion of Ref/ Services/ Properties (no recursion)



New promotion mechanism for services/references/properties. Service/reference/property definition on components. Handle promotion of already wired services and references.


Promotion of Ref/ Services/ Properties (recursive)



New promotion mechanism for services/references/properties. Service/reference/property definition on components. Handle promotion of already wired services and references.


Multiple bindings on services and refs



Basic support for multiple bindings is in. See how configuration overriding works with multiple bindings.


Ability to use and alter SCDL model at deployment



Add missing relationships to the SCDL logical model, independent of runtime context. Allow deployment tools to alter the model and write it back to XML.


Interchangeability of Java and WSDL


Ant, Rick

Build ServiceContract representation from Java or WSDL. Needs more work to understand combinations of SDO/JAXB/POJOs and wrapped/unwrapped. Add logic to wiring framework to match WSDL portTypes and Java interfaces.

Support for using or interface.wsdl interchangably completed. See TUSCANY-1111 for some limitations, mainly due to limitations of the databinding framework.

Document limitations and deviations from the spec



Review the spec and document Tuscany limitations and differences with the SCA assembly spec.


 Java C&I spec





Derive service name from interface name



Clarify with specification, is the service name the fully qualified class name, the class name without the package name, or are we adding a service name attribute to the @Service annotation


Injection of multivalued properties



Map multi-valued properties to java.util.Collection or [].

Supported by sca-java-integration branch now.

Injection of references with multiplicity 0..n



Map references with Multiplicity to java.util.Collection or [].

Supported by sca-java-integration branch now.

Required properties



Validation that required properties are configured


Service references (minimum)



Minimum implementation of Service references supporting setCallback/getCallback. Local usage only with no serialization of the reference.


Service references (complete support)



Complete support for the Service reference programming model, including the ability to pass Service References around, serialize them, then use them to perform invocations outside of the context where they were initially obtained.





Not sure what's missing. Check the spec against the runtime to assess what's remaining first.


WSDL2Java / Java2WSDL / SDO - simple cases



Command line tooling. Support wrapped/non-wrapped patterns, multiple parts/message, nested complex types, faults/Exceptions. Generation of SCA annotations in interfaces.


WSDL2Java / Java2WSDL / JAX-WS



Command line tooling. Wrap/integrate the JAX-WS tooling. Customize it to generate SCA annotations in interfaces? Investigate how the runtime could reuse the JAX-WS WSDL/Java mapping logic as well, since it'll need to know the mapping rules as well.





Adjust to what the latest spec, maybe a little different from the current Tuscany support.


Configured implementations



Add support for Java annotations allowing configuration of a POJO (services, references, bindings and properties) without SCDL.


SCA as a wrapper over JAX-WS async



Allow cast of an SCA proxy to a JAX-WS API to support the JAX-WS async programming model.


Ability to run with Java 2 security enabled



This is not just related to the Java C&I. Need to go over the runtime code and wrap sections of code that access resources, threads, classloaders etc in doPrivileged blocks to allow the runtime to work in an environment with Java 2 security enabled.


Document limitations and deviations from the spec



Review the spec and document Tuscany limitations and differences with the SCA Java C&I spec.


Conversational PM





Core support


Ignacio, looking for volunteer to take over

Lifecycle in. Persistence of conversation state in. Needs to support tran/recovery. Also need some redesign to avoid having to send/receive a routing path and play nicely with bindings.


Integration with bindings



Plugin mechanism to allow a binding to declare conv capability and support conversational. Maybe define a "conversational policy intent"


WS binding



Map conversational to the correct MEPs. Investigate how to flow conversation id. Use WS-addressing, message-id, relates-to etc.




Need to understand how/if conversational means anything to the JMS binding


EJB binding


Check the EJB binding spec to understand what needs to be done here


JSON-RPC binding



Investigate if it makes sense to support conversational with this binding


SCA default binding



Understand how a concrete binding will be selected depending on conversational requirements (may fold into some policy intent work)


REST binding



Investigate if it makes sense to support conversational with this binding


HTTP Session support



Persist session scope and conversational state with the HTTP session?


Non-blocking PM





Core support


Ignacio, looking for volunteer to take over

No support for async over sync yet (see spec issue) but everything else seems to be there. I am concerned with how we represent callbacks and how their info flows between remote components

Async one-way and with callback work. Integration tests in the sca-java-integration branch are successful. We'll need to revisit later how to represent callback endpoints when flowing over bindings, in particular the Web Service and JMS bindings.

Integration with bindings



Plugin mechanism to allow a binding to declare support for async and callback, MEPs and/or polling.


WS binding (short term/sync MEP)


Ignacio, looking for volunteer to take over

Dispatch call to a thread and continue to use a sync MEP. Will not support unsolicited callbacks. Issue: WSDL representation of callback vs Axis2 client and sync MEP.


WS binding (real async MEP)



Use an async MEP and WS-addressing and callbacks. Also investigate what needs to be done w.r.t security on the callbacks.

JMS binding



Sync up with the latest JMS binding spec


EJB binding



Do we need to support this? We support async invocation of POJOs, but people know that EJBs are synchronous.


JSON-RPC binding



Used in AJAX apps which are based on async exchanges. So the JSON-RPC binding should support the non-blocking PM and callbacks.


REST binding



Not sure if there is a requirement at all for real CRUD REST. There may be a requirement for activity based XML/HTTP services, similar to the WS binding requirement.


SCA default binding



Understand how a concrete binding will be selected depending on non-blocking invocation requirements.


SCA default binding





Client side





Server side





Selection of concrete binding



Based on policy intents, capabilities of the installed runtime, and where the target service is deployed.


 JMS binding





Adjust to latest SCDL spec



Support for the latest SCDL syntax. Support for JMS in a JMS managed environment.


JMS data binding support



Support data bindings as defined in the JMS binding spec.


Integrate with Tuscany data bindings



Integrate with Tuscany databinding framework. Support sending/receiving JAXB or SDO objects through JMS.


WS binding





Adjust to latest SCDL spec



A few changes to adjust to the latest WS binding spec.


Configuration of WSDL2Java mapping



Related to the Java / WSDL story. Use the SDO based and JAX-WS Java / WSDL generators to produce WSDL? Apply the corresponding mapping in the runtime as well.


Handling of faults



Support faults at least with SDO and JAX-WS. Support other data bindings available through the data binding framework.


Support for attachements




Support for RPC encoded




Working without WSDL



Implement the JAX-WS defaults in the absence of a WSDL definition.


Support for wrapped/non-wrapped



Add support for JAX-WS wrap/unwrap patterns. Apply the same principles with SDO and other data bindings.


Support for SOAP headers



Investigate how/if SOAP headers should be exposed to a client and target service.


EJB binding




Under IP-CLEARANCE process.

Client side





Server side


Generate of EJB "wrapper" code and EJB DD?


Geronimo integration



Generate Geronimo specific artifacts, and/or tighter integration with the Geronimo runtime, potentially avoiding any code generation.


REST binding





Resource interface and PM



Define a new component interface type for CRUD operations on a resource


Client side



Mapping to HTTP verbs on the client side


Server side



Dispatching of HTTP verbs to a component on the server side


Activity style interactions



Not real REST, similar to the WS binding but with plain XML / HTTP


Support for HTTP headers



Support for last-modified, etags and other HTTP headers


 JSON-RPC binding





Support for references



Currently only supports services. Needs to add client side support as well.


Integrate with latest toolkits



Integrate with latest JSON toolkits, initial integration was done some time ago, we need to refresh it.


Complete support for JSON spec



Check what's missing in the current runtime


Data binding support




We have made quite a few improvements in this area in the sca-java-integration branch.

  • Added introspection of java interfaces to recognize known types for various databindings
  • Improved SDO and JAXB handling
  • Support for exception transformations accross databindings
  • Added JavaBean2StAX transformation
  • Improved StAX related transformations
  • Added more itest cases



Support conversions between SDO and JAXB


AXIOM support



Support conversion from/to AXIOM


SCDL annotations



Define SCDL annotations to configure data bindings. Needs to be pluggable, maybe change at some point to use Intents


Add more transformers and perf optimizations



The databinding framework approach will perform only if we have enough transformers to reduce the number of conversions going from one format to another.

Added the SDO --> AXIOM  transformer using OMDataSource

Policy Intent framework





SCDL and core support, model, loaders, builders


Intent determination algorithm





Wire matching





Binding / container configuration





Transaction policy





SCDL model, loaders, builders





Runtime interceptors





Transaction service integration





Integration with bindings





WS-binding support for transactions





JMS-binding support for transactions





EJB binding support for transactions





SCA default binding support for transactions





Security policy





SCDL model, loaders, builders





Runtime interceptors





Authentication / autorization service integration





Integration with bindings





WS-binding support for security





JMS-binding support for security





EJB binding support for security





SCA default binding support for security





JSON-RPC binding support for security





REST binding support for security





Reliability policy





SCDL model, loaders, builders





Runtime interceptors





WS-binding support for reliability





JMS-binding support for reliability





SCA default binding support for reliability





Modular build








Refactor extensions to improve our build system and allow the various parts of the project to be built independently





Refactor samples to improve our build system and allow the various parts of the project to be built independently


Integration tests



Refactor integration tests to improve our build system and allow the various parts of the project to be built independently


Packaging / deployment





SCA domain repository / metadata


Raymond, Sebastien

Define services to add/remove composites and maintain a logical SCA domain level composite. Needs to be pluggable. Support domain base URI and base URI for each binding scheme.


Deployment of SCA contributions


Raymond, Luciano

Define services to add/remove SCA contributions to the SCA domain.


Artifact addressing, resolving, loading


Raymond, Luciano

Plugin mechanism to handle addressing of artifacts within contributions, resolution within a contribution, conflicts between contributed artifacts and externally referenced artifacts (WSDL and XSD for example)


Deployment extensions


Raymond, Luciano

Plugin mechanism to allow an extension to contribute to deployment as well.


Tuscany classloading infrastructure



Support classloaders per SCA contribution. Isolate the application artifacts from the Tuscany runtime artifacts.


OSGI classloader integration









JMX support



Basic services start/stop etc. Need to assess what's in the current code base.


Diagnostic / event logging



Go through the kernel code and add event logging plug points.


Monitoring / instrumentation



Go through the kernel code and add monitoring plug points. Add monitor plug points on composite, component start/stop, service invocation etc. and make sure that they are given enough context.


Core start/stop/query admin services



Basic core services to start/stop/query running components.







Nested composition





Domain level wiring





Domain wiring across runtimes





Mixing runtimes in a composite





Web application integration





Mediation / routing





Web 2.0 application





Adjust Bigbank to the latest spec





WS-I SupplyChain application





Host runtimes





Tomcat integration



Our M2 integration story packages the whole runtime in each web app. We need another better / lighter integration.


Geronimo integration



Just run Tuscany webapps on Geronimo


Geronimo integration



A real integration with the Geronimo runtime


OSGI integration





Standalone server





Spring component type





Extend Spring to declare SCA services / refs



This is described in the SCA for Spring spec


Use a Spring assembly in an SCA composition



Looks like a subset of the SCA for Spring spec is implemented?


Javascript component type





Support for JavaScript components





Groovy component type





Support for Groovy components





JRuby component type





Support for JRuby components





BPEL component type





Support for BPEL components





Function test suite










Integration test suite





Complex composition test cases




Multiple runtimes / containers / bindings





WS based test cases





EJB based test cases





JMS based test cases





REST based test cases





JSON-RPC based test cases





Spring integration test cases















Sample binding





Sample databinding





Sample component impl. type





Sample policy





Simple assembly samples





WS binding samples





JMS binding samples





EJB samples





JSON-RPC samples





Nested composites





SCA default binding





SCA include samples





Property samples





POJO samples





Jruby samples





Javascript samples





Groovy samples





REST samples





Configuration override samples





Transaction samples





Reliability samples





Security samples





Standalone server samples





Web app integration samples





Spring integration samples





Architecture documentation










POJO support





Plugging in a component impl type





Plugging in a binding





Plugging in a policy





Plugging in a data binding





Plugging in an interface type





Plugging in a new host integration










JMS binding










JSON-RPC binding










Deployment / packaging





OSGI integration





Spring integration





User documentation





Build Tuscany





Develop an SCA app





Build an SCA app











SCA includes



This does not seem complete, verify, in particular wiring across includes and support for nested includes.

Composite resolution (no recursion)



Register composites and find them by Qname within a contribution. Support references across contributions in domain level includes.

Composite resolution (recursive composition)



Resolve composites with nested composites. Support full recursion. Current support needs to be fixed, as each reference to a composite gets it reloaded/redefined.

XML property configuration in side files



Properties configured in an external XML file. Resolve the file location, load it. See if loading and xpath reference mechanism needs to be adjusted for this.

Ref/Service/Property config override (no recursion)



Support overriding of services/references/properties. Investigate overrides combined with multiplicity.

Ref/Service/Property config override (recursive)



Support overriding of services/references/properties in nested composites. Handle multiple overrides. Support additions vs overrides in the case of bindings. Investigate overrides combined with multiplicity.

Wiring with service/reference bindings



Support binding URIs. Then configuration of binding URI with wires. Then propagation of binding info from a service to a reference wired to it.

Support for business exceptions


Rick, Raymond

Distinguish handling of runtime exceptions vs business exceptions. Add support to invocation/dispatching mechanism + POJO implementations, bindings and databinding.

Context info in error reports



Across the board, need to provide application level context data (composite, component, service, reference etc.) with errors, to allow an app developer to understand what's wrong in his application. Without that he's left having to understand all the underlying middleware.

Minimum SCDL extensibility (non SCA namespaces)



Support additional bindings, implementation types, interface types, and policies from diff namespaces. Should already work for bindings and implementations. Need to check policies and interface types.

Complete SCDL extensibility as defined by the XSD



Will need changes to a number of loaders and builders.

Support for xsi:type in addition to global elements



Changes to most loaders or improvements to LoaderRegistry.

Support for various ordering of SCDL elements



Loaders depend on a specific order of elements in the SCDL files. Supporting other possible sequences will require changes in the loaders logic.

Autowire - local



Adjust to the spec, which now defines this at the assembly level, independent of the Java C&I.

Autowire - domain level



Support autowire in a domain, including components services and references, policy intents and compatible bindings.

Autowire extension point



Plugin mechanism to allow different autowire algorithms to be plugged in

SCDL validation, semantic constraints (obvious cases)



Only support the obvious/main semantic constraints. Separate tool to perform semantic validation of an assembly. Also needs to be invoked as part of deployment and/or loading at runtime.

SCDL validation, semantic constraints (complete)



Complete support for the spec. Separate tool to perform semantic validation of an assembly. Also needs to be invoked as part of deployment and/or loading at runtime.

Implementation / component matching



Make sure that an implementation matches the component that uses it. For example enforce wiring of required references.

Callback support



Combinations of sync and async. Determine which binding to use for a callback invocation.

Configured implementations



Configuration of component implementations in .componentType files or inlined in implementations (spec issue 8) and in component declarations. Resolve/merge when overlap between the three.

Promotion of Ref/ Services/ Properties (no recursion)



New promotion mechanism for services/references/properties. Service/reference/property definition on components. Handle promotion of already wired services and references.

Promotion of Ref/ Services/ Properties (recursive)



New promotion mechanism for services/references/properties. Service/reference/property definition on components. Handle promotion of already wired services and references.

Multiple bindings on services and refs



Basic support for multiple bindings is in. See how configuration overriding works with multiple bindings.

Ability to use and alter SCDL model at deployment



Add missing relationships to the SCDL logical model, independent of runtime context. Allow deployment tools to alter the model and write it back to XML.

Interchangeability of Java and WSDL



Build ServiceContract representation from Java or WSDL. Needs more work to understand combinations of SDO/JAXB/POJOs and wrapped/unwrapped. Add logic to wiring framework to match WSDL portTypes and Java interfaces.

Document limitations and deviations from the spec



Review the spec and document Tuscany limitations and differences with the SCA assembly spec.

 Java C&I spec








Conversational PM








Non-blocking PM








SCA default binding








 JMS binding








WS binding








EJB binding








REST binding








 JSON-RPC binding








 Data binding support








 Policy Intent framework




Transaction policy








Security policy








Reliability policy








Modular build








Packaging / deployment
























Host runtimes








Spring component type








Javascript component type








Groovy component type








JRuby component type








BPEL component type








Function test suite








Integration test suite
















Architecture documentation








User documentation