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Current state: Under ACCEPTED

Discussion thread: here

Previous Discussion thread: here

Vote thread: here


keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).PR


The "min.insync.replicas" configuration specifies the minimum number of insync replicas required for a partition to accept messages from the producer. If the insync replica count of a partition falls under the specified "min.insync.replicas", then the broker will reject messages for producers using acks=all. These producers will suffer unavailability as they will see a NotEnoughReplicas or NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend exception.


We can leverage the describe topics command in TopicCommand to add an option "--under-min-minisrisr-partitions" to list out exactly which topic partitions are below "min.insync.replicas" and need fixing to maintain availability.

Public Interfaces

This change would add an additional flag "--under-minisrmin-isr-partitions" to TopicCommand, but the output will follow the same format as the "under-replicated-partitions" and "offline-partitions" options.

Code Block
val reportUnderMinIsrPartitionsOpt = parser.accepts("under-min-isr-partitions",
  									     "if set when describing topics, only show partitions which are under the configured minimum in-sync replica count")

Proposed Changes

The challenge with supporting this additional feature is that the "min.insync.replicas" configuration may be set at a broker or topic level.

We can use the `AdminClient.describeConfigs` on the topics as that the API call will give us the "computed" proper value values for configurations (ConfigSource as "DYNAMIC_TOPIC_CONFIG", "DYNAMIC_BROKER_CONFIG", "DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_BROKER_CONFIG", "STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG", and "DEFAULT_CONFIG").

We can pre-fetch the "computed" topic configurations if "--under-minisrmin-isr-partitions" option is specified to avoid making a separate AdminClient call per topic.

Code Block
# Assuming we have an AdminClient instance
val adminClient = ...

// Pre-fetch and get "computed" topic configs for all specified topics
val computedTopicConfigs = if (reportUnderMinISRPartitionsreportUnderMinIsrPartitions)
  Option(adminClient.describeConfigs( => new ConfigResource(ConfigResource.Type.TOPIC, topic)).asJavaCollection).all().get()) else None

for (topic <- topics)
  if (describePartitions) {
    // Get "computed" topic "min.insync.replicas" for this topic
    val computedTopicMinISR = if (reportUnderMinISRPartitions)
      Option(computedTopicConfigs.get.get(new ConfigResource(ConfigResource.Type.TOPIC, topic))
      .get(TopicConfig.MIN_IN_SYNC_REPLICAS_CONFIG).value().toInt) else None

    for ((partitionId, assignedReplicas) <- sortedPartitions) {

      // Print current topic partition if reportUnderMinISRPartitions and ISR count < "computed" min ISR
      if (... ||
        (reportUnderMinISRPartitions && inSyncReplicas.size < computedTopicMinISR.get) {

This means we need an additional flag "--bootstrap-server" to use AdminClient. KIP-377: TopicCommand to use AdminClient is already proposing this a change to using AdminClientuse AdminClient and introduce a "--bootstrap-server" option, so we can wait on leverage the changes in KIP-377 to be completed firstfor this KIP.

NOTE: This option is not supported with the deprecated "--zookeeper" option.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

As this change adds a new option instead of modifying existing ones, there will not be any compatibility issues or a migrationSince we rely on AdminClient for the computed "min.insync.replicas" configuration, this new option CANNOT be used with the deprecated "--zookeeper" option.

Rejected Alternatives

None so far.